My beautiful mother turned 60 last weekend and to celebrate my sister and I surprised her with a trip to Waco, Texas in order to visit the Silos at Magnolia. She’s a big Fixer Upper fan and this was a perfect excuse to steal her away and get some quality time with her.
We found a house to rent that was previously on an episode during season 5 which made the weekend feel even more charming. My sister did a recap of it on this post, if you’d like to read!
Fresh kindly sent over their newest launch and I love it! It’s a very, very, VERY gentle exfoliator and felt wonderful on my skin! It wasn’t overly drying but still left my skin feeling clean and refreshed!
A blogger I’ve been following for a long, long time recently launched a dress line! It’s always so fun to see women in the same industry as I am really going for their dreams!
I got this cute lemon swim coverup recently. It’s inexpensive and is the perfect thing to throw on by the pool. Speaking of the pool, I shared a round up of great one piece swimsuits recently that you can check out by clicking here!
If you struggle with humidity killing your hair game in the summer, check this post!
I must admit I love this razor too!
This stripe tank looks perfect for summer and I love that it doesn’t have a low neckline!
I’m so thrilled to be a round table speaker at Blissdom this fall. Blissdom was the very first blogging conference I ever attended, back in 2012, and it’s back with more speakers, content, and inspiration.
Blissdom allowed me to see what this industry potential looked like and I learned so much from the connections I made and the sessions I attended. Since the landscape of blogging has changed so dramatically, Blissdom is including so many different areas when it comes to a content creator. Podcasting, Social Media, Photography, SEO, and Writing are just a few of the kinds of sessions you’ll find at this conference. You can learn so much more about it on the website.
Use code Bliss50 to get $50 off your ticket! Click here to buy a ticket!
I hope you have a nice weekend!
Happy Birthday to your mom. The three of you look like sisters. 🙂
Happy sixtieth to your mother! Hope she enjoyed her big day! 🙂
Have a lovely weekend, Kate! ❤️✨
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
That swimsuit coverup is so cute! Thanks for sharing, hope you have a great weekend!
Where did you get your sandals? Love them!
Kate, the white dress in the photo…do you find it to be too low-cut in front? I have the same one and haven’t worn it yet for that reason. I’m not sure how to deal with it…tank tops feel so weird with dresses.