links + small things
Happy Valentine’s Day! I give almost zero effort to this day because I just can’t be bothered with it, but my kids were excited to bring Valentines to their school today, have little celebrations in class, and I’m sure we’ll find a way to add a special treat this evening! I know some people love this holiday and go all out, but it’s never really been my thing. We’ve had a long week of rainy, overcast days but were greeted with the beaming sun this Friday morning. I do think we’re getting more rain this weekend but at least we… Read More
read postNot Everyone Needs to do a Bond Repair Treatment.
Bond repairing treatments have become increasingly popular over the last couple of years, and nearly every product line I come into contact with has released or is soon releasing, a bond repair treatment. Do you know what the point of a bond repair treatment/mask/serum is? In each hair strand,… Read More
read postJanuary Beauty Favorites
I took detailed notes about some new beauty products that I tested out in January! And it includes 3 (!!!) drugstore mascaras — but do they make the wins or the duds list? Watch here to find out!… Read More
read postPrimary Bedroom Refresh
When it came to updating our primary bedroom decor, I really was just looking to modernize it a bit. The furniture we had in that room was from many, many years ago and the decor/accent pieces felt tired. We kept much of the big pieces of furniture and simply updated… Read More
read postOn being “Fancy” and not “Pretty”
I walked past Emily’s bedroom the other day and overheard her doing something in her bathroom. I peeked through her door and saw her applying sequin stickers to her face, thoroughly enjoying the results of her creativity! I snapped this picture and was reminded how often my kids, including my… Read More
read postMeals I’ve made for my sister & her husband after they had twins
FIRST OF ALL: my sister had twins and they are so cute. It’s so sweet to see Liam, my 3-year-old nephew, enjoy them too! TWINS! I’m still in shock. My mom stayed to help with the transition for a while but after she left I… Read More
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