Watching my old videos, shock and horror ABOUNDS
Performance foundation, lash fibers and a precise brow pencil
Nicole and I were working together last week and somehow it came up that she’s watched videos ofΒ youtubers filming themselves watching their old videos and almost immediately I knew I had to do it.
Here are the results:
The biggest take away? My hair was enormous. Almost required it’s own zip code. And I was so dang nervous in so many of my first videos. Also, my sister and I can nail a Sarah Palin accent.
For more videos like this, check out my cubicle convos here and here!
That’s when I started watching you! That big fluffy hair made me start to let mine grow out!! It was very short! I didn’t make it very far, lol… But NOW my hair is about that length and I want it the length you have it NOW. Always wanting what we don’t have!
You tube, over all, has come a long way in the past 5 years, so it’s all good.
I literally just took the picture of your bouncy curled under to my hair girl. My hair isn’t quite as big, but I’m growing out a lob, so it’s my go to right now!
That’s funny you weren’t feeling the high bun, and I’m glad you still filmed it, because that’s like my go to formal hair style!
We so registered for rust colored towels when we got married in 2007 – must have been a thing!
I don’t think the rust is that bad at all – hee..we’re even considering painting the house trim and garage door in a similar color..
I watch your old videos when I can’t sleep (ah the life of an insomniac!) and the difference between then and now is MASSIVE – but that can only be a good thing, shows we’re all living, learning and growing! Just enjoy the nostalgia!
I KNOW! It really blew me away! π
You had me rolling!! You and your sister are the cutest. I totally started following your blog circa the viral Pinterest post because I had just gotten the bob that everyone was getting, but I realized crap! I have no idea what I’m doing!! You’ve come a long way! Actually both of us, thanks to you!! <3
haha, agreed! π
Thanks so much for sharing! Ive been reading your blog every day since early 2012 and just love it! Its the first thing I do everyday! Yes you’ve come along way but your blog has helped me so much!
I remember binge-watching your videos when I discovered them in 2012. I spent a WHOLE lot of time watching and pausing while I practiced on my own hair. I have always been comfortable applying makeup, but was CRAZY proud of myself when I was able to style my hair into the sideways French twist for a formal night while on a cruise. Your ability to be real and helpful is endearing and ultimately what draws people to watch, not your camera angles or backgrounds. Thank you Kate for your help over the years, you have certainly had an impact on my life.
I found your blog years ago , pre babies and big hair, loved you then, love you now! I have enjoyed watching your blog grow up! I still refer back to older hair tutorials…..
This was so fun to see your reactions to your first videos! I was beyond ecstatic back in the day when you posted your first “Full Head Curled Tutorial”. As painful and unedited as you find them now we NEEDED these! You filled a void that has given many women the confidence they needed to do a basic curl or an elegant, intricate updo. Well done, Kate!
See, now, I totally disagree. Your original videos are what brought so many of us to your blog. I still refer back to some as my hair changes lengths.
I loved the photos you guys took out back and your and Justin’s many moves.
I also love hearing your commentary on filming. It’s like “pop up video”.
totally explains how I ended up with a 1 inch curling iron!
That was so funny!!! Wonder if you’ll look back in five years and laugh at you 2026 you tube videos. π I’ve always enjoyed watching because you’re so talented and I’m hair challenged!
That was THE BEST!!!! I’ve followed you for years (since about the rust towels I’m guessing) and that was awesome. I died laughing with the Lauren video…gotta go see if I can find it!
Haha, the bouncy curled under inspired my first hair change since high school!! Mine never got quite so bouncy and voluminous, but I still enjoy the cut. And I rock the rust colored towels in one of our bathrooms, too, along with goldenrod and brown as accent colors! And no, my name isn’t Carol Brady!!
So funny you just did a post about this because I was just rewatching some of your old videos and was so surprised to see how much you have changed! Your videos & blog were great then and they are great now! π
PS. I got my haircuts based on yours then and I’m doing the same thing this Friday with your current hair so you could say you’ve always had the perfect hair to me no matter what you do with it! You are #hairgoals
This had me laughing out loud! I love how much more confident and relaxed you seem now, but I’ve always loved your videos!!
You’re so natural and great on camera! Even back then, you are better than I am now π
OMG I was one of those people that bought an actual 1-inch barrel curling iron because you said and it was way too small! I had to buy like 3 to get the right size and I thought I was doing something wrong! Darn you ???
I know! I was such a moron! π haha, sorry about that!!
So funny because it was years ago and now that you say it I’m like OHHHHH ? too funny
I always love watching your videos! This is too funny but you were still great back then because I have always watched for hair inspiration! It’s amazing how much we grow and learn in a few short years so it’s fun to look back!
Hilarious!!!! I have followed you from your first video!! Too stickin’ funny to watch you talk to yourself in the videos! (My favorite was when you told yourself to put stuff in your cabinets!) Bahahaha! Have fun!
Totally unrelated but I have a question I’m hoping you can answer! I just dropped and crumbled a pressed powder compact that had too much left and was too pricey for me to just toss. What can I do? Just use it in pieces? Crumble it into a loose powder? Hold a memorial service and burial in my backyard? Any thoughts would be so very helpful and much appreciated!
Seriously, you just made my crappy Monday turn into fun and smiles!
Keep at it Kate!
That was really fun. How old were you on those videos?!
I guess it is also helpful for those who a beginning to make videos. Besides editing, there is a lot in the details (like the background, speed etc) that improves the quality. But I guess we are evolving with you because I have always enjoyed waching them!
Kate, I think you’re being way to hard on yourself re: your earlier videos. If it were not for your “how to curl your hair with a curling iron” video (I would be the lady who asked for & received a very expensive curling iron for Christmas), and the only thing I knew about working it, was to plug it in and turn it on!
You taught me how to use a curling iron correctly, along with great styling tips and hair styling products you suggest. I still love to watch curling iron videos; I want more!!! In fact, I’m still waiting for the videos where you show us your hair cut from start to finish and how you highlight your hair, start to finish!! ?
That’s exactly how I discovered you too, Kate! I came across your bouncy curled under picture on Pinterest and took it to my hair stylist. I still reference your videos when she does my hair! She’s likely thinking ‘well why don’t you just get this Kate chick to do your hair if she’s so great?’ Lol!
This cracks me up! My sister and I have been readers/watchers/borderline stalkers for yeeeears now. (Ok, not really stalkers but is it normal to refer to bloggers as if they were friends? “Kate said…” / “oh, Kate tried that and like it” and also my husband refers to you as “your blogger friend Kate” *insert embarrassed emoji) Anyway, I remember talking with my sister when we could see you coming out of your shell like when you were goofy or less rehearsed or Grits would make an appearance and we would comment on how we liked that. Allllsoooo, we talk about big hair like “Kate circa 2011 hair!” We are big fans and have enjoyed watching along as you’ve grown and become who you are today as a blogger and tutorial and video maker!
“Borderline stalkers” ? I can relate to say the least I’m just glad to know I’m not the only one totally obsessed with Kate Bryan
So funny! I started watching your videos in 2011 and was OBSESSED with your bob cut. I had such long hair getting ready for my wedding and TWO days after getting married in March 2012 I took your picture in (the famous profile big bouncy hair pic) and said “I WANT THIS!”
I pretty much had that cut until last year when I had my daughter. Now I RARELY get my hair done for the day and it is long enough for a messy bun which I rock every day.
Such a fun post to see how far you’ve come!
I hope this isn’t weird, but you have the prettiest nose/profile ever! So envious π
You made me laugh, because you were laughing. I didn’t think it was that bad. Keep up the great work love watching your video and blog and post.
We’ve just remodeled our master bathroom. Can I have rust towels?!
I think it’s universal that we see things from awhile back and laugh/cringe/feel embarrassed . But if there’s anyone who was cute then and still is now, it’s Kate from The Small Things Blog! I found you from that viral photo and haven’t missed a blogpost or video since. We are all getting better with age π
I’ve just found your blog and I just wanted to say that it’s Amazing and that I love it! Great work π
I found your blog years ago … this actually crack me up … since then i’m reading and watching your blog .. thanks for sharing
So funny…but oh my gosh…..I just hung 4, 112″ rust colored drapery panels in my breakfast nook! I so thought I was “stylin”! But I realize, I am a 70’s girl at heart!
Ha ha…so now rust is called cinnamon. Ha…love it!
This video was great!! I loved you and your sister video! I lol’ed when you talked to your video self, like really why would your video shelf do that!!! HAHA.
I was a little late to the party, I found your blog through pinterest about a year and a half ago, and I am so happy I did!!! Your blog is great and so very helpful. I am a teacher who loves to sleep in and wear minimal make-up for a few extra minutes of sleep but after following your blog I have been getting up earlier to try your hair and make-up tutorials. I figure if you can usually do hair and make-up in 15 minutes and should be able to do that before I leave for school!!!
I also love you snapchats and Instagram posts, I am so happy you let us see a small part of your life and give us you wise beauty and hair wisdom on the daily!
THANK YOU for all you do!!!
I loved the big hair! I still do!
I thought your big hair was beautimous!!! Do you ever think about going back to that style?