High Five for Friday

Tarte Amazonian Butter Lipstick (is it butter?)
What up.

It’s been awhile since I’ve done a high five for friday post. I missed these.

It’s been a good week! Each week I feel like we are getting into more and more of a groove.

We be groovin’.

And thus, here are my top 5 moments of the week.

1. There was a little bit of time when David was still fresh, I’d say around the 2 week mark, that I felt a little “tied to the house” if you will. Part of that was because we had to increase the feeding rate to make sure he was packing on the pounds (which he now is). So now that we are back to a more reasonable feeding schedule, I’ve learned he does pretty darn well going out and I like the freedom of being able to leave the house!

We went to the mall this week because I had a return and he was an excellent shopping buddy. I asked him if a top looked good on me and told him to “keep sleeping if the answer is yes” and sure enough, he said yes.

2. At the mall, I popped into Loft and tried on this sweater. I love the shape and length, and found it to be quite flattering on my current shape. I’m still about 16 pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight, but I’m able to buy tops in the same size I would buy before (which is medium). 

While I was still on my high from buying normal clothes, instead of maternity clothes, I stopped in to Old Navy and bought 3 more tops. I returned home, tried them on, and put them all back in the bag to return them. 

You win some, you lose some, am I right?

3. David had a little struggle gaining weight right off the bat, but he has since put on plenty. I’m thankful that he’s gaining and breastfeeding is working for is, as I know that isn’t a guarantee! Anyway, he had a weight check appointment this week and I was running early (said no mom ever. . .except me, the time-wizard) so I swung through Dunkin. 

And I instagrammed about it.

And many shunned me for not loving Krispy Kreme more than Dunkin. 

I’m kidding, I wasn’t really shunned. But I did need to remind people that I’m a northerner! I’m a Dunkin fan to my core. Now, I’m not saying I’ll turn down a Krispy Kreme, I’m just saying I’d rather have Dunkin than Krispy. 

Can I get an amen, my fellow northerners?

(Posting this photo makes me want another one. Did I mention I live about 7 seconds from Dunkin? I’ll never see my pre-pregnancy weight again.)

4. I took a massive risk and polished my nails while David napped the other day. It was kind of a competition, and I was pretty sure he would begin to stir right about the time I took the last stroke on my pinky nail. 

However, I was victorious. The child slept right on through  and let my nails dry for plenty of time. So kind of him.

Anyway, it was my first experience applying Julep polish and I am a huge fan! I’ve been an Essie, OPI or Vinylux fan to my core, but now I can add Julep to that list! It lasted an entire week (I used Essie 3-way glaze as base and top coat). The colors are beautiful AND I love the shape of the bottle. 

5. Gravy has returned to his throne.

The cats have done really well with David. They were a little bit afraid of him at first, but now that they’ve realized that he lives here too, they are warming up to him.

They sniff him when he’s in the car seat or hanging out in the MamaRoo. And Grits has even gotten to the point where he’ll jump up and lay on the hoppy while I’m nursing David. It’s just about the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen.

So, Gravy hadn’t ventured back into our bedroom in a few weeks and had pretty much set up camp downstairs. David sleeps in our room right now and that was quite an imposition on Gravy’s existing sleep spot, which existed at the foot of the bed on a fluffy blanket. 

I was hoping he would return one day and that day finally came. I hope up in the night to feed David and there Gravy was, all curled up by my feet. I smiled, rolled over to go back to sleep, and then realized I had to get up to feed my child. There is much delirium in the night. 

In other news, David and I survived our first night alone together. Justin had to travel for work one night this week and left us to fend for ourselves.

I sent him just under 25 photos of David a day to make sure he didn’t miss a single thing. He enjoyed a full night’s sleep with zero interruptions, and David happened to be pretty dreamy for me to deal with. He’s, in general, an easy baby but every once in awhile he’ll have a fussy time. I was hoping he’d go easy on me and he did. I like him.

So that’s it! The 5 (well, 6) top moments of the week! I hope you all had a nice week as well. Oh and I thought I’d mention that I have a hair tutorial bouncing around in my head that I’m hoping to film very soon! 


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Jamie Smith says · 01.10.14

Amen to Dunkin!!! And to night delirium. I used to have dreams I had gotten up and fed my little. When I hadn’t. Luckily, she would very clearly let me know.

Julie says · 01.10.14

dunkin donuts will always beat krispy, in every category!

Ashley says · 01.10.14

I’m from Indiana and a Krispy Kreme girl ALL THE WAY! Too bad they closed the store in my town a few years ago…no more hot and fresh doughnuts 🙁 I have to agree with you about the Julep nail polish though. I received it as a gift last month, and LOVE it. Nail polish just doesn’t last on my fingernails but like you said, it lasted longer than any other brand I’ve tried. They have a nice selection of colors, too. Also, thanks for the baby posts. I have a little boy (first baby) arriving in April, and love to hear opinions on different baby products and what it’s like being a mom:)

Saralyn Buck says · 01.10.14

I’m a southerner and I prefer Dunkin! My husband would highly disagree though. Unfortunately, we live a while from either. (Fortunately for my waistline.) 😉

Nicole Marica says · 01.10.14

I’m so happy to hear that your boys are taking a shine to little David. I have two of my own and my husband and I are trying for a baby. There is a part of me that is secretly worried my little cuddlebugs will run and hide and never be the same if we bring a baby home. This gives me hope that they’ll get used to it and I won’t miss out on too much love from them.

oh and I’m from the North, so I’ll say this, I prefer Krispy Kreme’s original to Dunkins HOWEVER since they don’t have any KK’s around me, Dunkin all the way!

rachel morris says · 01.10.14

Definitely prefer Dunkin over the KK.
But our local shop tops them all. 🙂

Nora Rose says · 01.10.14

Dunkin for life. But I live in the far north of MA and don’t really like Starbucks either (why is it so hard for them to toast and bagel and put the cream cheese on it!!).

Jennifer says · 01.10.14

Dunkin all the way! Oh and wait until David can start pulling kitty tails…

Christina Storm says · 01.10.14

Great picks! Have an amazing weekend!

The Style Storm
<3, Christina

Melissa Thompson says · 01.10.14

Haha. What up. That cracked me up for some reason. I am so happy to hear that David is doing well. My sis refuses to paint her nails bc every time she did my niece would wake up. It’s like she knows…

I used to have Dunkin every morning before work, and I have to say I like it better than Krispy Kreme. I think Krispy Kreme is too sweet or something? If that’s a real thing.

Love H54F!
Melissa @ Melissa Faye Blog

Leah says · 01.10.14

Southerner here, but also agree that Dunkin is better than Krispy Kreme!

Sarah says · 01.10.14

Yep!! DD all the way I actually taking a job recently because it was across DD. Chocolate Kisses are my fave. Looking good lady! I have tiny babies/toddlers but they grow into full size women soon enough. No sweat!

Kristen Biloki says · 01.10.14

My lil ones had trouble gaining weight in the beginning as well. But it does get better so keep it up! Breast feeding is so rewarding. It makes you sit down and love your baby throughout the day! Enjoy it because they grow up so fast!

Emily Burgess says · 01.10.14

You’ll lose the weight! You’re breastfeeding so you need the extra calories!!!

Catherine Ray says · 01.10.14

I’m from Alabama and that is about as southern as it gets and I agree with you on the Dunkin’! Krispy Kreme is sort of greasy for my taste. We have a locally owned doughnut shop in town called G&S and I swear they will make you see Jesus! They are amazing. We take them to our Sunday School class when it is our turn to bring breakfast and there are never any left!

Erin says · 01.10.14

Our cat hasn’t acted like anything has changed. She just does her normal routine. Our little dog on the other hand, has been about as jealous as they come. Poor boy is having a rough time, haha! And you look fantastic! David is such a handsome little guy 🙂

Corrine says · 01.10.14


bonnieshee says · 01.10.14

From the South here and KK all the way…especially when they’re HOT! Dunkin always tastes a bit stale to me. I think it’s because they sit in those open racks (around here at least). Not a fan.

bonnieshee says · 01.10.14

Oh and my little one is a car seat screamer, so I *really* have to want to go somewhere to go. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy getting out! I’m jealous 😉

Anna Nuttall says · 01.10.14

Hi there, I first found your site after you have given birth and was taking a break from blogging. i just checked in now and you are simple blooming! Congrats on everything and your little baby is so cute! <3


Megan Karabon says · 01.10.14

Amen 🙂

StephjLessard says · 01.10.14

Great High Five For Friday post Kate! Can’t wait for the hair tutorial!

Shana says · 01.10.14

LOVE this post and high five for Friday!! It was great reading the update! Also, I love both sweaters you are wearing in both pics. Did you also buy the grey cardigan (top pic) recently? If so, where? 🙂 Have a great weekend! Ps–I agree that Dunkin is better than Krispy Kream! MMM now I need one pronto!

Maggie Howard says · 01.10.14

Amen to Dunks! Sipping mine as I read your post!

Anna P says · 01.10.14

I love love love that Loft sweater – might have to see if my local store has it this weekend (and maybe that Tarte lip product you shared the other day too)! Thanks for the update – glad to hear everything is going well with David!

Christopher n Annaliza Rogers says · 01.10.14

Amen to DD! Where did you get the grey sweater in the first pic? Love it!

Janet says · 01.10.14

Dunkin’s all the way! I’m a New Englander myself, and have been deprived living away from the area for nearly 10 years now. It’s the first thing I go for whenever I land in Logan airport!

Kelly @ turned UP to ELEVEN! says · 01.10.14

Hearing how the cats are accepting David and learning to love him makes me happy. That’s a big fear of mine. I have one cat and a dog and our cat is a bit flighty. He loves us, but will only snuggle when he wants to, which isn’t that often. I worried a baby would make him more of a recluse, thankfully I see that yours are warming up and getting back into their own groove!

Dunkin – I am a huge fan. I don’t see all the fuss over Krispy Kreme – sure they are good, and sometimes you get them hot but honestly – I am not all about it. (East Coast girl, born and raised, living in Alabama for about 9 years now). Like you said, I haven’t met a donut I would turn down, honestly 😉

Congrats on getting back in the swing of things – AND kudos to little David for being such a great shopping buddy!!! Embrace that girl! ox 🙂

Valiantly Varnished says · 01.10.14

I’m a Dunkin girl too! Dunkin Donut’s is huge here in Chicago and there is always one close by. In fact there is one just four blocks from my house. I relegate my trips to Saturday and Sunday mornings 😉

Lauren Elizabeth says · 01.10.14

what a nice child you have, so respectful and not wanting to impose his agenda on yours.

Robyn Burgiel says · 01.10.14

AMEN – Dunkin all the way!

JANNA says · 01.10.14

Let me just say that my whole life I did not think anything could compare to the awesomeness of a Krispy Kreme donut…UNTIL…we traveled north last winter and every stop we made there were Dunkin Donuts everywhere. Once I had one, I had to keep getting them on the entire duration of our travel! The closest Dunkin to us here at home is an hour away and everytime we go in that direction that is where I want to go! I love those things so it is probably a good thing that I don’t have one right down the road! 😉

thesandifers says · 01.10.14

You look wonderful!!!! Can’t believe you are already in pre-pregnancy clothes! With my first son, it took him about a month to really start packing on the weight too. I realized that it took that long for my milk supply to really become established. After that he quickly become a chubby wubby little baby with nice fat rolls. Enjoy these days with your firstborn….every child is special, but there is really nothing like the newness and excitement of learning to be a mom for the first time.

Melissa says · 01.10.14

So funny about the nighttime delirium! 🙂 When our first baby was a newborn I had so many delirious midnight moments. Not only was I sleep deprived but I was having horrible night sweats where I’d wake up literally dripping (sorry for the TMI but it plays a huge part in the hilariousness of the delirium) and my breasts were overproducing so my let-downs were reeeeally intense. So it would get close to feeding time in the middle of the night, I’d be having a night sweat attack, AND a let-down, and as I was stuck in that place between asleep and awake my brain would think I was already nursing and that the sweat was my breasts spraying everywhere (because that totally happened regularly). I would grab my husband’s arm and wake him up asking “Honey! Where did I put the baby? And which side was I on?” before I realized I had only just woken up, the baby was sound asleep in his crib, and I was just sweaty. It was hysterical in hindsight.

Kimberly says · 01.10.14

true donut lovers don’t care where they come from. krispy? okay. dunkin? okay. donut? always okay.

Liz says · 01.10.14

So enjoy following your blog and your motherhood experiences. I think you look absolutely fantastic!! And so glad you were able to get out of the house. That’ll get easier over time as I know just getting out of the house is a major endeavor having to take everything you need with you.

I’d recommend getting involved with other new moms — Mothers Morning Out programs are wonderful and usually are offered at churches. Maybe your church has that program. Or you could start your own emphasizing mothers with newborns – think of all the things you could talk about and learn from each other!! That connection with other moms is so important and so beneficial — it’s a lifeline.

Keep up the good job — take time for yourself — and enjoy your donuts! 🙂

Jana says · 01.10.14

I’m so glad you’re breastfeeding David! It took my daughter about six weeks to regain her birth weight after a fairly rocky start. We pushed through it though, and I’m so glad we did. She’s nine months now, and our nursing sessions are my favorite time of the day with her. I know how time consuming breastfeeding can be, so good for you for sticking with it!!

theannabelleblog says · 01.10.14

I love your sweater in the top picture! Very cozy!

How do you like the Julep brush? I mostly use OPI (a nice wide brush) and Essie (their brush always seems a little too narrow for me, even if the formula is great), but Julep seems more and more popular (they have some good colors!)

kmac says · 01.10.14

Loved your humor in this post. Definitely had me chuckling…. 🙂

Jacquelyn Wheeler says · 01.10.14

Definitely Dunkin over Krispy. I live in PA and Krispy lasted less than a year near me.

jill says · 01.10.14

Amen to Dunkin Donuts, sista. I live on the west coast and they are not in my neighborhood — so sad.

Congrats on motherhood! You are doing great and I say that as a mother of 3 so I have a little perspective. I second the commenter who suggested joining a new moms group. It’s part therapy session, part Sex in the City friendship maker — it’s very comforting to be with a group of women in the same place as you, with the same sleep deprivation issues and baby concerns.

MamaBear says · 01.10.14

Amen for dunkin donuts. Originally a northerner I now live in CA where there is NO dunkin and the nearest KK is an hour drive…so I’m a little jealous. 🙂 have a munchkin (or 5) for me!

S&SRyan says · 01.10.14

Here’s another “amen” to Dunkin Donuts! I grew up in the south from age 8, but my dad’s from up north and we always got Dunkin for a special treat. Yum.

Jamie says · 01.10.14

Dunkin Donuts always wins. I’m always going to be a northerner even after living in the south for the last 7 years. 🙂

Theresa says · 01.10.14

Dunkin all the way!!! My love for you has gone up even more!

Chelsea Cauley says · 01.10.14

I’m currently in the locked up at home feeding as often as we can get her to phase. Thank you for reminding me there is an end in sight! I loved taking my son out with me at that age.

Molly says · 01.10.14

High five for Dunkin

Racheal says · 01.10.14

Amen to Dunkin too! Glad all is going well with that sweet, adorable baby and congrats!!

Esther says · 01.10.14

How about an Amen for Dunkin from a Southerner? But don’t tell anybody else… Wouldn’t wanna lose my reputation as a tried and true Southern girl 😉

Mackenzie says · 01.10.14

Details about your outfit in the first pic? I’m obSESSED with the cardigan you’re wearing! So chic & comfy! I love that it fits in with the outfit you put together about the clothing you’d probably wear as a new mom at home blogging 🙂

Love your blog!


TataForNow says · 01.10.14

I will also confirm the “amen!” for Dunkin’. As a fellow Midwest transplant to NC, I miss having more Dunkin’s readily available, for both the donuts and the fact that I prefer their plain coffee to just about any other brand.

Livia Rachelle says · 01.10.14

I am a Southerner who definitely prefers Dunkin, sometimes I almost want to say I don’t even like Krispy Kreme; there is just something sickly sweet about them. I guess I didn’t really know/think about the north/south placement of the stores. We are a “border” state, so maybe they are more available here than the deeper south.

Victoria says · 01.11.14

VERY excited for the upcoming hair tutorial…oh how I’ve missed those!! Glad to know that you and David are settling down with a schedule!


Unknown says · 01.11.14

I’m from the Pacific Northwest, born and raised in Eugene, Oregon and we had one Dunkin Donuts right across from the University of Oregon. I was a big fan and frequented that place a lot, but sadly it’s no longer there and in fact every Dunkin Donuts on the West Coast has closed. There ought to be a law!

Megan says · 01.11.14

Coming from your neck of the woods, I’m from the Crystal Lake/Algonquin area…I have to agree on the Dunkin thing! I am a true Dunkin fan.

Katie Derrenbacher says · 01.11.14

Dunkin D’s has the best coffee for sure, however here in the Western New York area, Tim Horton’s is more dependable, i.e. service, food options, etc.

xoan hoa says · 01.11.14

5 moments of the week and what you share, it is very real and we all appreciate that.
minecraft games

Calicrest says · 01.11.14

I haven’t been to your blog in a while, congrats on David!!! So exciting! You look great and I love your new Loft sweater.

somethingdecorated says · 01.11.14

Glad you’ve had a good week and that David is doing so well. I’ve been loving your mommy posts this week — my husband and I don’t have any children yet but we hope to in the next couple of years. I’m “pinning” your posts and filing them away for when I do need them. 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend!

Carolyn says · 01.11.14

DUNKIN! Southern here as well…
<3 Carolyn

Kendwy Valdez says · 01.11.14

So glad your baby is doing well 🙂 Those precious little ones steal our hearts.

I’m a Northerner so I will support you with your DD love, but I gotta say-I’m a Starbucks girl.
Have you given them a try? So delish…

Stephanie @ Whole Health Dork says · 01.11.14

That first sweater looks adorable on you! Is that also from Loft?
You look absolutely fabulous (not that that’s what’s important). I’d like to look as pulled together as you and I don’t even have kids! I can only assume you’re not sleeping much, so what are you doing to look so well rested?

Misty says · 01.11.14

I’m with some of the other ladies, I would like to know where your open cardi is from! ;0) I am very impressed how you have swung right into motherhood and make it look so easy! You rock!

anna says · 01.11.14

Yes dunkin over krispy kremes always

marisaporter says · 01.11.14

Your posts make me happy. I have this strange fear that once I’m a Mom blogging and girly stuff will be out the window. So much so that I feel guilty for enjoying this pleasure now while I am able. Nate and I are busy building a business together and enjoying this time of our lives and I have this weird guilt about it….don’t know how to articulate it.

Rebecca Lately says · 01.12.14

You win the funniest mom award!

Sabrina Rick says · 01.12.14

I am SOOOOOOOO happy for your and your husband!!! I haven’t been on your blog for awhile, but knew you were trying to get pregnant. We serve a mighty God. It was all in HIS plans. God Bless your family and that sweet little blessing.

Laura @ The Everyday Joys says · 01.12.14

Dunkin’ always, always, always.

Glad things are going so swimmingly!

Marry Mint says · 01.12.14

Why oh why do they not have Dunkin in Alaska? 🙁
I’m running on coffee these days. Mmm their coffee would hit the spot.

Jen says · 01.12.14

Amen to Dunkin! Just can’t get into Krispy Kreme. Love Dunkin!

Tammy says · 01.12.14

I love Dunkin !!!!! By far my favorite 🙂 You look fabulous !!!

Nikki says · 01.12.14

David is adorable! 🙂
I love the grey cross body bag you’re wearing. Can you share where it’s from?
Thanks! Nikki

Lauren Dietz .awakened. says · 01.13.14

Double “AMEN” to Dunkin’!! Pa girl here!

Everyday, With Lisa says · 01.13.14

Kate, just wait until David is about 2 and you take him clothes shopping with you. My little guy Eric told me, ‘Mommy, you look like a princess’ to just about everything I tried on. It just melts your heart!

Leanne says · 01.13.14

Dunkin is the best…now I’m craving a vanilla crème donut with the powdered sugar! I’ve always loved your blog, but your little David stories are just “too cute”…. I have 3 little boys, and they are quite good at letting me know how my hair and outfits look!!

simplysophisticatedblog says · 01.13.14

I want that striped top, and you look fantastic. I sure hope I bounce back from pregnancy like you have.

Jessica Martinez says · 01.13.14

I really miss when my 14 month baby will eat and sleep. I really love that sweater!! 👌

Andrea Worley says · 01.14.14

Yay for Dunkin!! And I took advantage of the LOFT sale this week too, yay for LOFT stuff you love!

emmaln22 says · 01.14.14

Where is your grey cross body purse from?! It’s so cute!

Jeni Voris says · 01.17.14

I’m loving your cardigan in the top pic. Would you mind sharing where it’s from? Thank you 🙂

Brenda Hernandez says · 01.17.14

Love any make up that works in 5 minutes and still come out of it looking great. Check out fashion blog mywhiteT.com
