My Outfit

I decided to add 1 more thing to my list of 12 by 2012 (which is not surprising because I am a woman and my lists go for days. . .). It is to not save outfits. Do you also have this problem? I hope you don’t. I’ve “saved” so many outfits for the perfect occasion. . .and never wore them. 
It’s a vicious cycle.

So I’m putting an end to it. And I’ll ask that you join me. ๐Ÿ™‚

I wore this outfit to work. I had 3 clients. I only had 3 clients because I left to go out of town for the afternoon. But I still wore this outfit. The old me would have considered this a waste. “Only 3 hours for this outfit? You are wearing tights!”, I would have said to myself. But not anymore. 

What I wore:
Dress: Tommy Hilfiger Outlet, Fall 2011, $24.95
Grey “sweater”: Hot Mama, Fall 2011
Belt: Target, Fall 2011
Tights: H&M, Fall 2011, $5.95
Shoes: Target, Fall 2011, $29.99
Necklace: New York and Co, Spring 2011


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Carolina Charm says · 10.22.11

You outfit is ADORABLE! I find myself “saving” half my closet for “important work meetings” or “special occasions only.” I love this post!

Katie @ My Darling Days says · 10.22.11

I love your necklace, so pretty! I know whatcha mean by “saving outfits.” I sadly do the sameeeee thing ๐Ÿ™ What a great goal to add to the list!

Reese and Leigh says · 10.22.11

I always feel so great when I finally break out a “saved” outfit…it’s usually a little bit fancy but it makes the whole day great ๐Ÿ™‚ LOVE that necklace!!

Sarah @ The Bird's Papaya says · 10.22.11

You. SERIOUSLY are SOOOO gorgeous. This whole outfit is stunning. BTW, Love the new blog look!

Savannah says · 10.22.11

Love the outfit! Love the goal!

Lauren says · 10.22.11

Cute outift! Love the dress color ๐Ÿ™‚

Ashlyn says · 10.22.11

I do this all the time! I wear scrubs all week so you’d think I’d want to wear my “cute” clothes on the weekend. I’m always thinking way ahead and tell myself “oh I’ll wear this next weekend” and never do…I am going to try HARD to quit doing this!! Thanks, great post!!!!

Heather says · 10.22.11

I just found your log and love it!
I save outfits 2 and then never wear them! I’m dine doing that!

Hannah says · 10.22.11

I LOVE that outfit, soo cute and put together. You always have the prettiest necklaces! I do the same thing, great goal. I’m going to have to make this a goal of mine as well.

Lindsay says · 10.22.11

You look beautiful! I love the pop of pink on you! And those tights rock, I must get some.

Morgan says · 10.22.11

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Morgan says · 10.22.11

I just found your blog, and it is so cute! My sister is hairdresser, and has been trying to convince me to get highlights. After seeing yours, I might do it!

Lindsey @ The Savvy Speechie says · 10.22.11

Not wasting outfits is a GREAT idea- I gave this up awhile back! High five friend, you look smashing!

Renewed Upon a Dream says · 10.22.11

I’m actually like that with my hair more than my clothes. Like, I never want to do my hair on the weekends or on days when I’m not “seeing” anyone because it’s “a waste”. I’m really trying to work on that & doing my hair more regularly rather than throwing it in a ponytail so often.

awarnix says · 10.22.11

I noticed how you love Target so I thought I’d pass this along to you and your blog readers:
Get a pair of jeans and a top form for less than $10.00 shipped!


Crystal Seed says · 10.22.11

I love this outfit!! So cute!!

Tamara H says · 10.22.11

First of all, I really enjoy your blog! I have only recently discovered you and am so enjoying your tips, tricks, and outlook on life. You are so right about the cute outfits….it’s kind of like saving the good dishes. We should enjoy them more often- life is too short and precious!

Andrea says · 10.22.11

I am SO bad about saving outfits! Probably because I don’t often repeat an outfit so it feels like a one shot deal. Thanks for reminding me that is a habit I need to break!

Anonymous says · 10.22.11

I love your outfit! I just joined your site and I love all your ideas and helpful tips. I went from someone that would only where solids that (I thought) went together, to adding splashes of color and even some patterns. Your hair tips are a lifesaver, when I need a change from the normal every day I would always cut or color. Now I can curl, style different ways and so on. Thank you so much! PS… the jewelry you make with your sister and lovely.

Thanks again!

Anonymous says · 10.23.11

I am totally guilty of “saving” outfits too. You have inspired me to get past that though… I will not longer save something for so long that it gets donated with the tags still on. If I actually wear all the things in my closet I’m sure it will enhance my wardrobe greatly!

Sarah-Life is what you make it says · 10.23.11

I TOTALLY save outfits! But, now I’ll stop.

Jude says · 10.23.11

raising hand and shamefully admitting to being an outfit saver… love the idea of the 12 in 2012. may need to borrow that idea! ๐Ÿ™‚

lisaroyhandbags says · 10.23.11

Great reminder to get out of my rut and break out the good stuff! You look fab ๐Ÿ™‚

Casey @ Classic with a Pop says · 10.24.11

You are SO not the only outfit saver….I need to join you and eliminate that mindset too!

Jani says · 10.25.11

Love this look lady! Looks very chic and professional!That color look amazing on you!


Jessica says · 12.03.11

I am so down for the ‘not saving outfits’ mantra for 2012. I started this term (Fall2011) at Western Oregon University,I wore a different pair of shoes to campus everyday instead of wearing the usual high-heeled-black-boot-want-to-wear-everyday shoes…

Katy says · 12.11.11

I LOVE this idea! I just started doing this with EVERYTHING (restaurants, gift cards, outfits,etc.) after I saw a Hallmark commercial that said “Life is a special occasion.” Thanks for sharing!

rkia Abidar says · 02.15.14

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zahra abidar says · 02.15.14

absolutely amazin outfit. Made my hair up
