Well! We had quite an exciting week! We got a pretty decent amount of snow on Tuesday night which meant school was closed for my kids on Wednesday! They were THRILLED to see how much was on the ground when they woke up, and it was really great snow. Usually, we get a lot of icy, sleety mess when it snows but this snow was light and fluffy. We all went out to play and went sledding at a nearby park. I know how rare these days are so it’s nice to be able to rearrange my schedule to allow for some play time!
In some ways, January has felt very, very long but in others, I feel like it has flown by. Our annual ski trip is coming up in February and I’m looking forward to that! We’ll also celebrate my middle son’s birthday and I have a super quick trip to NYC for one night!
This week’s blog posts:

And here are a few things I mentioned on Instagram Stories recently that you may have missed:
90’s Straight Jeans from Madewell
Hold Tight Long Sleeve from lululemon
Best Bone Conduction Headphones
SWEED Lipstick in Gabrielle Beige Rose
Light Turtleneck (final sale at Madewell)
Have you seen something on IG Stories that you want to reference? It may be in the last links + small things blog post if it’s not above.
Do you have a question for Kate or want to reach out? Write to Connect@thesmallthingsblog.com and someone from the team will get back to you!
Ongoing Promo Codes:
yse Beauty: 15% off at ysebeauty.com using code SMALLTHINGS15
Miranda Frye: Use code “Smallthings10” to get 10% off and free shipping