links + small things
My senior in high school babysitter asked for makeup recs, here is what I told her to buy.

We got a bit of snow this weekend! I am always hesitant to hype up the chance of snow for the kids because so often it just turns into a rainy/icy/sleety mess, but this past Friday night we got probably an inch of real snow!
The kids ran outside decked in their snow gear at around 3:30 and didn’t come inside again until 8:00pm! I am so glad they played for so long because the following morning and had pretty much been iced over.
They still went out and played in the ice covered 1/4 inch of snow, and even went sledding! My kids love the snow since they almost never get to experience it, so that made for a very special weekend event!
Luke had a band performance that got bumped a week, but David’s hockey game continued on as planned. On Sunday we watched Justin compete in a pickleball tournament (he took home the gold!), played with cousins, and then the kids spend the evening with my folks while Justin and I ate a casual dinner out.
It was a fun and fast weekend!
At the end of this week I’ll be at the “All Things Small Things” summit. This is an annual meeting that Amanda and I have been conducting for a few years now. It’s a deep dive into all the moving parts of the business, a detailed reflection and breakdown of the prior year, a look ahead to what we want to do this year, and so much more. Bridget, our graphic designer, and Austin, my manager, will also be joining us so it will be a very productive few days! I can’t wait.
This week’s blog posts:

And here are a few things I mentioned on Instagram Stories recently that you may have missed:
Peptide Eye Patches from Peter Thomas Roth
Big Sexy Hair Cream to Powder Play
Kenra 9 Flexible Hold Hairspray
@Twopeasandtheirpod chicken recipe
Banana Republic blue collar sweater
Miranda Frye Heart Juliet Necklace – use code Smallthings10
Bb Hairdressers Invisible Oil Mask
Eva NYC Therapy Session Hair Mask
Function of Beauty Hair Mask + Mix-ins
Have you seen something on IG Stories that you want to reference? It may be in the last links + small things blog post if it’s not above.
Do you have a question for Kate or want to reach out? Write to and someone from the team will get back to you!
Ongoing Promo Codes:
yse Beauty: 15% off at using code SMALLTHINGS15
Miranda Frye: Use code “Smallthings10” to get 10% off and free shipping