links + small things
Everything I Read in March

Well, we’ve had quite a challenging last few weeks. My kids, and husband, all got knocked out with sickness and we are finally, finally on the mend. Nothing is harder than seeing your kids sick. I wished that I could just absorb their symptoms so they could be better. They all handled it well, considering, and we are so thankful for normal life resuming!
It’s been a long time since an illness has swept through our home like that, and I’m grateful that it seems to be over.
It is by the grace of God that I haven’t gotten anything and I’ve been able to care for everyone!
The trees are blooming, the grass is turning green again, and spring has blessed us with a few beautiful days in Raleigh. The sunshine and warm temperature just lift my spirits.
I shared a few books that I read in March, and so far in April I’ve been in a little bit of a rut but I think I’m finally coming through it. I’m looking forward to Emily Henry’s newest book which will release at the end of this month!
I’m also looking forward to my trip to Paris, France with Amanda and Jordan! We leave in a few weeks! I’m so excited about what we’re going to be doing over there, and I’ll share soon.
And here are a few things I mentioned on Instagram Stories recently that you may have missed
Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt
Armani Luminous Silk Medium Coverage Foundation
@AnnaMaeGroves new jewelry line by @chicmamajewelry
Walmart dress that looks very high-end
Have you seen something on IG Stories that you want to reference? It may be in the last links + small things post if it’s not here.
Ongoing Promo Codes:
Rifle Paper Co: Kate20 will save you 20% on your purchase through April 30
Miranda Frye: Use code “Smallthings10” to get 10% off and free shipping
Did Justine have strep as well? I am glad you stay healthy. I am from France, studying Anglais in Canada. Enjoy your stay on my homeland! 💖