Resilient Spring Flowers and Plants
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Oftentimes I’ll share the progress of my flowers and plants in and around my house when I’m watering and feeding them on Instagram Stories. I enjoy the process of growing things outdoors but I’ve learned that I really do best with plants or flowers that are low maintenance.
I had a garden in my backyard at one point which was pretty simple but I didn’t take the time to properly maintain it.
The landscaping was established when we moved into our home last year, so now all I need to do it just keep everything alive and from becoming way overgrown. I’ve planted a few things in pots that are relatively easy to keep alive, and so far everything is thriving.
If you are getting the itch to plant some flowers or greenery outdoors, here are a few resilient options that are hard to kill.
Petunias (They are self-cleaning, which means you don’t have to remove the faded flowers.)
Coleus (Coloblaze Torchlight coleus)
At my old house, I had a few pots of Impatiens that did really well. They are truly very low maintenance. They can look deader than dead but if you dump water on them they’ll come back to life.
I also had a few Begonias and Marigolds on the back deck at the old house too. They are so pretty and love a lot of sunshine.
Right now I’m fixated on my 3 hydrangea bushes at the back of my house. They need a bit of shade so this particular spot is perfect for them. I feed them regularly with Miracid by Miracle Grow.
I also have 2 boxwood plants in tall planters flanking my front door. And I took a risk and planted 2 gardenias in smaller pots near my front door as well. Gardenias need a good deal of sun so I have them out on the steps a bit more than the Boxwoods so they get plenty of sunshine.
I use regular Miracle Grow on those plants, and occasionally feed my rose bushes that are scattered around the existing landscaping.
If I were to start my landscaping over from scratch, I’d do a ton more gardenia and hydrangea bushes instead of roses so I may replace some dying rose bushes with one of those flowering bushes.
A Hydrangea is my favorite flower, only second to my impossible to find all-time favorite Lily of the Valley. I’ve only found those in Wisconsin near my parent’s lake house. They smell so incredibly good and are such a pretty, delicate little flower. Apparently, they are highly poisonous and only grow in cooler climates so I may need to find a faux lily of the valley to enjoy down south!
You can grow Lily of the Valley here! We have some in a very, very, shady bed. We’re in the Lake Norman area! Mine came from my Mom’s house….so no idea where she originally got them. They come up every year and have even been spreading! If you’re ever in the area, welcome to come dig up one and see if it works!
We live in northwest Cary and have a small Lilly of the Valley plant in our backyard – it is possible down here! 🙂
Soooo pretty! I wish I could grow my own flowers too, but I don’t have any outdoor space, not even a balcony. I’ll settle for herbs! ❤️✨
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
My mother in law gave me some lily of the valley years again and this is the year they have finally spread nicely and look great! Apparently Sue means lily and Susan lily of the valley so I love that about them
Lily of the Valley grows in North Carolina just fine! My mom and I have it in a shady part of our yard (along a border underneath azalea and boxwood bushes) and it does great! We live in Charlotte area so I’m sure you would also have sucesss.
Also It is only poisonous if you eat a LOT of it. I researched it when I had kids. So that made me feel better because I doubt my children would eat tons of any outdoor flower in our yard. 😂
Question for what I think is an upcoming home hair trimming tutorial!! Can you please suggest some decent hair shears for home use? Thank you!
I have Lily of the Valley! Im in Moore County, NC and they are thriving in the shaded spots all around my home.
Now that you know it’s possible, Maybe you can find some 🙂
Begonias are so easy in pots and will last well into fall here in central Alabama. I love hydrangeas too and have 5 in my shady backyard that are amazing in summer. And it’s so easy to dry hydrangeas for arrangements. One tip I learned the hard way. Don’t plant gardenias near hydrangeas. We had to transplant a gardenia but thankfully the hydrangeas came back great the next year.
What is the white flower plant at the beginning of this article? It’s beautiful! Is it a magnolia?
It’s a gardenia!
Hi Kate! If you love the look of lily of the valley, try a Japanese Pieris “temple bells” variety! It’s an evergreen shrub that gets absolutely covered with lily of the valley type flowers. It does brilliantly in Asheville!
Hi Kate:
You have ministered to me so much with your videos (hair, makeup,etc.) but this post really spoke to me, because I love gardens so much.
I think I’ll plant some gardenia and hydrangeas this spring! I love them both.
Question: Do you have a regular gardener to help you with upkeep?
In the Lord’s love,
Jennifer in California 🌷
I too love Lilly of the Valley. I live North of Boston MA. It took a few years to start spreading (it is a ground cover) but when it finally decided it liked the semi shady spot that I planted it in… it took off. I agree the scent is intoxicating and could be bottled up and sold for mega $$$