links + loves
Eyelet Black Blouse
This sweet thing is almost 9 months! When I think back on her newborn and tiny infancy days it all feels like a blur. In hindsight, I didn’t take as much of a break as I should have for my own mental and physical health, but I managed to make it through and we’re now at a wonderful stage.
Emily is a happy, content baby. She’s been the easiest baby of my 3 kids, but the worst sleeper. We’re finally making a bit of progress on sleep at this point and It has helped to resolve that she simply isn’t going to nap like the boys did. Around 8 months I sort of washed my hands of all efforts to encourage her to nap for 2 hours at any given time and I’m happy to report that my stress level went way down as soon as I gave up and that is very valuble right now. She’s an early riser, short napper, but otherwise very happy.
She picks up little bits of food now, which is one of my favorite stages, although it shines a bright light on how much junk is on my floors at any given time! We have the Dyson cordless vacuum that I use very regularly but somehow she can always find a little tiny bit of something to put in her mouth.
She’s crawling, pulling to standing, and I’m pretty sure she’ll be walking by her birthday in May!
A few other links + loves:
30 minute healthy dinner ideas!
Rebecca’s fool-proof banana bread. If you haven’t made it, MAKE IT.
Such a pretty vanity tray. I keep daily use products on a tray in my bathroom to try to keep everything contained and limit how much I set out on the counter. It usually works but I tend to edit what I have out every few weeks or so.
Lauren’s favorite products for covering dark circles!
I mentioned on Instagram that I’ve been getting a Flat White at Starbucks lately and I heard from so many of you that you also love this drink! It’s Ristretto shots (2 or 3 depending on the size you get) topped with whole milk. It’s like a latte but with no flavor. I usually shift between a Flat White or an Americano with a bit of cream, depending on what I’m in the mood for!
I keep eyeing this comforter at Target but I’m hesitant to pull the trigger. Our current quilt is shredded from my cats and I fear this won’t hold up well.
This basic tee has a ton of great reviews on Amazon and is only $18!
I wish I had an excuse to buy this beautiful dress in blue.
A beautiful wreath for the front door.
I hope you have a nice weekend! We are celebrating Luke’s 4th birthday with a “green” party. He loves the color green so I’m just going to get green plates, napkins, cupcakes, balloons, and anything else I can think of for a very simple party at home.
Emily is adorable! She’s growing up so fast! 🙂 I love the photo of the two of you. Hope you and your family have a lovely weekend, Kate! ❤️
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Emily is so cute and this photo of you both is adorable! I love the Flat White at Strabucks too! so good !
So adorable……love to see her smiling face on Instastories…..especially when you can tell she is looking at herself in the camera……so cute !!
Hope the green birthday party is a huge success and Happy Birthday to Luke, hard to believe he is turning 4 !
Emily is so adorable! Also loving this dress and I’m now in desperate need to make the banana bread recipe!
Shannon |
Products for covering dark circles are a must at this stage! Still using mine and my daughters are 5 and 20 months. She’s such a cutie!
Angela at Blush & Pearls
What happened to your BABY? Those days go by so fast.
You never need an excuse to buy a dress!!
Emily is such a little sweetie. She is so in love with you. When she looks at you, it is so easy to see. Birthday wishes this weeeknd. I love the green colour wishes, so adorable.
have you thought about green food? i had a green party for a music class and had an assorment of green food- grapes, sugar snap peas, cucumbers, apples. i would have loved to make green eggs and ham, but the kids were too little. happy birthday luke!
I recently found your blog via Emily Ley from Simplified Planner. You have been a joy to watch and learn from! Thank you for your passion and knowledge!
Don’t buy the comforter! I have a similar one from Target that is embroidered, and basically anytime my dog walked across it, the embroidery would pull out. It’s awful because its just so pretty! But unless your cats are declawed, it will look nice for about a minute.
You should be the dress, it would look amazing on you.
I always get super excited when you post links + loves. Your links + loves series, along with the “Friday Five” posts you used to share are my two favourite things about your blog. Would it possible if you could share a hair product that you’re loving during links + loves? I grew up in a family of stylists so I’ve been using the same products for years (Matrix or Joico shampoos and conditioners, Rusk leave in conditioners, etc) so it would be nice to have the odd addition to new products during posts like this. To me, your links + loves posts have always been a casual conversation with your readers so maybe this is something you could include in that weekly “casual conversation”.
I hope you have a great weekend, I’m excited to see the pictures from Luke’s birthday party – the IG stores leading up to the party looks adorable!
Felicity | http://oliverandmoose,
I love your earrings! I’ve done my due diligence and tried to find a link. Where are they from?
They are from madewell!
Emily is a doll! What an adorable photo of you both. I came looking for the other Amazon top to posted in your stories. The one that you mentioned was similar to a sweatshirt material. Can you please link to that one? Thank you. Hope the birthday party was a success!
Thank you! Here is the link:
I just cannot with these affiliate links anymore. These “links & loves” posts are just click bait to sell things. The non- sponsored/non-affiliate linked content is virtually nonexistent. It would be nice to see literally anything else. Over it.
3 of the last 23 posts were sponsored. If you have questions about how I monetize my free content, you can visit the FAQ page.
Nina, if you are “over it” you should just kindly exit stage left. Kate is transparent about her sponsored posts. She is a business woman making a living. She provides great content and deserves to receive an income for doing so. Our world is so full of hate, let’s try to spread kindness where we can. And if it’s not for you, just walk away. I hope you have a good day! Peace to you.
That’s such a gorgeous photo of you both! I love the dress too, it’s absolutely beautiful (I wish I had an excuse to use it again!).
Emily | Snippets of Emily’s Life xx
You posted about a plate that you were loving, you had found it at target I believe, for eating your lunch salad on. Was wondering if you could repost the name/brand of said plate?!
Emily is so adorable! I also love getting the flat white at Starbucks, so yummy!
-Kate Christine
I’m excited that you love the flat white! Did you know that it’s what we mostly drink in Australia? Coffee is so different everywhere you go. When I visited the States recently I took your recommendation for a caramel macchiato – loved it!!