Well I’ve recently been dealing with a serious break out and I thought this could be a good time to share my concealer method when it comes to covering up blemishes! I haven’t had a breakout this bad in a long time and I have to say it’s messed with my self-confidence. Makeup can cover but not heal so I’m doing my best to figure out the culprit that caused this and prevent this from happening in the future if I can!
The focus of the video is just my concealer method so I did a few other steps of my makeup first to get them out of the way.
These are the products on my face before I began concealing: Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk Foundation in shade 5 & 5.5, Charlotte Tilbury Magic Away Concealer in Fair, Laura Mercier Secret Under Eye Brightening Powder
Top Products for Covering Blemishes
Make Up For Ever Full Cover Concealer in shade 1 or 2, applied with my finger
MAC Studio Fix Powder Foundation in shade NW22 , applied with a fluffly small brush
optional: Beauty Blender or makeup brush but only if you promise to wash it after use (or at the VERY least spray it with this!)
- Why don’t you use a color corrector? It’s kind of just one more step that I don’t want to mess with and I find that the concealer does the job!
- Is your concealer lighter than your foundation color? Yes it is, I think that counteracts the redness a bit and also since it’s a thick layer of product I don’t want it to look too dark.
- What about setting concealer with a translucent setting powder? You can do that but the blemish may show through a bit depending on how red it is!
Try Rodan & Fields unblemished regimen & you won’t need to cover up. All regimens are amazing. My DIL gets me mine.
I agree. Unblemish has done wonders for my skin!
Wow, the cover is like magic! Your face looks flawless after makeup! 🙂
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Really pretty Kate!
Great video & you are a great Mom!❤️
This came at the perfect time! Looking at the concealer – shade #2 isn’t an option @ Sephora. If I normally wear a light/medium concealer would I be better off with #1 or #3 shade?
Do you mean they are sold out? Shade 1 is pretty darn light so if you are fair that may work for you!
Perhaps….#2 isn’t listed as an option. 🙁
I can’t find shade 2 on sephora or on the make up forever site.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I have Rosacea, and always have a hard time covering redness. ♥️
Hi miss Kate! Do you eat a lot of dairy? Diary has been linked to breakouts and acne. I wonder what would happen if you stopped eating it…lots of super tasty alternatives out there…
Well I generally eat dairy so I don’t think that caused a sudden break out. I think it was related to a protein bar I started eating!
Yes I totally agree about dairy. I also avoid foods high in phytoestrogens such as soy protein, (soybean oil and lecithin isnt an issue) flax etc. My skin is soooooo much better since reading labels. Now I’m really only prone during PMS. I’m excited to try oil cleansing. Not all oils are bad I’ve learned. I’m big on only using non comedogenic. There are oils that are rated as zero meaning they wont clog pores!😄
Love that you are being so open and honest about this. I dealt with breakouts a lot over the years and they are embarrassing and horrible to deal with. Especially as an adult. This video will help so many women out there you have no idea. This almost brings tears to my eyes. Thank you and please keep doin g what you do.
I’m so glad!
Try Paulas Choice 2% bha exfoliate. I used to struggle with blemishes until I started using her face products. Game changer.
Just saw this article pop up in my feed and it sounded really applicable!
Just saw this article from Well and Good pop up in my feed and it sounded really applicable! Title: YES! YOU CAN OUTSMART THAT “HORMONE BELT” OF CHIN PIMPLES, ACCORDING TO A DERM AND OB/GYN
Did it start at your hairline and work its way down your face? Were you recently on any prescription medication? I had a huge breakout issue and finally went to see my dermatologist because it was getting out of hand. Turns out a medication I was on a few months prior (so not even right away) screwed up my pH balance in my skin. They prescribed a face wash and cream – my skin was back to normal in a few days!
Yes go to the dermatologist! I had the exact same breakout on my chin and it was awful. I’d never suffered with acne and it was hard on my self confidence. My doc was able to get it completely cleared up in no time. My $50 copay was more than worth it. I wish she had been my first stop instead of trying to deal with it on my own. I always appreciate your honesty, your life is so dreamy and it’s a good reminder that everyone has some kind of issue every now and then! 💜
About 6 months after I stopped nursing my daughter, I started to have similar skin issues. Very deep, painful, cyst-like blemishes that were mainly along the jawline and chin. I tried so many over the counter products and nothing helped. Finally I went to a dermatologist and was diagnosed with adult cystic acne. She said that it’s very common postpartum when we stop producing as much estrogen and start producing more testosterone – hence where the breakouts occur, along the jawline, much like in men. There are food allergies and sensitivities that cause breakouts for sure, but if you’re experiencing something more profound than that, blemishes that are deep, painful, and take long time to go away, you may want to check with your doctor because it sounds a lot like what I and what a lot of other postpartum mommas apparently experience. Damn hormones!! Great tips though, thank you!
If you don’t mind me asking, what did your dermatologist do to clear it up? I suffer from it too! 😭
You said you have dry skin, but do you have any recommendations for a foundation that doesn’t feel heavy but stays put on oily skin with larger pores. Also, one that doesn’t break the bank. I’m having a hard time finding a foundation that stays in place for more than a few hours.
This post may help! https://www.thesmallthingsblog.com/2018/08/2-drugstore-foundation-reviews-one-winner-and-one-im-meh-about/
Just wanted to add my thumbs up for the Revlon insta filter, it’s good coverage and a pretty finish! Only negative is the packaging, just like Kate says in the article. I also put some on my hand and then apply with a beauty blender.
yes, it’s a great coverage and looks like skin!
Thanks for the great tutorial! I have a question about blush – based on your rave reviews, I purchased the Nars liquid blush in Orgasm, but I’m not sure I’m putting it on at the right time. Should I be using it before using finishing powder or after?
Thank you!
I would use it after a powder!
What bronzer did you use in this video?
I’m interested in the bronzer too!!
Your skin looks flawless!!
Hi! As always, your tutorial is great! I know you are getting a ton of advice about your breakout, but I am compelled to add my two cents. Your breakout looks very similar to skin issues I’ve had which were caused by an allergy to a face product I was using that never gave me trouble before. My doctor told me to use Cerave or Cetaphil gentle cleanser and Cerave moisturizer and to not use any serums, eye creams, etc. With a very gentle skin routine, the skin will calm down and heal.
WHAT?? I need this immediately. This is an amazing before and after. Thank you for being brave and sharing this with us. I have pretty dry skin too and it’s something I’ve been learning to battle but I’ll definitely check this out next time I’m on the hunt for a concealer. xo
Allison | http://www.peplumsandpie.com
What brush did you use for your blush? Sephora brand? I’m dying for a good blush brush and can’t find one
What is the lip color you are using? Could you post a link? It is so pretty!!
I’m interested in the color also!
Me too!!
It could be hormonal ! My 4th just turned 1 year old, and about 6 months postpartum every single time I go through a hormonal change and tend to get more breakout s than usual. Not sure how old your youngest is, but that could be it!
I recently started using Curology and I’m getting really good results! I like that it contains anti aging and anti acne ingredients. I don’t typically have acne anymore but struggle with some redness, unevenness and dullness and some bumps on my skin. Worth checking out perhaps! I know how it can affect how you feel about yourself when your skin doesn’t
Look how you want. Hang in there!
I cannot thank you enough for sharing this. You are most definitely not alone. I have never dealt with acne like this before and hello! 38 and look like a teenager! It definitely messes with my self confidence. I’ve been dealing with mine for a year now and still trying to figure out the culprit. Hopefully you figure yours out and can help the rest of us! I’ve been to sephora and played around with my concealer but I’m so thankful to have this tutorial! Your face is flawless! As always, thanks for keeping it real! You’re the best!! ❤️❤️❤️
Great video! I’ve always thought you must use color correction to fully cover red blemishes. I definitely have to try your tips next time I have some of those. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Wow thanks for this, I have a hard time covering my redness I get sometimes and it can be frustrating. Although, we are all human and get blemishes from time to time, nothing to be insecure about…I think you look great either way because you seem like a lovely person inside and out! I think society pushes us too much to have the perfect everything, but I can get insecure about that stuff too! Great post!
Hi Kate! I LOVE your eye makeup in this video! Can you tell me what you used?
What bronzer did you use in this video?
Wow, your after is amazing! Would never know there’s a breakout undrneath! Thanks for sharing.
Which fair number do you use for your under eye concealer color?
Also which color do you prefer for the concealer ? 2 or 3
Is this the exact regimen you would use for someone with fair skin, light skin tone suffering from rosacea? I find a lot of consults refer me to green cover ups to help, but that hasn’t worked and often the more product I apply, the more red my cheeks become from the constant rubbing. Thanks in advance for your tips!
Love you, Kate!! Great advice!
What is the best under eye concealer for dark circle? I have always used Mary Kay in the black squeeze tube- they have changed it to a sponge end wand. The product isn’t the same and doesn’t cover dark cirlcles and brighten like the other . I’m lost . I’ve used this for 25 yrs!!!
I don’t see a shade 2 anywhere for this concealer. What is the name of the shade please??
I was struggling with similar acne after my third baby (a girl after two boys!) and tried everything under the sun. I spent loads of money on hormone testing (I’m glad I did this because I did have hormonal imbalances) and other treatments. Turns out, for me, it was coffee 🙁 I had increased my intake in the sleep deprived 3rd child season and my body HATED it. I’ve given it up and have had absolutely no breakouts like before, along with other issues clearing up (hair loss and menstrual issues). After doing research I found that coffee affects some women’s hormones and the caffeine stressed my body out. I share because it took me a LONG time to figure it out and I hope to help other ladies figure it out sooner!
Thanks for sharing!
Very amazing post and helpful too..Thanks for sharing kate..Keep updating us with such great post.
Thank you for addressing this issue & being willing to bare all! Regarding the concealer being applied after your foundation, what do you recommend for those of us who use a powder rather than liquid foundation? Should we still apply foundation first, then concelaer? I developed rosacea after the birth of my son (11 years ago) so I’m always looking for concealer tips.
No in that case I would do concealer first then powder!
What spray is it you use when you can’t clean your blender or brush? The link is not working for me.
Thank you!!
I get those dreaded monthly hormonal break outs.
I found these acne patches that have been amazing. Try them out, they may work for you as well!
COSRX Clear Fit Master Patch, 18 Patches https://www.amazon.com/dp/B076DDR998/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_C-KqDb8H2MTME
Love the makeup, and you look beautiful as always! Would you consider doing a makeup tutorial using only cruelty free products?? You always have the best demonstrations for both hair and makeup 🙂
Do you have tips for covering melsma dark spots on an upper lip due to pregnancy? Mine looks awful…and I can’t seem to find anything that works to cover it.
Thank you so much for showing reality and how to cover redness. And also for acknowledging how tough facial blemishes and redness are on self-confidence. How do you apply your foundation? Do
You have a different process when you have redness/bumps/etc?
You are beautiful!