A new van, a pizza competition, and finally getting ready for baby!
The $10 Eyeshadow Palette You Need
Remember the old days of blogging where bloggers would share more about their lives behind the computer? I miss those days! As I’m scrolling through Bloglovin’ in the morning, I see so many blog posts like “3 ways to ______” or “6 things to change in order to _______” . For a while now, blog posts have leaned way more into the educational side versus the carefree diary entries that they used to be.
And I’m definitely not knocking it, I certainly do that as well. Those types of posts typically resonate with a lot of readers and they are also a bit safer to write because they don’t open you up to as much criticism or critique as the more personal posts do. But sometimes I just want to read about what my favorite blogger did on the weekend, because it’s fun, easy to read, and may even inspire an idea for something that I would do on a weekend in the future!
So as a way to try to include a bit more of that type of post around here, I thought I’d write a post recapping some recent events in our lives, from a new van to a final trip before baby #3 arrives!
Justin and I had been thinking about upgrading to a newer van for a few months. I was driving a used 2013 Honda Odyssey that I really liked. For some reason I thought it was a 2011, but when we traded it for the new one we learned that it was actually a 2013! We looked at one at a dealership a few months ago when we were dropping my 2013 off for some work and I was intrigued, but didn’t have the thought that we would actually get a new one.
My parents came to visit a few weeks ago and we were chatting about the safety features of the newer van and after that conversation, Justin and I started to more seriously think about upgrading. The sliding seats were a big factor for us, and learning of all the safety options that came pretty standard on most trim options, we decided to go test drive one when we were in South Carolina so the kids could stay with my parents.
On the 5 hour drive down to South Carolina we talked through a pro and con list of why or why not we should get a newer van and ultimately decided that this is a good time to do it. We test drove the one we ended up purchasing, and I’ve never been more pleased with a car purchase. We’ve had quite a variety of vehicles over the years, but I must admit that this van is ranking at the very top of “cars I’ve enjoyed driving.” In the next few weeks we’ll try out some car seat configurations to see what works best for the boys and the baby that will be joining us in May!
Speaking of the baby, not knowing if it’s a boy or girl is KILLING ME. I’m so excited to find out! I’m sure I had this much anticipation waiting to learn if Luke was a boy or girl, but it does seem to be stronger this time around. We were chatting with our friends about what their guesses are and it seems like everyone is leaning towards girl. I have had pretty much zero intuition about what this baby is throughout the pregnancy, though now I’ll admit I’m feeling like it may be a boy. I’ve said this a thousand times already, and it remains true, but I would be equally thrilled with either. Another boy sounds like so much fun, and a girl would be fun as well!
I’m having another c-section, since it’s my third, and I keep trying to imagine what my reaction would be if Justin told me it’s a girl. Justin said he would fall on the floor and I can’t even wrap my head around the shock! My friend is pregnant and she’s learning the sex of her baby next week at the anatomy ultrasound. It’s kind of crazy to think she’ll know what she’s having before I do!
Justin recently got a Kamado Joe grill and he has enjoyed testing it out with different meats. It’s been fun to meal plan with him and watch him develop of love for grilling. We “competed” with homemade pizza last weekend, just for fun, and despite his getting a little burnt the flavor was fantastic. I’ve made homemade pizza on the pizza steel in the oven several times so I’m more practiced than he is, but I have no doubt we will continue to try pizza on the grill until we nail it.
I ordered this pack of 3 easy tee’s from ASOS last week and they are better than I imagined. I wanted something easy and light to throw on and they are exactly that. I ordered maternity, though they do not have ruched sides so I will wear them postpartum as well, and I also found them in non-maternity!
I hope you have a nice weekend! We are expecting some warm weather around here which is welcomed with OPEN ARMS!
p.s. check out these Kate Spade sunglasses that are similar to my favorite pair, and a cute striped shirt for spring!
I have those sunglasses they are hands down my favorite. The rose gold looks so pretty in person! Congratulations on the new car, it’s akways so much fun driving a new car – it always feels so much smoother! xAllie http://www.theallthatglittersblog.com
I miss diary-like posts too! I love reading about the real lives that bloggers have, not some ad. Please do more like this! 🙂
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
I love the Odyssey! We recently traded in our 2013 Odyssey for the 2018 Accord. It was hard for me to downsize but our kids are older now and rarely all with us. The salesmen said often women cry when they give up their minivans. I didn’t cry but I was close! Enjoy your new car!
I’m definitely a ‘lifestyler’ person too, life is too full of complications and serious stuff, so getting away from that is lovely. We are also in the process of looking at cars which is exciting, but I’m slightly overwhelmed at the choice and working out what we actually need the vehicle to do for our family!! Looking fabulous by the way xx.
I am due tomorrow and we don’t know the gender and I am SO excited to find out! We didn’t find out with our son, but I feel the same as you this time around – the anticipation is killing me! We are also waiting on the arrival of a new vehicle – sounds like my life has been pretty similar to yours lately haha
I love these life glimpses posts! It’s so refreshing to read about others lives…even if I’m being nosy haha. I’m trying to do the same on my blog as well..plus I love writing just about random thoughts sometimes instead of advice, it’s so freeing!
I’ve been eyeing those t-shirts for a while! How did you size? I’ve never ordered from them before and wasn’t exactly sure if I should order my pre-pregnancy size or different?
true to size, I would say
I’m a Mommy of two little boys also! I’ve been told if you’ve got two boys your odds are 75% to get a 3rd!! Can’t wait to see what you have!!Enjoy the warm weather, they’re calling for snow here in Michigan this weekend 😫!
WAIT HOW?!?!?! Tell me more. – Signed, a mom of two boys considering a third baby 😉
I had my second child in March, 2016. Our anatomy scan showed a girl but we got a delivery room surprise and have a BOY! Even today anatomy scans aren’t 100% accurate 🙃
I love the new van and if I had to guess by the way you are carrying I am thinking boy too!
Hi! I follow you on IG and then read this post about the van. You’ve mentioned several times about the safety features being the main reason to upgrade your van. What safety features specifically do you mean?
You can read all about them here: http://www.howdyhonda.com/blog/2018-honda-odyssey-safety-features/ . For us, blind spot warning, lane departure, rear object notificatino when backing up, and a few other things were high on our list.
Good luck on the c-section. I’ve had three as well so I know how tough they can be.
I’m grateful that my recovery has been quite easy in the past. Hoping for the same this time around! Thanks!
I miss this style of post also.
We are literally looking at Odyssey’s as we speak! I love the sliding seat feature in the middle row. I currently drive and Acura RDX and I’m worried I’ll miss the “zippiness” of it. What did you drive before the van? Was the transition easy?
I love the diary type entries, I really miss them, too. I try to do them on my blog because I just love them and forget the trendy blogging!
New to your social media. Loving your reviews and suggestions and everything else!
Love your van! We bought a 2017 Toyota Sienna last summer after I had my second, and we are 100% on the mini van wagon!!! There just isn’t a better vehicle for a mom with littles. 🙂
I resisted getting a van for as long as I could, but when baby #3 was born I decided I no longer cared and had to have one. Best decision I ever made. We bought it brand new in 2007 and it’s been my daily driver ever since. My kids have literally grown up our van. I could probably downsize now but I’m not ready to give it up! 180k miles and virtually no issues. I’m kinda attached to her. 🙂
We just got a 2018 Odyssesy, too, and those sliding seats are the bomb! The safety features sold us, too, but I had to adjust the sensitivity on the auto-braking to be a little less sensitive.
I cannot believe you are waiting to find out!! It was killing me to wait until our anatomy ultrasound appointment! hahah. We just found out we are having a girl and majority of everyone I know who is due this summer is also having a girl.. so my guess for you is girl too!!
Also yes on the old school posts! I still love a good weekend wrap up post – the kind about life not links 😉 I have totally modernized my blog but I also like to keep that personal feel too – I mean, that is what blogging is all about!!
AND I’m checking out those maternity shirts right now!!!!
I just got a new van too!! We traded in my Chevy Equinox for a 2018 Toyota Sienna. The safety features were one of the reasons we upgraded as well. I love the extra space I have now!
We went with the Sienna because it has an AWD option. Definitely needed in South Dakota! Our weather is going a little crazy right now. Yesterday it was 60 degrees and we were at the park. We woke up to a thunderstorm this morning. Tomorrow we will be hit by a blizzard. 8-12 inches of snow are headed this way!!
Literally pulling the trigger on a 2018 Odyssey any day. We can’t decide between EX-L with Nav and RES or the Touring. Which model do you have? Thoughts?
This is exactly where we’re at and the two options we’re trying to decide between.
Had two boys, was pretty certain #3 was a boy too and my first words (also during C-section) was are you sure?? Dr. laughed and said yes, I am sure. She will be married in less than 2 mos. So excited for you!
I have to ask where you got that tee you’re wearing in the picture – and is it maternity? (I’m not pregnant, but I am pear-shaped so that tie placement is perfect!)
I have a 2006 Odyssey and I LOVE IT. We love traveling on trips with the mini-van. – so much headroom and legroom. Might go to the Honda Pilot next. Hoping to get another year out of my van though! 150K miles on it!
I am the mom of two boys and just had my third. We did not find out! I was a third c-section and my husband got to announce what we had…a girl! I was exactly like you, didn’t care either way! But this girl mom thing is a lot of fun! And seeing my boys love on her is amazing! Can’t wait to hear what you have!!!!
Congratulations on your new car! You look so happy and ready for baby number 3!!
I loved watching y’alls pizza contest!! And congrats on the van!
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Love diary-type posts! Your blog & instastories are always enjoyable. You & your family are adorable. Best wishes to you on your new baby!
Congrats on all the amazing things going on with your family! We just got that exact same van, same color, too. We LOVE it! It’s a perfect family car for our family of five (and it’s my 3rd Odyssey: 2002, 2009, and now 2018).
I definitely love reading blog posts about “what life is like lately”. Like you said, it’s an easy read and can give us ideas about things to do in our community as well.
Just had my third boy in December and had the same experience – everyone saying girl, me not having any sort of intuition until the last month or so when I started to feel like it was a boy. I didn’t find out for any of my pregnancies and didn’t get that feeling until the end every time.
These kind of posts are my favorites! Loved your pizza challenge. We have a knock off Komado that we’ve done pizza on. It’s so good! We put the dough directly on the grate though. We upgraded our van last year with a 2017 Kia that we love. A year later I’m still so thankful for it and still love it as much as I did when we got it. I’m so glad you love your new van!
I love posts like this! Your usual posts are informative and interesting and I always come back- and have found some great products and tips, but I love to “see” what’s going on in your life and get some ideas that aren’t just like a magazine article- a little more personal touch I guess! Thanks!
These posts will always be my favorite ❤️
So glad you keep it real! I’ve been reading your blog since before you quit working behind the chair, and while I love all of the new, I miss the old style of daily diary entries!
HI Kate! Which model of the Odessey did you go with? We’re looking into an Odessey too as our family is expanding. Thanks!
Congrats on the baby! 🙂
I’m thinking girl!!
We have an almost 4 year old boy, a two year old boy, and our sweet girl is now 7 months old. And we love our Odyssey too, we put our biggest boy in the back row on the passenger side, then slid the seat in front of him over toward the middle so we can help buckle in the back row boy and then buckle the middle boy in front of him, then the infant car seat gets snapped in behind the driver seat. Works out so great. Lol although our friends always kinda stare at the circus we have going on, we have a pretty good system and love have 3 so close in age. Congratulations!
Is this in a 2018? I LOVE that sliding middle row, but don’t know if I want to bite the bullet for a brand new one. Plus we only have 2 kiddos and really wouldn’t use the 3rd row an awful lot except for about once a month when my sister and her 2 year old are in town.
No actually we have a 2007! Our middle row has some minimal sliding ability. I’m sure it’s not as fancy schmancy as the new ones but I still love it!
Ok, you’re totally blowing my mind. I seriously only thought the 2018’s had any sliding side-to-side action. What trim do you have? I’ve found a couple Touring ones that look to have the seatbelts in the seat as opposed to wall. And that would probably make moving the seat easier too.
Lol!! Girl I just went out to check my owners manual to tell you. Turns out it’s actually a 2006!! It is a touring model. So on that second row you have to remove the middle console and then there’s a latch at the base of the bucket seat (on passenger side) and then you can slide it over next to the other seat (behind driver seat) Hope that helps!! Ps we got it used at a Honda dealer just a couple years ago, and other than needing to get the transmission worked on once, we’ve had no problems and she’s going strong at 180k miles 🙂 so comfortable and awesome. Literally my only complaint is no Aux or USB ports. :-/
I LOVE your life updates! Congrats on the new car. Makes me wonder now. Haha. We have a 2001 Accord and 2003 Odyssey. So excited to find out the gender of your baby. It will be great either way!
I was wondering how ya’ll were hanging in there not knowing the gender! I don’t know if I could handle not knowing beforehand 🙂
Love the new car – that is probably my dream vehicle!
Your look with aviator sunglasses is really sweet! and Congrats on your new car and of course for the baby! i hope he/she is growing faster now days!