A simple plaid top
August Favorites
Did anyone else feel like Target’s rebranding was kind of a flop? They built up a bit of hype and then when the clothing was available in the stores, it wasn’t all that different from what I’ve seen from Merona or any of the other brands they sold before.
I browsed the racks and ended up finding this perfect plaid pop-over shirt, and a great grey jacket, but was otherwise left a little bored with the selection.
As a “jeans + tee” kinda girl, a pop-over like this feels a little bit dressier without compromising comfort and ease. I would totally wear this playing with the kids or running errands. The longer length is flattering and could even work with leggings if you are into that sort of thing.
plaid top, jeans (similar) , slip on sneakers, bag
Find more fall-inspired clothing here!
Shame about Target, but that’s a really cute top you managed to earth out!
still plenty of time to work the florals
Good Morning Kate,
I always read your blog in the morning so I guess I assume you will read my comments in the morning. (ha)
So the top is really cute….but what about the gray jacket you mentioned? Pics please :-))
Hope you have a great day
This minimal plaid is perfect for fall! I can always seem to find something I like at target, but haven’t noticed much of a change in branding. But I am super pumped for Jo and Chip’s house collection!
This top looks so cute on you!
Totally agree about the re-branding thing- but check out the new furniture line from them ‘Project 62’ (I’m sure you’re way ahead of me on this but I was pretty impressed with them in that department!)
Totally agree! I have not liked anything from their new line! So disappointing.
I agree on the women’s rebrand – and the only items I do like appear to have sold out right away. However, I’m curious about the Goodfellow & Co line for my husband (walking by the men’s section lately, I’m enjoying the J. Crew aesthetic).
I haven’t looked at the clothing yet but I do love the looks of the new home furnishings line!
After seeing slip-on sneakers in numerous of your posts and loving the way they look, I recently bought a pair and wore them for the first time this past weekend and am in love! Thanks so much for all you do – I so enjoy reading your blog and watching your insta-stories!
Awesome! Thanks Deanna!
Cute top! Style in Target hasn’t changed much but I do believe the fit is better a little more slim line and tailored.
I just bought that same top, but haven’t worn it yet. I can’t decide if its black or navy. Whats your take?
I’m wearing this top today! And actually the day I bought this shirt I bought 5 other articles of clothing at target which hasn’t happened in years and years. The last 5-7 years I have had a difficult time with their things being either too old, too young, or not fitting well. I’m thrilled to be able to find things I want to wear!
So stunning! Love your style!
Totally agree about the Target rebranding, so silly! Your top is cute!
Yes I agree about new target brands! I liked merona and I don’t care for how they have bags, shoes and stuff all over the clothing area…Our target is sort of a mess anyway and this is going to be a disaster for them to try to keep neat and tidy so that it looks nice. Anyway I do like a popover top so, glad you found something cute and fall-ish.
So funny! I’m wearing this top today and I hadn’t seen this post yet. I’m wearing it with camo skinnies and ballet flats. Two people commented on my “cute pattern mixing” but I’m trying to think of camo as a neutral. Whatever. But it is a super cute top!
Hi! What size did you order? So cute!
I love myself a plaid top. I’m kind of like you, jeans and a plain tee kind of girl too. I always have a hard time finding the right plaid top. It not only needs to have the right length but also needs to have the right material. I like mine to feel like a tee-shirt.
I love love love that top!! I wish I would have seen it at my Target. I just went and bought a few things and I totally would have bought that had I seen it. I love plaid.
I went and bought this shirt over the weekend after seeing how cute it was on you. I love it and cant wait to wear it! 🙂