Get to know Ashley of The Teacher Diva

The Office Closet

I met Ashley, and her husband, for lunch at the cutest little spot in downtown Dallas last week.

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She’s the blogger behind The Teacher Diva, and her style is so cute and right up my alley. And girlfriend can rock distressed denim like nobody’s business.

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We met up at a breakfast/brunch/coffee shop called Mercat Bistro. It was insanely windy so our attempts to sit outside under the pergola on the patio were foiled, but the inside was just as cute.

It’s always nice to get a chance to meet another blogger in person, as there is usually an instant connection since we do the same thing, and Ashley is just as kind and enjoyable to be with as she seems on her blog.

At lunch I asked her a few beauty and fashion questions, so I hope you enjoy the interview below!

Okay, it’s the weekend and you have absolutely no plans. What do you wear, what do you do with your hair, and what makeup to you apply?

Definitely distressed denim boyfriend jeans, a t-shirt, and my Chanel flats(similar pair!). My hair would be left over curls from the day before, thanks to dry shampoo, and my makeup would be my favorite cc cream, bronzer, anastasia liquid lipstick and I’d fill in my eyebrows. Oh and mascara too! I wear my Maya Brenner initial necklace nearly every single day, so I’d be wearing that and then just my wedding ring and watch!

So what about date night? What is your go-to style? 

A casual spring dress OR black skinnies with a flowy top. And I’d pair both of those ensembles with my rockstud flats.

I can tell you are another “down hair” girl like me, what is your favorite way to wear your hair?

Definitely loose curls, especially since can get a few days on it without having to re-style!

If you could only shop at one clothing store, or one brand, for the rest of your life, which would it be? 

This may be surprising but Revolve. It’s online only, but one of the things I love about it is how easy it is to use their website. I love browsing the new arrivals, and you can filter the prices of things with a slider on the side of the website. So if you are looking for something new to add to your wardrobe but you don’t want to spend over $50, just set the limit to $50 and see what is new in that range. It couldn’t be more simple.

I’ve never shopped at Revolve, but I’m going to head there straight after this! So what about a beauty hack? Something you do that may help someone else?

I love dry shampoo, and my hair is really thick so I like to get a few days on the style so I don’t have to redo it too much. So, I wear it in a messy bun on top of my head at night, but before pulling it up I like to spray dry shampoo at the roots but I won’t brush it out. Then, in the morning, I’ll brush through it, and it’s much fresher than if I don’t apply the dry shampoo the night before.


It really was a pleasure to spend time with her and her husband. And check her out on instagram if you need a little fashion inspiration!


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Kim says · 03.29.16

What a great post! I’ll have to check out her blog!

Kim .. BirchBox vs IPSY!

Ellen says · 03.29.16

Next time you are in Dallas, I have a few other restaurant suggestions for you! Would love to have you teach a hair styling class in Dallas, hint, hint!

Evelina says · 03.29.16

Her shoe recommendation is amazing! I totally want those flats!
Evelina @ Fortunate House

Paula Pilgrim says · 03.30.16

Why is there always some pop on your screen??? It drives me crazy! I have been reading your blog for years now and only recently has this been a problem.

Meg says · 03.30.16

Looking forward to checking out her blog!

Deanna says · 03.31.16

That’s MY favorite beauty hack too!! It’s the best trick for extending how long I can go without washing my hair! I go to bed with white roots sometimes but it gives the best boost of volume in the AM when I brush it out. I run pretty warm especially in the middle of the night so it combats any sweaty head business that might happen. 🙂

Mel says · 04.17.16

Thanks for the intro!! I’m now following her blog and her on Instagram!! Love her style!!

Mel |

Julia says · 11.20.17

Just found you from Ashley’s blog! Love your beauty tips 🙂 Happy to be a new follower!
