New Year, New Hair Ideas

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I’m all about #yolo but sometimes you don’t need to take drastic measures to freshen up your locks. I’ve been growing my hair out for about a year now and there are a few things I try to do to push past the feeling of “MUST CUT HAIR OFF IMMEDIATELY”.

  1. Move your part over a bit. You don’t need to change to the other side completely, but sometimes moving it left or right by an inch can help your hair to feel fresh
  2. Deep condition and take really great care of your ends. Healthy hair styles better than unhealthy hair, plain and simple. So, do a deep conditioner a few times a month (or more if your hair needs it) to really make sure you keep your hair in tip top shape. I’ve seen lasting health benefits for my hair from this deep conditioner (perhaps more than any other I’ve tried)
  3. Add bangs or just a face frame. If you are really dying for a change, go for a full fringe. If you want something a little less bold, try a soft face frame, or maybe a cheek grazing bang on one side.
  4. Ask for a few balayage highlights if your color feels dull. I love that balayage has become more popular than traditional foiling methods. Women in Europe have been doing it for years, in fact I remember learning about the technique way back in beauty school before they even taught us how to foil! It’s a soft method that grows out like a dream, and adds brightness exactly where the sun would.
  5. Practice braids or a simple half up style. I’ve found that if you have more than just the ability to pull your hair into a ponytail in your arsenal, you’ll be less frustrated on days when you need to pull your hair back. ย So spend time learning at least one new technique, master it, and when you are bored with your hair you’ll have a new style to wear. May I suggest this, or this one?


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Elyska says · 01.07.16

I totally think you should get a pixie! and I’m not completely saying that just because I have a pixie, but I really think the pixie world needs a good informational youtuber, itd really would be a service to others… you could even consider it charity ๐Ÿ™‚
Plus you’d look great in a short cut!

Heather says · 01.07.16

Check out Whippy Cake!! Great beauty content person who focuses on Pixie Cuts!!

Kristi says · 01.07.16

I really want to try balayage this year. I’ve never dyed my hair, but my greys are becoming more obvious (not so fun at 26), and I would love to do something different with my hair without the huge commitment of a full on dye job. Do you have any tips on how to find the right stylist to do balayage, or how to tell my stylist what I want?

Kristi | Be Loverly

Christi says · 01.08.16

I’m in the same boat! Have had grays coming in since I was 25 (just turned 28) and hate how soon it creeps back up!

Lizzy says · 01.07.16

Hi Kate!
love these tips. I have never dyed my hair before so I googled balayage. I was just wondering what’s the difference between balayage and ombre? Looks similar to me.

Hannah S says · 01.26.16

Balayage is just hand painted highlights. A lot of stylists do balayage to help the ombre fade into the rest of the hair (as they should!), but ombre itself is focused towards the bottom. ๐Ÿ™‚

Jenn says · 01.07.16

I opted for the snip snip for a hair change. I have had long hair for so long, I needed it! So far I am loving it and so happy with my choice!

Amy says · 01.07.16

I love balayage! It is so much better for your hair and mine always feels so natural while also giving me the “I dyed my hair” feel. Kate—please give us some tips on how to grow short hair out long. I had long hair for years and chopped it off after baby #2. Growing it back out now. It is longer in the front but at the nape of my neck in the back. Long bob.

Elizabeth in Paris says · 01.08.16

Thanks for these great tips, Kate! I’m in the midst of haircut angst: I cut my hair short at the end of October – big, BIG mistake. I wanted a Sienna Miller layered bob, and I got a 20’s style bob that is just barely long enough now to start putting back. The worst thing is, the stylist cut everything almost one length, but very sloppily, so it’s not even at all! I live in France, so there may have been a problem with communication, but I’m really unhappy with this haircut and am patiently waiting for it to grow!

I second Amy’s request to do a post about how to grow out short hair. Please! Please! Please! I’m desperate!

Melissa says · 01.08.16

I got full bangs this fall and I love them. ๐Ÿ™‚ Right now I’m feeling the urge for something different with my hair, but instead of cutting it I’m going to get it colored. My natural color is dark dark brown, and I’m getting it done jet black. I’ve done it before – only demi permanent – and I loved it.

Sarah @ Smile & Conquer says · 01.08.16

I totally know that craving to chop your hair and actually just gave in to before Christmas. I had been growing it out for almost 2 years and it was probably the longest it’s ever been. I loved having it long but the cold Canadian winter was taking it’s toll and making it unmanageable so under the scissors I went. Now it’s shoulder length and much easier to deal with, but I do miss the length.

adrianne says · 01.08.16

The hair cutting or bang cutting temptation is always there for me. I have been having dreams about cutting bangs, but I keep regretting it after I do. I think that’s a sign. ๐Ÿ™‚

At the end of last year, I was so tempted to get a long bob, but my stylist talked me out of it by explaining it would be an upkeep nightmare for my hair. He did take me from a blunter cut to a more rounded one and I have been very happy with that.

I also did some baylage last year and I plan to lighten it up even more this spring!

Beth says · 01.08.16

Did you read my mind? Been wanting to cut my shoulder-length into a “lob”. May just get bangs instead. Thanks for the post!

Vickylacewigs says · 01.08.16

I’m really considering something like the top right cut, but I’m pretty nervous because it would be a big change for me! But it’s a new year, so it’s time for something new ๐Ÿ™‚

Jennifer Peer says · 01.09.16

My hair is the longest it has ever been, and I’m almost amazed that I’ve made it as long as I have with growing it out. The thing that helped me the most is using dry shampoo – I never used to use it, and using it in combination with long hair has been great. I think I always just got tired of washing and blow-drying my hair every single day.

I’ve also never gotten color in my hair, but balayage sounds like the most natural way to do it…I think I’m just too scared!

sondra says · 01.10.16

I am not sure why I can’t pin this…I just keep getting this message: Sorry we could not fetch the image. I have tried 2 different browsers and over several days!

Kate says · 01.10.16

It’s from the high security settings. They will change eventually ๐Ÿ™‚

sondra says · 01.11.16

Okay, I guess I will keep trying! I have a hair folder and love to pin what I like to look at later.

Elizabeth says · 01.10.16

HI Kate,
I was wondering if you regularly trimmed your hair while growing it out, or just skipped the scissors all together and just let it grow? Thanks!

Dot and Earl says · 01.10.16

I would love to see a tutorial for the 2 bottom middle hairstyles. I am growing my hairs but that’s where I am at the moment. Also- any tips on growing??

Erin Andrews says · 01.10.16

Took your advice and instead of cutting it all off, I got side swept bangs and an inch trimmed. So glad! I love that I got to keep the length but the style feels fresh and new. Going to work on practicing different 2nd day hairstyles because my ponytail option is getting old and boring!

Mel says · 01.11.16

I’m obsessed with curling wands! I used to wear my hair only pin straight but now I am trying to change things up! New Year and new do! ๐Ÿ™‚


Lucy says · 01.16.16

Would you consider doing a post about balayage?? It looks like something I’d like, but I want to know what to ask for etc. please please?? ๐Ÿ™‚
