Website Issues Update
Mommy Mailbox Reveal
Hi! My website has been under a DDoS attack for a few days now so you may have had issues opening the site. There are people working to mitigate the attack, and I’ve joined a company that knows how to deal with these things so it doesn’t happen again in the future.
I’m not sure yet, as of 1/7/16 at 5:45am EST if the attack is over, but if I cannot get onto the site, I’ll be updating info about the status on Facebook and Twitter .
I’m so sorry for any frustration this has caused for you!
Wohoo, your blog is back up and I’m soooo happy! Missed seeing your posts (Even if it was only for a few days), and so looking forward to what you have planned for 2016! I’m one happy blog follower!
Thanks Suzanne!
I’m sorry you’re having troubles with the site! Yesterday I wanted to follow your ‘twisted updo’ video step by step to fix my hair but your site wasn’t working in my iPad. I’m so thankful you post on YouTube as well because I skipped on over there and had no problem finding it! Thanks for being accessible on so many other platforms so if one goes down, we can still get our ‘Kate fix’ somewhere else!!????
It’s too bad you have so much trouble. I’m not seeing that on other blogs. I don’t know anything about blogs, etc, but maybe you should switch something!
It’s very frustrating, has a lot to do with the volume of traffic here, and there are a ton of moving parts that I’m working through on the back end to prevent this in the future.
I don’t know what any of that technical stuff is except I couldn’t read my favorite blog! Hopefully the problem is solved and your headache/stress is over. I’m looking forward to a fun-filled 2016 reading The Small Things Blog.
Hi Kate!
I just signed on now (9:59 EST on 1/7) and it did give me some message page before directing me to your site. Yesterday I wasn’t able to get on at all, but just now it took about 5-10 seconds and it took me right there. Hang in there!
Why would someone want to attack your lovely blog?!
Laurie, I was thinking precisely the same thing! We’re all a bunch of Small Things addicts who barely have time to run to Sephora to get stuff to duplicate Kate’s tutorials, who on earth as time to hack her site?!? Crazy.
Kate, I feel awful for you. You have got to be so frustrated! I, too, was able to access your site after being redirected. So far, so good!! 🙂
Don’t worry, you are worth the wait! Sorry, that sounded creepy!LOL
It’s not your fault, we miss you but we will wait patiently!
Happy new year!
Wow, that’s scary!! I’m glad to see the site is back now!
You’re so sweet to apologize for OUR frustration. Yours must be immense. Thank you for hosting this lovely space online, I appreciate it!