Links + Loves
January Favorites
This week was filled with closet organization and purging during nap time and in the evenings. I had *a lot* of things to sort through. While it isn’t finished, it’s very very close and I asked Jordan to write the shelf labels with her perfect handwriting on Wednesday. When I turned around to see how it turned out I almost fell over from pure happiness. She has the best handwriting, and it was exactly how I hoped it would look (the whole closet in general with the shelf labels). I’m planning on revealing it in a blog post, and offering some beauty product organization tips as well!
Okay, I thought my Hello Fresh order was arriving this week but in fact it’s next week. Still excited.
This is such a cute little dress.
I made Pioneer Woman’s potato soup yesterday. So delish and so easy!
I’ll be watching this makeup tutorial this weekend!
I love posts when people share mistakes they’ve learned from. I feel like they can be more applicable to me! The Nester went through 6 of her Decorating Mistakes last year. #6 happens to me more often than I’d like to admit.
From Roses is a blog I find myself clicking on quite a bit through BlogLovin’. I trust her reviews! She’s right about the Tarte blush for sure.
These look simply delicious.
This is a pretty statement necklace that is still a bit understated.
#snowmaggedon is here in Raleigh and I have to say that I’m dreading it. None of the Bryan’s like to be stuck inside, and since the city shuts down during these things we’ll likely be stuck inside all weekend. It will be fun when we can make popcorn and watch movies, but the boys don’t stay interested in movies yet! Hope you stay safe and warm inside if you are in the path of the storm, and if you living in California or something just enjoy the great outdoors for me, will you?
Happy weekend guys!
I’m SO jealous that you are getting a bad winter storm! I live in Cleveland and love snowy winters. I use them to refresh and recharge. We are way below on our snow this year. All of the good storms are missing us. I know. I’m insane.
Make sure you’re prepared and then slow down and embrace the downtime! You will have some cozy memories when it’s over. And think of all the fun David will have playing in the snow when the storm passes. I hope he has a snowsuit!!
Unfortunately we are due for more ice than snow : / but we will make some indoor memories for sure!
I’m a long-time reader (i.e. stalker) but have never left a comment before! We just moved to the triangle area about a month ago from California and I am dreading this *potential* snowmaggedon! Although I admit I am a bit overly excited to take our 7 month old out in the snow for the first time and take a million pictures of him. Of course we went to the store too late and couldn’t get any propane for our portable heater, here’s hoping we don’t lose power (at least for too long!) Stay safe and warm!
Thanks for the blog recommendation, Kate – her site looks great. I hope you stay safe and warm this weekend!
Well, Storm Jonas hit us with about 30″! I made Potato Soup too. Must have been this storm’s wave length? Mine was like eating mashed potatoes today, so I should have chosen Pioneer Women’s! Darn. Stay safe.
OMG! That handwriting! It’s everything I’ve every dreamed of…my only hope is using my projector with a font! HA! Maybe she can give a tutorial 😉
I’m in Florida and it’s freezing down here. And not in a 63 degree weather kind of way. It barely pushed past forty and it was windy all day, which made it much worse. But I’m just happy that I’m not up there. Although we did have snow in three cities today. Stay warm and be safe!
Checking out From Roses. I’m always on the hunt for awesome new blogs!
Mel |
Thank you so much for all your favorites and tutorials.
I have a request for your next hair tutorial. I have hair length a lot like Ali Fedotowski (except I have fine hair)and I am looking to duplicate a loose curl style like the one on her Instagram ( I haven’t seen a tutorial on it, so I was wondering if you might do one for your next tutorial!
Kate, just stumbled across this while looking for something to lose and thought of ur post from last week. Describes ur issue with the wedding rings, it’s a dermatologist blog.
Something else* not to
I loved that link about decorating mistakes! I am definitely guilty of forcing small things when one big thing would do the trick. Sometimes I just don’t want to commit to spending more money on a bigger decor item!
I hear you with the snow here in Fargo with negative degree windchills at times. Crazy!
That dress is amazing!!! Throw on some booties and tights in this weather and you’re set. Thanks for the recommendation! I’m like you in that having littles makes it hard to mix style with function (especially with breastfeeding). I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of LuLaRoe, but that dress reminds me of the Amelia dress! Super stylish and functional!