Links + Loves + Rambles

momdrobe 001

tacosaladPioneer Woman’s Chicken Taco Salad

I feel like there’s a bit I need to catch you up on so I added rambles to this weeks links + loves.

First of all, LOVE seeing all the braids on Instagram and Twitter. Keep it up! You guys are really good!

Secondly, I’ve also loved seeing the style inspiration at #smallthingsblogstyle. I’m thinking through a few more easy outfits to add to my mental catalog so I don’t have to go through “what should I wear today” in the mornings.

Speaking of mornings, my first round of “look great in eight” was such a disaster and I recorded every single hopeless minute of it. Sharing that soon. Get ready to be disappointed in me. But, since I came up with the idea I figured it was fine if I changed it SO it’s now “Fresh in Fifteen”. I went though all the suggestions on Instagram and Twitter (do you feel left out facebook? you should.) and decided “fresh” was the best word to go with the concept. It isn’t always going to be glam or pristine (although I love the perfect rhyme with that word) so I thought fresh is best. Ironically, I never shower in the morning so “fresh” is not something I feel until about 9pm every day when I take my evening shower. So. . .there’s that.

My life was improved by a large percentage now that I’ve made Pioneer Woman’s Chicken Taco Salad. OH MY. Flavor explosion alert. I used double the cilantro and used freshly grated Hot Habanero cheese. In a word? Delicious. Add that to your menu this week. Perhaps you will pair it with the most delicious guacamole like I did?

Have you browsed Urban Outfitters home accessories section lately? Loving the style!

Mentioned this on Wednesday, but Bikini Body Mommy work outs are TOTALLY doable and have been a highlight of my evening here lately.

At the last minute I bought a ticket + flight up to Chicago for the Create & Cultivate one-day conference. I don’t even remember how I stumbled across it but I’m excited to be going! Plus I roped my sister into going with me so that will be the best. And I’ll get to crash with her at her apartment too! Are you going? Let me know because I’d love to meet you!

Tarte is running a promo for 30% off through August 3rd! Use the promo code “Friends” to save 30% at! I’ve used that brand for years, and picked a few of my favorites below! If I had to choose ONLY ONE product to recommend that you buy, it would have to be the Showstopper palette. Second place would be one of the blushes but since you get a blush in the palette it’s sort of a great deal.


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Leslie Wilkie says · 07.31.15

That Taco Salad will be making an appearance on my menu next week. It looks delicious! And the Bikini Mommy Workout is now on my radar, too.

Thank You for sharing!!

Happy Weekend!

Kaitlyn says · 07.31.15

The taco salad looks yummy. I am curious to see this look great in eight business…!
– Kaitlyn |

Sara says · 07.31.15

Hi Kate! Love that salad make it all the time!
This is a bit off topic but something I have been wanting to ask you about. It’s regarding hair loss. I was wondering if you have ever experienced it or any of your past clients? I figured you might have some insight! I have been loosing a lot of hair since going off birth control. Not clumps, it’s just strands but it’s at a rapid rate. Its pretty alarming, And I’m worried if it continues, I’ll have nothing left! I figured I would see if you had any thoughts and/or experience with that. Thanks Kate!

Maegan says · 07.31.15

Birth control tricks your body into thinking it’s pregnant and when you’re pregnant you usually don’t lose hair so it looks awesome and thick. Once you have your baby, you have to call a plumber because your drains are Clogged with Hair. My husband found it on his clean clothes, in the dryer, on the dog, in the dog (too much?). The great hair loss lasts three to four months. It won’t go back to being as thick, unfortunately, but you will stop losing it. (I asked my Dr. about it and my hairstylist bestie).

Cynthia says · 07.31.15

Yes! This is happening to me right now! I was wondering what the heck was going on… And I should have figured it out, I’ve experienced this three times after each of my three kids. I totally didn’t even link it to birth control.

Sara says · 08.01.15

Thanks! Ugh it is scary. And that’s just one of the many horrible side effects I am experiencing after coming off the pill.

Sonja says · 08.03.15

I had the same problem! It stopped after a while, 2 months or maybe a bit more. Fortunately I still had some hair left, haha 🙂 After that I experienced (and still experience) blemished skin like I was 16 again… I really hope you won’t have that issue!

Norma says · 07.31.15

Hi Kate! Love your blogs, and all your exciting takes on everything.i enjoy the braids as well, The taco salad looks yum, got to try it soon! Keep up the great work I look forward to reading it!
Thanks for sharing!

Jenny says · 07.31.15

Ohh have fun in Chicago for the conference! I love it there. I didn’t know Tarte was having a sale! I’m allergic to just about everything they make, except for the Lights, Camera, Lashes mascara, which is my favorite mascara of life! 30% off that is actually a really great deal!
Jenny // Mish Mosh Makeup

Marisa says · 07.31.15

Hi Kate, Would you suggest the Showstopper over the Rain forest After Dark? I have it and love it and so I’m afraid the Showstopper will be too light for my coloring. I haven’t seen it in person yet so it’s hard to judge!

Gwenn says · 07.31.15

I’m on Day 3 of BikiniBodyMommy and although I LOVE Brianna Christine, I think she’s trying to kill me. My baby is 6 and my baby weight is more like cement!

Morgan @ Morgan Manages Mommyhood says · 07.31.15

I totally forgot that I wanted to make that Taco Salad!! Thanks for the reminder, it looks amazing!

Maegan says · 07.31.15

Hey Kate, I bought the bag of Tarte products that had foundcealer in it (you recommended it around February or January of this year) and I was wondering what you thought about the foundation. I LOVE it but it’s not sold anywhere. Also, LOVE, love, LoVe the foundation brush they sent. Game changer, for sure! Now, I am a Tartlet. 😉

Elizabeth says · 07.31.15

So glad you tipped me off to the 30% off tarte sale! I went to Ulta this week to pick up their Amazonian Clay foundation after both you and Lauren had such positive things to say about it, but they were out of stock in the color I needed. Thanks to you I was able to save $$ and it is now on it’s way to my house. Thanks!

Brittany says · 07.31.15

I love that you made Pioneer Woman’s Taco Salad. It’s delicious. I’ve got a daily website visiting routine. First I check on my news, then I visit your blog, then I visit Ree at Pioneer Woman. It’s my routine. I love it and I love it even more when the two come together.

Erin @ Her Heartland Soul says · 07.31.15

Omg that chicken taco salad looks divine!

Her Heartland Soul

Laura says · 07.31.15

I’m going to Create & Cultivate Chicago & I’m SO excited! It will be my first conference like this. I will definitely introduce myself if I run into you 🙂

Alexis says · 08.03.15

I’m going too! It will be my first event like this as well and the first time leaving my 11 month old overnight (or for more than a couple hours, lol). Looks like it will be a really great experience!

Vicky T says · 07.31.15

The workout you do…you pay for it? I signed up and saw that it is $1.99 a month {super cheap!} but I just wanted to make sure that they are fun and that you are actually enjoying the workouts. Thanks.

Stacie says · 07.31.15

I do the Bikini Body Mommy workouts as well. You can pay for the premium section of her website which is 1.99 but the challenges are free both on the website and on You Tube. Just search Bikini Body Mommy on You Tube and all four challenges are there.

Anna says · 07.31.15

Holy moly! that salad is going on my menu for next week! Looks delish

Janell says · 07.31.15

Kate, you have to try their smolderEYES™ Amazonian clay waterproof liner? It is a thick eye liner which I thought would go on thick, but if I keep it sharp it glides on a nice thin line and if I want it thicker I just angle it. I love love love this product and I just clicked your link to order more.

Dawn Kress says · 07.31.15

im glad you brought up the tarte brand. I have tried their lash curler tool per a recommendation and have been hugely disappointed. I have been through 2 of them. They both have had the spring break out of them. I have long natural lashes and a curling tool is my everyday tool I couldn’t leave the house without using.

I would love to know what lash curler you use and recommend? Thanks!

Ps. Keep up the good work on working out and using that as your mommy time for you! Exercise is an amazing thing!

Lisa says · 07.31.15

I just picked up the Showstopper Palette over the weekend when Ulta had their 20% off coupon. Yeah!!! Have a cruise in 2 weeks, so this palette simplifies my packing quite a bit!!! Oh, and I have been practicing up on some of your simple hair tutorials. No wifi on the ship, so I need to pick 2 or 3 and get the style down pat. I so wish I could save your youtube tutorials locally on my iPad………..

Lacey says · 07.31.15

Thanks for the info about the sale at Tarte! I’ve had one of the Amazonian clay airbrush foundation in my Ulta cart for a week and just couldn’t pull the trigger, but seeing it on sale today made the price a little easier to handle!

Stephanie says · 08.01.15

This is off subject but I’d be really interested to hear how you make your iced coffee. I have tried a few recipes but they haven’t been that great and leave me craving Starbucks. With 4 kids, I don’t always have time for a coffee run. Making it at home would be fabulous if I could just get the hang of it. Thanks!

Kelsey says · 08.01.15

Thanks so much for the discount code! I just ordered the Energy Noir Clay Palette and some other goodies!! Also, I’m pretty stoked to see this Look Great in Eight video! Your sense of humor just cracks me up!

Chelsey says · 08.01.15

Oh we love this salad too! Have you ever made her waffle? They are amazing!

Dominique says · 08.01.15

That salad looks delicious! Great post!

MacKenzie says · 08.01.15

Kate- I’m on the fence about ordering the tarte showstopper palette! I have lighter skin and I read in a review of it, that it was dark for lighter skin! Just wanted to hear your thoughts, or anyone’s for that matter, who has used it!

Lisa says · 08.02.15

I have light/medium skin tone, and the colors are just the right intensity, esp the bronzer. Just go easy on the blush, as it is super pigmented. Yesterday wasn’t paying attention, and had to go over it with powder to tone it down ?

Johanna says · 08.02.15

Made this taco salad for dinner tonight – so good! My hubs grilled up the chicken and corn on the BBQ so no mess or heat in the kitchen and it came out great.

bekki@a better way to homeschool says · 08.03.15

oh wow. That salad looks delicious. Ree is my go to girl. If I am looking for a recipe, I always check her stuff first… She gets that food needs flavor, lots of flavor!
