June Beauty Favorites

Sleep Deprivation and Reality are My Birthday Gifts


I’m throwing my June Favorites video up early because it’s hot and ready! It’s the first video I filmed in my new working space. I still have several tweaks to work out but I’m so excited to have an actual space to work and film in. I’ve already filmed a new hair tutorial and am hoping to get back into the regular video thing here soon!

This is probably the only favorites video that didn’t have a lot of makeup in it lately. And part of that reason is because I’m not really wearing much other than mascara these days since most days I’m hanging with the boys and every night is spent working around the new house!

I did explore a few hair products though and that was fun as usual!

Tarte Lights, Camera, Flashes mascara

KMS Hair Stay Anti-Humidity Seal

Matrix Turbo Dryer

Tarteguard 30 SPF

Blax clear elastics

Shea it isn’t so Super Rich Foot Cream


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Sabrina Alexandra says · 06.29.15

i just love the True Blue line and the foot cream! It really helps to extend the life of my pedicure and keep my feet soft during these hot summer months.

Kathleen W. says · 06.29.15

I would love to hear more about the foot peel product !

Katie says · 06.29.15

Grits’ cameo was hilarious! And yes to the foot peel!

Anna says · 06.29.15

Yes to the foot peel!

Julia says · 06.29.15

Oh my gosh, yesss to the peel review! I have mad summer feet (super dry, mega callused).

Lindsey says · 06.29.15

Yes, do a post on feet peel!!!

Molly says · 06.29.15

Yes! A post about the foot peel would be awesome! My feet are the same as you described yours:-( Also, your eyebrows and mascara were on point in this video! Looks like you took some pointers from Cara’s makeover. You look great! Can’t wait to see more hair videos!

Nicole Babcock says · 06.29.15

I would love to see more about the foot peel. My feet are the same way!!!

Lisa Leonard says · 06.29.15

Love your makeup in this video; and yes to the foot peel please!

Angie says · 06.29.15

Yes!! We want to hear about the foot peal!!

Desiree says · 06.29.15

Foot peel video pretty please!

Leslie says · 06.29.15

I would love to see a foot peel video. My feet are so not summer ready! ๐Ÿ™ Thanks for the great video!!

Susan says · 06.29.15

Grits rocked his cameo! Please post the foot peel info. I’ve been wanting to try it!!!

auntsarie says · 06.29.15

Kate! Loved the grits cameo, and I’m curious–is that MAC Brun on your brows!? Loved the look today.

Cheryl Dax says · 06.29.15

Love hearing about your June favorites and the kitty cameo.
Your makeup looks great. Can you tell me what foundation you are using and I love the lip color you are wearing. Would love rhe foot peel video. thx

Elizabeth says · 06.29.15

Bring on the feet! Also, if you aren’t doing it, wear shoes all the time. This might mean having “house shoes.” Doing that completely halted cracks on my feet.

Teresa McMillan says · 06.29.15

I want to hear more about the foot peel! I have nasty heels and need help!

Suni says · 06.29.15

I gotta see a blog on the foot peel-thingy… I have very sensitive skin, and as such have very thick pads on my feet built up from years of working out and getting blisters. I’m having a baby in about 10 weeks (give or take) and thought that 6 week hiatus from my workouts would be a good time to try to resurface my feet. I also thought I’d feel better about soaking my feet in chemicals after I have the baby, rather than while I’m pregnant. Anyway, short story long I wanna read about your experience!

Caitlin says · 06.29.15

Yes!!! Please post about the foot treatment!

Keli says · 06.29.15

Love the video and tips. Also really like your makeup in this video. Any chance you could do a tutorial?

Joy says · 06.29.15

I love that your cat made an appearance it made me laugh ๐Ÿ˜‰

Katie says · 06.29.15

I got a sample of that TARTEgaurd and so far i’m liking it. I may purchase the full sized little bottle, love how it feels on my skin. The foot cream is my favourite it’s the best, and I’ve tried a lot of them. They also make a scrub too, it works great on my chapped heels.

Kristin S says · 06.29.15

I love the motherly first and middle name call out about your feet. I don’t like cream on my feet in bed either.

I love this mascara too. I’ve used it for over a year and still switch back to CG LashBlast from time to time. I’ve never thought to use it as a “finisher” but that’s a great idea!

Hair tutorial request: how to tame the flippy-outties when straightening my hair!! If it were 1994 and I were trying to look like Rachel Green, it would be perfect. But it’s not and I don’t. My super thick coarse hair has a mind of it’s own and flips out when I straighten it not matter how much I wrestle with the flat iron! Makin’ me crazy.

Amanda says · 06.29.15

I would love to hear your experience with the foot peel – I am interested in trying it myself but want to know more before I do!

Lauren says · 06.29.15

Desperate to try the Tarte mascara!

Lauren x | http://laurenselwood.blogspot.co.uk/

Amanda says · 06.29.15

I would love it if you could do a post about feet! Also, could you do a post about some good hairstyles for curly hair. I’ve tried many different styles from your blog, but it usually just ends up looking like a messy bun. The details just don’t show up in curly hair like they do in yours.

Kristine says · 06.29.15

Kate, would love to see your review of the foot peel. I’ve watched all of your tutorials and they are great. I am relying on your expertise and going and getting some of the products you recommend. And I signed up for Birchbox. I’m a little bit older than you but your hair tutorials are great since my hair is close to the same texture,color(both real and added) and style! You do a great job. Keep the reviews and tutorials coming!!!

Bonnie says · 06.29.15

Yes to a review of the foot peel. And I loved the captioning on the screen clarifying the product’s correct name. I need something like that in real life!

Georgia says · 06.29.15

I have the exact same problems with my feet. I would love a post about the foot product!!!

Crystal says · 06.29.15

Please do a foot peel video! When you mentioned it on instagram I looked at it on Amazon and read reviews, but just couldn’t take the plunge without more details. Also…after you mentioned the blax hair elastics I got a pack on Amazon and have LOVED them! My only ‘complaint’ is that if I take my hair down it’s too tight to put on my wrist. But that’s also a pro, right? That it’s THAT good at not stretching out. Seriously, it goes as big as I need and doesn’t get stretched out. I’ve been wearing the same one for a week now and it’s still going strong.

Lynn says · 06.30.15

Take the plunge!!!! I have used the Baby Feet foot peel and it is a WONDERFUL product!!! the only downside is that your feet REALLY peel, so you won’t be able to wear sandals for about 10 days after you do the peel. And your feet really do stay soft and supple afterwards, especially if you wear shoes around the house like another commenter suggested.

Kim says · 06.29.15

Yes, foot peel review please! I just ordered two sets off amazon and would love to hear your thoughts.

Kristi says · 06.29.15

I have super dry feet too! I should try that lotion!
Also, your lashes look really good in the video!

Kristi | Be Loverly

Stephanie says · 06.29.15

Would love for you to do a post about the foot peel!

Cami says · 06.29.15

Yes! Show the foot peel!

Lauraf says · 06.29.15

OoO this was a good video for me, all sorts of stuff I want to try now. I too suffer from those seriously awful heal cracks. I know your pain.
Yes to a foot peal post.

Clarissa says · 06.29.15

Yes to the foot peel post please!

Judy S. @ Ampersand & says · 06.29.15

I have used that foot cream for YEARS. I’ve tried others, but nothing is better. I also do the sock thing and even have bought socks specifically for that purpose.

Mia says · 06.29.15

If you’re looking for a great SPF 50 sunblock for face, I swear by the Kiehl’s sunscreen!! And yes, to the foot peel post! ๐Ÿ™‚

Kate :) says · 06.29.15

God I love you! You are so real and down to earth and HILARIOUS and fun to watch. Grits jumping up on you and having his cameo cracked me up. Thank you for making it so much fun to learn about new products and ways to style my hair. I never miss a post. Keep doing this!!!!

Taylor says · 06.29.15

I am desperate for a post about the foot peel. Ever since I saw you were doing in on Instagram I’ve just been waiting! Please do it soon!

Taylor says · 06.29.15

I also really love your earing, where are they from?

Evelina says · 06.29.15

I will try anything to have nice feet for the summer time that doesn’t involve expensive pedicures all the time!

Jess says · 06.29.15

I did the Baby Foot peel and didn’t work well for me. I would love to see another’s opinion!

Lynn says · 06.30.15

The first time I did it, I didn’t feel like it peeled very much. The second time, I religiously soaked my feet every night for 5 nights and the peeling was AMAZING!

Jen says · 06.29.15

Yes! Please do a post on the foot peel product. I bought the stuff after seeing your Instagram post on it but have been kinda intimidated to use it. Also, since my feet are beyond bad I was wondering if it was even okay to use it while I have some pretty deep foot cracks. Sounds like you did? Would love to know exactly what you did and how long it took for the product to do its thing.

Keara says · 06.29.15

Hi Kate,
i am new reader and am loving the blog, I feel we have similar style for hair,makeup and dressing! anyways i wanted to tell you that I saw your instagram post about the foot peel and wanted to try myself because my feet are actually the most disgusting EVER. I haven’t gotten around to buying yet, as my feet are only getting worse by walking on the concrete barefoot as a lifeguard most days. So I would love to see pictures of before and after before I order!

Lorrie Carey says · 06.29.15

I’ve been resisting getting an Instagram account. One more vote in favor. Yes, please do a bit on the foot peel. Would expect it would help us extend the life of a pedicure…? Also, have you ever thought about including your mom in more of your skincare and beauty bits? It would be nice to get some tips and tricks on skin that has a little more age on it ๐Ÿ˜‰ Keep up the good work and continue keeping it real,

Jenna says · 06.29.15

Anyone else say “hi griiiiits” during the cameo? Lol love the true blue line, I have deep painful cracks and hate lotion on my feet in bed. Try not wearing flip flops as often and file/pumice your feet daily. It helps! I’d like to see the foot peel post also. ๐Ÿ™‚


Lisa says · 06.29.15

Yes yes to the foot peel post! Please do one, my feet need desperate help. Loved the video, as usual ๐Ÿ™‚

Victoria says · 06.29.15

Yes!!! Please please please please do the foot peel review!!!:)

Victoria says · 06.29.15

Yes!!! Please please please please do the foot peel review!!!:)

Victoria says · 06.29.15

Yes!!! Please please please please do the foot peel review!!!:)

no1fan says · 06.29.15

Love your favorites videos! Can you please tell us what lip color you’re wearing in the video? I love it!

Katie says · 06.29.15

Would love a video on the foot peel!

Phon Wills says · 06.30.15

Hi Kate,
about the toes….I suggest a good pedicure to start off, then get the Cetaphil in a tub, usually by the face lotions and Vaseline. So after your pedi, depending on how bad your cracks are they may or may not be able to take care of it in one pedicure. Put the Cetaphil on, rub it in, then put a layer of Vaseline on and put socks on for at least 20 mins, every day for a good week or so, you’ll notice a difference :).

Also a new make up line I came across that you may like Cailyn, the Gel liner and tinted lip balm and Aqua BB cream is amazing.
And L’Oreal Telescopic Shocking Extensions Washable Mascara is awesome too.

Penny says · 06.30.15

Yes, please do a foot peel video! You just described my heels. I’ve tried everything. Even the most course nail file I can find at Sally’s. Just purchased the Emjoi micro-pedi, hoping that will help.

Stefanie says · 06.30.15

Can I just say that I love your honesty? You are a hoot! I vote yes to the foot peel post too. Love the videos!

Emily M says · 06.30.15

Yes to the foot peel! My feet are in terrible shape- like I am sweating it out in tennis shoes every day because I am embarrassed shape.

Dana says · 06.30.15

Ya know what helped my dry painful cracked heels? Upping my morning vitamin of Omega 3 oils. Working from the inside out on lubricating my skin.

Melissa G says · 06.30.15

Just wanted to add my 2 cents about sunscreen. I get very tan, not because I try, but because I have that kind of skin. However I wear sunscreen every.single.day. I use Neutrogena on my face every morning before I put on makeup. People, please don’t get the idea that you only need to wear sunscreen if you are pale and don’t tan. I do tan and never burn, but it’s so important to protect your skin from the bad rays. Broad spectrum, PABA free and at least spf 50 . Kate, I’m guessing at some point, esp having a pool in your backyard and 2 kids, you will realize that kind of sunscreen is too expensive to maintain. Pricy doesn’t always equal the best!

Clever Girl Reviews says · 06.30.15

I just tried the Tarte sunscreen the other day! I like it so far.

Norris says · 06.30.15

I would love to see a post on your experience with the baby feet peel (including the photos) as I just purchased it and want to know what to do and what to expect! Also, would like to second the request from another viewer on products for naturally wavy hair that is air dried. Love your blog and videos…thanks!

Sarah says · 06.30.15

Kate, I always look forward to your videos. Your voice is so soothing and you are so funny! I just ordered the hair binders and foot cream from Amazon! I’d love a post about the foot peel!

Briana Smith says · 07.01.15

I love the grits cameo! ๐Ÿ™‚ PLEASE do a baby foot blog post. My heels/ feet are awful and I also never put foot cream on before bed so I’d love to know how the baby foot peel works!

Sarah Knox says · 07.01.15

You’re hilarious! I’d enjoy hearing more about the foot peel. I have a nursing infant, and while I try to stay just as hydrated as I’ve ever been, being a milk factory takes a toll on my feet, too.

Katie says · 07.02.15

yes feet! Mine are horrendous too!

Sarah says · 07.02.15

I haven’t seen you post about Julep lately, but I’m loving their pedi cream! I’m a sucker for a peppermint tingle in a foot product.


Gabrielle says · 07.02.15

As someone who has recently found a love for make up I am finding myself completely overwhelmed with what I need and where to start. Any suggestions on must have products? And tips on how to use them?


Lydia says · 07.06.15

Moms and middle names! I love it! But seriously I loved my middle name so even when I got that “full name holler” it never really phased me. I’m also going to jump on board the bandwagon and say, yes! Please do a foot peel tutorial. I’m game for it and would love to see your results!

Susan says · 07.06.15

I love your earrings in this video! Where are they from?

melinda says · 07.13.15

Hi Kate,

I so enjoyed this video! I too have bad feet and really want to see a blog post about the product you talked about for your feet. I hate putting on lotion at night too but if it really makes a difference I may be willing to change that habit.

Melissa says · 07.23.15

I definitely want to hear more about Baby Foot.
