Links + Loves
Cream Eyeshadow Collection
blanket by TextureableDecor on Etsy
Even though the weather by me has been rather mild, that blanket still looks like a tiny slice of heaven.
I forgot to tell you guys that one of my favorite Christmas gifts came from my sister-in-law and it is a customized return address stamp from Caitlin Leman. I LOVE it. I leave it, along with a pad of ink, in the drawer with my stamps and love using it whenever I have to send mail. . . even bills.
I’m sure you’ve probably seen this, but the Saved By The Bell reunion on Jimmy Fallon brought back so.many.memories.
At the end of every winter I regret not buying more clementines while they are in their peak. There’s no fruit quite like them.
Heather, of Heathers Letters, made me the prettiest print to go in the new baby’s nursery. We are waiting until we know if it’s a boy or girl before we make any changes in there (minimal ones at best because it’s pretty neutral already), but this print was just what I needed to get excited about sprucing it up! Thank you so much Heather!
For some reason the design of this website makes my eyes hurt, but I like this new way to wear lipstick.
I finally bit the bullet and bought Clinique’s Bottom Lash mascara. I’ll let you know what I think of it!
Obsessed with stationary like I am? You’re welcome.
A thorough post about the best eyeliners + application tips!
I had the exact same thought with the Jimmy Fallon bit! When Slater(sp?) first walked in I kept thinking in my head…” please say hey preppy…. please say hey preppy.” so you can imagine my joy. Ive been following your blog for years now on my personal accounts, you basically taught me everything I know about hair. Just recently I took the plunge into blogging and your posts were so helpful…. thank you so much for sharing such inspiring content! Best wishes with your new little one coming soon!
I thought the same thing!! HA!!!
Can you recommend some journals? I’m about 10 pages away from filling up my bible study journal and I’m looking for a new beauitful journal.
I like simple Moleskines from Barnes and Noble 🙂
I don’t know what it is, either, but that lipstick link totally messed with my eyes as well! It felt like they were going all googly!
I love your site. I check both this and your sister’s each morning.
Best of luck with your upcoming new addition!
Yeah, I’m now in love with that lipstick link you set up but yeah, it’s quite an intense website.
We’ve tried the bottom lash Clinique mascara – my friend and I – and we weren’t impressed at all. But I hope you have better luck than we did.
I wanted to comment for a while now, and I’ve finally got round to it. 🙂 first off, I am no hater, and I think you are a sweet lady. But have you thought about how many starving people there are in the world, who need our money more than we need to spend it on our appearance which will soon fade? And about how it could breed discontentment in other ladies with their lot in life with a tight budget and are struggling to even put bread on the table? Again, I’m not a hater and I speak to myself as much as anyone…. I just wanted you to think about what I said. Every blessing.
Hi Isla! Yes, I think of that nearly every morning when I watch the news. My husband and I support a handful of organizations that are close to our heart and, in fact, since starting this blog (and monetizing it) I’ve been able to acquire another child via Compassion International. If you think I value beauty, makeup, and hair over anything else than sadly I’m afraid you’ve missed the point of my blog altogether. I appreciate the art form behind a lot of the beauty things I reference and teach here on the blog. As far as women becoming discontent, it is my hope to only inspire and inform, but not breed any sort of jealousy (I’m not sure how I would even do that). Enjoy your weekend, and thanks for reading + commenting!
I really love the links & loves posts! The saved by the bell reunion had me giggling like crazy…I remembered WAY too many of those moments to be healthy! Lol
Saved by the Bell. That was EPIC!!!
I was just wondering if you’ve ever tried Lancome’s Oscillation PowerBooster as a mascara base? I’ve tried it and I’m not quite sure what I think of it.
No, I haven’t!
Oh wow, this is a post on links and loves. Not a background certification. That being said, Kate, I would like to thank you for taking the time to write about both the art of make-up and hair and living life as a Christian wife. I started reading your blog at a time when I was sick and on bed rest for four months while other ones watched my little one. It was a horrible time in my life. Your blog was something fun I could read and that also helped me stay feeling good about myself (aka still showering and putting on makeup even though I wasn’t leaving the house). The Lord has a different calling for each of us and I think you’re reaching a lot of people through yours! Many blessings to you and yours!!
Thank you maegan! Sorry you had to go through a rough time, but sounds like you are out of it now–that’s great!
Yes – the Jimmy Fallon bit was hilarious!!
“I’m so excited! I’m so excited!! I’m so………. scared!”
It was middle school memories, all wrapped up into one amazing bit.
Katie @ Cup of Tea
Bloglovin’ suggested you to me so I have been lurking for about a week or so and I just checked out your About page to discover you also live in Raleigh! I possibly get too excited when I find someone else who blogs and lives around here, but yay!
I loved the Saved by the Bell reunion. How does Mario Lopez look exactly the same as he did then!
I want you to go on maternity leave right now and spend all the time you can with your soon-to-be-larger family. But……..I’m dying to hear your thoughts on the Clinique Bottom Lash Mascara!!
Best of luck next week and enjoy every moment 🙂
Back to your “maybe I’ll do a tutorial on tarte faux lashes”… yes, please. I bought them when Ulta had the 20% off even on the prestige last week. THEN I went online to read how to apply then and all the horrible reviews caught my eye. No pun intended. I have short lashes like you say you have and I want to do it correctly. Seems the trick is to move quickly?
This comment has nothing to do with this post. Which, I love this post!
I love this blanket! I have been looking for one to put in our guest bedroom.
I believe that lipstick style is “the thing” in Korea right now–I’m not sure if I am brave enough to try it yet, but it seems to be coming across the waters, so maybe I should break down and give it a go! Haha
Blanket is awesome. But $120 for a blanket? I don’t think that would be feasible for the majority of us! In fact, it’s quite obnoxious!
One of the reasons I started coming to this blog is because you seemed like an everyday girl like the rest of us (well, like me anyway). But some of the stuff you post, pricewise, isn’t at all doable…which is a bummer!
Did you read that the blanket is handmade. It’s also organic. I’m sure it took the person who made it at least a day or two so if you think of it as her being paid by the hour it’s actually a great deal. Even a comforter at Walmart is going be around the hundred dollar range. On etsy you are supporting someone not a huge company. Just a few things to think of.
Well said Ashley–it would definitely be a special purchase given all that went into it!
I just got so excited like a teenager that you commented on my comment LOL I love your blog and you made my day! It really is the small things 🙂
What cute stationary at Stationary Boutique!
LOVE this post! You can never have too much stationary, am I right?
Thanks for reminding me about clementines! I went and bought a 5lb bag and made some scones with the zest. Yummmm.
I bought that bottom lash mascara from Clinique last year and hated it. Maybe you’ll like it better.
Thank you so much for the Stationary Boutique link! I feel like buying it all, even though I’m not in need of any stationaries at the moment. But I guess you can never have to many pencils, postcards and stamps can you?
– K