Pretty Hair

Big Brother


(clockwise from top left) one, two, three, four, five, six

Nothing feels as good as a fresh haircut, am I right or am I right?

I cut my own hair, but man I remember the feeling of a fresh trim done by someone else and it was always so uplifting!

It seems like people are chopping off their long, beachy locks into bobs more often these days. I love a good bob. And if I didn’t think I’d be wearing my hair up more this year #2kids, I’d be chopping mine too. I like wearing my hair up when it’s long.

These are a few of my go-to gals for hair inspiration:

The messy ponytail master: Happily Grey

The braid master: Barefoot Blonde

Another braid master: MissySue

I’ve been rocking the messy bun more often than not these days, and I can’t say that I hate it.

messy bun

tutorial for a messy bun here

I’ve found that day 2 hair with a bit of Amika Obliphica Un.Done Texture Spray worked throughout makes for the perfect base for a lived in bun. I also believe strongly in proportion, the right *amount* of messiness, and shape. I think I may film a fresh tutorial here soon because the perfect messy bun can be rather complex.

Anyway, just some random hair thoughts for your thursday.


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sparklygoddess says · 01.08.15

I love how messy bun and generally messy hair looks. It looks cute but still like you haven’t been trying too hard and it is great for second day hair

jen says · 01.08.15

Love the braided pony tail. I have been wondering how to do a work look incorporating braids! Thanks!

Arijana says · 01.08.15

Now that my hair is down to my shoulders, I am having a hard time creating the messy bun and you would think with longer hair it would be easier, no?

Stef says · 01.08.15

I love all of these looks. Unfortunately, my straight hair doesn’t hold texture well so I could never pull these looks off. I might give the amika texturized a try to see if it helps.

Ashley says · 01.08.15

I just got a sample of Rusk texture spray in my Birchbox last month, and it works amazingly well also! I have fine, silky hair that won’t even hold with teasing 🙁 That texture spray made a huge difference for me!

Casie says · 01.08.15

I like your bun, but what’s with the pound sign?

Jenny says · 01.08.15

I just chopped my hair this past weekend into a textured bob that was inspired by Lauren Conrad’s bob! I am loooving it! It is so easy to fix- especially since I go for a messy look. Though I do love pulling my hair back into a messy bun, which I’ll miss, but I think I’ll keep the bob for a good bit ^_^

Jenny // Mish Mosh Makeup

Sami says · 01.08.15

The world would be perfect if I could have a short bob cut during the winter and my regular long hair during the summer. I love long hair because there is so much you can do with it (including my go to ponytail and bun since I’m a mom too:), but during the winter it is SO dry here that I can barely handle the static that comes with long hair. And lets face it, there’s a reason so many people are chopping their hair into those cute bobs. They’re so CUTE!

Nina says · 01.12.15

I’m in the same boat. My hair is long and I usually put it up in a ponytail or bun during the winter because of the static. I ‘ve tried different creams to help with it, but no luck. 🙁

Mia says · 01.08.15

Yes, please do another messy bun tutorial.

samantha goforth says · 01.08.15

That would be great for another tutorial cause my hair is too long for that messy bun tutorial. I have about 6 inches below my shoulders now and a lot of my fav go to styles from your tutorials are for shorter hair

Christina says · 01.08.15

Am updated messy bun tutorial would be amazing!! I just got my hair trimmed this past Monday and asked for help with a messy bun. She showed me “ratting” and suggested lots of hair spray, but her version was more of a big, puffy top bun. Which is cute, but not my style. Do you think a good messy bun can only be achieved with second day curled hair?

Chris says · 01.08.15

I have a bob but I can’t get the nice waves like this! I just bought a wand iron and can’t figure it out 🙁

Abby says · 01.08.15

They are all gorgeous, but I think Lucy Hale is my favorite. She always has the BEST hair!

xo Always, Abby

Tara says · 01.08.15

Thanks for sharing the hair links. I love a messy bun. I’ve been doing a loose twist bun on day 3 (really stretching that blowout) and have been loving it. I like to do a side bottom messy bun when my hair is curly. Especially in the summer when I can add a flower clip.

Kelly @ Turned up to Eleven! says · 01.08.15

Even your messy bun looks fabulous. I would love to have your skills! I love even more that you share your skills with us! ox

Lori says · 01.08.15

I can’t get past the idea of having long hair, but if its always up, why not just have shorter hair? This is what I struggle with all.the.time. Mine is long but ends up being put up a lot.

April M says · 01.09.15

Someone once told me if you always put your hair up you should cut it off. So I did. NOT GOOD ADVICE! There is a huge difference between having long hair you can put up multiple ways and having short hair.

Erin says · 01.08.15

I absolutely LOVE watching your tutorials and trying them myself….although I can’t say that mine turn out anywhere close to what they should look like. I would love to see an updated messy bun tutorial as well, along with an update of your current cut and straight hair style. Your tutorials have inspired me to let my hair grow out so I can do more with it! Thank you for sharing your blog!

Clever Girl Reviews says · 01.08.15

I’m always just letting my hair fall by the wayside. It’s brushed and usually in a ballet bun or a pony. Anything else is usually saved for date night, interviews, and events 🙁

Beth says · 01.08.15

No link for #6? bummer, I am getting my hair done next week& that’s the one i WANT!

Kate says · 01.08.15

My fault! I’ll update ASAP. That’s Lucy hale if you want to Google it!

Lori S. says · 01.08.15

QUESTION: Hi Kate, what is your professional opinion about nail dryers for home use? I love painting my nails but waiting for it to dry takes a long time. I find that “quick dry” products either are not “quick” or seem to lead to earlier polish peeling. Thanks!

Nilda says · 01.09.15

Hi, I use Seche Vite top coat, It’s amazing, quick dry, súper shiny and it last a good amount of days. Maybe you can try it. Good luck!

Laura says · 01.08.15

I love Kata Mara’s messy, wavy blonde bob. It’s so beautiful!

She Likes to Shop

Trang's corner says · 01.08.15

Thanks for sharing the hair links. I love a messy bun.
Such a cool post! Love this post!
Love from – a lifestyle, cooking, fashion blog

Elizabeth says · 01.08.15

Hi Kate! I’d also love to see another one of your great hair tutorials. Your videos are very clear to follow (even though I need lots of practice to make mine look as nice as your styles), and any new styles or updated videos of old styles would be very well received! Particularly any basic, ‘staple’ styling tutorials, which are good for everyday looks or are ‘prerequisite’ techniques for doing slightly more complicated up-do’s would be fabulous. I’d even enjoy videos where you demonstrate how to put in different products prior to styling, because oftentimes I feel as though I’ve used too little/much product, or not applied it properly to the roots/tips of my hair. Best of luck with your final weeks of the pregnancy!

Kristen says · 01.08.15

Yes, new tutorial for the messy bun would be awesome! I love the messy bun look and did okay with it for a while but I’ve let my hair grow really long and now I struggle to get the messy bun to work for me. It’s usually either way too big, loose, and messy or too tight and smooth because I don’t know how to make it work for my length. Thanks for your lovely tutorials…all of your videos are easy to follow and your voice is so calm, it’s almost soothing haha.

Chantall says · 01.08.15

Went to my stylist just the other day. My hair was getting way too long and it bothered me more each passing day. I think she saw me coming from miles away! Haha! Anyway, it’s so nice to have a stylist who knowns what I’m looking for in a hair cut, and she’s so honest too. I made a suggestion after some nice style I saw online, and she explained why that just wouldn’t look all that great on me. I find that very refreshing 🙂

Love the messy bun! When that curly head of hair of mine just won’t co-operate, it’s the only thing that works. And it’s pretty.

Breanna B says · 01.08.15

I love your style of writing, Kate. I stumbled upon your blogs about 6 months ago, and have really enjoyed reading your blog posts and watching your videos. I also am a HUGE (HUGGGGGEEEEE) fan of the color grey too! I find it works the best with my skin tone…plus it goes with any color! I also love that you aren’t afraid to share your reliance on The Lord and prayer. What a breath of fresh air in this crazy world! Keep doing what you are doing. It works. I look forward to meeting your new edition! 🙂

meagan says · 01.08.15

I have a long bob and I can’t decide if I want to keep it or let it grow out… decisions, decisions!

Natalie says · 01.08.15

I juuuust got a cut yesterday! A total of 10 inches off in 8 weeks!! We took off 7 inches at my last appointment and i loved the way it felt so we took off another 3 inches yesterday. It feels sooo unbelievably light and liberating. My stylist was saying long hair is on the way out and shorter, mid-length is in! Glad to know I’m ‘in style’. 🙂 My hair is almost identical to the bottom right pic. Thanks Kate!

Sarah says · 01.08.15

I love Lucy Hales hair color (number 6)! With crazy curls a messy bun is always welcomed with the bad hair days, or just the days I need my hair off my neck. Would love to see and have another reference at my finger tips. Also think I need to find a salon to get my hair colored like Lucy’s. Thanks for posting and awesome blog.

Angel Weber says · 01.09.15

I love a messy bun, but I can’t get past the “messy” part! Every time I try I feel like I look like an unmaid bed!! On everyone else it looks effortlessly elegant but I just can’t seem to get it right. I would love a new tutorial. Cause let’s face it, no one wants to go out looking like you have a Holiday Inn bed at 10:30 am on check out day on their head!!!

Ginny says · 01.09.15

I know you used to work with Redken products. My favorite product has been discontinued and I am so very sad about it. 🙁 The problem it is been gone for a while and my bottle lasts a long time. It was Redken Wool Shake. Would the Amika Obliphica Un.Done Texture Spray the product you mentioned in your post be a similar product?

Tyana says · 01.09.15

I love that hair

check out my newest post

Eva x says · 01.09.15

So inspiring, defiantly now more motivated to do more stuff with my hair now! X

Sipilis says · 01.10.15

nice content

Ana says · 01.10.15

Those hairstyles look amazing! I love the sixth haircut, I want to get my hair dyed in a gradient 🙂

Your hair looks amazing btw!

Momzi says · 01.12.15

Happily Grey ! I DIE ! that is the best blog, aside from this. I love it. Thanks for sharing

Kayla says · 01.13.15

Hi Kate!

I’m almost out of my current dry texture spray by Rusk and want to try something new. I’ve been leaning towards Oribe based on all of the rave reviews I’ve read but I am hesitant because of the $42 price tag. After reading this, I am considering trying the Amika because I thoroughly trust your opinion (I cannot live without Aquage uplifting foam so thank you for the recommendation!). A few of the comments left on the Amazon link complain of a bad smell. Does the Amika Un.Done have an unpleasant odor? Also, do you recommend Amika over Oribe?

Thanks! = )

Melissa says · 01.28.15

Thank you so much! I’m flattered! <3
