Another Gift

Beauty Chat with Anna from IHOD


Justin and I are thrilled to announce that our family is growing! We’re expecting another baby to arrive in February of 2015.

David is clearly thrilled as well. I mean, have you ever seen someone so excited about something he knows nothing about?

I’m wrapping up my first trimester this week and amย veryย hopeful that the nausea and fatigue are going to come to a close soon. I haven’t been as sick this pregnancy as I was with David, but the fatigue is unbelievable.

David and the new one will be about 14 months apart. Did I ever in my life think I’d have two kids so close together? No way, but I am really looking forward to watching them grow up together!


We’ll find out if it’s a boy or a girl in late September. Truly, I’d be thrilled with either one. I think it would be so fun to have two boys so close in age, but I’d also love to have a girl.

As per a couple of ultrasounds, everything looks great! I saw theย baby wiggling away at my last appointment and it’s just as amazing as it was the first time.

Justin and I are both really thankful and excited for this next baby. In a way, I can’t wait for February to get here, but I’m also trying to savor my time with just David right now.

And he’s pretty easy to savor!


“big brother” onsie by OliveandBirdie

photography by Jordan Maunder


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Carla says · 08.04.14


Chelsea says · 08.04.14

congratulations kate! that is such a blessing ๐Ÿ™‚ praying for your wonderful little family!

Erin says · 08.04.14

Such exciting news..CONGRATS!! Enjoy your one on one time with David, he’s adorable! I have a 13 month old, who turns 14 months tomorrow, & I couldn’t imagine having 2 right now haha! Best of luck & congrats to you 3 again! =)

Amy says · 08.04.14

Congratulations Kate, Justin, and David! Best wishes to your family!

Robin Karber says · 08.04.14

Congratulations!! So excited for your family.

Chelsea says · 08.04.14

Congrats! Mine are 12 months apart and they are so cute together ๐Ÿ™‚

Ashley says · 08.04.14

How exciting! Our sons are the same age and I’ve been thinking about how old he’ll be when we’ll have another one but af least I can live vicariously through you (both!) right now!

Brittany beckett says · 08.04.14

Ah congrats! I have been following your blog for a while now how exciting! My husband and I also just announced we will be having a baby in February and I’m finishing up my last week in my first trimester as well! What an exciting time. This is our first and I am beyond excited and nervous and anxious and everything feeling imaginable I think!

Beth says · 08.04.14

Congrats! We are due with our first February 3rd. I’ve been horribly fatigued but it’s starting to return.

Beth says · 08.04.14

My energy^ is starting to return

Whitney @ Come Home For Comfort says · 08.04.14

Congratulations! The cuteness of these pics is simply overwhelming. ๐Ÿ™‚

Ashley M. says · 08.04.14

Such fun news to share! In my experience, going from 0 kids to 1 was a bigger adjustment than from 1 to 2. But the 2nd pregnancy was so much harder after chasing around a little one and not being able to plop on the couch whenever you want!


Lisa says · 08.04.14

Congratulations! How did you know you were ready for baby#2? How did you know you were ready for David?

Aileen says · 08.04.14

Congratulations Kate! So exciting to have two sweet babies close together. I can’t wait to read this go round of pregnancy posts, and David posts. Crazy to think you were pregnant when I saw you at Type & Click! Thanks again for hosting that! I’ve finally started blogging again ๐Ÿ™‚

Jaime says · 08.04.14

Oh my goodness, congratulations!! Long time follower, first time commenter, but I am so excited for you! I’m due the beginning of January with a little girl. Hoping for a happy and healthy second pregnancy for you!

Janette Osborne says · 08.04.14

Fantastic news Kate..Congratulations to you all

Alli says · 08.04.14

Congratulations, you will love it!!! Love your attitude about gender, we felt the same way, too many fun things either way with finding out that second gender- whatever your baby is will be the perfect addition to YOUR family!

Rachel says · 08.04.14

Congratulations, Kate and family! What exciting news. I’m sure babies so close in age will bring challenges, but it can definitely be a riot to have a sibling that’s also your built-in best friend. Excited to follow this next chapter in your lives!

Laura says · 08.04.14

My sister and I are 14 months apart and I love it! Congrats!!!

Christy P. says · 08.04.14

This is wonderful! Congrats!!!!

Shannon Smith says · 08.04.14

Congratulations that’s so lovely I fell pregnant when my daughter was 14 months old and now I have a boy exactly 2 years apart and they adore each other.

Ellen says · 08.04.14

Congratulations! What a wonderful news. Between the birth of my son and daughter are 15 months. It’s wonderful to see how well they play together. Enjoy the glorious years to come. I look forward to their stories on the blog.
Hugs and kisses from Bruges (Belgium).
ps If you’re ever in the area, for example Switzerland ๐Ÿ˜‰ and you visit beautiful Bruges, let me know!

stephanie says · 08.04.14

congrats! I have three boys – first and second are 19 months apart and then the second and third 18 months apart. it is hard work, but you are giving David the best gift ever – a best friend for life. the second pregnancy (and any there after) are nothing like the first. it’s not all about you anymore – you need to tend to the little guy!

amanda says · 08.04.14

Such wonderful, wonderful news. Congratulations really you truly deserve it. x

Sasha says · 08.04.14

Congratulations! I’m due February 27th

Emily says · 08.04.14

Oh my goodness! Congratulations! That’s so exciting!

Megan says · 08.04.14

Congratulations!!! That is so exciting for you!

Sarah says · 08.04.14

Congratulations!! How fun it will be to have two so close in age! Sending love and prayers!

Traci says · 08.04.14

Congrats!! Such an exciting time for your family. My little ones are 18 months apart, so I can totally relate to how you are feeling about your time with David as well as the excitement for your new bundle!

Kacie says · 08.04.14

Congrats Kate, Justin and David! Funny thing, I was just reading a text from a friend saying she was pregnant and due in February. Then while I was waiting for your page to load, I looked up to the screen and saw your announcement as well.

Lisa Wild says · 08.04.14

Congrats! that is wonderful news! My sister in law is expecting in February too, so excited to be an aunt again!

Jessica says · 08.04.14

Congrats Kate!!! I am 13 weeks as well so we are both due about the same time in February! That is so exciting! I loved following your blog through your pregnancy with David and once he was born! This is my first so it will be great to read your post through this pregnancy as well since I am going through it at the same time! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

Chrissy says · 08.04.14

Congratulations!!! I have a four and three year old who are exactly 12 months apart. They are the best of friends and it really isn’t all that hard to raise kids that close in age. You are going to love it!

Kristen Sigler says · 08.04.14

EEEEEEEEEKKK!! I’m so excited for you guys! What a blessing!!

Tiffany says · 08.04.14

Ahhhh! Yay!!!!! Listen. I have two girls 15 mo apart. It’s the best accident of my life, hahaha! I mean, sure, it’s a little crazy but it’s SO.MUCH.FUN. My girls are SUCH stinkers and get into everything but it is just seriously the best. Hope you feel better soon and get some energy back!

Andrea says · 08.04.14

Congratulations! So thrilled for your family!

Nicole says · 08.04.14

I am so thrilled for your adorable family! Such wonderful news! All the best as you move into your 2nd trimester — such fun times are ahead!

Anne Marie says · 08.04.14

So happy for you!! You will love having your kids close in age. My two girls are 18 months apart. There are so many benefits. When a shirt didn’t fit my older girl anymore, I’d just take it off of her and put it on my little one. No storing of clothes. They were able to be on the same teams in soccer, same girl scout troop, etc. IT made things a lot easier on us as parents! Plus, now that they are 15 and almost 14, they share all of the same friends. Our house is constantly a huge gaggle of (very nice) teenage girls.
I’m not going to lie- that first year with two babies was rough! But we got through it and have been reaping the benefits ever since. Congratulations!!!

ellen patton says · 08.04.14

I have a brother 13 months older and one 19 months younger (and another almost six years younger). I really liked growing up as “peers”. I know it was tough on my parents but got easier as we got older. My mom used to say “I could get in the car and drive around but I couldn’t get out.” It was the era before front packs, back packs, car seats, double strollers, etc.

Kristen says · 08.04.14

Congratulations! I’ve been reading your blog for a while, and was thrilled to read all about David, and now I’m thrilled to read about your new little blessing!

Kristin Morgan says · 08.04.14

Congratulations! We just had our second baby boy and our first little guy is loving being a big brother! It’s just the sweetest thing ๐Ÿ™‚ So excited for you!

Melanie says · 08.04.14

Kate I am so excited for you and your growing family! What a blessing to be able to have another baby after what you went through with your first pregnancy. Can’t wait to hear if it is a little boy or little girl!!

Constance says · 08.04.14

Congrats! My son and our future child (15 weeks and 4 days today!) will be 14 months apart! God decided to bless us with another child without us knowing, lol! We are thrilled to have another one on the way and I am truly happy for you!

I am due at the end of Jan. : )

Melanie says · 08.04.14

Congratulations! And I can’t get over how cute David is in that first photo! Good luck!

Michelle C says · 08.04.14

I have two boys 11 months apart – it is SO much fun. Also very noisy and messy, but that’s all part of the fun! I’m hoping you have a boy ๐Ÿ™‚ Congrats!

JNJxn says · 08.04.14

OH HOW AWESOME!!! Congratulations, Kate!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Abby says · 08.04.14

Congrats Kate! Such exciting news for your family ๐Ÿ™‚

Debbie M says · 08.04.14

Congrats! I am sure they will be great friends…..Mine are 10 1/2 months apart and they love and fight the best! I was pregnant at my checkup….opps…..

Marie-Louise says · 08.04.14

Yeay! Congratulations, that’s wonderful news! I’m so happy for your little family.
And Jordan did a great job with these pics.

Looking forwar to readinging all your pregnancy updates and big brother-news ๐Ÿ™‚

All the best from Germany.

Lauren says · 08.04.14

What a blessing! Congratulations!!!!

Cherie Wilber says · 08.04.14

Congratulations Kate! I am due on February 20, 2015! I am so excited for you and that I can follow you through this pregnancy as well since I am pregnant too!

Kristen B. says · 08.04.14

Such exciting news! So very happy for you!

Laura says · 08.04.14

Oh my goodness, Kate!!!!!!!! So stinking excited for you and Justin! Yea!!!!!

Melissa says · 08.04.14

Oh my goodness! Congratulations! Our baby is due in February as well, yay for winter pregnancies!
I’m so excited for you. So happy. Congratulations again momma!

Becky says · 08.04.14

Wow, the power of the Internet… How does it feel to make total strangers smile on a Monday morning?? ๐Ÿ™‚

I love to read your blog on my breaks at work. What a joy to open today and read your wonderful news. That first picture of your son David is absolutely PRICELESS!!

Many, many congrats to you and your family!

ash says · 08.04.14

Congrats! I’ve always heard its easier when your children are closer together in age. Good luck!

Rebecca says · 08.04.14

these are great news. I follow your blog about 2 Years and i love it.
You and your men are so cute. It will be exciting to follow your pregnancy again.
It ist great to have kids in nearly the same age. They can play together and maybe have the same friends.
I hope you are doing well and wish you alle the best for the next months.
Rebecca (from Germany)

Leslie Haasch says · 08.04.14

CONGRATULATIONS! Did you know when you were filming your “Ask Kate” video? If so, you did a great job of hiding it when you answered the question about growing your family ๐Ÿ™‚

Gennie S. says · 08.04.14

That’s so exciting. I hope the nausea and fatigue goes away and pray that the rest goes smooth. My husband and I just found out we will be having a baby in April. We have a 15 month old daughter, she’ll be almost two, when the new baby arrives. Would love to see easy maternity hairstyles, I know my hair goes crazy when pregnant.

Kelli says · 08.04.14

Yay!! Congratulations! I’m due February 6th. So fun! Keep the baby posts coming and all of your baby product reviews have been super helpful. ๐Ÿ™‚

Cassie Hahl says · 08.04.14

CONGRATS! That’s exciting news!

Arijana C. says · 08.04.14

Congrats to you and your husband! Wishing you happy and healthy pregnancy

Amanda says · 08.04.14

Wow, congratulations! What wonderful news. I am 13 weeks along, too! Due February 9th ๐Ÿ™‚

Lori-Ann says · 08.04.14

Congratulations to all four of you! My husband and I will put you all on our prayer list. God bless!

Lisa Hays says · 08.04.14

Congratulations to you both! Hoping you feel better soon and are able to enjoy every minute of the journey!

Rebecca Lately says · 08.04.14

Congratulations!! Our first two are 15 months apart. I can’t imagine it any other way! They are so close.

Mandii says · 08.04.14

Congratulations! I remember reading about your infertility struggles, and now you will have two beautiful babies! God truly does work miracles!!

Courtney says · 08.04.14

Congratulations! I have two boys and love it. It makes things easier too when you can just pass everything down to the next one. Good luck with everything.

Cait says · 08.04.14

Congrats! What an exciting time for your family. Praying for a healthy pregnancy and a happy, healthy babe in February!

Elizabeth says · 08.04.14


Jessica Hansen says · 08.04.14

So SO Excited for you and your little family of 4!!! ๐Ÿ˜€ Can’t wait to follow along with your posts about this pregnancy! ๐Ÿ™‚ I know I’ll enjoy them as much as I did the last ๐Ÿ™‚ <3 Jessica

Jen says · 08.04.14

Congratulations!!!!! So excited for y’all! I know you are so happy and that David will be the best big brother ever! They will be best friends! My husband and I are due in September with our first (a BOY!) and we are so excited. Ready for it to get here ๐Ÿ™‚

Colleen says · 08.04.14

Congrats! It is great to have a sibling so close together. I am the oldest of 4 and my next sibling, a sister, is only 1 year and 10 days behind me. My Mom told me she wishes we were all that close together in age.

Christine Canales says · 08.04.14

Congratulations Kate! I’m so excited for you and the family! You are an amazing mom!

Gina says · 08.04.14

I am so excited for you!!!!!!!!!!! I didn’t even read the full post – I saw ADORABLE David in that sweet shirt holding an ultrasound photo and immediately scrolled down to comment. Congrats Congrats Congrats – my husband and I are going to start trying for our first in a few months – your baby blogging (in addition to the hair/beuaty stuff – of course) has been invaluable to me. All my love to you Kate.

Lauren S says · 08.04.14

oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh!!!! this is so exciting! i’m so happy for you.

Megan says · 08.04.14

Congrats!!! My little girl turns 2 tomorrow and I’m due with our 2nd in late march!! I feel ya on the morning sickness and fatigue! Congrats again!

Kristy says · 08.04.14

Mine are nine YEARS apart which presents a whole other set of challenges. Congrats and good luck!

Jessica Evans says · 08.04.14

A huge congratulations to you and your family!! What a wonder gift. My niece and nephew are about 14-15 months apart, it’s amazing to watch the two of them grow together and feed each others knowledge. Some days may be more rough than others, but to watch them play together makes it so wonderful.

Sara w says · 08.04.14

How exciting! I’m pregnant with number four, due in December. I loved following your first pregnancy and I can’t wait to see what you get to test and try for the two baby market! I can’t remember if you got the uppababy that converts to a double?

Courtney @ titus2minutes says · 08.04.14

Congratulations! What an incredible blessing from the Lord! Especially as it took a while to have David!

So when you were filming the “Ask Kate” video, were you trying so hard not to give away the fact that you were pregnant?! I am laughing that you were just talking about adding to your family in the video!

Kate says · 08.04.14

Yep I thought about avoiding the question but I was like “well it’s TRUE. We DO WANT more kids one day” !

Keshia says · 08.04.14

Aw congrats!! I’m due February 4th:)

Mali Xayyarath says · 08.04.14

Congratulations! I’m so happy for you! =)

Kasey Hinely says · 08.04.14

Congrats Kate! Mine are 13 months apart…girl and boy. It was so shocking to me when I got pregnant with my son, but it is so fantastic. Mine are best buddies and the older it gets, the easier it gets.

Valerie says · 08.04.14

Congratulations!!!! We are also expecting our 2nd in January. I agree, can’t wait until they are here, but cherishing time that we have with our oldest until then.

Christy says · 08.04.14

I’m so happy for you and your family. My sister and I are 13 months a part and we have always had a great relationship. She’s my best friend to this day.

CaeDee says · 08.04.14

How wonderful, congratulations! You will just love seeing the two of them together. I remember bringing my second child home from the hospital and I didn’t even know my heart could love so much!

Vanessa says · 08.04.14

My oldest two are 14 months apart. It was a bit of a surprise seeing as it definitely didn’t just take one month of trying the first time around, but I love having them so close in age. There were definitely some rough days in there, but I wouldn’t change it.

Stephanie says · 08.04.14

Congrats! We are expecting our first in January. So excited to share my pregnancy with you ๐Ÿ™‚

S K says · 08.04.14

My sister and I are 13 months apart to the day. Everyone always thought we were twins until high school when our personal styles developed and we started doing our hair differently. It’s fun growing up with someone so close. But be prepared for fighting too. With someone so close in age you have to work harder to stand out. They will have lots of good memories growing up with a close sibling.

But then again my parents had four kids in five years and three months so there were lots of us. Three kids under three years of age for five months…I’m not even going to try and break their record.

Jessica Smith says · 08.04.14

I just found out that I am pregnant with our second child and due early March! Our children will be about 20 months apart. This time around, I will have a c-section due to slight complications with the first one. So any advice you could give on preparing for one, would be helpful. ๐Ÿ™‚ Congrats on the news!

Sara E says · 08.04.14

Congratulations! I am pregnant with our first child and I look forward to reading future blog posts about pregnancy!

Pamela says · 08.04.14

Congratulations! That is so wonderful to hear! My husband and I are due February 5th with #4! So excited for you and your family!

Bethany says · 08.04.14

What the heck?! That’s so wonderful! David is the absolute cutest in these pics. Take care of yourself and God bless.

Jen says · 08.04.14

This is SO exciting! Congrats to you and the fam!

Holly says · 08.04.14

This is such wonderful news!! Congratulations! I was very fatigued with my second pregnancy and I had a girl. I wasn’t nearly as tired with my three boy pregnancies. I’m calling it, you’re having a girl! I’m so excited for you!!

Jill P says · 08.04.14

Congratulations! Wonderful warm wishes to you and Justin! So happy for you!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Tricia S says · 08.04.14

Congrats! I am also due in February of 2015! Our first little girl is four and so excited to be a big sister!

christina says · 08.04.14

Oh exciting for your family! Good luck with the remainder of your pregnancy.

Nilda says · 08.04.14

Congratulations!! Those are great news… My kids are 19 months apart (boy and girl) and It’s awsome how they play together. The firsts weeks were a little difficult, but after that was so easy… Same schedules for both kids and you are done. Congratulations again!!

Katie says · 08.04.14

Congratulations! What great news! I really did not expect that (especially with how coy you were in the “Ask Kate” video). Sneaky Sneaky! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Kate says · 08.04.14

muah ha ha ha, I know. I’m an excellent liar ๐Ÿ™‚

Mary says · 08.04.14

Well that’s flipping awesome, congrats!!!

Trisha F says · 08.04.14

Wow, congratulations!!

Katie@LifesNextBigStep says · 08.04.14

Congratulations Kate! I’m pregnant with #2 as well (due Jan 26th) and our little ones will be 19 months apart. It will be fun – probably stressful at times – but definitely fun! I look forward to keeping up with how things are going with you along this road ๐Ÿ™‚

Dana says · 08.04.14

Congrats! I am also due in February (Feb 6th, but with my 1st – a boy!) I was so fatigued (exhaustion is more like it). It will be fun to follow you through your pregnancy as I go through mine! Congrats again!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Chantall says · 08.04.14

Congratulations Kate & Justin! Great news! I’m very happy for you! ๐Ÿ™‚

Cassie says · 08.04.14

Congratulations! My daughter and son are 14 months and 2 days apart. I won’t pretend it’s easy…the first couple of years are difficult, but after that it is really great. My kids are great friends. Family vacations are nice because they are close in age, not only do they entertain each other, but they could do the same things. We didn’t have to split up or not do something because one kid was too young or small. Now, my daughter is going to be a senior and my son a junior and they support each other in high school. I don’t regret the decision to have them close at all.

Sydni Jackson says · 08.04.14

Congrats!!! I have an older brother who is 13 mo & 3 weeks older than me and we are so close now, and were when we were little!! (The pre-teen years were a little rough hahah). So I’m secretly hoping you have a girl ๐Ÿ™‚ I love my big bro!! Btw here’s something to look forward to – we potty trained together so my mom got that done all at once!

mary latuch says · 08.04.14

Congrats! How exciting, and your little one so precious.
Instagram: maaryle

Ashley Gillespie says · 08.04.14

Hooray! More cute babies!! Congratulations!

Jennifer says · 08.04.14

Congratulations!! I think we are very close, baby #2 due for me in Feb as well. I have an 11 month old so they will be 18 months apart. Exciting!

Sara says · 08.04.14

Congrats!! ๐Ÿ˜€

Jenna says · 08.04.14

I don’t know why, but “David and the new one” cracked me up. Sounds like a great name for a rock band. ๐Ÿ™‚

So happy for you guys! I had a baby girl in February. Maybe they’ll be birthday buddies? I was due on the 14th but she took her own sweet time and was born on the 21st.


natasa says · 08.04.14

Great news!

Brittany says · 08.04.14

Hi Kate!!! I’m a long time reader of your blog and was very excited to see you announce that you were pregnant with David, just a few short weeks after I had my first baby!!! I love seeing all your posts trying to figure parenthood out and thinking back to my experiences!!! Imagine my surprise when I open bloglovin today and see David in a big brother shirt!!! It just so happens that I’m scheduled to be induced with my second in 11 days, 15 months after my first was born!!! I can’t wait to read how your pregnancy goes and will be hoping for an easy one… The worst part is being super close to delivery and chasing an adventurous toddler around=) other than that, it’s great!!! Good luck!!!

Megan M. says · 08.04.14

Congratulations! So you knew you were pregnant when you were answering the “will you have more children” question in your “Ask” video, you sly fox, you! ๐Ÿ˜‰ David looks adorable in a “big brother” onesie.

Caroline R says · 08.04.14

Congratulations!! I am so excited for you three(four now)! Its always funny how close siblings are when they are close in age. David will have a sibling and a best friend!

Amanda says · 08.04.14

I am due in February as well!! I have been researching your blog posts in baby items pretty heavily! I am an avid follower but I have never commented. I have 2 that are 14 months apart! No complaints here!…well besides the bickering! ๐Ÿ™‚

Susan Wright says · 08.04.14

Congrats ! My boys are 15 months apart. It was fun, but not easy. They are now 34 & 35! Can’t believe how time flies~ Enjoy the journey~

Sarah says · 08.04.14

AHHH…so exciting! Congratulations!! I am expecting my first on February 4th…so excited to go through the next six months “together”. : )

Jessica W says · 08.04.14


Linda says · 08.04.14

Congratulations! What fun! My girls are 13 months apart. They are four and five now and best friends. ๐Ÿ™‚

Abbie says · 08.04.14

OMG Congrats!! I’ve enjoyed watching David grow up and can’t wait to meet another little one! Congrats again!!

Ashley says · 08.04.14

CONGRATS! My girls are 11 months a part ๐Ÿ™‚ So much fun!

Suni says · 08.04.14

Congrats! I saw your maternity clothes pins and raced over to the blog to see if it was true! I”m so so so happy for you. I had a similar experience trying to get pregnant with my first as you shared with David and I’m having the same experience again. I’m absolutely thrilled when I see others who have struggled with getting pregnant able to do so again. It fills me with hope! I hope you get the 2nd trimester energy soon and have a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery!

Liz says · 08.04.14

YAY! So excited for you!!!!

kathleenicanrah says · 08.04.14

longtime lurker and mom to a 7 month old boy as well– just wanted to say congratulations!! wonderful news.

Nicky says · 08.04.14

How wonderful, Kate!! Blessings!!

Andrea Worley says · 08.04.14

congrats! excited for your family!

Michelle @ A Healthy Mrs says · 08.04.14

Congratulations to you & your sweet family ๐Ÿ™‚

Krystal says · 08.04.14

I’m so excited for you! I could kinda tell you might already be pregnant when you did your “Ask Kate” video. It was just the way you said you would be thrilled to grow your family!!

Shannon says · 08.04.14

Yay! Soooo happy for you and your growing fam! Hope you get to feeling better soon!

Mayke says · 08.04.14

Congratations! It truly is a blessing to be able to get pregnant and have kids! I’ve been reading your blog for over 2 years now and during this time i’ve been struggling to get pregnant, just like you have with your first one. Unfortunately it still hasn’t happend to me. I’m so happy you named this blog ‘a gift’. For it truly is a gift! On the other hand it’s also difficut to see women are getting pregnant of their 2nd baboes, while you’re still in a battle field and unsure if you will ever be called mommy. It’s such an emotional and difficult subject. Anyways, I hope you’ll enjoy your 2nd pregnancy! I wish you all the best.

Bomi says · 08.04.14

Congrats Kaite ๐Ÿ™‚

Melissa says · 08.04.14


Hannah says · 08.04.14

Congratulations! It has been my experience that some days pass slowly, but the years fly by. My two are 2 years and 2 months apart. They are a blast! ๐Ÿ™‚ So excited for you!!!

Jennifer says · 08.04.14

I’m way too excited for you, considering I don’t *really* know you ๐Ÿ˜‰ But this is awesome news!! My husband and I are expecting our first, a boy, in October. Fun times!

Abby says · 08.04.14

So happy for you and your family, Kate! I’m looking forward to reading your pregnancy posts!

Kristin says · 08.04.14

With all the trouble you had conceiving the first time.. and now, siblings so close together. God always has a plan.

Traci says · 08.04.14

Congrats!!! Mine are 14 months apart, too…and I never thought that was headed my way, either! I’m only four weeks into the circus but it’s not so bad and honestly, I’m really glad it happened and they will be so close in age. ๐Ÿ™‚

Kristin says · 08.04.14

Congratulations on baby number 2! My husband and I are expecting our second baby in February as well, and I too am finishing up my first trimester this week. Thursday to be exact. I hope for your sake the sickness and fatigue subside soon, because I know how it feels. Congrats again and good luck!

Jesabes says · 08.04.14

Wow! Congratulations!!

Melanie says · 08.04.14

Oh, how lovely! Congratulations to you both and I hope you start feeling better soon. And what a gorgeous little boy you have!

Natalie Palmer says · 08.04.14

How exciting!!! I bet Grits and Gravy are THRILLED! Lol because you know, cats get excited about stuff like that ๐Ÿ™‚

Martha says · 08.04.14

Congratulations am so excited for you.. I can actually say that have my last two 14 months apart was the best thing. They were inseparable growing up and I always got asked of they were twins..don’t quote me on this but I believe you are having a GIRL!!!! I can’t wait to hear if I am correct

Evia says · 08.04.14

Super congrats to the three of you! What a blessing!!

Cara S says · 08.04.14

Congratulations Kate and family!! That is such a blessing!

TraFru says · 08.04.14

OMG STOP IT! That’s amazing news! You little devil, you, answering that question in your Q&A post so slyly when you already KNEW you were pregnant with #2!

Erin @TheGrassSkirt says · 08.04.14

Congratulations! My little ones are 16 months apart (20 months old and 4 months old), and it is definitely challenging but so worth it. I am told that they will entertain each other eventually, so hopefully that is the case! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m sure that your little man will be a great big brother.

Katie says · 08.04.14

Congratulations! That is so exciting.

Michelle says · 08.04.14


Christy says · 08.04.14

Congrats! I have 2 little guys that are 16 months apart – my youngest is 4 months old. I never thought I would have our children so close, but I think it has been the best thing! You guys will be great!!

Karen says · 08.04.14

Congrats! I had babies 14 months apart, not once but twice! Having little ones so close in age definitely has its crazy moments but there are so many great things about it, too. My kiddos are 4, 3 and 2 now and they are such good little buddies.

Mary Keane says · 08.04.14

How wonderful! A big congrats and I hope you start to feel more yourself soon.

David is such a cutie! Having two close together will surely be hard in the beginning but so definitely worth it in the long run!

jess says · 08.04.14


Kerri says · 08.04.14

Congratulations on another precious blessing from the Lord!

Amanda A. says · 08.04.14

Such wonderful news! Congrats to you, Justin and David!

Dana says · 08.04.14

That is such wonderful news! A little “mini” would be so much fun! I wish you nothing but love and happiness!

I agree with one of your other readers, you are a sneaky little thing! “Oh sure….we’d love to expand our family….someday…ho hum….” LOL!

Best wishes to your adorable little *growing* family!

Janet Smith says · 08.04.14

Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him. Psalm 127:3

Congratulations on the increase of your blessings!!

Teresa says · 08.06.14

Um, WHAT? This is supposed to be a BEAUTY blog…

Stacey says · 08.04.14

I’ve been MIA– just had baby #3 SIX days ago!!! I popped on & saw that top pic— HOW EXCITING, MAMA!!!!!! What a blessing!

Mandi R says · 08.04.14

Congratulations! My oldest two are 15mths apart. It was hard the first month but after that much easier then I expected. They are 14 and 13 now (boy and girl) and still get along fairly well most of the time. As children they were great playmates.

Sydney Theriot says · 08.05.14

Congratulations! Such wonderful news!

Deanna says · 08.05.14

Congratulations!!! My son and my daughter are 15 months apart and they (for the most part) get along very well. They are the best playmates and it is so fun to watch my son “help” his sister with her homework (that he did the last year). Can’t wait to see who your new little person is going to be!

Lindsey Simpson says · 08.05.14

Congrats! That’s so very exciting! My first two were only 10 months and 2 weeks apartโ€ฆ craziness. My son was born Jan. 3rd, 2006, and my daughter was born Nov. 17th, 2006. It was a crazy roller coaster, but I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. Anyways, congrats again!

Suz says · 08.05.14

Congrats Kate and family!! My two sons were 14 months apart. No, we didn’t exactly plan it that way, but it worked out wonderfully! They were great friends growing up and still are to this day. Yes, I was one busy Mama but it was OH so worth it! ๐Ÿ™‚ You’ll do awesome!

Katie says · 08.05.14

Congratulations!! My younger brother and I are 14 months apart too, and it is the BEST age gap!! I’m not sure how my mom managed when we were little, but we’ve been super close every since I can remember. Videos of us when we were little show us talking to each other in some kind of language that is impossible to understand, but we clearly understood each other. SO cute!

Emily says · 08.05.14

Oh, Kate!!! I’m SO excited for you!!!! What a precious gift! It’s so refreshing to see women who embrace new little ones in their lives.

And David is SUCH a cutie!


Felicia says · 08.05.14

Congrats!! When is your due date? I’m due with my second in Feb. as well! My son and our new baby will be 17 months apart. Good luck, I hope you start feeling better soon!

Trudie Cresswell says · 08.05.14

Congratulations to you both! Such wonderful news – wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy for baby no 2. Looking forward to hearing all about your experience this time around any any differences between this pregnancy and when you were pregnant with David.

My son is the same age as David and we’re planning baby no 2 as well ๐Ÿ™‚

Happy Days xxx

gamze says · 08.05.14

Congratulations! David is so cute in the pictures, I love the upper pearly whites he’s showing. Wishing you a happy, healthy pregnancy.

Anne says · 08.05.14

Hi there Kate, a special congrats to the coming of a new little person (and to all moms really who shared their pregnancy news! ๐Ÿ™‚

It’s awesome that little David gets some company!

Btw… My brother and I are 13 months apart! It’s awesome!

Greetings from The Netherlands,

Yvonne says · 08.05.14

Congratulations!! It’s so exciting to have 2 right?! David looks so happy indeed! ๐Ÿ˜€ Congrats once again!

Lisa @ Life as Lisa Knows It says · 08.05.14

Congratulations!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Misty says · 08.05.14

I’m so excited for you! We are expecting our first at the beginning of March so I am not far behind you haha. I’m excited to blog about it and read your blog about it!

Arielle says · 08.05.14


Michelle says · 08.05.14

Congrats to you and your husband! That is so exciting!

Katelyn says · 08.05.14

This is absolutely AMAZING! Oh my goodness, HUGE congratulations!

patricia says · 08.05.14

Congrat!s!! my two oldest (boy and girl) are 14 months apart ๐Ÿ™‚ it dfinitely has been crazy but so fun they’re really close and love playing together!

Angela Geyer says · 08.05.14

Congratulations!!!! This is such exciting news!! Hopefully you’ll start to feel better soon ๐Ÿ™‚

Theresa @ AMomInTheMaking says · 08.05.14

Kate I am so excited for you!!! That is incredible ๐Ÿ™‚ You won’t even have to put away any of David’s baby stuff, because you’ll be using it all again ๐Ÿ™‚

I am so happy for you!!

Bailey says · 08.05.14

So exciting!! My boys are almost 11 months apart (4 mo and 15 mo). I love it!! It’s one of the most amazing feelings when my older son hugs or kisses my younger son. You will love it!!

Jill says · 08.05.14

COGRATS!! What exciting news!! I have 2 boys 18 months apart and never imagined to have 2 kids so close in age but never would change it for anything!!

Megan says · 08.05.14

Congratulations Kate! My 2nd and 3rd child are 13 months apart and they are so cute together. I think you’ll love having 2 kids close in age-it is a blessing! ๐Ÿ™‚

Ashley says · 08.05.14

Congrats! My two are 11.5 months apart and they are the best of friends! Wishes for a happy and healthy pregnancy to you.

Kara Murphy says · 08.05.14

Congratulations to you and your husband! The greatest gift you can give your child is another sibling. There are challenges with raising children no matter what the situation. As a mom of four, I can assure you any difficulties you face will be balanced by many more blessings! I love following your blog, your IG profile, and your pinterest account. You are inspiring, beautiful, kind … and a lovely dose of the adult world when I am knee deep in caring for my littles. A final thought – I love the bobby pin under your blog name! Beautiful concept and design! It makes my typography and design heart smile. Have a great day!

Kati says · 08.05.14

Congratulations!!! David and this new little one will be so cute together!

I love having a baby around to cuddle and love on. It’s been four years since there’s been a baby in our family but now my brother and his wife are expecting another in November. So exciting!

janelle Voss says · 08.05.14

Congrats on your new baby! My boys are 15 months apart and it was a really busy time when they were little but tomorrow my oldest will be 18 and the younger son turns 17 in November. Enjoy this time with your growing family. It goes so fast. Good luck with the pregnancy.


Kaci says · 08.05.14

Congrats! My youngest two are only 13 months apart. It was crazy weird being pregnant for two years. They are 6 and 7 now, girl and boy, and are the best of buds. Sure they fight every now again, but honestly no complaints! They don’t ever remember a time in their lives without each other. I wouldn’t have it any other way! The first year with the two of them was the toughest. Coming home with a newborn and a 13 month old who had just learned to walk was sort of scary. Invest in lots of gates and barricade David in the room with you when you have to tend to the baby.

ana medina says · 08.05.14

congrats!! show us the bump ๐Ÿ™‚

Rachel says · 08.05.14

I’ll add to the many congratulations ๐Ÿ™‚ Can you imagine going back to yourself 2 years ago and tell yourself that in two short years you’d have a darling little one in your arms & another on the way? God is amazing and humbling.

I hope to have another while my first is still little, so I look forward to hearing your experiences & advice about having two wee ones!

Laura says · 08.05.14

This is so AWESOME Kate!!! Congrats to you and Justin ๐Ÿ™‚

bretta says · 08.05.14

How is that with a c section? I was told by my doctor to wait a year – year and a half before getting pregnant again. Just curious if that were to happen to me! Not planning on one before then though!

Wendy says · 08.05.14

Congratulations! I missed this news yesterday, just saw your reaction on Facebook. Hope you will enjoy this pregnancy as much as you did Davids’!

Laura Reich says · 08.05.14

Praise God! I’m so thrilled for you and your husband! My oldest 2 are 15 months apart and my youngest 2 are 12 months apart and it is wonderful. It’s so fun, so cute, and such a blessing to have kids that are on similar schedules and have similar interests. In all honesty, that first year is tough just because they both still have a lot of needs, but you’ll adjust. Just remind yourself that it will get better, and pray that God keeps David from being a late walker. ๐Ÿ˜‰
Truly, congratulations. I know I’m a stranger, but I’m just so thrilled for your family. I love how God uses babies to be the every day miracles that reveal His love and grace for us.

Katie says · 08.05.14

Congratulations to all three of you!
Oh I’m so so so excited for you! I’m so happy, hope everything will go alright.
Please keep naming your children with names as beautiful as David.

Monique says · 08.05.14

Congrats! Such great news! I am also expecting a baby in Feb 2015 and also finishing off the first trimester this week. I can’t tell you how excited I am that one of my fav bloggers is having a baby at the same time as me! ๐Ÿ™‚ So happy for you! Xx

LaurenCarny says · 08.05.14

What a HUGE blessing! Congratulations!

Katherine @ Grass Stains says · 08.05.14

So excited for you guys! This is the best news of the week. ๐Ÿ™‚ The age gap will be wonderful. We have four kids, two close together, then two more a little farther apart. We love it. Congratulations!

Emma Gillespie says · 08.05.14

That is so exciting! My daughters and I read your blog all the time!


Evelien says · 08.05.14

Congratulations with your second pregrancy, so great news!
my son is about a month older than David and ever since I enjoy reading your blog even more!
greetings from Belgium!

Evelyn C. says · 08.05.14

Congratulations!!! I was super fatigued with no nausea when I was pregnant with my baby girl. Maybe you’re having a girl? ๐Ÿ˜‰ So happy for all 3 of you!

Stephanie K. says · 08.05.14

Congratulations! What beautiful news for your family! ๐Ÿ™‚

Tori says · 08.05.14

Oh. my. gosh. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am so happy for you and your hubby!!! ( and little David ๐Ÿ™‚ Best wishes to you all!

Anita Finn says · 08.05.14

Congratulations! My brother and I were less than 13 months apart and my mom said it was wonderful because we did everything together down to potty training etc. and she said it was so easy for her! David will love having a sibling to play with and protect! I bet they’ll be best of friends regardless of gender ๐Ÿ™‚
Rest up!!

Jennifer says · 08.05.14

What awesome news! Congratulations.

Misty says · 08.05.14

Congratulations!!! My first two are 13 months apart, so I’ve been there – I think you’ll enjoy it, there are definite benefits to them being so close together. Although now that my first one graduated this year & my next one graduates this next year I’m reconsidering. HA! Not really. It truly is a blessing, just remember to take each day one breath at a time!!! God bless you all!!!

Nancy says · 08.05.14

Congratulations, Kate!!! I’m so happy for you, especially with the wait in getting pregnant the first time. Now, as my sister says, you are a fertile Myrtle! ๐Ÿ™‚
I have one 14 year old daughter who will be starting high school in less than 2 weeks. I sure wish I had another, but God felt it best to give me my one beautiful, sweet daughter.
I will be praying for a safe pregnancy.

Courtney @ Pizzazzerie says · 08.05.14

Huge congratulations!! ๐Ÿ™‚ So excited to see your sweet family growing! I still remember you and Caroline coming to my book signing, made my day!

Aliesha says · 08.05.14

Congratulations! My kids are 18 months apart, and we love having them close! ๐Ÿ™‚

Mary Ann says · 08.05.14

Congratulations! It is exciting having them close together. They are (most of the time) best buddies. I have a boy and a girl that are 21 months together and I feel sorry for the baby…she is always left out! Good luck with your pregnancy!

Tami S says · 08.05.14

Congratulations to you and your family!

Michelle Strobel says · 08.05.14

Such wonderful news! Babies truly are gifts from God. I am expecting as well….due February 4th ๐Ÿ™‚ Kate, our sons also share the same birth month. My little boy turned 2 last December 22nd. So thrilled to finally be in my 2nd trimester and will be even more thrilled when the nausea subsides. We are actually having our gender reveal party this Sunday and can’t wait to find out our big news! This is our 4th and last. We have one of both and will be thrilled with either but still crossing fingers a little for a girl.

Best wishes to you and your beautiful family!

Karley says · 08.05.14

Such exciting news! I have to say when I saw the picture of you on Instagram in the white shirt (“work day at Starbucks”) I was like, somebody has the pregnancy glow going on…I wonder ๐Ÿ˜‰ And then I read this post and was like yes, called it! Haha. Congrats.

Jessica M. says · 08.05.14


Amber says · 08.05.14

Congratulations!! What a handsome big boy David is getting to be! Hope you continue to feel well! <3

Lovie says · 08.05.14

Congratulations Kate, my sister and I are 14 months apart and she’s my best friend!

Meagan says · 08.06.14

Congrats! How exciting! Can’t wait to find out whether you’re having a boy or a girl!

Teresa says · 08.06.14

Is th

Teresa says · 08.06.14

I was so excited when I found this cool beauty blog, but now it’s very mommy/family focused (seems so to me-but maybe that’s just the viewpoint of someone with zero interest in that stuff). ๐Ÿ™
I just wish you had a separate one for things like stroller reviews and things…
I do ho

Teresa says · 08.06.14

Wanted to say I do hope things go well for you. My last comment posted before I finished it. Thx.

maggie says · 08.06.14

congrats! we had five in five years and it’s the most fun i’ve ever had! they all play together, help each other, and learn from each other. baby david is going to be such a wonderful big brother!

Alesha says · 08.06.14

Wow! Congratulations! My sister and I were born almost that close together and we grew up as such close friends. I hope your two will experience that joy too! So excited for you!
Alesha <3

Tricia says · 08.06.14

I am SOOOOO very excited for you guys!!! My boys are 18 months apart and I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world. They are 12 and 13 now and it has been a wild ride, but so. much. fun! Congratulations!!!!!!!

Bonnie says · 08.06.14

Congratulations Kate, Justin, and David! What wonderful and exciting news! Your lives will be busy but richly blessed with so many memories. Children are such blessings! Enjoy this very special time. ๐Ÿ™‚

Lindsay @ Lindsay Weighs In says · 08.06.14

My younger sister and I are 19 months apart, and she’s one of my favorite people in the entire world. They’re going to be the best of friends! Congratulations on the fabulous news and your growing family ๐Ÿ™‚

Nicky says · 08.07.14

OMG Kate I’m so happy for you!! I’ve never commented before, but I’ve been following your blog since last year and I followed you throughout your first pregnancy and read about how long it took for you to get pregnant. This actually brought tears to my eyes ๐Ÿ™‚ CONGRATULATIONS!!

Samantha Groves says · 08.07.14

Congratulations!! I have 3 beautiful boys, my oldest and second son are 13 months apart and I love how they have grown together (they are now 5 and 4) like most if not all other readers, I have followed you since your first pregnancy with David and am thrilled that you will be having another beautiful boy/girl to love and care for. Congratulations Kate & Justin and of course David too. I look forward to the next update soon ๐Ÿ™‚

Shelly E. says · 08.08.14

I am so happy for you. I have two little girls who are 17 months apart. They are 6 and 7 now. It took us 5 long years and one miscarriage to have our first daughter. The second one was a surprise and a blessing. I love having them so close together. It was REALLY tough at first….2 in diapers, going through the same stage one right after the other. I wouldn’t change it for the world though and thank god everyday!!!!!

Joelle says · 08.09.14

This is so exciting, congratulations! My brother and I are 14 months apart, and we were best friends growing up. It’s a good age gap to have ๐Ÿ™‚

Katy E says · 08.11.14

Congratulations!!!! So happy for you!

Kira Elliott says · 08.12.14

SO happy for you and your family!!! I started following your blog right after you got pregnant with David and I’m so thrilled to hear this news! I am 28 weeks now with my first and have gone back to several of your posts on various pregnancy/new baby topics time and time again. Can’t wait to see what baby 2 brings for you and your family!

Kimmie says · 08.16.14

Congratulations! My little sister and I are 14 months apart! It was great having a playmate growing up! We had our fist share of sibling rivalry ๐Ÿ˜‰ but we were never lonely!

Bri says · 08.18.14


My sister and I are 15 months apart. We were practically raised as twins. Every family photo has us in matching frilly dresses.

Lori says · 09.15.14

Many congratulations to your family! I started perusing your blog before you became pregnant with David. The joy of God’s blessings is so great. Prayers for another healthy and beautiful baby.

Debbie Barbir says · 12.15.14

Wow seems like 14 months is the lucky number for you two! 14 months to get pregnant with your first and now your son will be 14 months when he becomes a brother! Congratulations, may the Lord bless you and your little family!
