Ask Kate 01

Beauty Chat with The Lauren Elizabeth

Last week I mentioned on Facebook that I had considered filming an Ask Kate video since I enjoy watching those random videos from my favorite bloggers/vloggers so much.

Fully anticipating receivingย only questions about hairstyling, I was pleasantly surprised to read a few really fun questions to answer.

I start the video talking about cats and if you only knew how much I needed to edit “cat content” out of there, you’d be either impressed or surprised. Perhaps both.

Anyway, I thought it would be fun to start the week with something new, so today’s video is my very first “Ask Kate”. Now, I’ve learned my lesson and I will no longer include 10 questions in one video because the video is long. My apologies.

The Questions:

1. (01:47) I love your cats! What is their story? How did you get them, how did you choose their names, and what are their personalities like?

2. (10:30) If you were a cat, what would you look like and what your personality be like?

3. (11:07) Do you plan on having more kids?

4. (11:32) What is your ideal date with Justin? (ALERT ALERT JUSTIN BRYAN ALERT ALERT PAY ATTENTION TO THIS ONE)

5. (12:37) What is #1 on your bucket list, both professionally and personally?

6. (13:26) Were you always “hair inclined” or did you really have to work at it?

7. (14:12) How long did you have your salon before it closed, and was it a hard decision to close?

8. (16.50) How often to people recognize you?

9. (19:09) Eat out or cook? Dresses or pants? Lipstick or Lipgloss? Laundry or dishes? Ocean or pool?

10. (20:19) What is your dream vacation?


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Shannon says · 07.28.14

LOVE the video, Kate! I too enjoy getting to know bloggers’ personalities, so keep these coming. ๐Ÿ™‚

Jenn Veloso says · 07.28.14

Loved it! I found it fun to mix it up and get to know more about you!

Karen Blount says · 07.28.14

It was wonderful. I think it helps get to know you and being a cat person I loved your stories about the cats. I live close enough that maybe I’ll spot you and I promise I will speak. Keep up your wonderful work.

Nicole says · 07.28.14

I loved this post, its really nice to get to know the people you read about daily! I also live in Raleigh but have never run into you.. and that disappoints me! Maybe one day! ๐Ÿ™‚

Melanie says · 07.28.14

Hilarious. Good job! I love these type of random videos. I also am glad to hear the back story on the cats. I have been curious about that!

Amy says · 07.28.14

Different and fun!

Mackensie C. says · 07.28.14

I loved the first video! I’ve been reading your blog for probably 3 years? and it was fun getting to learn more about you.

Colleen says · 07.28.14

Love, Love, Loved it! Thank you for sharing. And to learn that you encourage followers to introduce themselves when they see you and know they aren’t bothering you, Awesome. You are very kind.Have a great week!

Kerri says · 07.28.14

Kate, I had NO IDEA you used to live and work in Greenville! I’ve followed your blog for years and I don’t think I knew that! I grew up in Greenville and went to ECU…and now I am hoping to move to RDU (from Wilmington) and if it pans out, I definitely hope to run into you in Target, TJ Maxx, Home Goods — wherever! Fingers crossed ๐Ÿ™‚

And I love Essie Button, too ๐Ÿ™‚

JNJxn says · 07.28.14

This was fun! Thanks for filming this and giving us a little more insight into your life!! My husband “loves what I do to my hair now” thanks to you! ๐Ÿ™‚ He told me just this morning and yesterday after church…and my dentist noticed, co-workers have noticed, family, and even the sweet lady in the nursery at church–among others. I have to confess that I just started actually fixing it (at the age of 34) thanks to a fabulous blogger!! HA!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Christy P. says · 07.28.14

I loved this! It’s cool to get to know you. You’re not just some broad that gives me hair/make up tips. I feel like you’re a friend so of course the other stuff matters. ๐Ÿ™‚

Veronica Lee Burns says · 07.28.14

I loved it!

Brittney says · 07.28.14

That was fun!! ๐Ÿ™‚ thanks for reminding me that I have to turn my dryer on… (It’s been 3 days!)

Allison says · 07.28.14

P.S. I LOVED this video. As a reader, I feel that we have become besties over the past 2 years that I’ve been reading your blog posts. Getting to know you has been such a treat. Thank you!

Jen says · 07.28.14

Fun video to learn a little bit more about you. thanks~

Emily F says · 07.28.14

LOVED IT! I’m not really a commenter… but I’ve been following your blog for a while. It was fun to learn more about you. And I loved the cat topic! So fun to hear more about your fur babies!

Mandie T says · 07.28.14

Loved this video! Thanks for sharing!

caroline says · 07.28.14

loved it ๐Ÿ™‚

Kara -Jayne says · 07.28.14

I loved this post! Please do more Ask Kate 101’s!

Katie says · 07.28.14

I don’t even remember how I stumbled onto your blog, but I frequently visit often and always enjoy your post, but I never comment! I decided I needed to this time to let you know that I embarrassingly laughed out loud at, “Grits and Lloyd,” what a random name! Hahah

Kimberly M. says · 07.28.14

I loved the video…actually, I love your voice so I would probably listen to you talk about just about anything! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Cynthia Polshak says · 07.28.14

I loved it! I too am a cat person, i have two, a mom and one of her babies and I love watching them interact with each other! If you love the mountains, a quick (or maybe not so quick) trip for y’all could be Montreat! It’s near Ashville and it is a BEAUTIFUL little town! I go with family friends every once in a while and always enjoy it!

LaChelle says · 07.28.14

This was SO FUN. I vote in favor of the Ask Kate series. ๐Ÿ™‚ BTW, yes the skiing in Utah is amazing. You should come here and ski, and then maybe I can run into you at a random mall or something. Ha! ๐Ÿ™‚

Sara says · 07.28.14

Love these types of blog posts! Please keep ’em coming! Have your sis do them too.

Ashley Hlavaty says · 07.28.14

I loved the Ask Kate video! You’re so cute and likeable! It’s like chatting with a friend. I look forward to the next one!

Kim Rock-Carter says · 07.28.14

LOVE LOVE LOVE the video! Please keep them coming.

Kristen B. says · 07.28.14

LOVE the video!! Please keep doing them!!

Melissa says · 07.28.14

Loved the video! I have been following you now for about 2 years and I always get a good laugh from your videos. My wallet has not enjoyed how many products I have tried based on your recommendations but they all have been amazing! I am the girl that is TERRIFIED to ask questions at Sephora so you have been a life saver. Looking forward to learning more about you ๐Ÿ™‚

PS. thank you for mentioning EssieButton, I now will be following her also!

Melissa G. says · 07.28.14

This was super fun to listen to while I did dishes!

Ashley says · 07.28.14

Loved it, i love listening to you talk your so relaxing ๐Ÿ™‚

Jessica says · 07.28.14

I loved listening to this and get to know you a little more!


Katie says · 07.28.14

Loved this video! So fun to learn more about your life and personality. Keep ’em coming!

Katy Berard says · 07.28.14

I loved your video, Kate! It is so fun to get to know you better ๐Ÿ™‚ (I loved your cats too!)

Haley says · 07.28.14

Oh Kate! I love that you picked my question & love your sense of humor. Your crack me up. I would say you need to hold the cats up and introduce them to the camera. HAHA! I like these videos and all of yours really.

Laura says · 07.28.14

Thst was too fun!! Cannot wait for the next one!

Susan Wright says · 07.28.14

Yes, I loved this video! I am a cat lover too, so of course I enjoyed the video. I also am 57 years of age so immmm….yeah, keep that in mind. We like and need advice too. It’s not all about the young things after all. LOL

Joannie says · 07.28.14

Susan I agree! I am 55 and love Kate’s blog.

Lesly Iglesias says · 07.28.14

I loved it, Kate! I’ve been following you for a long time but never decided to write you. I’m Spanish, currently living in Madrid and even though it would be hard to meet you in person I would definitely say hi to you if I saw you! Please keep doing this kind of videos, I love them! And thank you so much for all your beauty tips!

Summer says · 07.28.14

Loved this, Kate! Especially loved hearing more about your cats! I could talk about mine for days, too. ๐Ÿ™‚

Bethany says · 07.28.14

Love the video and seeing your personality. Not lame at all! I live in Pinehurst, just an hour away, so I love knowing you’re close by. I’ve been following you for several years now and love the variety of posts, from babies to style to make-up and hair. God bless!

Kristen V. says · 07.28.14

I love this video!! Please do more- I watched it at work and laughed out loud when you were talking about the reaction Gravy had when you got Grits!
You (and your sis) make me want cats so badly! I’ve always had pets but my hubby is not a huge pet person- so I’m working on it still!

Kate says · 07.28.14

AMEN on the beach comment! I feel the same way! This video was awesome, I always enjoy seeing your personality in videos, so this was great! Looking forward to the next one. ๐Ÿ™‚

Elizabeth says · 07.28.14

I loved this! Please keep them coming!

Brittney says · 07.28.14

I saw you at Target in Cary a while back and decided not to say anything because I didn’t want to bug you, but now I wish I had! Love the video!

Kate says · 07.28.14

Well I’ll definitely be back there so say hey next time!

Stephanie says · 07.28.14

Loved getting to know more about you… Would love to see more of these!!!

Skyler says · 07.28.14

I LOVED this video! It is so fun to learn more about you. I totally think you should give the skiing in Utah a try so I have the chance to run into you in Target. ๐Ÿ™‚ thanks for creating such a well-balanced and fun-to-read blog!

Agnes says · 07.28.14

Just like everyone, I loved this video! Keep them coming.

Megan says · 07.28.14

This video was so fun to watch! I love Q&A videos and just love your personality! I would love if you kept these types of videos coming. The more random the Q&A the better!

Miranda Acker says · 07.28.14

Loved it!! Keep doing them!

Maggie says · 07.28.14

Loved it Kate! Keep ’em comin’ ๐Ÿ™‚

Justine says · 07.28.14

What a wonderful way to change things up a bit and connect with us! I enjoyed it a lot and am looking forward to hear many more stories about you ๐Ÿ™‚ Oh and I didn’t mind the length at all because I love your humor so the movie still seemed short!

Julie says · 07.28.14

Loved the video! And I really liked how you put the time marks for each question. ๐Ÿ™‚

Holly says · 07.28.14

Absolutely loved watching this! You have such a fun personality and I love learning about the girl behind the computer screen. Can’t wait for the next Ask Kate video!

Becky says · 07.28.14

Loved it Kate! You seem so down to earth & I loved the chance to “get to know you better”. So fun ๐Ÿ™‚

Emily R says · 07.28.14

LOVED this post/video! So fun getting to know more about you!

Lovie says · 07.28.14

Enjoyed it! Although I’m not 70 (49)…I’ve wondered at times if I was too “old” to follow your blog, so I really appreciate you sharing the comment from the lady at the concert. My daughters got me into beauty blogs and I found yours from a hair post on Pinterest. I learn so much from your blogs and share a lot of it with my teacher colleagues who tease me and say, “Let me guess…Kate!” Looking forward to next month’s Ask Kate. ๐Ÿ™‚

livelaughlove says · 07.28.14

Love the video!!

Donna Jones says · 07.28.14

I love hearing about your cats! I would love hearing more about your faith life: devotional, church, etc.

Sarah says · 07.28.14

Kate, I had no idea you used to live in Greenville! I am currently in grad school at ECU and have only been here for about a year. I am originally from Mississippi, so my husband and I moved quite a long way! I know you get asked for recommendations all the time, but do you have any recommendations for good hair dressers in Greenville? Also, did you have anything you liked to do when you lived here?

Kristin says · 07.28.14

So enjoyed this video, Kate! You are too funny. Hope you can do more of these in the future. ๐Ÿ™‚

Miriam says · 07.28.14

I enjoyed the video and would love to see these once a month!!:)

Tori says · 07.28.14

I loved the video! You should definitely do a regular “ask kate” video!

Amy says · 07.28.14

Love the video! Love watching Essiebutton too!

Sarah says · 07.28.14

This is really random, but what is the color of your walls in that room!? They are so pretty!

Katie says · 07.28.14

I second this question! Beautiful color, what is it called?

Heather says · 07.28.14

Loved it! You are too funny with how you answer yourself sometimes…I do it to! I wish we were neighbors and our babies (i have a 3 yr old and 10 month old!) could play together! Keep the videos coming!!

Isa says · 07.28.14

That was fun! Also smiled because one of your fingers wasn’t polished haha ๐Ÿ˜‰

Lauren says · 07.28.14

I enjoyed learning more about you and was just thinking “I wish Kate would do a q&a about her like Essie did”. So perfect timing!

Lauren says · 07.28.14

P.s. My mom, sis in law and I refer to you on a first name basis….”did you see what Kate said about the new bare minerals foundation…” Ha! So we would be thrilled to run into you at an airport. ๐Ÿ™‚

Amanda says · 07.28.14

Love it. Xxx

Laurie Bannister says · 07.28.14

Loved this video, love you!

I’m going to be honest…when I saw that the first 11 minutes of the video were about cats, I thought about skipping ahead (though I do like cats). Then I thought, “Well…it’s Kate so it’s probably interesting and funny enough to watch.” Sure enough…I loved hearing about your cats. And everything else you had to say.

I will say though that you offended me with your beach comment. I never understood the whole “not being a fan of the beach” thing. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Keep doing what you’re doing!

Sarah C says · 07.28.14

I loved watching this video! I hope to see more in the future!

Callie says · 07.28.14

Loved the Video! Learning more about the women behind the blogs is just awesome!

Lauren says · 07.28.14

I’m pretty shy so I think that if I ever saw you I would just be one of those weird people who would just stare. HAHA!
I really enjoyed this video and would love it if you kept doing them! ๐Ÿ™‚
Have a blessed week.

Darlene says · 07.28.14

I loved this video! Actually I love all your videos. Thanks for all the hair tutorials. I have always had a hard time putting my hair up and it staying up, until I discovered your videos on Pinterest. I have gotten so many compliments on my hair when I have followed one of your tutorials.

Stephanie says · 07.28.14

Love this video! I have to laugh at the videos you’ve done pre-David vs. Post-David. You are so much quieter in the new videos- you can totally tell that he is sleeping and you are trying so hard not to wake him ๐Ÿ™‚

Jill says · 07.28.14

I loved this video… keep ’em coming!

Vijayta says · 07.28.14

Loved getting to know you through this video! Definitely keep them coming!

Jessica Shadoan says · 07.28.14

Definitely liked to see your personality. I enjoyed the video, but I have to ask about your unpainted index finger? It caught me by surprise. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thank you again, your stories are fun to hear.

Inga says · 07.28.14

I just wanted to say a quick hello from Geneva and let you know that you have many followers here as well ๐Ÿ˜‰ I loved the video. Thank you for sharing!

CarmenM says · 07.28.14

So fun! Yes, please keep these up. I’ve been following your blog for about 2 years and I love passing it along to others, so many people I can recommend it to: from the ladies at the salon, to my friends with new babies at home, and just everyday gals like me!! Thank you for being so gosh darn cute, approachable and darling!

Susan says · 07.28.14

#8. I LOVE how sincere you are. I don’t quite know how to put this into words, but it’s so hard to gauge how genuine blog authors are and I think the way that you answered this question told me exactly how lovely and real you are. Hope this makes sense. There is another blog I follow and the writer seems so cool in her posts, but I’ve seen some comments on IG that make me think WHOA! did she just say that?! And it’s tough cuz SO many things can be misinterpreted when written electronically, but her comments make her seem way less cool. And they’ve made me consider not following her blog anymore too. So thanks for being real! ๐Ÿ™‚

#9 THANK YOU for making those comments about the beach/ocean. I feel basically the exact same way because I can’t stand being dirty from the sand. I like to look at the ocean, but also feel quite indifferent about ever going there again in my life. And I feel like people judge me for feeling that way – like it’s a sin or something! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Phyllis says · 07.28.14

Love this video! Your personality shines through even more so ๐Ÿ™‚ Good Job! Can’t wait for the next one!

Kristin S says · 07.28.14

I like your summer date night idea! Know any single men???

Fantastic video.

Julie says · 07.28.14

Hi Kate this is random but I noticed you are frequently out of breath on your videos. Have you ever been checked for asthma? It’s pretty common even among adults. Just something I’m super aware of since I have asthma too and when I listen to people who are put of breath it makes me feel like I’m out of breath too.

Love the videos. All the best,

Bella McIntyre says · 07.28.14

love it! keep them coming!

Trudy Yates says · 07.28.14

I really enjoyed you Q&A video today, started watching and get this “missed Diane Sawyer on the 6:30 news” which I never miss, was enjoying you video so much I didn’t even notice the time. I totally enjoy all of you blog posts. I am a 64 year old grandmother and I am now getting my granddaughters interested in your blog, they are 14 & 16

We all love it!

Heather says · 07.28.14

I LOVE this video Kate! I love getting to know bloggers on a more personal level!!! Thanks!!!

Georgia says · 07.28.14

Loved the video!! Keep them coming!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Krista says · 07.28.14

Really loved this video and getting to know you better! You are great in front of the camera. Please do more Ask Kate!

Alyssa says · 07.28.14

I’m going skiing in Switzerland over Christmas this year! It was definitely a DREAM vacation for me and thanks to hotel and airline points in our family, we get to go. I don’t even want to know how much it would cost without that! I’m SO excited though! Loved the video!

Paula says · 07.28.14

Great video, loved the questions too – fun!

Amy says · 07.28.14

Loved the video!! Super fun!

Victoria S. says · 07.28.14

I really enjoyed AskKate ๐Ÿ™‚ You could do a monthly video where you exclusively tell stories about your cats and I would tune in every time but that might be just me… A question for your next video would be: You always look so cute and put together, where do you get your style inspiration from and do you plan outfits ahead of time?


Rebecca says · 07.28.14

Really enjoyed getting to know you better on this video!!!

Christina says · 07.28.14

Yes! Keep doing the #AskKate!

Mari says · 07.28.14

I loved this video! ๐Ÿ™‚ It was a nice change for the normal beauty posts (which I also like) so pleaase make this a monthly thing! It would be lovely. ๐Ÿ™‚

Katie R says · 07.28.14

Great Video! So down to earth and fun to learn more about you!!

Danie says · 07.28.14

I loved your video! As probably all your followers, I would like to be you friend and neighbour. You seem so nice, if it wasn’t that my husband and kids have tehir word in it, I could consider taking my next vacation in your area just so I can run into you somewhere by chance and say hello! ๐Ÿ˜‰

A question for the next video could be: do you speak other language than English and if you could, what language would you like to speak (I hope it’s not too obvious that my first language is not English ๐Ÿ˜‰

Leslie says · 07.28.14

I loved the video!

Kristin says · 07.28.14

Loved it!!!! I thought you were going to wait to do this video do I was super excited to see you did it so soon. I can’t wait to see the next one.

Katy says · 07.28.14

Loved this Kate!! I’ll be in Raleigh for a baby shower in October and I’m hoping I see you LOL! I’ll def say hi :).

Sarah says · 07.28.14

Kate!!! I LOVED that video and i just love your videos- period! Loved the story about yoyr cats. I have two cats of my own, ( mom and kitten) and totally agree with you about indoor cats. Besides, like it says in the Bible we have dominion over all the animals, so i believe that goes for protecting animals. So yes, totally agree with indoor cats, as there are many dangerous things outside! (For cats anyway!) But i just want you to know that i seriously love you and your videos- i came across them a few months ago- and lemme tell ya- i noticed that there was something different about you. So i went on your blog and read about you, and girl- sure enough you said you were a Christian!!! Totally could tell by just looking at you!!!
Hope you read this cause i really hope you make more ask kate videos!!!! Love them!!!
Sorry this is so long– but just had to say all that i did!
— Sarah( upstate Ny)

Christy says · 07.28.14

Kate, i loved your video! I feel like we could be friends! Can’t wait for your next video!

Jackie W. says · 07.28.14

That was FUN! I really enjoyed it!

Erin says · 07.28.14

I loved the video! It’s so fun watching all of your videos! I already tell my man that you’re my friend when he walks into the room and he hears you chatting away in a video. He laughs, but then hangs around to watch more… you’re too cute! You are super fun to read and watch and I could see us chatting over coffee . Thanks, my “friend”! Keep up the good work! ๐Ÿ™‚

Jenny in Wellington, New Zealand says · 07.28.14

LOVED the video. Yes yes yes.. and it’s never too long ๐Ÿ™‚ and yes, I think it’s thru you I stumbled upon Essie Button and ADORE her. Isn’t it funny how people want to know how you live! More cat stories – you tell a good yarn (NZ slang for story) ๐Ÿ™‚

Lauren says · 07.28.14

I’m 16 years old, I love your blog! You’re like a role model to me- and honestly, you have the perfect voice. Yours is the kind of voice I want! haha ๐Ÿ™‚

Kate says · 07.28.14

LOVED the video, Kate! Essiebutton is one of my other favorite bloggers/vloggers so I’m so glad you’ve started an ‘Ask Kate’ trend. Can’t wait for more! ๐Ÿ™‚

Meredith says · 07.28.14

Hi Kate, I really enjoyed this video! I’m an everyday reader but rarely ever watch your tutorials (I’m hair-challenged and always get defeated…) but wanted to watch this after reading all the questions you answered. I love how candid you were and how it enabled us to get to know your personality better! Keep it up! My only suggestion would be to limit it to 2-3 questions and post them more frequently, rather than have a long video that only appears rarely. Thanks!

Kristin says · 07.28.14

LOVE. Keep ’em coming. If you’re accepting applications for a new best friend, I’d like to apply : )

Kate says · 07.29.14

BAH that cracked me up!

Kristine Middlemiss says · 07.28.14

Loved it!

Mary says · 07.28.14

Loved this! Can’t wait for your next one. ๐Ÿ™‚

Lena Burns says · 07.28.14

I really enjoyed this video! Yours is the first blog I ever followed and the only one for at least a year. Therefore I like the feeling that I’m getting to know you. I can appreciate your vacation choice, I am such a colder weather girl after a month of summer I am so over it. Also you should totally do a hair appointment/consulation/style giveaway so that one of us could experience your hair magic firsthand. I would totally drive the four hours to Raleigh from western NC for that! Maybe dollar an entry donated to your favorite charity? Just a thought, I would definitely love to meet you:)

Lena Burns says · 07.28.14

Oops *consultation

Karlie Allen says · 07.29.14

I loved this video!!!
I love getting to know the people behind the blogs that I read!

Clarissa Penner says · 07.29.14

Loved the video! It was super fun getting to know you a bit more. Please keep doing them. ๐Ÿ™‚

Kassie Lashua says · 07.29.14


I found your blog in 2010, when I was pregnant with my now 3 1/2 year old baby girl. I was immediately hooked to your style and your tutorials because, unlike you, i have ALWAYS loved hair but have NOT been good with mine. I still think I just have weird hair and it’s so unmanageable, yet you have taught me product can do magical things to my hair! After having a baby, I had more time on my hands to think more about doing my own hair and dressing cute (after having a baby, sometimes you need to find little pick-me-ups…) , and you always made all your tutorials so easy to follow, and your style picks were reasonably priced things that I could actually find! I loved it. I agree with another reader, it was so fun to hear this and feel like i got to know you better. Honestly, I was thinking how fun it would be to be able to “win” a day with you, I live in Arizona, so that would most likely never happen, but I would LOVE to pick your brain on hair especially —i have never dyed mine but have been blonde my whole life, i’d love to go lighter to feel myself again but have no idea what to do, also i never can find a stylist i feel understands my hair or can find the right cut for me, i’m in that dull blah stage of wanting to have a fresh cut, i wish you could do it! I know you care about helping people feel good. Anyway, I also love that you love the Lord and how you honor Him often with your words and by helping women. I just wanted to say thanks so much ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope this isn’t too long, but I never have written anything (only tagged you in an instagram hairstyle i did once ๐Ÿ˜‰ and I may never again, but I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you how much I am enjoying your blog! I have gotten to the point where everyday, to practice getting better with my hair, I am trying to pick out a new hairstyle tutorial!! Haha ๐Ÿ™‚ Anyways, take care! Much Love, Kassie

Kassie Lashua says · 07.29.14

I should have edited the above comment before hitting “Post”. Sorry. When I said “after I had a baby, I had more time on my hands”, ha! That came out wrong. I have never been more crazy busy. I should have said, I had more time that I spent thinking about doing more creative stuff with my hair to look and feel cuter. Not sure why I wrote that. And also, about wanting to dye my hair blonder, and I want to feel myself again, I meant to say it’s because over the past few years since having a baby my hair has darkened alot. Anyway, sorry to be so confusing. I hope that makes more sense! ~Kassie

Kassie Lashua says · 07.29.14

Ok this is super embarrassing,but had a second thought about when i actually started reading your blog,and you apparently dodnt start until 2011??, and i started reading after you were well stocked with tutorials,so i am crazy and think it must have been in 2012 …oh boy…Ok, now i’m done and may never comment again;)

Stacey says · 07.29.14

Loved the video! I live in Utah and would love you to come here! Skiing is awesome and a definate must do here! I am a mother of four boys and love seeing pics of your little guy, it takes me back to when mine were little. Keep up the good work and come to Utah!

Franziska says · 07.29.14

Ok.. I feel like I am the only person from Europe here ๐Ÿ™‚ right??
I loved the video Kate, it is always fun to hear from you!
It’s always interesting to hear thoughts about Europe and I am glad that you would like to come over for vacation. but for skiing, I have to tell you, Austria is much better and not as expensive as Switzerland. think about it ๐Ÿ™‚
so please keep on doing what you are doing and bring up more videos! Love to follow your blog!
greets from Germany!

Catherine Higham says · 07.29.14

Hello Kate, from England (a very sunny England currently)

I really enjoyed the video chat, it’s great getting to know you a little more. I have been following your blog for a while now and enjoy your posts.
Look forward to more of the same.

All the very best.

Emily Hughes says · 07.29.14

Hi Kate
I’ve been following your blog for almost 2yrs years and I loved this video! You actually got me following Essie Button too ๐Ÿ™‚ I really enjoy videos that help the viewer get to know you a little better.
Looking forward to the next one!
Sydney, Australia

Rachel says · 07.29.14

Love this new feature! I read your blog daily and it’s such fun to get a glimpse into other aspects of your life. It helps that you’re hilarious and especially personable. It was a little bit long, but I just broke it up into two segments to watch when I had a few minutes to spare, so that didn’t bother me a bit. Keep it coming!

Shauntรก says · 07.29.14

I loved the ‘Ask Kate’ video! It is nice to feel more connected to the blogs you read or the vlogs you watch. I am also a huge Essiebutton lover and find her so relatable. You two should do a colab next time she is in the States ๐Ÿ™‚

A question for you: Who is one YouTuber or blogger that you would love to meet and/or are inspired by?

Becca says · 07.29.14

Loved the video and hearing about the cats. We have very similar stories about how we ended up with the second cat. Can’t wait for more ask kate videos. Have you ever thought about doing any of the tag videos that are going around? I love the nice long videos. It helps me get to know you more.

Lisa Wild says · 07.29.14

Loved it! It was nice getting to know you a little more ๐Ÿ™‚ love to see more ๐Ÿ™‚

Tammy Seawright says · 07.29.14

Love it! Please continue…

Mollie says · 07.29.14

I feel like we are BFF, so I loved the video! Great job. You’re so personable, and it relates well through your videos.

Michelle says · 07.29.14

Loved it! I especially loved the story about how Biscuit, Gravy and Grits joined your family:). Please keep doing these!

Mary Catherine says · 07.29.14

I loved the video, Kate! I didn’t actually watch it, but listened to it while going to pick up my daughter. I love to getting to know the real person behind the blog. ๐Ÿ™‚

Sarah says · 07.29.14

Loved this, definitely keep doing these videos! Also, please find a way to talk about your cats for the first half of each one… amazing.

Sarah K says · 07.29.14

I just subscribed to your blog, I think I found it a long time ago but forgot to subscribe – so glad I found it again!

I laughed out loud listening to your answer to your first question – the fact it takes up so much of the entire video makes me realize how much I talk about my cats as well when asked one questions about them too! My story is extremely similar to your Biscuit & Gravy journey. So hard to let the one go; I’m glad you were able to find another to keep Gravy company in the end. My orange tabby is kind of an annoying 2-yr old at times but we love him anyways =)

Looking forward to reading/watching old and new posts!

Rebecca N says · 07.29.14

Loved the video! I am totally with you on the beach – I could care less if I ever went again. Although I do like to sit on a deck overlooking the ocean. ๐Ÿ™‚ I always like it when you and Lauren talk or put up picture of your cats, too. I love their story. Do you know the name of the color of paint on the wall behind you in this video? I have been looking for a pretty blue for my living room and I really like yours.

Dorothรฉe says · 07.29.14

You definitely have to come to Switzerland. I am Swiss and live in Fribourg, close to Bern area, into the French speaking part. I am sure you will like Swiss chocolate too. I would be your guide with pleasure. Take Care!

Angie Bumgarner says · 07.29.14

Loved this video!!! I do have a question for a later tapeing. I was wondering how Grits and Gravy get along with David and were they jealous of all the time you and Justin spend with him?

Karyn says · 07.29.14

Loved this!! Your such a sweetheart!!

Chantall says · 07.29.14

Love this video! Looking forward to the next one.
So sweet when you talked about your cats ๐Ÿ™‚ And Switzerland is great! If you and your husband ever get the chance, you should go there some day. Both summer and winter are very pretty.

Jean says · 07.29.14

Loved the video. Long time reader, though this is my first comment. I am 68!!! and still enjoy all your advice. I have had great hair all my life but am now struggling with it as it has thinned a bit and is very fly away. Keep up with the advice. Regards from Scotland, hope you get to Europe someday soon.

Carley says · 07.29.14


I love watching #askessie videos as well! I love that you made an ask Kate video! It’s great getting to know bloggers a little more personally. Keep them coming!

P.s. I was in Raleigh last weekend and reallllllyyy hoped to run into you. Wishful thinking! Maybe next time. ๐Ÿ™‚

Meghan says · 07.29.14

Love it! So funny, I can’t wait for the next one xo

Nikki says · 07.29.14

This was hilarious ๐Ÿ™‚ Love how half was completely devoted to the cats!

Justina says · 07.29.14

That’s so cool that you cats name was Justina!!! Was she just like me with blond hair and blue eyes? ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve never met another Justina…

Katherine Nicole says · 07.29.14

I LOVED this post! You’re so fun & genuine…someone i’d love to know or have as a friend! I especially loved getting to know about your cats!! I’m a “cat lady” with 2 cats myself & it’s always fun to hear stories about other people’s cats or how they got them/came up with their names. Keep the videos coming, it was wonderful! Have an awesome day! ๐Ÿ™‚

Katie says · 07.29.14

Loved the video! Keep them coming!
I feel like we are friends even though we’ve never met or talked, haha!….so the videos where you share random stuff is fun cause it adds more to our fake friendship!
And yes that totally sounds stalkerish but I promise I’m not!
But that’s what all the stalkers would say….lol

Sam M says · 07.29.14

Loved the video! I’ve been reading your blog pretty much daily for over a year now and loved getting to know more about you!

Dawn says · 07.29.14

Fun post! I liked it and makes you even more likable. I also always appreciate you breaking down where to skip to if you don’t care to listen to that answer (whether in this personal Q&A or your beauty ones) as I did skip most of the cat question. ๐Ÿ™‚

Michelle Sewell says · 07.29.14

Great video. You have a wonderful personality. I enjoyed watching you & getting to know you. ๐Ÿ™‚

Cathryn says · 07.29.14

LOVED IT! So fun to hear about you, I have been reading your blog for two-ish years and love your personality and how you share! ๐Ÿ˜€

Samantha says · 07.30.14

Ok, since I am a long time reader I have to laugh at the fact you didn’t have a disclaimer about your unpolished index finger. Seems only appropriate considering everything else usually requires some sort of tag or explanation, ha! Seriously though, thanks for always being a source of inspiration!

Jacquie says · 07.30.14

Loved your video and have been following your blog for a while. I have a strange question, what color is the wall behind you? I love it.

Jessica Outlaw Moore says · 07.30.14

So, that was AWESOME! I laughed. I cried. I laughed some more. Ha Ha! The sad part though is that we are best friends and you have no idea! BaaaHaaaHaaaaa!!! -hashtag creeper! Keep being awesome, Kate!

Michele says · 07.30.14

I thought it was great and interesting. I think when you follow a blog, their main content is nice of course, but I think it’s also kind of nice to know a little something about the blog writer. I liked that it was a casual about you Q&A and about you in a simple way, not one of those I, I, I, me, me, me type things.

Jessica B. says · 07.30.14

So…about saying Hi…saw you about 2 weeks ago at the OB/GYN office. Thought about saying hello but wondered if that would have been awkward? Haha…

Jessica B. says · 07.30.14

I should probably clarify – I saw you in the waiting room! I don’t work there!!!!

Dianne says · 07.30.14

LOVED the video Kate. It was great to hear your perspective on things that make you who you are. Keep them coming!

Maggie says · 07.30.14

Adored the video!! It ws so nice to get to know you even more. Loved that you can talk about your cats for so long. CATS ARE AWESOME!!! I have two cats Button and Zipper so I just love that there names go together and it was so sad to hear about Biscuit.

Mallory says · 07.30.14

Loved the video, not lame at all! You are so down to earth and funny! I have been reading your blog for over year i think:)

Kelly says · 07.30.14

Loved it. I’ve been following your blog for some time and I rarely comment, but wanted to tell you I liked the video. Keep them coming.

Here’s a question to add to your stack ๐Ÿ˜‰ What do you use to whiten your teeth, how often etc.


Holly T says · 07.30.14

Great video, thanks for sharing! You’re so witty and pleasant to watch. What is the wall color in that room? LOVE it!

Emily says · 07.31.14

My five-year-old BOY wants you to know he loved it (I did, too)! ๐Ÿ™‚

Jackie says · 07.31.14

Loved the video Kate – yes even (especially) the cat parts! Thanks for sharing more of your life with us!

Emily says · 07.31.14

I loved this! You are so fun to watch/listen to. I’d love for you to make more videos. ๐Ÿ™‚

Megan says · 07.31.14

I LOVED this!!! Please keep doing the ask kate videos. Your personality is hilarious. Loved hearing about your cats! ๐Ÿ™‚

Maria says · 07.31.14

Love! So fun to get to know you a bit more. Love Grits and Gravy!

Teresa says · 07.31.14

I live in Austin, TX, so probably won’t run into you any time soon. I have to say that would be awesome though! I enjoyed this video – I have been following your blog for quite sometime and have referenced and shared it with quite a few people after getting tons of compliments on my hair (which I totally learned to style from you)! I have to askโ€ฆwhat is UP with the pointer finger nail on your right hand being naked??!!!

Sandra says · 08.01.14

LOVE!! I LOVE this post!! <3

ElizabethB says · 08.02.14

The video was great!

Jules says · 08.02.14

Kate, great video! I never tire of your adorable personality. Wanted to comment on the thought that you’d need a “couple extra hundred thousand dollars” to go snow-skiining in Switzerland… so not true! Unless you have in mind unsurpassed grandeur, the likes of which few of us have ever seen ๐Ÿ˜‰ My husband and I went last year in Murren, Switzerland for 9 days and spent about $10k for the entire trip. And we stayed at a VERY nice hotel (Hotel Eiger). Obviously you could spend more or less depending on what type of trip you want, but my point is: It may be more affordable than you think! Bonus thought: I haven’t missed the money for one second. The memories and intimacy that sharing the experience created between my husband and I are absolutely invaluable. It was a significant expenditure for us, but more than worth it. I probably would have paid double that amount for what we got in return. I hope you and Justin start planning that trip soon! ๐Ÿ™‚ I had to comment because I couldn’t bare the thought of you missing out on such a beautiful experience because you thought it would cost 20 times more than it does! It’s just too good to pass up if you think you might be able to make it happen ๐Ÿ™‚

melinda says · 08.02.14

hi Kate, I enjoyed your video. I was trying to think of feedback that may be helpful but I couldn’t think of anything to add, I like the way to splice the video it blends together nicely. I really enjoy your candid answers, I have been blogging for a little while now and started because of your hair videos. I learned so much from you that I thought why not give back to others in the area I love so much. Thank you for sharing your life and in sites with us. I REALLY like the posts you did on blogging there were very helpful.

I would like to ask you about how you learned to make videos and edit them. That is my next step to take. Thanks again Kate..

Charlotte Simmons says · 08.02.14

Gravy & Lloyd! That made me lol! X

angela main says · 08.02.14

This is so great! Keep um comin’!

Sydney Theriot says · 08.03.14

Loved it! So neat getting to know you. I think we would be good friends, we have so much in common! ๐Ÿ™‚

Marlene says · 08.04.14

LOVE the video! Definitely keep ’em coming!

Brooke says · 08.04.14

Super fun! Loved the video!

Jamie Preston says · 08.04.14

Kate!! I always love your videos be it hair tutorials, makeup or ones like this! It’s great to get to know you better. If I ever see you in person I would definitely come say hi!! I’d be so excited it might be a little scary for you! Lol So happy to hear of your new little baby coming this Feb! Congrats to you and your family!

Morgan says · 08.04.14

Loved the video and your blog!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Heidi says · 08.05.14

Kate, I absolutely LOVE the paint color in this room! Do you know what it’s called/who makes it? Or any other readers out there know if she’s written about it before? I’ve been searching high and low for the perfect shade of blue and I think this is it! Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

Meg says · 08.05.14

I feel like I have so many things to say! I loved this video; please do more. My mom, my sister, and I all LOVE your blog and your sister’s blog! When you announced your second pregnancy, my sister texted my mom and me at 7:30 am to tell us the good news! And actually, you have inspired me to possibly pursue a career in the beauty/hair industry. I have always loved doing my own hair, and I feel like I have a talent for it. I enjoy helping other women figure out how to style their hair and give them ideas for fun things to do with it. I’ve been feeling a little lost/purposeless in my current job, so you might have helped me find something new and exciting to do with my life! I am grateful that you are willing to share your life with all your readers.

Ashley says · 08.06.14

Most shocking moment: you chose pool! I would have bet money you were a beach girl. Haha. Great video and love the fun facts. Keep them coming. For the record: you would know if I saw you, not afraid to say hello here.

brooke says · 08.08.14

Youre adorable. Loved the video! My husband and I just traveled to switzerland and the skiing and snowboarding was actually super cheap!!!! Not too bad at all. Geneva was gorgeous!!!!

Julie says · 08.08.14

Ahh, I loved this so much! I especially enjoyed hearing about your kitties ๐Ÿ™‚

Kathy says · 08.08.14

Great video. Please continue these! Love your hair and makeup tutorials.

Sydni Jackson says · 08.10.14

Loved this video!! I have a light gray cat with blue eyes, so you could be like her if you were a cat. Hehe. Also, I have a friend who just moved to Switzerland for her husband’s job! She’s from NC originally too I think, so you guys could bond over living in the same place haha. Here’s her blog if you want to check it out – (hopefully she’s okay with me sharing this) bryceandelissawhited dot blogspot dot com

Kristen says · 08.11.14


Ashton S. says · 08.13.14

Love this! I have been reading for about 2 years and enjoy getting to know you! I am from New Bern, NC, about 45mins from Greenville. My mom went to ECU, but I graduated from NC State. Go Pack!

Ashton S. says · 08.13.14

Keep up the good work and God bless!

Jill Miller says · 08.14.14

LOVE this video!!! Keep them coming!!!! Love you!!!

Pam says · 05.08.20

Hi Kate. I loved the video you shared about your kitchen recently. I have had in mind to do my kitchen cupboards white for a while. I even reached out to one of those home improvement shows on TV inquiring their opinion. Your kitchen is beautiful. I told my husband that is what I want. Can you tell me what color and what the technique is called to make the cupboards have that look of rubbed on the edges? Beautiful. And let’s not forget to mention the hardware. Love it. Thank you.

Melinda says · 06.02.21

You were the reason I got on Pinterest! My sister said โ€œyou have to follow Kate. She has the perfect hair styles!โ€ So I did. Been a fan since day one!

Tanner says · 06.02.21

The โ€œitโ€™s currently storming where I liveโ€ intro was truly the best part of this entire video. Literally giving out weather forecasts since day 1!

Jennifer Hunt says · 06.03.21

LOVE this video! I imagine the 10 years ago Kate never imagined 2021 Kate and how great your life is personally and professionally! I would love the custom Kate lipstick.
