Bathroom Organization

style inspiration: classic summer dress


Since there is usually a layer of hairspray all over my bathroom counter after I’ve finished my hair, I tend to avoid keeping things “out” on my counter. As much as I love acrylic makeup organizers, those need to stay in cabinets so my makeup isn’t covered in residue.

It’s just a reality of my situation!

HomeGoods challenged me to think creatively about how I organize my daily beauty essentials and I have to admit it was a lot of fun to think outside the box!

My goal was to create a pretty area on my vanity that housed my makeup and hair accessories, but still looked like decoration.

I found a few beautiful jewelry boxes, some small jars, and a perfect tall apothecary jar.


Pretty neutral elastic hair ties were placed in the clear jar so I could see what colors I have available.



I have a surplus of products under my sink that don’t get used on a daily basis, so I put those in some boxes in order to avoid the avalanche nightmare of knocking them over.


I placed my favorite makeup brushes in a tall apothecary jar so I could just grab whichever one I needed.


A spice rack was the perfect size to keep my smaller products both visible and stored in a space-effective way.


Other than the fact that my beauty area looks better, it has shaved off a little bit of time spent searching for a certain product. And the quicker I can get ready, the better.

So, how do you keep your beauty products organized?

*this post was sponsored by HomeGoods


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Liz @ I Heart Vegetables says · 06.20.14

I need to try some of these ideas because currently my bathroom is NOT organized. I went from having my own bathroom with a giant linen closet to sharing a bathroom that has no closet AND no counter space. There is a medicine cabinet over the toilet so and a cabinet under the sink. That’s all I’ve got to work with! I’m going to try the spice rack idea on the cabinet ๐Ÿ™‚

Kate says · 06.20.14

Counter space is essential! Sounds like you’ll need to be creative as well!

Angela says · 06.20.14

Looks so pretty. I love the idea of using jewelry boxes to house some eye makeup, great idea! Love your style!

Rachael says · 06.20.14

I need to get creative with boxes like you did to hide all the unused items. I currently am using acrylic make up holders. I have no counters as both my sinks are pedestal sinks. What I would give for a counter!

Whitney @ Come Home For Comfort says · 06.20.14

Lovely! HomeGoods has such pretty organizing tools. I have the hairspray issue too, so I use a pretty bin that holds smaller makeup bags. It lives in my cabinet when not in use.

Katie @ Cup of Tea Blog says · 06.20.14

Oh smart! Command hooks to hang the spice rack! Genius.

Emma says · 06.20.14 Reply
Judy Johnson says · 06.20.14

Thank you for inspiring me to get my makeup drawers organized!!! I have just purchased several new makeup brushes and products that need a new spot in my bathroom so I can find them quickly!!! Home goods here I come!

Jessica Baker says · 06.20.14

I wish I could keep my bathroom as organized as you seem to keep yours!

Melanie Ellsworth says · 06.20.14

Great ideas! I love the apothecary jar with the top – mine are in a cute mason jar in the counter, but I, too, use hairspray! I’ve found that a double lazy Susan in my cabinet works wonders for holding frequently used items that I can spin easily to find. I love the cake plate idea to add height to the counter. Thanks for the great tips. And yes, Home Goods is one of my favs too!!

Andrea says · 06.20.14

I love the idea of having boxes instead of baskets for my hair products under the sink. I think I need to run to HomeGoods asap! Thanks!

Christy Spurlock says · 06.20.14

I love the ideas you’ve posted. I’ve been looking for ways to better organize my bathroom and you’ve nailed it. One thing that I do is to go outside after I fix my hair and spray outside or get in the shower and close the curtain. I detest hairspray all over my “stuff”. But on the upside, rubbing alcohol cleans it up perfectly!!!!

Heidi B says · 06.25.14

I feel the same way…that is my question for you, Kate. You and I both lovers! of hairspray! Is that where you do your hair? How do YOU keep your bathroom from being coated by it? (It ends up all over my vanity – and anything on it – the floor, and walls.)
Your bathroom looks SO pretty – thank you for your blog – BIG FAN!
I need to send you some pictures…I sometimes feel like my hair is just a brunette version of yours – ha! – because I try to follow the tutorials to a T ๐Ÿ™‚

kisma says · 06.20.14

I am a HUGE fan of clean counters but like you have the residue from hairspray. Your post today gave me some great ideas that I hope to put into play this weekend! Love the all the boxes and jars… had always thought of those but until I saw them in play, could never bring myself to doing it.

Awesome and beautiful layout!


Missy Robinson says · 06.20.14

Fabulous idea with the spice rack! I use a gorgeous, crystal vase for my makeup brushes, but everything else remain in a drawer.

Robin Karber says · 06.20.14

JUST bought that grey jewelry box marked down the other day -love how you used it here! Might be stealing! Adorable bathroom. ๐Ÿ™‚

Jennifer says · 06.20.14

So ironic that a room used to “clean” is often so dirty! My hairspray residue problem became less of a problem once I switched to pump hairspray. Regardless, I prefer a clean counter! Having lived in many apartments, each one brings its own storage challenges. When I have drawers, I use clear plastic containers (Target, Container Store) for makeup, Q-tips, etc. With no drawers, I’ll store things I use on a daily basis in a plastic container (with or without a lid) that goes under the sink that I can easily pull out and put away. I found a small, plastic-coated wire shelf that I’ve used for years that goes under the sink. The hair dryer goes under the shelf and a plastic bin of hair goods (or whatever) goes on the shelf that I can easily pull out. I store makeup brushes in plastic cups in my medicine cabinet. For one apartment with little to no storage, I purchased a stand-up cabinet that went over the toilet with spring-poles. More than I wanted to do, but I found an inexpensive one at Wal-Mart which was fine for my 1-year lease. Good luck ladies!

The Preppy Vegan says · 06.26.14

I love these ideas! I’ve run the gamut with my apartment bathrooms as well. I’m about to move from a bathroom with reasonable counter space to one with a pedestal sink…sigh.

ash says · 06.20.14

Love it! I’ve been in need of storage ideas and while all of those wont work for me, you’ve given me some inspiration. Too bad there is not a Home Goods in my area!

Francis Guzman says · 06.20.14

OMG! Kate, I absolutely love this idea. I have a teeny tiny bathroom once you walk in you can see all my makeup products, hair products and skincare products; I also do hair and make up so I have tons of products. But this is a perfect way to organize the BR and have it still look decorative. I will running, not walking to Home Goods!

Theresa @ AMomInTheMaking says · 06.20.14

I love it!!! It makes your counter look so beautiful… my bathroom has no counter space ๐Ÿ™ I’m still love your ideas though. I think the spice rack idea might work with my small space.

Jessica says · 06.20.14

Love this idea!!! So creative!!!

Abby says · 06.20.14

I’ve been on an organization quest lately myself, and I’m definitely going to pull inspiration from this post! I love all the little containers you used to keep things rounded up! Thanks for sharing, Kate. ๐Ÿ™‚

xo Always, Abby

Karisse Kristel says · 06.20.14

I love how pretty and professional you made this look! I so am going to try some of these ideas. Thanks for sharing!
-Karisse Kristel

Jen says · 06.20.14

LOVE these ideas! I feel like the second i’ve cleaned and organized it goes back to disaster minutes later, love the spice rack idea.
I love the print in your bathroom as well! Where did you find that?

Kristi says · 06.20.14

I’ve been wanting to ask how you stored all your stuff for last few days! This was perfect timing for me.

See, I’ve been reading this blog off and on for a while, and I can honestly say that IT CHANGED MY LIFE. I was never the type to play with my hair or make-up growing up. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to, just that I didn’t know what to do and I would get discouraged and just quit. My mom didn’t wear make-up and I didn’t have any friends that I could invite over to share beauty secrets. I didn’t feel like I was pretty enough so I wore my hair slicked back in a ponytail, baggy t-shirt (tucked in) and jeans everyday to junior high, high school and quite a bit into college (until I joined the Army and switched to a bun and a uniform). Now, I’m a mother of four, and my style hasn’t changed, except that I don’t tuck in my shirts anymore. It’s hard to believe that the same issues I struggled with in junior high are still consuming me. I still want to feel pretty, but without the skills that most girls learn in adolescence, I feel unequipped. After re-reading your blog over the past month or two, I have felt empowered to make changes that I’ve been wanting to make for years! I have figured out a basic morning make-up routine and am satisfied that I’m putting on make-up “the right way” and won’t look silly in public. I just recently got back from the hairstylist (that wasn’t located inside a Wal-mart!) and am playing with my new cut. This has been huge for me! Learning techniques from your videos, and even watching the way that your manipulate your hair has given me the courage to do more than a ponytail. The only thing I miss is how quickly I used to get ready! ๐Ÿ™‚ I don’t miss the depression that would set in after getting ready knowing that most people look nicer at the gym than I looked for life. I don’t miss the frustration and tears over my look (or lack thereof). I have a new sense of confidence that I’ve never had before and I am so thankful for you and your blog and your videos that truly do feel like a friend was just invited over from halfway around the country.

So, the timing on this blog is perfect because I’m looking for a place to store all of these new items that I have to store and I need them easily accessible lest I resort to my former ways. Thank you for the ideas!

Tarin says · 06.20.14

Serious question: I see that your Kenra hairspray is uncapped – how do you keep it from clogging? I love that product (based on your recommendation, naturally) but it is CONSTANTLY clogged and the running under hot water trick doesn’t work well in a rush.

Allison says · 06.20.14

My bathroom desperately needs some organization. Thank you so much for the inspiration and ideas! Happy Friday and I hope you have a great weekend!

xoxo Allison over at Allison’s Eye

cascache says · 06.20.14

Hi Kate,
Do you have a creative way to store cords – my flatiron, hairdryer, curling iron cords are a mess. There must be a better way!

Grace says · 06.20.14

Hey, I have a question for you!

So my make-up usually ends up wearing off by mid day and I hate to have to put it back on every few hours. So how do you get your foundation to stay on your face for the whole day? Do you use a specific foundation or is their no way to fix it?

A reply would be very much appreciated! Thanks!

Love your blog by the way!


Sharon Danley says · 06.20.14

Excellent. I am an organizing hound too and totally agree that hairsprays and other spray products and powders leave a residue all over everything. Nicely displayed yet protected. Bravo.

Carolyn says · 06.20.14

I definitely need to take a trip back to HomeGoods (love that place) and get some more storage bins and boxes to organize my bathroom space. I actually made a sketch yesterday of how to want to organize my space. This post it perfect! Thank you.
Carolyn | BLOG

Andrea says · 06.20.14

This is awesome! I am a freak about organizing, but my bathroom always seems to be a disaster zone. This is a great solution! Thanks

Lindsay @ The Newlywed Notebook says · 06.20.14

This is quite possibly the most adorable bathroom setup I’ve ever seen!! I love how you were able to use home decor items in unique ways! This has given me so many fun ideas – thank you so much for sharing!!

Karen says · 06.20.14

Speaking of hairspray residue, has anyone found a good way how to CLEAN it off of the counter, the tile floor, the doorknob, etc, etc. ??

Jennifer says · 06.20.14

Windex and some elbow grease. An earlier respondent mentioned rubbing alcohol, but I haven’t tried that.

Melissa Wooworth says · 06.24.14

Lysol wipes that have the purple scrubby side. Comes right off!

Leanne Job says · 06.20.14

My husband bought me a fishing tackle box (I know it seems weird but it works). It’s really useful because it has all the compartments that fold out and my makeup, brushes and bobby pins stay all neat and organised and it easily folds away and I keep it under my bathroom sink.

Jennifer says · 06.20.14

My dad was a lifelong fisherman, and I agree that tackle boxes are genius for makeup – not weird at all! Ulta sells a collection of train cases online and in-store, including old-school Caboodles, that are great for ladies with a lot of products, or that have no counter space or drawers.

Lacey says · 06.20.14

Very creative!! Especially love the apothecary jar! The brushes are covered and safe from germs & dust. I saw the Redken Pillow Proof (I think that’s the name? Small pink bottle?). Was curious to know how you like it? I’ve looked into it but haven’t made the purchase yet. X

Amanda Michelle says · 06.20.14

I love how you’ve stored your makeup! I definitely need to try this out, thanks!

Ashley @ Forever Ashley says · 06.20.14

I actually bought a set of three stackable hat boxes that look really pretty and I have them stacked next to the bathroom. They store pads and tampons. Looks super pretty and easily accessible if I need them.

Arianne says · 06.21.14

I love that spice rack.. everything you have are so cute ๐Ÿ˜€

Lori says · 06.21.14

Great ideas! We’re in the process of decorating a brand new master bathroom which was just painted a soft gray but I love your paint color. What color is it? I would love to see your vanity mirror and lighting as that is the next item to tackle once we get our vanity installed this weekend. I’m thinking a full mirror would be best over a 60″ double sink counter/vanity as opposed to two small mirrors. I’m also on the fence about medicine cabinets – love the storage they offer. I have the dreaded hairspray film too, covering everything, but couldn’t live without my freeze hold spray!!

Liz says · 06.21.14

You do a great job at covering cosmetic products and I enjoy reading about them. I came across this video about sunscreen and thought you might be interested since it is put in so many things. I especially found interesting what was said about putting sunscreen on infants.

shannon says · 06.21.14

Kate- what a perfect post! You’ve given me tons of inspiration to organize my own bathroom! Just a couple months ago I decided to put a decorative tiered cake/dessert stand in my bathroom to put all my sample size products in (from Birchbox, Sephora, etc) but thats the extent to what i’ve done. You’re post has inspired me to keep going! Who knew we could use apothecary jars for brushes, jewelry boxes for make-up, etc.?? Its genius! Thanks! xxo

Conni says · 06.22.14

This post is awesome! I’ve never seen someone use an apothecary jar for brushes. Such a great idea!

Connie | Sponsored by Coffee

Celeste @LeapfrogandLipgloss says · 06.22.14

This post gave me some organizational ideas. Thank you so much!

Jen says · 06.23.14

This post could not have come at a better time! I just spent half of my Saturday trying to figure out a better way to organize all of my beauty products. This is great inspiration! Although my counter space is significantly smaller than yours ๐Ÿ™ I may need to utilize the space under the sink more.

Thanks for the tips!!

xo, Jen

^dior fluid stick vs. ysl glossy stain on the blog today

Erika says · 06.23.14

LOVE that spice rack idea! How perfect!

M says · 06.23.14

Those are really good ideas. Looks really pretty too! I’ll need to do that for myself as well. Thanks for sharing.

Angie says · 06.23.14

Love the ideas….I too have to keep most under the cabinet (mostly because of my cat George)

Julie V. says · 06.23.14

My husband put up white shelves to the right of the medicine cabinet and on those we have baskets. I actually have a piece of slim cereal box cardboard covered with fun contact paper that I store my hairpins on.
Do you store toilet paper under your sink too? That’s the thing that takes up so much of our under the sink space (unless we’re getting low) and I’d love to find a better way to organize beneath the sink.

Melissa Wooworth says · 06.24.14

Thank you so much for sharing! This was one of those pressing topics I had been dying to know about! ๐Ÿ™‚

Anne says · 06.24.14

Beautiful! Just to let you know though – every time I type in the address now, this is the latest post that comes up. Since I saw you added a new video to your youtube channel, with a link to a newer post, I’m guessing you are still posting everyday but it’s not showing if you just type! Just FYI ๐Ÿ™‚

Marie says · 06.25.14

I absolutely LOVE how you organized all your stuff while still keeping to looking beautiful! You’ve inspired me to do the same!

The Preppy Vegan says · 06.26.14

Would never have thought to use the apothecary jar or boxes. Love these ideas. I’m on the hunt for a beautiful silver cup (like a mint julep cup) to house my makeup brushes!

Sarah Clark says · 06.30.14

Love it! I cannot WAIT until we get a HomeGoods here in the fall!

Julie W says · 07.11.14

Love these ideas!! I can’t wait to get to HomeGoods! Did you also get the framed artwork above your tub from HomeGoods? I have been looking for something just like that for my bathroom.

resource says · 09.24.14

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rudy says · 05.30.16

Great ideas.I definitely have to try it out.I do have some caddies that I got from better living but some of the ideas in this blog are look like using the apothecary for storing all your make up brushes.

Giniekids says · 07.10.23

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