Birchbox’s Party in a Box (Giveaway!)
The first airplane ride!
Are you watching the Oscars on Sunday? I plan on watching although I cannot believe Tom Hank’s isn’t in the running! Did you see Captain Phillips? I thought he absolutely nailed it!
Birchbox has put together the perfect little “Oscar Party Box” complete with ballot cards, balloons and festive little favors.
The only way to get this box is to win it! Birchbox is giving away 1 Party in a Box box for a lucky Small Things blog reader!
Enter using the giveaway tool below! The winner will be chosen tomorrow morning and the box will be delivered by end of day on Friday so you can prep for your party!
(us only)
(us only)
Love Birchbox and the Oscars! Such a cute idea! Congrats on the baby as well! He is so precious!!
I can’t enter without having Facebook or Twitter?? So sad
Gotta love Birchbox!
I want to win!
I love this! How fun is this little party box?!
Awesome! This is a really cool contest.
I think the party in a box is such a cute idea! I’m a fan of Christian Bale, so I hope he wins.
love this and wish i’d get one .
What a fun giveaway!
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Us only. I’m sad.
I wish it were Leonardo Dicaprio, but I think Matthew McConnaughey will win.
Leo for best actor all the way!
best actor–matthew mcconaghey. here’s to hoping i win!
I loved watching Christian Bale in American Hustle!
Leonardo DiCaprio Best Actor has to be Leo! Although Matthew McConaughey is a close second.
YAY! Leonardo DiCaprio!
Looks like fun!
Love this idea for a Party Box! The Oscars is my Superbowl! My pick for Best Actor is Matt McConnaughey…
I have NO idea! I haven’t been to the movies in forever!
Christian Bale! I thought he nailed it in American Hustle
I’m going with Leonardo DiCaprio.
I’m going to say Leonardo DiCaprio
Christian Bale for Best Actor!!
so fun! thanks for the giveaway 🙂
Leonardo Dicaprio
I think that best actor for the Oscars is Amy Adams!!! I loved her in American Hustle!
This is a great Birchbox!!
Love this giveaway!
i have no idea who is even nominated!!
Matthew M! He’s had a great year (and he’s really hot:))>
Christian Bale all the way!! 🙂 Or Your little David. He’s sooo presh!
Love giveaways & Love your blog!
Love Birchbox!! Great giveaway!
Leo all the way!
This is awesome – I’ve been a fan of Birchbox for years!
i hope aaron paul wins 🙂
Considering I have only seen Wolf of Wall Street (from the list), I’ll go with Leo!
Christian Bale! I so so so hope I win!
What a fun box! Love it!
Leonardo Dicaprio…hes such a stud 🙂
Three Sweet Peas
If the guy from 7 Years a Slave is nominated, I think he might just win. And most people were with you, shocked Tom Hanks didn’t get nominated.
Leonardo Dicaprio or Joaquin Phoenix!
Leonardo DiCaprio!!
Matthew McConaughey will take it home!!
not sure! don’t follow the actors!
Such a fun giveaway! I think Matthew McConaughey will win for best actor 🙂
I haven’t seen any of the movies that the Best Actors have been in, but who doesn’t love Matthew McConaughey!!
Hands down Leonardo DiCaprio!
I think either Matthew McConnaughey or Leonardo Dicaprio will win Best Actor.
Would love to try Birchbox out and what better way then for the Oscars!
Leonardo DiCaprio for The Wolf of Wall Street!
Leonardo or Matthew
Love the birchbox idea, and love free giveaways! My sister gave me a birchbox for Christmas and I got some really great things in it, that I now use daily, that wouldn’t have bought myself otherwise. Thanks!
This is awesome! I love Birchbox so much and enjoy getting my boxes each month.
Um yes please ! Great way to try new products 🙂
I have been wanting to try Birchbox! Thanks for the giveaway!
what a cute idea! this looks like so much fun!
I don’t know if I’ve even seen any of the nominated movies, but I do love Matthew McConaughey!
I wanted this box as soon as BB posted it but alas I’m saving money…to win would be GREAT!
Definitely Matthew McConnaughey!!
Love birch box! Been wanting to try it out!
How fun is this?!
I’m so lame, I haven’t seen any of the movies yet! But they’re all great nominees this year!
Matthew McConnaughey will win!!!!
Matthew McConnaughey!! He is such a hottie, and who doesn’t love a nice body to look at!?
Leo. Is he nominated? Either way, Leo.
Mmm….Matthew McConaughey 🙂
I had never heard of Birchbox until you posted this and I checked it out. Way cool.
Matthew McConnaughey
Leonardo DiCaprio!!! I love this Birchbox idea!!
I do think Leo deserves to win for once, but I also love Chiwetel Ejiofor from 12 Years a Slave. So talented!
Matthew McConnaughey! He’s awesome!
Can’t even tell you who is in the running…
Leonardo for the win!!!
I can’t believe Tom Hanks is not in the running. He was amazing! I haven’t seen any of the movies that are in the running for best actor / best actress (don’t go out much)… but I would love for Captain Phillips to win Best Picture!
Matthew McConaughey!
Matthew McConnaughey Best Actor!
I would love to see Matthew McConnaughey win!
Love Birchbox! I enjoyed reading about David’s first flight. So glad it went well for you – just remember if things get tough on the way home to take a deep breath & be calm. It will be a-okay 🙂
Funny…Matthew Mconaghey is my vote, but if you haven’t seen the Dallas Buyers Club with him, it will change all those nice body comments above.
Leonardo DiCaprio for sure!
Matthew McConaughey!!
Matthew McConnaughey will win!!!!
Chiwetel Ejiofor
This giveaway would be so much fun to win!! I need some pampering 🙂
I’ve been thinking about joining Birchbox ever since I started reading your blog and reading your reviews. I just sent an email today requesting a subscription!
I got so excited, I forgot to say Matthew McConaughney is my vote!
Matthew McConaughey, I hope!!
Christian Bale — absolutely!
Chiwetel Ejiofor!
Christian Bale!
Go Matthew McConaughey!
Matthew McConaughey
I think Bruce Dern will win.
Erika W.
Matthew McConaughey
I love Birchbox and what a cute idea for the Oscars! I am voting for Leonardo DiCaprio – I think he did an amazing job in Wolf of Wall Street! 🙂
Lets have a girl party! A party that looks fun and classic :). I think Sandra Bullock will win because girlfriend has talent. 🙂
Love it!
Matthew McConnaughey!
Christian bale for sure!!
My first choice was Tom Hanks, but since that’s not happening, it hands down is Leo. He has to win sometime, right?
I’m such a Leo fan so I am going to have to go with him! I’m spending Oscar night with my mom; a tradition we have had since I was a little girl 🙂
I would love to have an Oscar Party, I vote Leonardo DiCaprio!
Leonardo DiCaprio–I’ve been a fan of his since Titanic!
matthew, for sure. i’m totally calling it!
The guy’s gotta win sometime…
Leo DiCaprop… Love him!
Go Leo, Go Leo!! Would love this birchbox!
I have to go with Christian Bale!
A group of us girls are getting together to watch, this would be perfect!
Christian Bale! Loved American Hustle 🙂 What a fun giveaway!!!
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I think the competition is pretty tough, I’m surprised Tom Hanks isn’t in the running also. I’m thinking Christian Bale ( he won me over ages ago in Newsies and Little Women) 🙂
Love this giveaway – Christian Bale!
So fun! I think Matthew McConaughey.
I think it’s Leo’s turn to win something!
Leo is long overdue and so amazingly talented. I hope he wins.
Leonardo DiCaprio (The Wolf of Wall Street)!
chiwetel ejiofor!
Leonardo all the way.
You are totally amazing to add another way to enter for those of us that don’t tweet. Plus, I love Birchbox. I don’t know if you have ever had to contact their customer service but I have a few times and they are incredible! I’m not a huge fan of Leo but I’d love to see him win finally.
I’m hoping this is Leo’s year! I’d love to see Matthew McConaughey if Leo doesn’t.
Christian Bale hands down!
I always get excited when my Birchbox arrives!! I want the best looking to win 😉
Christian Bale gets my vote!
I actually don’t have a favorite this year but Matthew is always a babe.
This is awesome! I would love to win!
Love Matthew! Hope he wins. This box is so fun! 🙂
I love my Birchbox and this special box looks awesome! I think Christian Bale should win hands down!
Christian Bale! …Or Leo! 😉
I’ll vote for Leo. He’s my hubs fave.
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How fun!
I’ll vote for Chiwetel Ejiofor! Yay Oscars!
Love this giveaway!
I haven’t seen the movie he’s nominated for, but would pick Matthew McConaughey….he’s always fun to watch
Leo deserves a win (finally)!
Sounds like fun! Hope I win.
Chiwetel Ejiofor
I haven’t seen any of these movies BUT I love Leo so my vote is for him!
What a great giveaway! I really want to try Birchbox. I’m voting for Christian Bale for Best Actor.
Looks way fun!
Haven’t watched any movies for a while. I like Leo too!
Matthew McConaughey but I thought Tom Hanks nailed it also.
It should be Tom Hanks! I can’t understand why he isn’t nominated 🙁
Leo! It’s about time he wins!!
I love Birchbox, and this looks great! Personally, I’m rooting for Chiwetel Ejiofor (12 Years a Slave) to win for Best Actor, but it’s going to be a tight race this year!
Leo alllllll the way!
I need to watch that movie! and What a neat giveaway!
I really think McConaughey is going to win.
so cute!
Christian Bale!
Leonardo Dicaprio should win even though he probably won’t.
I’m so exited! My vote is for matthew McConaughey
Love the Oscars! I’m thinking Matthew McConaughey for best actor, he rocked his role.
Not going to lie, I look forward to the red carpet just as much as the show. I’m behind on movies and I think Best Actor is a close call!
Matthew Mc for sure. And what a great way to try birchbox
My choice for best actor is definitely Matthew McConaughey. Honestly, Dallas Buyers Club was one of the best movies I’ve ever seen!
Matthew McConaughey!
I think Leonardo Dicaprio should win – all the way. Although I too was surprised not to see Tom Hanks! He was incredible in Captain Philips.
I guess I’m going with Christian Bale since that’s the only one I’ve seen (sad really!)
I can’t wait to see who wins!
I LOVE Birchbox!!!
Leonardo DiCaprio!
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Christian Bale for having to gain all that weight! Just kidding, I’m sure they’re all great. It’ll be a close one!
Christian Bale for Best Actor
i really wish it was leo….but i think he will get beaten..AGAIN.
I’ve been wanting to try out Birchbox. Thanks for the chance to win.
Yay! Can’t wait for Sunday! I’m going to my first Oscars party and my friends would love this!
So excited to see this year’s awards!
Matthew McConaughey
Leo for the win!
Matthew McConaughey is my vote, mostly to make hell freeze over 🙂
Leo of course! 🙂
what about actress?? Amy Adams was fantastic in American Hustle! there were a lot of greats this year 🙂
I haven’t seen any of the movies, but I’ve heard that “12 Years a Slave” is a phenomenal film, so I’ll go with Chiwetel Ejiofor!
I’m cheering for Chiwetel Ejiofor.
How fun, Leo of course!
Matthew McConaughey did an amazing job in Dallas Buyers Club.
Mccaugnhey! (i totally butchered that spelling). Also thought Tom Hanks was great
haven’t seen the movie but my choice is leo!
Leonardo DiCaprio!
I love Matthew McConaughey, I really hope he wins for Dallas Buyers Club!
Leonardo DiCaprio!!!
Leo all the way!
Matthew for best actor! 🙂
I totally need this! I am going to super celebrat ethe Oscars bc its Mardi Gras weekend here – so its a double party!
Amy Adams for American Hustle – she’s amazing!
Leo for best actor!
Matthew McConaughey for Dallas Buyers Club 🙂
Matthew McConaughey. AWESOME job!!
Seriously sooo hard to choose… I’m going with Matthew Matthew McConaughey
This is a great giveaway! I definitely think it should be Leo that wins best actor (:
Christian Bale for Best Actor, American Hustle! Thanks Kate!!
Matthew McConaughey hands down. He was awesome! I heart Birch Box!!!
I haven’t seen any of the Oscar nominated movies this year! Ack! Better hit the video store! 😉
Matthew McConaughey
Leonardo DiCaprio!
Can’t wait to see who wins! Both contests!
Such a cute idea!
Such a fun idea!
Leonardo DiCaprio!!!
Matthew McConaughey all the way!
Matthew McConaughey
Birchbox is awesome! Only thing better is…MORE Birchbox!
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Been wanting to try out Birchbox for some time. This looks like a fabulous giveaway, but I’m afraid I haven’t seen any of the movies nominated. :0(
Leo…he’s come a long way since Titanic!
Leo! What a darling little birch box! Great idea! 🙂
Matthew McConaughey!
I would love to win this since i’m throwing a Oscar party! I would love anybody from American Hustle win!
I have to go with Leonardo Dicaprio. Thanks for the giveaway, I’ve always wanted to try Birchbox!
I’d love to see my Leo finally win one!
What a fun little party box, Birchbox! Way to go!
Hope to win!
Like everyone else, I am stanning Leo so hard this year. And I ashamedly haven’t seen a good number of those movies..I’m going to say Leo. Yes.
I agree! It should have been Tom Hanks!
Leonardo DiCaprio!
Thank you for the opportunity! YAY!
I haven’t seen all the nominees, but I do love me some Matthew McConaughey! Cute Birch box idea!!
I’m such a loser I’ve only seen one of the best picture nominees. I’ll say Matthew McConaughey though for best actor since I’m loving him on HBO’s True Detective right now!
Matthew McConnaughey or Leo! Both are easy on the eyes!
I like Tom Hanks but can’t believe he’s not in the running!
I vote for Matthew.
I would vote for Leonardo DiCaprio!
Yay! Hope I win!
I’m still saying Tom Hanks… whether or not Hollywood see’s that, I think more importantly it’s who the VIEWERS and FANS vote for!! 😉
I haven’t seen any of the movies they were in, so I’m just going to guess (and also go for someone other than Matthew and Leo) … Chiwetel Ejiofor.
Leonardo DiCaprio for BEST ACTOR!!!!!!
Matthew McConaughey
Judi Dench…love her!
I want it!
I’ve only seen American Hustle but I think Matthew mcConaughey will get it.
I think it’ll be Matthew McConaughey. Alright, alright, alright.
Definitely Leo!!
Leonardo DiCaprio!!!
Christian Bale for American Hustle!
Christian Bale for American Hustle!
Matthew McConaughey!
Love your blog, Birchbox, and of course love Matthew McConaughey!
I am a huge Leo fan so I would like to see him win. I feel he deserves this Oscar! 🙂
What a cute idea! I hope I win
love me some birchbox
Yay Birchbox!!
Pick Me! 🙂
I haven’t seen any of the movies, but I hear Matthew McConaughey was amazing. I would still love to win though!
Matthew is my 1st choice!
Leonardo DiCaprio for sure.
I haven’t seen Dallas Buyers Club yet but I’m betting it’ll be Matthew McConaughey!
Mcconaughey hands down!
Chiwetel Ejiofor!
HANDS down it has to be Leonardo DiCaprio. Best performance! 🙂
Sweet Southern Sparkle
Leonardo DiCaprio!
Matthew M has my vote!!
Matthew McConaughey!
Leonardo DiCaprio
Chiwetel Ejiofor, “12 Years a Slave”
Christian Bale
Leo! <3
Oooh how fun, I’d love to win this!!
I would have to vote for Matthew McConaughey!!
Leo Leo Leo!
I haven’t seen any of them sadly so not sure who should win.
Leo deserves a win finally!
Matthew McConaughey
My choice is Matthew McConaughey. Thanks for chance to win.
Matthew McConaughey 😀
LOVE Matthew McConaughney!! I hope he wins. Thanks for the giveaway, Kate 🙂
Christian Bale was awesome in American Hustle!
I also think Tom Hanks is one of the best actors. I haven’t seen enough movies to give an intelligent or even an opinion at all, I’m sad to say. I love your blog and yours is always one that I actually read and so enjoy.
Definitely going to go with the majority and say Matthew McConaughey for Dallas Buyers Club!
Can’t wait for the Oscars and I’m hoping Christian Bale takes home the best actor! American Hustle was fab!
I’m so excited for the Oscars, and quite upset that Tom Hanks was not recognized for his role in Captain Phillips as well! 🙁
However! I definitely think that there are a great number of people who deserve these awards, these movies were AMAZING
Definitely Leo, much deserved in my opinion!
Matthew McConaughey is my vote, but mostly because he is so talented on True Detective.
Leo, for sure 🙂
I think I’ve become addicted to this blog!!! Best Actor=Matthew McConaughey for Dallas Buyers Club!
Love the Oscars! Would love to celebrate Leo’s win with a Birchbox! 🙂
Christian Bale!
Matthew McConaughey!
How fun, thanks for doing this Kate!
Leonardo DiCaprio 🙂
Matthew McConaughey! His performance was so intense!
Bruce Dern!
Love Christian bale!!!!!
Whoop Whoop! Birchbox party! Best Actor? Matthew McConaughey
Leonardo DiCaprio
Leonardo DiCaprio! PS-your babyboy is gorgeous just like you!
I’m pulling for Leo!
I hope Leo wins. It’s about time he gets a best actor Oscar.
Give me Matthew MC all the way!
I totally thought Tom Hanks should have made it into the running! I haven’t seen any of the movies that the actors have been nominated for…but I vote Sandra Bullock for best actress (Gravity is also the only movie I’ve seen off that list)!
Christian Bale
Chiwetel Ejiofor!
I’d like to see Leonardo win. He’s so talented.
Yay for the Oscars!
Leonardo is so talented, but I love that Tom Hanks. I’d be thrilled if he won again!
Matthew McConaughey!
I have to agree Kate, I couldn’t believe Tom Hanks wasn’t in the running! But if I have to pick someone else it would be Chiwetel Ejiofor
Matthew McConaughey!!
I think Matthew McConaughey will win too
I think Matthew McConaughey will win too
Paul Newman! …It’s been awhile since I’ve seen a movie…
Leonardo DiCaprio definitely deserves this one!
Leo or Matthew!
I’m not sure how strongly I feel about this, but I’ll go with Christian Bale.
I would love to see Leonardo win!
I think I’d like Matthew McConaughey to win. But I’m with you about Tom Hanks. I think he did awesome in Captain Phillips.
This is soo cute! Anything with chocolate covered pretzels is a fabulous idea.
p.s. my vote is for Leo, of course!
Christian Bale from American Hustle for sure! Or Leo because I feel bad he’s never won one! 🙁
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Leonardo DiCaprio (The Wolf of Wall Street) it is about time!
What a cute idea!!
Larissa |
Matthew McConaughey!
It’s my 31st birthday on Sunday so I’m having a combined Oscar’s and Birthday Party – I’d love to win this box!!! Leo for Best Actor!
Matthew McConaughey!
Leo DiCaprio!!
Leo – always Leo 🙂
Leonardo DiCaprio.
Leonardo DiCaprio. Because he’s never one and he really is a good actor.
I love Birchbox! I would love to win this party box too!
Matthew McConaughey (Dallas Buyers Club)
Got my fingers cross for Leo or McConaughey – both did phenomenal work!!
This would be great to take along to our Oscar Party!!
I haven’t seen ANY of the movies that the “Best Actor” nominees are in, so I don’t think I’m a fair judge. :p
Looks like an awesome box! I’m going with Christian Bale!
I think Leonardo DiCaprio will win
Love me some Leo!
I am such a fan of birchbox because of you!
I am a sucker for Matthew McConaughey- he’s my pick!
I would love to win this! Christian Bale is my pick. Joaquin Phoenix for sure should have been nominated though. Her was my favorite movie of the year
I would love to win! 🙂
This looks like so much fun! And the chocolate covered pretzels are calling my 39 week pregnant mama’s name…
Aaron Paul!! <3 <3
Christian Bale! Love 70s movies!
I love Birchbox! This is awesome!
I love Birchbox! This is awesome!
Just watched The Wolf of Wall Street… Leonardo DiCaprio was really good. Haven’t seen the other’s yet, but I agree that Tom Hanks was fantastic in Captain Phillips.
This is very cute 🙂
I always love seeing all of the fun stuff you get in your Birchboxes! They find the cutest stuff!
Leo definately!
Leonardo!! It’s a long time coming.
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Definitely Leonardo DiCaprio…..he gets better with age…acting and looking!
Rooting for Matthew!
Matthew McConaughey
Matthew McConaughey!!!
Dallas Buyers Club
Matthew McConnaughey has my vote!!
Matthew McConaughey!!
Oh I’d love to win this!
Leonard DiCaprio for Best Actor!
That box has all the glam of the Oscars!
I love birchbox! I recently subscribed after reading a few of your blog posts! 🙂
Im really not leaning towards any of them, but i am hopeful to win!
Leonardo! he deserves one!
Matthew McConaughey really deserves it! He did such a great job in committing to his role in Dallas Buyers Club!
Woo-hoo awesome giveaway! I’ve been wanting to try Birchbox for so long!
Matthew McConaughey!!
I haven’t seen any of these movies! Ugghh I need to get out more! Matthew McCanaughey is always a favorite though!
Leonardo DiCaprio
Matthew McConaughey please!
Chiwetel Ejiofor!
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leonardo dicaprio
I haven’t seen any of the movies cited for the Best Actor nominees, but based on past performances I would choose Leonardo Dicaprio!
Matthew Mcconaughey! I absolutely love BirchBox and just did a review of mine this month of my blog! Love this giveaway!!
i wish tom hanks was nominated!
Leonardo DiCaprio! Haven’t seen the movie either but he’s always great.
Matthew McConaughey
Matthew McConaughey
Matthew McConaughey
Matthew McConaughey! I feel like its his time.
Matthew McConaughey from Dallas Buyers Club!
I’m embarrassed to say I have not seen any of the Oscar nominated movies – gotta get out more! 🙂
Matthew McConaughey
Leo 100%!!!!
I haven’t seen it yet but I heard Matthew McConaughey did a great job so my vote is for him!! Good luck to all other actors!!
I haven’t seen the movie but I heard that Matthew McConaughey did a great job so my vote is for him. Good luck to all the actors!!
Great giveaway! Amy Adams all the way!
Gotta love Matthew McConaughey!
Matthew McConaughey!!!
Matthew McConaughey!!! He is my fav!!
Christian Bale!
Matthew McConaughey, just to hear him say “alright, alright, alright”.
Love receiving my Birch Box every month and I love the Oscars. Doesn’t get much better when you combine both into one package!!!
Oh man. This is rough one but I’m gonna go with Matthew McConaughey.
Fingers crossed for Leo!
Chiwetel Ejiofor really earned the awards for best actor, I think!
Leo all the way!
Christian Bale
I want to say, “Leonardo Dicaprio.” He already won a golden globes, so who knows? It’s about time, he win something. 🙂
christian bale!
I’m going with Leonardo
Great Giveaway!
Totally Christian Bale!
It’s gotta be Matthew.
Best actor: Matthew M……I hope I win….loooooove Birchbox!
yaaay awesome giveaway!
I agree! Tom Hanks definitely should have been nominated!
Leo DiCaprio!!! 🙂
Christian Bale!
Christain Bale!!
Bruce Dern, since I feel like he deserves it after acting for so long.
Christian Bale!!
Terrible, but I haven’t seen any of the movies. I prefer Leo over Matthew in terms of “likability”, but if that was all that mattered in the Oscars, Tom Hanks would be nominated – I love that guy.
Leo for the win
This box looks like so much fun!
I’m a boomerang Birchbox gal. So glad to be back! And I can’t wait to see Ellen host the Oscars.
Leonardo DiCaprio.
My vote is for Christian Bale.
Oh, I am completely a push over for Matthew….
12 Years a Slave for Best Picture
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Christian Bale!
Matthew McConaughey all the way
leo! he needs to win! he deserves a million oscars [or at LEAST one, with all of the times he’s been nominated]
Christian Bale for the win
Christian Bale for the win
Christian Bale
Saw Captain Phillips and I’m amazed too that he wasn’t up for the Oscar.
Christian Bale!!!!! Would love to try birchbox!!!!!!
Definitely Christian Bale for Best Actor!
Love this giveaway, I hope I win! I want Matthew McConaughey to win!
Leonardo DiCaprio!
Matthew McConaughey
Matthew McConaughey for the win!
Chiwetelu Umeadi “Chiwetel” Ejiofor
Chiwetel Ejiofor
MM all the way!!!!
Love Birchbox! I think Chiwetel Ejiofor has a fighting chance!
i haven’t seen any of the nominated performances this year, so i don’t have a fave. but i love to watch the oscars!
Thanks for sharing the giveaway! You turned me onto Birchbox, so it’s great that they’re acknowledging what you do. 🙂
Alright, alright, alright… I have to go with Matthew McConnaughey.
Also, if be happy with Matthew Mc or Leonardo DiCaprio 🙂
Even though he gets on my nerves…I think it will be Mr. McConaughey.
Love this….and I am hosting an Oscar party!
Love Birchbox!
Oh whoops – forgot to answer the question! Leo is definitely my choice 🙂
That looks adorable! I love birchbox!
Leo all the way
And Leo need to win!
This looks so fun!
Too bad it’s US only 🙂 But a great price to win. Good luck everyone!
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If anyone is reading this because their interested in signing up for birchbox please email me for an Inivte an 3 different promo codes you can only pick one to use though. Email me at