Daily Wear
There is much spoiling going on around here because grandma doodle and grandpa tuesday are here!
You read that right, their nicknames are doodle and tuesday. There are really short, mostly uninteresting stories behind both of these nicknames too. Kind of like my sister Lauren’s nickname being “stu”. It’s not a great story like you may think
Oddly enough, I longed for a nickname growing up. I thought only cool people had nicknames and I just wasn’t the kind of person that got one. I wish I could say that I finally got a nickname and it made my life better, but it never happened. For just a moment Justin called me “peas”, which was a nickname pulled from my maiden name, but that didn’t stick either.
But around these parts, between my mom, dad, husband and sister, almost no one is called by their real name. My brother is the only one besides me that didn’t get nicknamed either. So I guess he and I are in the “uncool club” together.
Since David takes just slightly after my dad, we occasionally call him wednesday. You know, because he takes after tuesday.
We also call him Tuna, but that’s a story for another time (also not very interesting).
Well, it’s about time to wrap up this blog post. I feel like all I’ve done is confused you and left you wondering “why the heck do you call your dad ‘tuesday’?”
Maybe one day I’ll get a chance to sit down and write out the stories of the nicknames for you. I may have to embellish to make them interesting enough to read.
Have a wonderful weekend!
I have no one but three nicknames (just from my parents). Bitsy Beans (based on a doll), Plum (because I was crazy obsessed with Victoria Plum) and Floss. The latter I have no idea why. I suspect my parents are overcompensating for not giving me a middle name……
Hahaha! I love this. Sometimes I write similar blog posts and think…does anyone want to really read this?! I can safely say now that yes, they do! Loved it 🙂 xo
Saira @ Livinginthemoment87.blogspot.com
aw, that’s cute! And fun that you kind of have these special connections. I have the opposite problem. My husband & son have longer formal-ish names that people keep trying to abbreviate, but we’re just not nickname people! My husband is definitely a “Nathaniel” not a “Nate.” Oh, well. He’s a good sport & responds to just about anything. I’m the one who will correct people! ha!
Hang in there … you still have a chance at a nickname. When my son was a preschooler, we would play pretend. He would be whoever he decided that day, and I had to come up with a name for myself. I usually chose Sally or Lucy. My son really liked Sally, so after awhile, he chose my name and it was always Sally. Then we got Wii and he made my “Mii” and named her Sally. Now my husband calls me that often. I like it better than “Muffet”, which is what my parents sometimes called me, along with a few other names.
My two year olds’ nickname from me is “Stink”….as in my little stinker. I get odd looks in public for saying: “come on Stink” or “Hey Stink”. They probably think I’m bullying him.
My sister and I call each other “Sp,” and not only is the story not very interesting…it’s also embarrassing. So, I shall not say why! But I love your family nicknames and am convinced families who call each other by their given names need to be a bit more creative 😉
– Adrienne @ Midwestern Belle
I call my dad “Sparky” it is an uninteresting story as well. My mom even calls him by that. It’s funny how nicknames just stick. I always enjoy the fun memories behind them.
It’s nice to see a glimpse of your dad! I’ve seen several photos of your mom, but not your dad. 🙂
I always wanted a cool nickname too. In college I was called ‘Flip’ by my cheerleading teammates and oddly enough it had zero to do with cheerleading. I did notice in high school though that rather than pronouncing Jessica the proper way, every one who knew me called me JUssica. I could literally distinguish if someone was talking to me by the u sound instead of eh. Flash forward to today and my daughter calls me Mum, not mom or mommy….and we are not British.
My nickname is “Buckets”! : P.S. LOVE the ‘Wednesday’ story! LOL
My 3 year’s next name for me is Eve. I don’t know where she got it from. My daughters name is Brooklyn, but lately whenever someone ask her name she says it’s Wally. So she introduces us as Wally and Eve.
That’s adorable! 😉
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Growing up my nickname was Lur or lady jane.
My son has two nicknames. I call him Sweet ‘Tater or ‘Tater for short and my husband calls him Munchieman or ‘Munchie for short. His real name is Braedon Monroe. 🙂 (Not sure where these nicknames came from.)
i just noticed your bobby pin at the top of the screen, made my friday!! Hey its the little things right!
This is so off the subject – I LOVE “Grandma Doodle’s” hair color – can you tell me what her shades are? (I’m also a grandma, “Nina”) Thanks so much – I just love reading about your sweet family. 🙂
Awww! I love that! He is so handsome Kate! Excited to see him grow up on your blog.
Love nicknames! I called my grandmother “chicken noodle” and she called me “esmeralda”. We were quite a team!
So cute! My dad is called Grandpa Quarter. He gives the grandkids quarters everytime he sees them. One of my nieces or nephews started calling him Grandpa Quarter because of it and the name has stuck! He just remarried last year and we now have Grandma Quarter! When my daughter was a baby we started calling her Lilly-bug (kinda gross backstory to it). She’s almost 8 and we still call her bug or Lilly-bug. I had a nickname growing up and HATED it. My older sisters still call me it to this day, but I’m a little more appreciative of it now! 🙂
Man you can’t just leave us hanging! What’s the point of writing an entire post just to say to all of your readers “Sorry, it’s an inside joke!”? Kinda confused…
You’ve piqued our curiousity. Out with it, girlfriend! LOL
Hello! I live in Brasil. My son is one year old. I am very happy for you!!!
I love watching your videos.
My niece is 5 and adorable (I’m not biased or anything.) Every day she insists on being called a new nickname: Tiana, Tasha… But my nickname for her is Miss Gigi. It fits her spunky personality!
He is perfect and adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would like to hear the story behind the nicknames! I think you are an interesting writer and could make it into a very interesting story!
He’s beautiful! I love that Wednesday came up as a nickname, too sweet.
We named my son Corben. He’s 8 months old and my two year old has always (since she could talk) called him Popo. So now we all call him Popo WAY more than Corben. She also used to call herself Ryerye (Rylee). Over night she went from saying Mama, Dada, and Ryerye to Mommy, Daddy, and Rylee. I told my husband…one of these days she is going to start calling Popo “Corben” over night, but we’re gonna look fools still calling him Popo. lol
Wait, what? ::totally confused::
My name is Kate, and my husband calls me Katiebeanicecream. Yep, one giant, long stream of consciousness poured into that one! My parents call me Teedie. Weird.
I spent my whole life wishing I had a nickname. “Andrea” seemed impossible…there’s no cute form, like Kate could be Katie, but Andrea can be….what? Drea? Eeeek. My dad called my Chickamauga (after the civil war battle, for some reason? I reminded him of the slaughtering of people? or bayonets?), and I found that rather unacceptable, and I think even he decided it was weird and stopped when I was 10 or so. Sigh. When I was a barista at Starbucks, one of the customers thought my name was Elizabeth, and I considered strongly changing my name to Elizabeth. It has so many options! Liz! Lizzie! Eliza! Beth! Lizbeth!
Grandparents doing the job they were made to do. Spoil! I have such great memories with my grandparents and they spoiled me rotten.
I call my aunt “queen”. My mom swore that she got everything growing up (horse lessons,etc. they were 10 years apart) so she started calling her “the queen”. To this day I have never called my aunt “aunt linda”. She has always been “queen”. It’s funny because to our family it’s totally normal, but to others it’s weird. The first time my husband heard me say it to her he was like “are you sure that’s ok to call her that?” Lol.
My maiden name is Peasley so I was sometimes Peas too! My brother really got that nickname though. We have a sort of tradition of letting the kids develop the grandparents’ names. I already told my daughters I will NOT be called granny! 🙂
Kate, there is the sweetest book series about a little boy named David (author David Shannon). I’ve been teaching for four years now (two years third grade, two years kindergarten), and both ages loved the books. The little boy in the story is really mischievous, and the books were so cute and funny. You should look into them! Considering your sweet boy and the main character share the same name 🙂
That’s cute, I’ve always loved nicknames in families and where they stem from!
Gorgeous! Congrats!
My name is Maeve and my aunt and Grandfather (Bumpa) call me Mazie. My dad and mom sometimes call me Maevey baby because I’m the youngest in my family!
that photo is priceless!! your son is so sweet! PS I am nickname-less too.
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yes good admin blogs comment thanks 😉 <3 yeah baby <3
My daughter, she’s 3 now, couldn’t say Grandma when she was little so she called her Bamba and somehow its transformed into Bamba-doodle which always makes me laugh. My Grandma’s nickname is Sugar, it’s what her dad called her as a little girl and it just stuck.