The Pregnancy Q&A Video

Saturday Reads

I thought I’d kick off my final week of pregnancy with a pregnancy FAQ video. In case you didn’t read, I’m having a c-section on Friday

My husband and I spent the weekend relaxing, finishing up some last minute projects around the house, and we went on our annual Christmas date!  

I shot this video in the nursery. Here is a post all about it in case you have any questions. 

1. (01:00) What dietary restrictions for pregnancy did you hold true to?

2. (03:13) How did you deal with people who said “just stop trying and it will happen!”?

3. (05:54) What is your most favorite and least favorite part about being pregnant?

4. (07:41) What has been the most helpful advice that someone has given you?

5. (09:54) What is your birth plan?

6. (11:08) Do you have reservations about having a child near the holidays?

7. (12:14) What are you most excited about?

8. (12:45) Did you get any stretch marks?

9. (14:23) Did you change your skin care routine/products to ones that are safe and recommended during pregnancy?

10. (16:17) How will your hair and makeup routine change with less time?


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JSTYMIEST says · 12.09.13

Your easy going attitude and “go with the flow” mentality is great and is the best way to be! All the best with the arrival of your little man later this week!! So exciting!! )

Nelly says · 12.09.13

You are adorable! Stretch marks are totally genetic and they are scars to prove of your baby! 🙂

Traci says · 12.09.13

One hair tutorial I’d like to see after Baby’s a few months old is how to put up your hair WITHOUT styling (curling) it first. You’ve done a couple like that, but for most of your tutorials, your hair is curled first. One thing you may find (that I’ve certainly found) is that time is very limited, so the ability to just throw it up into a cute style would be awesome. Like I said, I know you’ve done one or two like that already, but I look forward to more. 🙂

My second child was born on a Friday the 13th, so now I always look at that as a lucky day for me, rather than an unlucky day. I hope things go well for you and can’t wait to “meet” him!

Kate says · 12.09.13

If I don’t have time to style, I’ll probably spray some dry shampoo at my roots and then throw it up in a messy bun!

mommyto3 says · 12.09.13

Kate, I absolutely love your attitude. My first baby was born on December 22 and it’s not an issue at all! It’s a magical time of year, and it’s only more magical when your baby is born! I’m so excited for you!

Jessie says · 12.10.13

My daughter is born the 22nd as well. My husband’s is the 25th. We just make sure to celebrate each as their own event independent of Christmas and I always start my shopping early.

R2P2 says · 12.09.13

What do people who advise not to wear maternity clothes WEAR throughout their pregnancy? There was NO WAY I was going to fit in my normal stuff with just a bella band. By third trimester, my pre-preggo dresses weren’t going to work either, with the chest region growing as it does…But then, every body’s different, every pregnancy is different. I guess there must be some women who don’t need maternity clothes. Which I can’t quite wrap my mind around! lol

Kate says · 12.09.13

I think people just said not to buy it too early, you know?

ML R says · 12.09.13

Dear Kate, I kept smiling through your entire video 🙂 You seem so easy going, humouros and excited, it’s infecting! Therefore I am so happy for the three of you and can’t wait to see your little one.
I’ve been reading your blog for quite some time now and this time I just couldn’t resist commenting 🙂
Take care, all the best and lots of love from Germany, Marie-Louise

Kate says · 12.09.13

Thank you!!

Vanessa says · 12.09.13

I love your go-with-the-flow attitude. It is a MUST for motherhood. And that moment when you first see his sweet little face…. time just stands still. That first day is such a happy blur. Be prepared for your face to hurt from smiling so much. Best wishes this Friday!

Katrina Crouch says · 12.09.13

Great video 🙂
Okay, I’m gonna be THAT person—what is on your lips!? haha

Kiri says · 12.09.13

hey Kate, had to leave a comment on your post. I had a scheduled C-section only 4 weeks ago as my son was breech also, when you said that you only had stretch marks on only your left side I had to giggle – same thing for me I only have stretch marks on that side too. It must be a breech thing. I know the excitement of waiting to see what your baby will look like praying that your csection experience was as wonderful as mine.

Kayla Carroll says · 12.09.13

You are so cute. My birthday is Dec.19 and yes with his bday so close to xmas it is hard best advice don’t wrap presents in xmas paper 😉

Kacia Hosmer says · 12.09.13

“She is bootfull.” — from your niece Harls. her mama agrees! 🙂

Mary Schaubert says · 12.09.13

I’m 14 weeks right now and I had the exact same experience when I found out! We had tried for a bit unsuccessfully, and I was ALSO waiting for my period to start tracking for the next month and was SO annoyed, and when I took the test and it was positive I was in total shock! Lame about the breathing thing too – I have just started having issues with that in my yoga class, and I keep hoping it doesn’t get much worse! Congrats on that baby coming soon! I am trying not to wish away my pregnancy and enjoy it but let’s face it – it’s all about meeting that baby!

Chelsea says · 12.09.13

Is your family coming in for the birth? How long does your husband have off for paternity leave (if any)?

Kate says · 12.09.13

Yep! and he has a week!

Momlarky says · 12.09.13

Eye color isn’t “fixed” until 3-6 months. All babies are born with “blue” eyes and then they settle into their eventual shade.

Shanna Leigh says · 12.09.13

My birthday is just after Christmas, and I think the hard part about it (especially as a kid) was that people just forget about your birthday because they are still so caught up or exhausted by the holidays. My parents starting doing a “half-birthday” for me in June, and that was always fun because it allows for things like pool parties which are obviously out of the question in December/January. 🙂

I’m due in 7 weeks with my first and related to so much of what you said in your video. Praying for a smooth and uncomplicated C-section, as well as recovery for you. Can’t wait to see pictures!

Kate Harvey says · 12.09.13

I think what people mean when they say to “stop trying” is not to stop having sex (because that obviously won’t get you pregnant!), but to stop dwelling, obsessing, focusing on timing of sex, etc. And I think there’s maybe a bit of truth to that. Letting go and trusting God’s timing–I think that’s the sentiment behind “stop trying/relax/it will happen if you stop thinking so hard.”

Congratulations and good luck this week, Kate 🙂

Kate says · 12.09.13

I know, I was kidding about that part!

Momlarky says · 12.09.13

Also, after reading the comments from yesterday’s post, I would recommend this book. It’s a really interesting read and offers new perspectives on pregnancy and childbirth.

Momlarky says · 12.09.13

It’s called Misconceptions by Naomi Wolf, in case you can’t follow the link.

Brandi Laplante says · 12.09.13

Take it from a girl who has a birthday 8 days after Christmas that there are going to be a bunch of “combined birthday/Christmas gifts” coming his way. I don’t care now that I’m grown but as a kid it was not so fun. My sons birthday is 10 days before Christmas and I make a big deal out of it being completely separate. I usually do his party the weekend before his birthday to make the gap even bigger.
I’m so excited for you to meet the little guy. There really is no better feeling than hearing that first cry.
Huge congrats to you and Justin! Can’t wait to see pictures…and take lots…no such thing as going overboard!

Brandi Laplante says · 12.09.13

Oh yeah…EYE COLOR!!! My doctor told me this when my youngest was born and it seems to have held true. If their eyes are dark blue when they are born they stay dark but change as they get older and often end up brown or hazel. If they have light blue eyes they stay light and end up with blue or green eyes.
My husband has brown eyes, and I have green eyes. Our oldest was born with dark blue eyes and his eyes are brown now. Our youngest had really light blue eyes at birth and they are still pale blue.
Hope that gives you some insight! And thanks for sharing everything with us!

Colleen says · 12.09.13

I also work from home and when my son was a newborn I found that it was easier to shower at night and go to bed with wet hair than it was to try to get up before the baby did to do it in the morning. In the morning I’d slap on some tinted moisturizer, blush, and mascara and put my hair in a limp (lame) ponytail. My hair looked lame but I did feel like I sort of tried. =) I would be interested to find out if you have a way to style wet hair or hair that has air-dryed overnight?

FYI, it does get easier. My son is 1 year old now and I am back to showering in the morning. Best of luck to you and your husband!

Nikki says · 12.09.13

I pray that everything goes well on Friday. Thank you for sharing your pregnancy with us. I for one have truly enjoyed reading about it and watching your videos, and I LOVE you attitude towards it all! Can’t wait to see the little guy and hear all about him. ( :

Nikki says · 12.09.13

Oh, and we are celebrating my daughter’s THIRD birthday on the 21st, so I know all about “Christmas babies!” It is hard trying to plan a party around all the other Christmas events going on, but we make her birthday a priority and make it totally separate from Christmas. ( :

medocuk says · 12.09.13

Such an amazing post. You make everything in life sound like such a privilege and something to be grateful for. I am glad to know someone without the pretenses and pretty as a matter of fact. Thank you and best wishes. I will be thinking of you and your baby! I hope to have a baby soon and I will remember what you said about struggles. As an older mom to be, I think I will face plenty.

Jessica says · 12.09.13

LOVE this video!! You have such a fun & sweet way about you. As others have said, I really like your easygoing approach. Pregnancy can be a really beautiful time and I’m glad to see you enjoy it. I am excited to ‘meet’ your little man via pictures and stories here on your blog. Congratulations!!!

Andrea Worley says · 12.09.13

Yay you’re nearing the end to such an exciting time. Being a mother is amazing. I had a December baby born last year 9 days before Christmas. You’re right if you make it their own day it will be special for them. We’re doing a party for my son just before Christmas to make it special.

Lindsay Himmer says · 12.09.13

You have the perfect attitude! You are going to transition to motherhood wonderfully because you are so willing to work with and accept what you have been given. I have seen your comments fill with unsolicited advice through out these last 6-7 months. I love how confident you are about doing what feels right to you and Justin! Though, I am sure thats not always as easy as it looks.

I am due to have my second baby in a month and it has been fun to watch someone else going though pregnancy “with” me. Congrats!

Kelly Bunster says · 12.09.13

the best advice I got? 1. put lots of meals in the freezer. 2. get a pedicure and manicure as close to your delivery date as possible…of course if you know your delivery date this helps 🙂 It helps you feel put together in a small way when you feel gross in so many other ways. 3. buy a pack of black underwear from target (so as to not ruin any that you have already). TMI? I hope not. haha. anyways good luck! I had an emergency c-section at Rex and the team was beyond amazing. Wonderful experience and great hospital. It helps that the food is actually awesome! Good luck Kate, you’ll do great!

Kate says · 12.09.13

Thanks Kelly, my mom will be here so she’s on food duty and I actually can’t have polished nails (or toes) for the surgery. Maybe I’ll treat myself to one in several weeks!

Lindsay Himmer says · 12.09.13

Really? Why not? I had an unnplanned c section and don’t remember anything about that. Just curious!

Sheri says · 12.09.13

My daughter is a New Years Baby 1/1/11 and we’ve been doing a little cupcake thing on her birthday but when we decided to have a party for her at 2, we saved it for July. It’s easier to have kids events when they can be outside (yay pool party) and we just called it her 2 and a half party. Worked out well, so I think we’ll keep at that as long as she’s happy with the practice =)

Lynee says · 12.09.13

Hi Kate, Where did you find the adorable crib mobile?

Kate says · 12.09.13

Click the link to the Nursery post for all the details

Kathy Rohrs says · 12.09.13

Oh the labored breathing! I do youth ministry, and all of our adult volunteers got a huge kick out of my breathing during lessons and meetings; even worse – stair climbing and trying to maintain conversation. Not even an option! I am so excited for you, Kate, and the laid back attitude you have will make those first months easier 🙂 Praying for you in these days!

Jenny says · 12.09.13

All the very best to you and Justin and your wee boy for Friday, Kate. Will be thinking of you and sending prayers for a truly special time.

jolilundi says · 12.09.13

what a great video! loved your views on being pregnant. it is a wonderful gift and i feel that sometimes that’s overlooked… i hope to have a pregnancy like that when my turn comes around! 🙂
will be sending prayers your way for a smooth delivery and recovery! xoxo

Laura @ The Everyday Joys says · 12.09.13

Winging it is a great answer. 🙂 I love how relaxed and HAPPY you seem…very go with the flow. Perspectives change so much once you have a babe. It’s like a switch gets flipped. You’ll find ways to look and feel “you” that are quick and easy…even with a c-section (I had two.). Excited to see you transition into your new role!

Jess says · 12.09.13

I love the question about December birthdays! My birthday is Dec 12 and growing up my parents always made sure to keep it separate. We never decorate for Christmas until after my birthday, so I never had to feel like I was being lumped in with the holiday.

Jordan D. says · 12.09.13

Kate, you are such a doll. My good friend and I have been following your blog over the last year and we compare notes over lunch all the time. 🙂 This has been a great video to watch. My husband and I are considering trying to have a baby some time next year and you have such an easy-going outlook. I hope I’ll be like that as an expectant mom! Can’t wait to find out the baby’s name and see pics! All the best.

Erica says · 12.09.13

I’m almost 19 weeks with my 2nd, and I have to say, I wish I had the wisdom with my first to not have a birth plan! The birth I had (a scheduled induction with pain meds and an epi) was about as far as you could get from the all natural birth I planned. And I don’t regret a thing. I put so much time into thinking about my birth plan and reading up on strategizes to avoid medical intervention, and it all just went out the window because in the moment my birth plan didn’t feel right to me.

Jeannie says · 12.09.13

What a fun video! I am excited for you. I have only been following along about 3-4 months when I discovered your blog, but you seem to be so relaxed and excited! That will translate great into motherhood!!!! The first few weeks were by far the most exhausting, but also very exciting and filled with wonderment! Have fun with your new little man! (I had 2 boys but they are teenagers now that tower over their mama!)

Megan Cornelius says · 12.09.13

I feel like I’m another echo of all the other commenters, but you have a great attitude. God has you and your growing family in His more-than-capable hands; there’s no reason to worry. Praying for you as the big day draws near!

Sarah says · 12.09.13

You are adorable! Looking forward to seeing baby pics!

Ilce says · 07.10.14

16aeb35116Thanks for any other wonderful post. The place else could aynnoe get that kind of info in such a perfect manner of writing? I have a presentation next week, and I am at the search for such information. 18b

Esdras says · 07.21.14

Holly, I know, it’s crazy! All of a sudden I just peppod out. I’m kind of nervous to go to the doctor today to see how much weight I have gained. Our scale broke around the time I found out I was expecting, so I have no idea how much I weigh.

Krista Spackman says · 12.09.13

Thank you for your honest and candid answers to your readers’ questions. It’s refreshing to hear someone be completely honest about their pregnancy. I’ve recently begun the journey of trying to have a baby and reading all of your posts and watching your videos regarding your journey has not only increased my excitement in potentially becoming pregnancy, but also the realities that are attached to trying to conceive. I will be praying for you as you get closer and closer to your c-section, and wish you a speedy recovery. Thank you so much again.

caitlinmfrost says · 12.09.13

i’ve had to deal with question 2 for soooooo looooooong. we’re adopting, because we feel that it’s the right time to do that, and yet i get asked all the time, “but…when are you going to have your own kids?” and i want to scream and say, “I am having my own kids!!! I just won’t birth them from my vagina!!” but i just smile and say something a little more reserved.

Danielle Kader says · 12.10.13

Absolutely loved this video. I am excited for you to welcome your little one! One of the best things anyone ever told me when I gave birth to my son 15 months ago was, “The days are long, but the years are short.” When he turned 1 year old I realized just how true that was. You will have long days and you will have hard days and you will have bring you to your knees, heart full of gratitude days. Cherish each moment because the years are short.

Melissa Thompson says · 12.10.13

I was so excited to hear of your pregnancy when you announced. I am so happy things have been going well for you! One of the most precious memories I have of my sister’s pregnancy was the moment I held my sweet little niece. Tears immediately welled up before I could speak. I know Lauren will be ecstatic as well when her little nephew arrives. My question is do your parents/parents-in-law have preferences on what they will be called? My parents couldn’t quite decide on what to be called until a few weeks after the baby was born. Thanks for answering our questions! Blessings for you and your family and I am praying for a smooth delivery and quick (as can be expected) recovery!

SADIE says · 12.10.13

You’re awesome! I am 28 weeks and needed to hear some of those things! Prayers being sent your way, that everything goes smoothly Friday!

kristinwithani says · 12.10.13

This was so much fun! Your videos are just my favorite.

Your attitude is so refreshing in a Google-world. Again, for the bazillionth time, so excited for you!

Amanda says · 12.10.13

I started reading your blog around March of this year, and I started spending more time on my hair and make up than I have since high school. It’s been so fun. In July we adopted our second daughter. God gave me 2 baby girls in less than 2 years. All that to say, I have the two of them and still spend 30-45 minutes getting ready everyday (shower, hair, makeup, etc.) Your the mom, and you decide what your day looks like. If you want to have a PJ day, awesome. If you want to get all dolled up, go for it. Both my girls have sat in their bouncy seats as babies outside my open bathroom door while I showered and primped. As they got older they learned to play in their crib or their room while mommy gets ready. Have fun getting creative with how to make life work for you and your family. Welcome to da hood. Mommyhood!!!

Beth McFadden says · 12.10.13

The best advice my Dr. gave me was that nothing ever goes to plan, & babies are unpredictable at best, so I didn’t even BOTHER with a birth plan! Dez is 17 mos now & perfect in every way….& I wasn’t stressed out about things not going “according to the plan”!

Beth McFadden says · 12.10.13

This comment has been removed by the author.

Rebecca White says · 12.10.13

I’ve been following yours and your sister’s blogs for awhile now. I prayed for you throughout your struggle to become pregnant, and I feel so excited that you are having your sweet baby soon. Thank you for showing that you can be successful on the web while witnessing and sharing your faith. I appreciate and admire your strong Christian values and your willingness to share them. Best of luck and God bless you and your family! 🙂

Megan {Willow Way Blog} says · 12.10.13

I made it to 39 weeks without stretch marks and then got some underneath my belly (I thought I didn’t have any, turns out I just couldn’t see them and my sister had to show them to me…awkward.) I think it’s definitely genetic and they just don’t bother me at all. I don’t prance around in my bikini either so it’s all good 🙂

Nicki Parrish says · 12.10.13

So happy for you both! I read daily, and just wanted to pop in and give you good wishes for a healthy baby! I have had two C sections and one natural birth. I would pick a C section any day of the week! It was much easier on me. Good luck, and can’t wait to see your bundle of joy!

libbybeam says · 12.10.13

Congratulations and praying everything goes well for you and baby’s birth. Becoming a parent truly is amazing and babies are a great
gift from God. When I became a mother 3 years ago I anticipated that it would be a lot of work, I would be tired and tried to go with the flow as much as possible. what I didn’t expect was how much work it would be, how tired I would be, and how going with the flow was key. It is okay to cry, to not know everything, to be unsure. every new mom goes through their own unique, yet universally similar experience. As you go along you will become an expert in mothering your baby. And don’t forget, as you are holding your baby, God is holding you, rely on Him. God bless you!

Kristin Brown says · 12.10.13

This video made me smile. And I’m a “Christmas Baby” – born on December 22nd and came home on Christmas day in a huge stocking (that I of course used as I grew up – Santa had to bring lots of loot to fill that baby up). I LOVE my birthday in December. My mom did a great job of always making it special. And she would never let anyone wrap my gifts in Christmas paper – always birthday paper. Congratulations!!

managementbychia says · 12.10.13

Hi Kate,
Found your blog last week when was looking for hair tutorials, referred to you in my last post:

You have a lovely blog, I will be returning for more hair ideas, but also to see how you’re doing in general, I think you have an absolutely lovely blog.

Good luck and all the best with your coming adventure later this week 🙂

Erica says · 12.10.13

You’re amazing!! I LOOOOVE watching your videos and following your blog! I cannot wait to see your handsome little man! I wish you a speedy recovery after your delivery. Enjoy every moment with him because it truly goes so fast!! 🙂

wholesalesarongblog says · 12.10.13

Very informative video. I’m very excited to see your baby. Keep us updated!

Amanda Wolfe says · 12.10.13

Enjoyed this! It took us 14 months of trying as well, and I often went back to your post about waiting for encouragement and perspective. Now I’m 21 weeks and due in April- I’ve enjoyed being able to follow your journey!

PS I’m a December baby too (12/10)- he’ll be fine, his bday is still far enough away for y’all do celebrate separately. I also like to think that I get a whole genre of music for my birthday month- Christmas music for the win!

Dana E. says · 12.10.13

Great Q&A Kate! I love that you’re laid back about the pregnancy & delivery. You’re right, it’s gonna happen how it’s gonna happen, and there’s not too much you can do about it. And I love the “Mom Hair” comment. haha

We met you last week (I wont say where, you deserve some privacy) but I wanted to tell you, I really admire how you’re able to live your life out there for everyone to see. Sharing your struggles with getting pregnant really does give God the glory in the redemption. 2012 was a very tough year for us, which you can read about on our blog,..but you know the full redemption (which is not up there yet).

{Jessica} says · 12.10.13

Loved this video, Kate! You are so sweet, funny and easy to relate to – you will be a great Mom! Wising you the best of luck this Friday!:) So excited!

♫ christine says · 12.10.13

I have four children (pregnant with my fifth, due in Feb) and both my girls are December babies (Dec 18 and 30). With my older daughter (who turns 10 on Dec 30), we did a lot of ‘half’ birthdays in the summer (usually on/around June 30) which made her feel special, and we could have outdoor parties, and it was a lot of fun! Now that she’s older, we haven’t done it as much… but we’ll probably do one at the water park this summer. 🙂 We’ll probably do the same for my younger daughter (who turns 4 on Dec 18). We always give separate gifts for birthdays and Christmas, of course, and make them feel as special as if their birthdays were in June or something. 😉 Enjoy that special little boy! ♥♥

Kelly says · 12.10.13

hey you are so cute. have an amazing delivery and just enjoy every moment. You have such a great attitude and I had to laugh when you said “my thighs are telling that story” HHAHAHAHAHAHA too funny.

Blue-Eyed Bride says · 12.10.13

Loved this. We are so on the same page. My doctor told me before my first son was born that I wasn’t a birth plan kind of gal 😉 I tried not to be offended, but she was right. I’m so excited for you! Sounds like you’ll be as laid back in motherhood as you were in pregnancy.

Colleen McCloskey says · 12.10.13

You are very go with the flow like me. I kind of want to answer the same questions on my blog now. But I won’t (I never take video of myself)

I loved this.

Cynthia says · 12.10.13

I was really emotional during the video – maybe because I can relate to your attitude about how we never had control in the first place. Our struggles make the end result that much more worthwhile . As far as the photos go, all I have are baby photos now and a few of the hubs and I 🙂 timehop is an awesome app for the iPhone . I love to be able to look back and see the development over the month/year . There’s a good chance i take to many but they are memories I don’t want to forget and I’m sure all parents feel that way. God bless and good luck !

Annie Luhmann says · 12.10.13

Yay! So excited for you! Will be praying and thinking of you this week. I have an idea that I think his name will be, so we’ll see if I’m right.

Megan says · 12.11.13

Hey Kate! Good luck on Friday. You had me smiling the entire video!! You made me get teary eyed at the end when you were thanking all of your readers and watchers (of youtube). I can not wait to see your bundle of joy soon! Hopefully we can see him in some videos too?

mcfamilyof4 says · 12.11.13

Good Luck and cant wait to see the cute baby pix!!!!!!!!

Alanna says · 12.11.13

I’m looking forward to sharing in your excitement after the baby arrives! With your positive attitude and genuine desire to help others you are a great role model for women of all ages. Good luck on Friday and congratulations to you and Justin!

(I hope you continue to blog and post hair tutorials as time permits…although I know the minutes will be precious and few for the first while)

Lisa says · 12.11.13

OMG maternity jeans are the BEST! Shameful thing to admit: I am still wearing maternity jeans and my girls are 10 months old…

Beth McFadden says · 12.11.13

p.s. – I have the same polka dot sheets! & the chevron ones too. Too bad they didn’t have them a year & a half ago when I was having my shower…just a trendsetter I guess!

Katie says · 12.12.13

From one Kate to another, I hope that everything goes smoothly tomorrow and I can’t wait to see pictures of your little guy. My cousin got me hooked on your blog months ago and it’s amazing how much you feel like you know someone just from reading posts every day. You just seem so down to earth and like someone I would be friends with…

Maria Duszynski says · 12.12.13

Thanks for posting this video I was smiling the entire time! My husband and I are trying to have a baby so we get the “just relax it will happen” a lot. Good luck with your delivery!

Andrea says · 12.12.13

My birthday is 12/15 and I never felt jipped being so close to Christmas! My mom always threw birthday parties for me that didn’t have a Christmas tone to them unless I requested it (like one year I wanted to decorate Christmas cookies). Some of my relatives would sent my birthday present along with the Christmas presents, and even though it was late I always thought it was so fun to have an “extra” special present for my birthday on Christmas. I think you’re far enough away from Christmas that y’all will be fine.

And thanks for making me crave Bojangles… haven’t had it since 2002 when we moved from NC to TX. uuughh misss iiittttt

Irene Jennings says · 12.14.13

Good luck to you and congratulations!! I will keep you in my prayers :)

Irene (View Maids Website)

zbara says · 11.17.14

Sounds like a great trip. I have not been to
NYC in ages but been thinking about planning
a trip soon with my husband. The store looks
amazing. Also, looking forward to seeing the
bite lipstick you created (I love bite products).
<3 <3 <3
