Choosing the name of your child is a pretty big decision. It took me months to lock in on the name we had been calling him just because it felt like such a big deal.
And once we decided what it was, it was nice to have that checked off the list and call him by his name.
Choosing the birthdate of your child? Also sort of a big decision.
I had an appointment recently in which my doctor and I decided to schedule a c-section. “Joey” pretty much hasn’t budged from his breech position for months, and I’m thinking he’s obviously pretty happy and will stay that way for awhile. (Thank you for all your comments/suggestions from the last time I mentioned he was breech. At this point, Justin and I are not interested in taking any external measures to attempt to flip him.)
So the doctor looked at me and asked when I would like to do the c-section. He asked in the kind of tone you would ask,”do we have any milk?”
And there am I, sitting on the cold exam table thinking, “YOU ARE ASKING ME TO PICK THE BIRTH DAY OF MY CHILD.”
“Ummmโฆ.can I call my husband?” I finally muster.
“Sure”, he says.
My sister was with me at this appointment, and my husband was still living in Pennsylvania at the time.
So I call him and say, “Hey we have to pick a date for the c-section. . . like now.”
Justin gives me the go ahead to just pick the date based on whatever doctor I preferred, so I ask for the schedules of my two favorite doctors. Between the two of them, there was availability on December 12th and 13th.
So, my sister and I begin to discuss. What date is better? A thursday or a friday? And December 13th is Friday the 13th. Now, I’m the farthest thing from superstitious but I had to look at the date. 12-13-13. And which looked better, 12-12-13 or 12-13-13?
My sister also brought up that if his birthday was 12-13-13 that not only would he celebrate his golden birthday when he turned 13, but he would also be crossing the line into teenager-dom on that same birthday.
So, 12-12 was beginning to sound better. My husband had actually texted and suggested 12-12, and my sister and I discussed that 12-12 is a better golden birthday to have. It’s like a double golden birthday.
So, we exit the room and I tell the nurse we’d like to schedule the c-section for 12-12. They put in the paperwork and tell me they would let me know when the date was confirmed.
And the rest of the evening all I could think about was the fact that I, in all likelihood, am having this baby in 3 short weeks (from the time of that appointment).
As it turns out, there wasn’t availability on 12-12, so 12-13 it is! And it’s with my absolute favorite doctor.
I was notified via a letter, and simply stared at the text on the page that informed me of the date and time my life would forever change. I’m pretty sure I made some sort of excited yelling noise, and then looked around the kitchen and remembered I was alone.

So now we are 1 week out. I can hardly believe my pregnancy is nearly over. I really loved being pregnant. I think I’ll miss it!
As far as having a c-section goes, this is not devastating news to me. I did not make any plans nor did I have certain ideas of how I wanted the delivery to go. If there is one thing I’ve learned through watching my friends have babies is it’s going to happen how it will happen, regardless of the plans you make. Sometimes it follows your plan, sometimes it completely goes against it.
So in an effort to not set myself up for an emotional breakdown, I made none. So, having a c-section is okay. I feel fine about it! In fact, there are even some perks. #notearing
I’m not nervous, as of right now, but I’m sure I will be the morning of the 13th. And out of all that is going to happen that day, the part that weirds me out the most is the idea of the catheter. Sure, cut me open. Who cares. But stick a catheter in me? No thanks. (I realize that this makes no sense)
I’m so looking forward to sharing some pictures of the guy once he’s here. And there will likely be a lull in my blogging schedule for a bit as I adjust to motherhood and celebrate the holidays–but I plan on continuing to blog once things settle down a bit!
I filmed a short video answering some pregnancy questions and I’ll share that right here on the blog next week!
Good Luck! What an exciting time for you both!
ps love the name Joey, very cute.
Totally hard to pick the day your child will come into the world. Been there, done it, get it.
Congratulations, Kate! It’s so close!
Wishing you the best of luck!!
YAY!!!! Congratulations! Catheters are no biggy IF you’re numbed all down there which you should be. Good luck!
Kate, I have enjoyed being pregnant “with you” on this journey! My C section for our 3rd baby is scheduled for 12-12-13, so you and I are at exactly the same point! I am with you, I had 2 previous sections and I remember almost being “non affected” with the news I had to have a C section, how I got my baby did not matter, I just wanted the end result! For me it wasn’t the cath, it was the IV that I dreaded (and still do) the most. Everything else I figure they have great pain meds for HA HA. I will say an extra prayer for you and Justin, your docs and nurses and of course for baby!!! Best of luck and I can’t wait to see our babies grow “together” ๐
And I told myself with the c sections “at least I didn’t blow out my va jay jay” ๐ all about perspective!
I’m dying at your va jay jay comment! Ha ha! ^^^
I had a vaginal delivery and a C so all I can offer to this post is: as long as you get your baby, it doesn’t matter how they get here! Best of luck Kate! And to all those prego mamas ๐
I too had csections with both of my babies and it was bittersweet picking the date of their birth. The operation itself wasn’t scary for me. I had a sense of calmness the whole time. Sounds like you are already mentally prepared for it as well! Congratulations! You will get to snuggle and cuddle during his first Christmas!
My sister in law had my baby niece on Friday September 13, 2013! We weren’t superstitious about it being Friday the 13th we considered it to be a lucky!
Your birth class might have told you this, but you can ask for the catheter to be inserted AFTER you’ve been numbed up for the c-section. I made note of this on my birth plan because I thought the same thing. I was mentally prepared to push a baby out of me but insert a catheter? DRUGS PLEASE. lol
The catheter was the thing that bothered me the most about the possibility of a c-section too. Then I had to have an emergency one and it was the most fabulous thing ever. I just laid in bed for like 24 hours and held my baby. No bathroom breaks just resting. Hope everything goes well for you. I’m excited to see pictures and hear the name you picked out.
I just had my baby boy in September via unplanned c-section. I have no regrets (except maybe the pushing for 4 hours before the c-section thing I dealt with…) and actually didn’t mind the c-section at all. Warning: you can feel a lot of pressure and pulling on your abdomen for the entire surgery–I didn’t expect that. But I’m like you: glad I didn’t have to worry about tearing! Around week 3 post-surgery I began to feel like normal was attainable and by week 7 I didn’t even feel like I’d had a major surgery. Best wishes to you for a easy, healthy c-section!!
Best of luck to you! I had a c-section after being induced and laboring for 11 hours- I was NOT mentally prepared for a CS and broke down. Truthfully it was nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be (although operating rooms are super creepy) but the procedure is so quick! I was not pleased with the idea of a catheter either but didn’t even notice it (and didn’t realize how much I peed with it in, haha). I agree with the previous post- the IV was the worst! So excited for you- enjoy these last few days together with your husband- sleep in- go out for breakfast- take a really long shower- run a dozen errands in a row ๐
December 13th is a great day for a birthday! That is actually my birthday! I have always loved that my birthday is on the 13th and I have always thought it was fun when it fall on Friday the 13th! ๐ On a side note, my youngest daughter’s birthday is actually December 12th and she was scheduled to be a c-section, as she had been breech for months too. However, during my c-section prep they realized that she had indeed turned overnight (at my appt the day before they verified w/ ultrasound that she was still breech) and that I was in labor. You just never know what those sweet babies will do! One thing is for certain though, no matter how your sweet boy enters the world, December 13th will be the day that your life will change in the most amazing way ever as you become a mom! Best of luck to you and your family!
I will be praying like crazy for your whole family!
How exciting!!
Suzanne from written by suzanne
I was born on a Friday the 13th and I think it’s fun! Every time there’s a Friday the 13th it feels like it’s my special day! I’m so excited for you and I can’t wait to see little “Joey” when he makes his blog debut. Good luck Kate!
Congratulations! How exciting, you are going to be a fantastic mom and I am very much looking forward to seeing pictures of the wee one. Will be thinking of you next Friday – I remember when Jeanett from the Life Rearranged blog had her last baby she had a scheduled section and asked everyone to instagram at the time she was in surgery so she would be able to show her baby in the future what was going on in the world at the exact moment he was born! I thought it was a lovely idea.
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I cannot believe your pregnancy is almost over. I’ve followed your blog for almost 2yrs and it seems like you just announced you were pregnant. I don’t know you but adore yours and your sisters blog. It’s strange to feel such excitement for a complete stranger, but I do.
Don’t worry about the catheter, you won’t even know it’s happening. Mine was a breeze and I wish you the same!
I can’t believe you are only one week away! Even though I’m a total stranger I remember praying for you when I read your post about trying to have a baby and the heartache it caused at times. It feels like that was just yesterday! I’m so grateful God has answered your prayers and blessed you with this crazy journey of motherhood. When I had my boy it was such a shock to my soul that God would give up his only son to die for our wretchedness. I would never give up my son to die. I can’t wait for you to feel that love for your son and fall in love with Jesus all over again. –Wendy from Wilmington
I like 12-12, but that´s because it´s my birthday ๐ 12-13 is also pretty, pretty good
good luck! all 3 of my babies were breech and c-section ๐ they will put in the cath after your spinal so you won’t feel a thing!
Such a special and exciting time!! I am so happy for you and your husband!! Best wishes next week! ๐
The catheter was the scariest part for me before my c-section too! Everyone laughed at me, but I was terrified. I had already had the spinal by the time they put it in, so I felt nothing, and when they took it out I was terrified too, but that ended up being fine also! It’s great you aren’t scared of the c-section, everything will be JUST perfect! Good luck!
Congratulations!! My little girl was breech almost my entire pregnancy too and it was such an amazing pregnancy and I also miss being pregnant. I had a C-Section and it wasn’t bad at all. The worse part of it for me was my legs being numb from the epidural and literally not being able to move them for a few hours!!
yeah I think that will be weird!
I am so excited for you and your family! I just had my first baby this year and it is the most amazing experience. My mom’s birthday is 12-13 and I actually asked her last year what she thought of it because it sometimes lands on Friday the 13th and she told me that 13 is her lucky number! So, I’m sure your son will feel the same way! Good Luck next week! You all will be in my thoughts and prayers! Love your blog btw!
My mom’s birthday is 9/13, and we’ve always considered it lucky Friday the 13th! Best wishes and lots of prayers for your family!
I thought the catheter was AWESOME! Two seconds of discomfort (but there’s so much other prep work going on simultaneously you hardly even notice) and then 24 blissful hours of laying in bed without having to get up to pee. After peeing every 2 hours for the previous month or two, it was heaven! Enjoy every moment!
I totally agree!! My husband thought I was crazy!
Agreed!!!! I wished the sucker could have stayed in for days!
Having had two c-sections, one unplanned and the second planned, I will say having the catheter put in before you’re numbed was much better! Believe it or not, you can’t feel a thing. When I had it done on the operating table after I’d been given my spinal it was much weirder because they do it before you’re completely numb and you can feel all this tingling, which is so uncomfortable! Hope all goes well for you, congratulations!
Woohoo!! =) How exciting. By the way, I completely understand your thinking on the catheter issue. I had ended up with a sort-of emergency c-section after 17+ hours of labor and that was what I was most scared of!! Silly, yes, but I’m glad to hear I’m not alone in that. ๐ Praying for a smooth delivery and a speedy recovery!
My son was born on Sept 13th and just celebrated his 21st birthday on Friday, Sept 13th this year. He thought it was very cool and always loved a Friday the 13th birthday. LOL Congrats and best wishes!
I was hoping you would have your baby on the 6th, today!
My son was born on the 6th and today we celebrate his 10th birthday.
Good luck. Sending prayers your way
Wow, I can’t believe the big day is so close! I’ve been reading your blog for a while but rarely comment – today seemed as good of a day as any to say Good Luck, both with the impending birth and with the whole motherhood thing – it’s a profession I haven’t yet ventured into! Enjoy every moment of your time with your son in those first few days and weeks, and do not worry about us – we’ll still be here, waiting (im)patiently for photos of your gorgeous bundle of joy! xx
Congratulations! I’ve had 2 c sections and the recovery is not bad at all. I actually would prefer to have a c section. Praying for you!
C-Sections are great and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! My daughter was breech and we had the same pressure to have her “moved”. We said NO WAY. When we were in the OR and the doctor had me opened up we found out that she was actually in the splits! An external manipulation would’ve gone horrible wrong – so it’s always better to trust your gut on these thing. The *important* think is getting your baby here safely! #breechbabiesunite
I ended up having a C-section last month to deliver my baby girl after a failed induction. I don’t say this to scare you, but the first day after is the WORST. And then the pain will get better, I promise. Just think forward. ๐
You have said it perfectly about birth! I have had 2 sections (1 emergency and 1 planned) and my planned recovery was a million times easier. Also my due date for my first was 12-12! (Didn’t come until the 16th). I wasn’t able to choose his bday (natural labor gone wrong) but with my daughter I had to choose between May 13 or 15. I went through the same decision process but ultimately decided to plan it around what worked best for my parents/3yo since they were keeping him.
You will do fabulous! Ask for them to do your catheter AFTER your spinal. I was totally freaking about the catheter too. They gave me the option- ummmm is there even a choice?!
You will do great! Good luck!
Good luck with your birth! I too had a c-section due to my little one being breech.
That will be my son’s second birthday! We also scheduled a c-section, but it was more urgent–I went in for my weekly check up and my doctor said “We’re getting this kid out tomorrow.” So he was born 12-13-11! I also had a c-section, and there are definite pluses–like an extra day in the hospital, which sounds bad, but trust me, it is REALLY nice to have extra hands and nurses to help in those first few days!
Good Luck! You and Justin are going to be wonderful parents.
I was able to pick the birthdate of both my children…both were scheduled c-sections. Both were successful. You’re going to do great!!
Best of luck with your C/S — I had one too, and it wasn’t scheduled, it was an emergency C/S, but it was a great easy recovery and I didn’t have to tear (my biggest pregnancy fear). If you are interested, I have a few suggestions on things to bring to the hospital for a post-c/s birth because your stay will be longer than a vaginal delivery. #1 — bring a power strip so you can plug in all your gadgets because there’s only like one outlet in the room. Good luck good luck good luck and I can’t wait to see pics!
great tip!
Another tip… (I’m sure you’ve had enough of everyone’s advice!) I had purchased cute, comfy pjs for the hospital and after a c section it’s so much easier to wear gowns! (Checking wounds, comfort, etc) My mom bought me two cute maternity nightgowns and I loved having them to change into instead of the hospital gown. I loved my c section and love my breech baby girl even more! It will be perfect for your family because it will be YOUR story.
I have had 2 breech babies, 2 C-sections, 2 very different experiences. I cannot wait to see your pictures. Good Luck!
So exciting! He’s almost here! I had to pick my son’s birthday as well when we set up my induction date 2 years ago. I picked Dec. 30th (4 days past my due date) because I like round numbers and I wanted to have at least 2 days to get him out in time to get the tax credit for the year ๐ I made the decision at my doctors appt and told my husband when I got home, turns out that is also his favorite uncles birthday which I didn’t realize so he loved the date. I also ended up with a Csection and if I ever have another will most likely due a scheduled Csection again.
Dec 13th is a wonderful day!! (my son was born last year 12-13-12). What pefect date!! Good luck with the delivery! Once you are there you don’t have time to really process/think about catheters.. you are just so excited about meeting your little baby boy!!! Congratulations!!
Congrats! C-sections are a breeze. I had one emergency and one scheduled. Both were the easiest thing I have ever done. I was up and walking just hours later. The recovery wasn’t bad at all. I told my husband that having my wisdom teeth pulled was way worse. You will do great! Can’t wait to see pictures.
PS – my birthday is the 12th. Its not too bad. Just NEVER combine birthday and Christmas presents. ๐
I was born on Friday the 13th and have loved it my whole life. Hope he does too! ๐ I’ve also had two c-sections, and while that wasn’t the plan with my first boy, my second one was planned, and all that matters is that they’re here and they’re healthy. The catheter sounds creepy, but really it’s awesome. Kinda have to experience it to understand, but truly, it’s nothing to stress over. Can’t wait to “meet” your sweet addition!
I had 2 scheduled c-sections and they both went well! I loved the birth experience. I had great medical providers both times at a great hospital. The catheter is no big deal. Trust me that’ll be at the bottom of your thought list. The hardest part is not being able to get up for a while. One of the perks… Daddy gets to change those first few diapers. Good luck!
Your pregnancy seems like it has gone by so fast! I can’t believe you’re only a week out. So excited for you, Kate and wishing you and your sweet baby a wonderful delivery:) December 13th sounds like a perfect birthday to me! I second some of the comments above – sleep in as much as possible over the next week. Run a million errands. Take a long, luxurious bath. Pamper yourself a bit. Because once that little one arrives, it may be a little harder to do all those things! But oh, so worth it:)
I had a csection this summer — don’t sweat the catheter. You won’t feel it at all — in or coming out — and won’t notice it even being there. You’ll do great.
How exciting!! I had an emergency c-section and since I was terrified of tearing with natural birth, I was super excited I wouldn’t have to deal with that. I also didn’t like the idea of a catheter, but even if you have an epidural you have to have one, and it’s not so bad. I was more worried about them taking it out, but it didn’t hurt at all. One thing I would suggest is getting a belly bandit to take to the hospital with you. My stomach was very sore and I had a hard time standing up without applying pressure, so the belly bandit helped a ton with that. It also helps get your stomach back to it’s normal size. I wore it for about 6 weeks. I will be praying all goes well next week and can’t wait to see pics of your precious boy!!
I’m getting my hands on one shortly!
I was going to recommend a compression belt!! My nurse gave me one! I used it for several weeks….made me feel more comfortable!! Good luck!!!
My first was a surprise c-section, but with the second I couldn’t pick. I made the Doctor set the date (as late in the pregnancy as possible). But baby had other plans and I started having contractions the day after the date was set (and 4 days before he was supposed to come).
I may be biased (since it’s mine), but I think 12/13 is a pretty great birthday! I’ll be thinking of you all next week, but you’re doing to do great! ๐
Good luck on your delivery! I’m sure you have heard a lot of mixed reviews about c-sections but I had one and would have another 10 times over. It was the best expierence. It is standard to stay atleast 5 days in the hospital so prepare yourself and your husband for a long week. The husband couch that they sleep on is not comfortable most of the time so it gets tiresome. Best of luck and lots of well wishes!
I had an emergency C section after a traumatic labor back in August and even though the recovery is hard… I am so glad I had one!! And I hear scheduled C’s are so much better on your body and an easier recovery… Can’t wait for that! Regardless of how you get your baby out you are a rock star!! Can’t wait for you to meet your little guy, let the fun begin
Just an fyi c-sections are harder on your body and have a longer recovery rate than natural births.
If it helps your peace of mind, they will catheterize you after they do the spinal so you wont feel it.
I had all 3 of mine by c section. I honestly didn’t think it was that terrible (in comparison to the 48 hours of labor and finding out my pelvis wasn’t the right shape to push a baby through,anyway with my first thus ending in a c) and I loved picking my youngests bday. Also, the catheter freaked me out too! But you won’t feel it at all cause they usually give your spinal/epi first. And honestly you won’t care cause you will be so excited for his first cry and all the excitement that comes with the day!!
Kate, you have got great perspective on this and that’s REALLY important. I was one of those women that went into labor like I WILL NOT HAVE A C-SECTION. And guess what happened? After 21 hours of labor and 3 hours of pushing, I had to have a C-section. And I was devasted. Afterward, all that really mattered was that my baby was delivered safely, but I felt in a way that I had failed. I know it’s ridiculous to think that but I should have had a much healthier perspective going into it. Plus, this will sound super weird but I really loved having a catheter – lol. After you have your C-section, you will be very sore and not having to get up to pee is AWESOME. You won’t feel it, seriously. Congrats to you guys! It will be the most memorable experience of your life and when you see that baby lifted over the curtain for the first time… there are just no words. ๐
The best part about scheduling your c-section is they will numb you up before they put the cath in so you won’t even feel that! I am so excited for you and your new adventure! Take in all the alone moments with your husband that you can before that bundle of joy arrives! Best of luck to you! You will do great!
12-13 is my husband and my wedding anniversary – It’s been very good luck for us!
Kate, wishing you a world of happiness!! Praying that all goes well. Deep breath, your life will be forever changed in a wonderful way! Welcome to the Mommy Club!! Boys are wonderful, I have six of my own ๐ All happy, healthy, and forever moving!!!! Wishing you and your husband much happiness and joy!! Good Luck!!
First of all , hi, I’ve been reading your blog for a few weeks now and love the hair tutorials. I have done a few lately for get together and love how easy they are.
Second, good luck as you get ready for your baby’s arrival next week. I’m hoping our little boy decides to come next week as well. My daughter was born on 6/13 so I think it would be fun for our boy to be born 12/13. But like you said, these babies make their own plans. ๐
Good luck! My daughter was breech as well and I refused to let them attempt a version (yikes!!!). I hope your recovery goes well!!!
Good luck! My daughter was breech as well and I refused to let them attempt a version (yikes!!!). I hope your recovery goes well!!!
Congrats on your big day! Glad to hear there wasnt a birth plan as it would have made this a disappointment instead of the positive experience it will be! Looking forward to seeing your first born son and hoping that everything goes smoothly for you! BTW…the catheter isnt a big deal!
Wow! That’s incredible that you were able to choose the birthday! C-sections aren’t horrible like people think. You just take a little longer to recover. Fight the urge to be lazy, it helps the healing process to be active. Take short walks if you can. (weather permitting)
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Such an exciting week ahead. I’m sure (no, more than sure!) folks have been giving you lots of advice. I just wanted to share with you and encourage you. I have had two c-sections, my babies were breech, as well, and I didn’t realize the recovery that came along with it. I’d always heard a c-section was “the way to go” and “so easy” – obviously from folks who’d never had one. But I was very slow moving and sore for almost a week after surgery. I share not to scare you, but so that you’ll know it’s totally NORMAL and to allow you to mentally prepare and to take it slow. Babies are a wonderful, amazing gift from God! Best of luck to you and your husband!
Thanks for the tip!
Watch out for bladder infections after getting a catheter. Easy to fix, but your chances of getting one after a catheter are higher! Best wishes!
I too had a scheduled c section due to a breech baby boy! It ended up being a blessing tho! And just to ease your anxiety about the catheter (it freaked me out too) they did my catheter after I had my spinal so was already numb and didnt feel it at all, if that makes you more comfortable ask for that.
I too had a scheduled c section due to a breech baby boy! It ended up being a blessing tho! And just to ease your anxiety about the catheter (it freaked me out too) they did my catheter after I had my spinal so was already numb and didnt feel it at all, if that makes you more comfortable ask for that.
I too had a scheduled c section due to a breech baby boy! It ended up being a blessing tho! And just to ease your anxiety about the catheter (it freaked me out too) they did my catheter after I had my spinal so was already numb and didnt feel it at all, if that makes you more comfortable ask for that.
My sister had my niece on her birthday which is Dec.12th. So now they share a birthday and let me tell ya around this time is an excellent time to have a baby! Christmas time babies are sweet little gifts! They are born full with christmas spirit and wonder. My niece Lily will be two next week, she was a very happy baby and is a happy toddler! She loves all things snowy and christmas-y! Good luck to you!!!
Exciting!! ๐
All three of my girls were breech so I have had 3 c/sections. They were a breeze for me and I recovered wonderfully and pretty quick. It’s hard to know how your body will react until you have one but rest assured knowing that they are not horrible for everyone. With my first they put the catheter in before they numbed me up. I didn’t even know it was an option to wait. With my other two they did it after I was numb….totally request that! I even have said that the worst part with baby #1 was the catheter!
Oh and I was in the same boat as you as we didn’t know our first daughter was breech until about week 38. When we were presented with the options and decided to go with a c/s and were told to pick the date my hubby and I reacted the same way. I was laughing reading your post as I could totally relate. It was so weird that it was just so matter of fact. Good luck and I pray it all goes smoothly for you. Oh and TAKE THE DRUGS!!! Don’t try to be superwoman. They help so much and once you are home you can start to wein yoursef off. I also nursed all three kids and while they say the drugs are ok, I did notice they were more drowsy but then again, they are babys, and sleep is all they know.
Enjoy your last week as a family of two…it only gets better from here!
don’t worry, I’m a big fan of drugs ๐
Congrats Kate, I know you are so excited!! I had a c-section last September and it was a wonderful experience. I had no complications, everything went smooth and at the end you will get the most precious gift you can imagine. Its a love like you have never known. Can’t wait to see how your Mom Style develops and reading great tips for a busy Mom!!
Good luck! I just had a csection a month ago and it went way better than I thought. And I am actually happy to be able to schedule number 2. I had the waiting and then going through labour (68 hrs) to have a csection but so, so happy I did in the end.
I had 5 c-sections and I have 5 wonderful, talented, fantastic sons. Blessings on you and your little babe. wendy
Super excited for you! I’m sort of sad you won’t be pregnant any more either, haha. You’re just too cute! Can’t wait to hear all about the little guy though. Congrats!
I’m so excited for you! My sweet Scarlett was born 12/13. She will be four this year. It’s a great day to have a precious baby. Prayers to you for a flawless delivery.
Just make sure they put the catheter in after your epidural! I had a c-section last November for my (now 1 year old!) daughter. We wen’t to the hospital after my water broke just to find out… SURPRISE she’s breech. Recovery wasn’t terrible. The catheter was honestly the worst part! Mine was put in before the epidural and there’s no reason they couldn’t have put it in after, so next time I will ask! ๐ Best wishes to you and your little man! Motherhood is amazing… and tiring! Mostly amazing ๐
I really hope he flips for you at the last minute!!
Don’t be afraid of the catheter. I’ve had two c/s and never felt them putting it in, or taking it out. In fact, I was kinda sad when they took it out and I had to get up to go pee. I remember feeling the same way as you having to pick out my oldest’s birthday (scheduled an induction, ended up having a c/s) Very weird feeling indeed! Good luck to you this last week of pregnancy.
I highly suggest a belly band for after the c-section. I bought one and was so happy to have it. Was much comfier (comfy-er??) than the one the hospital gave me and the c-section pooch that a lot of women get is hardly there at all now 9 months PP (I wore it for about 8 weeks). I bought the AbdoMend and it was worth EVERY penny.
Yay!!!! So excited for you!!!! I too was more worried about the catheter… and the IV if I’m being honest than the actual surgery. lol. Best of luck to you guys, and can’t wait to see pics of your little man. As a mama to two boys, I think boys are the bees knees. ๐
Congrats and best of luck to you on a smooth delivery and easy recovery!! Best wishes to your family!
So excited for you and your husband!! Keeping all three of you in my prayers!
After spending all day feeling like I constantly had to pee, the cath was such an amazing relief- my favorite part if the whole thing, actually!!! Congratulations and good luck!
ok. i’ve had two c-sections now. the first was after having labored all day. the second was planned. the second one was sooooooo much better! i was scared of giving birth (the normal way) and didn’t mind a c-section either. my advice: take the pain killers in the hospital as often as you can. don’t try and be tough. you won’t feel the catheter, they do that after they numb you up, which by the way, was the hardest part for me, when you’re that big, it is hard to “bend over” so they can get to your back. just remember that your recovery afterwards will take longer. when they say six weeks, give yourself the six weeks before you start exercising, vacuuming, etc. i mean, go for a short walk if you want to, but don’t push it. and don’t lift heavy things (nothing heavier than the baby in his carseat) or you will feel sore afterwards. it just isn’t worth it. good luck and anticipate the night before having a hard time going to bed, cause you know what the next day will bring!
Oooh!! So exciting to have definite date in sight!! Best of wishes to you and your family! And one my friends had a c-section with all of her boys so she got to pick pretty cool birthdays I think, 6-6-06, 4-4-08, and 11-11-10, actually the 6-6-06 wasn’t planned I don’t think but it kinda, sorta suits him if you know what I mean ๐
I completely agree with you on the catheter/ c-section thing! I have a super high pain tolerance. But an IV, cath, and spinal? Yuck! They don’t really hurt very much. I think it’s just the idea and thought of it. I’m agreeing with the person who said to get it after the spinal! At my hospital, I got the IV and cath and then had to WALK down to the delivery room. YIKES! The c-section itself? No problem! We had the exact same situation. Breech baby and picking the date of birth! Lots of pressure!
Good luck! I had to have a C section, as well, because my twins were breech. I was devastated initially, but because I knew in advance of labor I had come to terms with it, and as soon as the babies were out I was OVER IT. I haven’t had a single negative thought about it since. Once your baby is here you will be so into him, and delivery will be the last thing from your mind. I had an incredibly positive scheduled C section experience. Pro tip: Ask them to insert the catheter in the OR after you’ve gotten your spinal. You don’t even know they’re doing it, so there’s no pain and no awkwardness. It wasn’t super awkward having it in the day or two after delivery, either. And honestly, you have so much going on with the new baby and your own recovery that you probably will barely notice it! GOOD LUCK to you! I can’t wait to see your little boy!
Yay! That’s my boy’s 6month birthday. Good luck! The day I had my Declan was the best day of my life. Wishing you the best!
So exciting! Im sure someone has posted this already, but if its anything like my 3 c-sections they will not put the catheter in until your epidural/spinal block is in so you wont feel it and whwn they toom mine out I was scared, but it it was a piece of cake and barely felt it. You’ve got this Moma! Sending lots of prayers your way.
Hi! I was in the same situation (breech baby, couldn’t/wouldn’t flip) and we had to schedule our c-section, as well. WEIRDEST.THING.EVER! But honestly – it totally rocked. I got a decent night sleep the night before, took a long, relaxing shower in the morning, and walked in the hospital as calm as I could be! And I agree with ‘S’ – get the catheter after the spinal. I didn’t even know they were putting it in! My absolute must-have’s for after: yoga pants with a full panel (to go over the incision) and as many of those hideous hospital granny panties as you can get your hands on! (they also go over the incision). Good luck and we can’t wait to see pictures!!!!
So exciting! Im sure someone has posted this already, but if its anything like my 3 c-sections they will not put the catheter in until your epidural/spinal block is in so you wont feel it and whwn they toom mine out I was scared, but it it was a piece of cake and barely felt it. You’ve got this Moma! Sending lots of prayers your way.
People make a big deal about C Sections, but I loved mine! Stay on top of your meds and you will be fine! Maybe this makes me a big weirdo, but I actually liked my catheter! It’s weird to say that, but after months of getting up 5 times a night to go to the bathroom it was kind of nice!
Hi Kate, I have enjoyed following along with you during your pregnancy. Yes it sure does fly by, and the years after they are here do also. My oldest turned 18 this year….sigh:( Anyway, I have had both a normal delivery and a C-section and I would have to say I would go C-section anyday. My only tip would be to get the special undies for afterward. They will hold your incision in place when you move around ๐
Kate, I’m a nursing student in St. Louis and I just saw my first c-section on Wednesday. I thought it was the coolest thing! Your baby will be totally safe and there will be a lot of nurses and doctors in the operating room to care for him and you. The sweetest thing is that once he’s out and assessed/wrapped up, Justin will get to snuggle the baby while the doctor finishes your surgery. Congrats and good luck!
cool! Thanks for telling me that!
Congrats, it certainly is a strange feeling having them ask you to pick a date!
I’ll spare you details, but my first was born via emergency c-section and my second was a beautiful VBAC. I am incredibly pro-VBAC. They were night and day experiences, each with their own pros and cons, but both resulting in beautiful babies!
Enjoy your last week of being pregnant! I really miss those days. Such a special time.
I had a vaginal delivery and opted for an epidural. It had never occurred to me that that meant catheter!! lol. At that point I was numb and it wasn’t a big deal but still the idea is a little odd. I will say it took a little bit to get bladder control back. Not sure if that was a catheter thing, an epidural thing, or just an “i just had a baby” thing. ๐
Very excited for you! I’ve had 3 c-sections, and the things I always try to do while in the hospital are:
Walk, walk walk! It reduces your time of recovery.
Stay on top of the pain medications! Drugs are your best friends that first week or two. ๐
Bring a nice nightgown to wear (a nursing one if you’re planning on breastfeeding). It’ll make you feel more like yourself instead wearing that awful hospital gown for 3/4 days.
A band around your stomach helps a lot and helps reduce the feeling that your insides are going to fall out. I know, TMI, but, to me, that’s how it always feels those first few days.
Best of luck to you!
I just had my son via csection two months ago and I would do it 10 times over again. Piece of cake! Just get up and walk around as soon as you can. Makes the recovery much easier and quicker. Good luck!
I just had my son via csection two months ago and I would do it 10 times over again. Piece of cake! Just get up and walk around as soon as you can. Makes the recovery much easier and quicker. Good luck!
I couldn’t agree more!! ๐
My first was a c-section–and I had a pretty easy recovery. My second was a vbac and it was wayyyyyy better. Congratulations on the coming-very-soon birth of your little, and if you have anymore, please consider looking into a vbac. There’s lots of good health reasons for you and your child (though I do tell my hubs it doesn’t seem fair that I was messed up both ways, with my ab muscles sliced through by the doctor and then physical damage through the natural birth of my second…lol…but totally worth it)
Yay babies.
I have been reading your blog for over a year now ( and have never commented- but as a nurse, with a true love for labor and delivery- I felt maybe I could bring you some peace about the catheter deal ๐ I have attended several c-sections (they are just as joyous and absolutely wonderful as a “traditional” delivery) and I cried in happiness at every single one ๐ At all of the cesarian deliveries I attended, and I have been taught this is standard practice, your catheter will not be inserted until after your spinal anesthesia has been administered- so you shouldn’t even know it is going on… unless you want to. haha! I actually had a woman once who asked me in post-op recovery why she hadn’t needed to pee in so long… she had NO CLUE she had a catheter, lol! I hope your experience is one you will treasure forever- I have found so much hope and sheer joy in following your pregnancy story. You are going to make an incredible mother and I so look forward to watching you and your son grow through your blog. God bless and well wishes, Emily
great to know this–thank you Emily!
In addition, the catheter is placed while the doctors and anesthesiologist are getting their machines set up around you and draping you; there’s so much going on that, if you’re not paying attention to below your hips, you won’t notice even the action of the nurses. ๐
Congratulations on setting a date! <3
This is so exciting! Congrats!
So exciting to have a real date!
I’ve had all 5 of my kids by c-section and I remember the stress of picking their birthday.
I understand the yuck factor of the catheter but as most everyone has said it’s usually put in after your epidural and honestly after the c-section it was nice that I didn’t have to worry about getting up right away.
Enjoy your blessed baby!
I’m so happy to hear that you’ve enjoyed your pregnancy. I”m hoping to experience sometime in the relatively near future, but I feel like I hear lots of negative things about it. I’m really hoping to just embrace it, so I’m happy to hear you’ve enjoyed it.
Yay! Congratulations! I’m with ya on the whole easygoing birth attitude. I pretty much made no plans when preparing for my births. Sure I did a childbirth class and all that. But otherwise I just felt that the ultimate goal was to have a baby and everything else was just details. I even said when people asked me what my birth plan was “Go to hospital, have baby, go home.” It worked pretty well. I have good memories of both births. ๐ So I like to say to first time mommies, be prepared, but think of a birth plan more like guidelines. Be ready to go with the flow. To me, it was just like, why put that stress and pressure on myself? Just chill and go with what your body and baby do. Makes it more fun. In my opinion.
I like your birth plan ๐
Melissa I completely agree with you. I was always less concerned with “the plan” and more concerned with having a healthy baby.
We had to pick a date from Christmas Eve to the 28th. I went with the date I could have my doctor which is also a Friday so family can come by Saturday and Sunday. Congrats on being down to the final week! I’m 36wks and they estimate that she is already 7.2lbs.
Hi Kate! I enjoy reading your blog! I had to post because I have had 3 c-sections and my last one was born on Friday the 13th as well. I wasn’t crazy about the date, but once you get that baby in your arms…that’s the last thing on your mind. Csections are nice in that you’re so drugged by pain meds that you can focus on the miracle of your baby being born :). Having a baby is an amazing experience and such a blessing from God.
So other people have told you this, but if you are very anxious about the catheter, ask to have it placed AFTER your epidural or spinal. I used to be an L and D nurse and we did this all the time. I would like to tell you that having worked there and also had 2 c sections, that getting up as soon as you can and moving around is your best bet. Also, take your pain meds regularly after your epidural comes out. The key to your pain meds working is not to “wait it out”. Don’t wait until the pain is unbearable as even an injection takes time to work. Enjoy your birth!! Oh, and don’t be shocked if your baby surprises you–my water broke the day before my scheduled c section with baby #2!!
good to know!
That’s so exciting! Best of luck and can’t wait to see pictures ๐
Btw, the 13th of December is St. Lucia day, which is a beautiful festive day in Sweden, have a peek here on youtube, it’s lovely and something everyone looks forward to in Sweden, young and old.
Sagittarius, great! Hope everything goes well and baby arrives healthy!
All the best,
How exciting!!!! Good luck, I’m sure you’re anxious to meet the little guy! I was surprisingly not scared until I walked down the hall and info the operating room… And I am right there with you sister! I was freaked about the catheter too and sooooo stinking worried that they would insert it BEFORE they gave me my spinal?! Luckily that wasn’t the case, haha!
YAY! that is sooo exciting!! I can’t wait for you to feel this amazing experience of being a mom.
Good for you, Kate, for being so mature about the whole thing! I ended up having a c section after laboring for a really long time and it was really traumatic and I wish I had been more chill about everything. But it doesn’t help when people are very passionate about how birth “should” be. Thank God for c-sections! We are lucky women to have our babies in this day and age when this is an option! Anyway, you’re going to do great and I’ll be keeping you in my prayers next week.
congrats!! such exciting news, good luck!!
My mother had two planned C sections and she even asked to be completely asleep during surgery … basically she went to sleep and woke up a mom! God was just protecting her from the pain and suffering of child birth that scarred her, she says :). You have had your share of wilderness whilst trying to get pregnant and you are now blessed with a delivery that will (hopefully) be a breeze! I have watched you over the past few month being a trooper about getting pregnant and then doing all those things without your husband around, that’s just amazing. What an example of trust in the Lord! I will pray like many others that you have a speedy recovery.
That’s my niece’s birthday. She is going to be 17 and she is extremely awesome. Good luck. Can’t wait to see pics of your little man.
I am SO excited for you! Congratulations on picking a date and a name!
So excited for you!
I got to pick my son’s birthday too, April 2 2013, and it was perfect because that was my Grandma’s birthday too. I can’t wait to see pics once he is here! Prayers for everything to go smoothly.
Kate if the doctor’s have not mentioned it to you… ask for the on-cue pain pump. I am expecting my 3rd baby now… and all of my children have been/will be delivered via csection. I did not have the pain pump the first time and did the second and WOWZERS is there a difference!!! I left the hospital the 2nd time only taking motrin… no pain meds whatsoever. It is AMAZING!
How exciting! Funny thing, the catheter was my favorite part about the c-section. I was sad when they took it out and I had to actually get up to go to the bathroom because it was so hard to sit and stand. Can’t wait to see pictures of the little guy!
I’m one more c-section story to add to your heap ๐ It was an emergency one for me, but doctors are so skilled with it nowadays, and baby and me were just fine so I’m sure everything will go just wonderfully for you. We are so blessed to live with access to modern medicine!
The 13th of December is MY birthday! Great day and surely full of good luck ๐ I had always wished that my birth day occurred on a Friday, but alas, it was a Monday.
Hi Kate!
I was in the exact same boat as you…at around 32 weeks my baby was in a breeched position and she didn’t budge at all the rest of my pregnancy! I had a c-section booked at 36 weeks (I was having other issues and my dr recommended an earlier delivery to be safe) and 3 days before my scheduled c-section my water broke and I ended up going into labour! I still delivered by c-section and the recovery went well, especially since you’ve been active this whole time, it’ll definitely help! I was like you, I didn’t have a birth plan, just kinda went with the flow and everything went fine! Really, the most important thing is that your baby is delivered safely. Best wishes and I”ll be thinking of you the 13th!
The 13th is my birthday too and it is an awesome day! Congratulations on motherhood!
My daughter was due on Thursday, June 5th. When it appeared she was in no hurry to be born, we started talking about inducing labor. My husband didn’t want it scheduled for anywhere near the end of the following week hoping to avoid a Friday the 13th birth, so we scheduled it for Monday the 16th. Tuesday the 10th my water broke but I didn’t realize it as it was only an occasional trickle. I thought I was peeing my pants! After 2 days I figured I’d better check with my doctor and after examining me she said it was amniotic fluid and I needed to go to the hospital right away. So, in spite of our best efforts to avoid a Friday the 13th birth, we got one anyway. We consider Friday the 13th to be a lucky day! And we like Dec. 13th, too, because it is my daughter’s half birthday. Good luck!
I had a c section with both my children. One was emergency the other was scheduled and I asked to get the catheter after I received my drugs. Wasn’t sure if you knew that was an option. Good luck!!
Oh my gosh, a week out, how exciting!!! In all honestly, I had one of each – a traidtional delivery and a c-section. If I had to choose which to do again, it would be a toss up…both have their pro’s and con’s! You’ll do great! I wish you, your husband, and new little son all the best! Praying for a happy and healthy delivery and enjoy the first holiday season with your growing family!
I don’t normally comment – like ever. But your story sounds SO similar to mine, I felt compelled to. My son was also breech. And also born in December (12/20/12). When I found out, just 3 weeks before my due date that he was breech, I was shocked and upset. This was not the birth I planned. I had all these visions and plans for how the birth would go and c-section didn’t fit into any of them. I also had to choose a date – 12/19, 12/20, or 12/21. I had no idea, how do you choose a birth date?? I went with 12/21/12 because I liked the idea of having all 1s and 2s. Well, turns out the OR/doctors were booked that day so I was told the c-section would be 12/20, but with my absolute favorite doctor. Also turns out that 12/21 was the supposed end of the world so I was happy with 12/20. Anyway, things could not have gone better. Recovery was a breeze. I was up and walking that very night. I’m not usually one to give advice, but the sooner you can start moving, the better. I’m convinced it helped with recovery. Looking back, I’m totally happy with the c-section experience and would definitely not mind having another in the future. Best of luck!
I agree with you! I had my twins via section and if I had to have any more kids I would prefer it that way. You just lay there and chat with your husband and the Doctors do all the work ๐ I didn’t have any complications or pain with mine but with twins I was constantly up and down and I agree with you that I think that made a huge difference in me healing and never really getting to lay in one place to long and get sore.
What a PERFECT day!!!!! Our sweet baby girl was born on 12/13. Good luck with your scheduled delivery.
I had a c-section and when friends were worried about having one themselves I always say a great perk is that I don’t pee when I laugh!
I have had 4 babies and EVERY time I went in the iv was the part I feared most! So funny the things we get anxious about and the things that don’t bother us
Congratulations, Kate! Isn’t it a great feeling knowing what day you’ll be having your baby??? ๐ I had an unscheduled c-section with my first. With the 2nd, my doctor said that he was required by law to tell me about VBAC (vaginal birth after Cesarian), to which I responded (probably in my best Southern belle accent), “Well, you just go ahead, Dr. Diamond, and then I’ll march my happy self out there and schedule my c-section with your office manager!” ๐
As for the date, if you can see my email address, you may have guessed that I’m not superstitious. As a matter of fact, if I have to choose anything with a number, I choose 13 for two reasons: 1) (the practical one) it should be available as so many others avoid it, and 2) to thumb my nose at superstition.
When your son is old enough to think about it, he’ll realize he has one very cool birth date. Best wishes on your big day!
I just want to say that my first son was born on July 13th. I remember my mother-in-law saying, “He can’t be born on that day. It’s bad luck.” He is now 17, and one of the best young men around. A definite blessing in my life. The #13 to me is wonderful, and the best luck ever!!!! I’m so excited for you and your little family. He will bring you so much joy.
congrats! I had an unplanned c-section and was terrified of the catheter too but they put it in after the epidural (so I didn’t actually feel it) and I was happy to not have to get up and down to go to the bathroom after the surgery.
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Hi Kate, I am a follower of yours for sometime now. Love your blog. You must be getting really excited to meet your little guy. I hope all goes well. Just wanted to let you know that I recently had a c-section 3 weeks ago. The first few days are the toughest but it does get better. Also Elsa was breached on a Thursday and by Sunday she had turned, so you never know…he could flip right around. Even with my little girl not being breach I had a difficult labor which led to the c-section. I thought that I would panic or be scared but it was not bad. I had an epidural so my husband could be with me and I can remember singing hymns to myself which keep me calm. Thinking of you and your family.
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Que poquito te queda ya!! Espero que todo vaya muy bien <3
Kyllie | Make Up Fragrances
are you even reading these comments any more!? wow the amount of people who’ve had cesarian births is astounding! I’ve had two and they are fine…seriously consider this…you said, no tearing, but how about when the doctor slices you all the way up the back and you need to get cray cray stitches for your epeaseotomie (oh my gosh I can not spell) here’s a hip tip – stay in front of your meds! don’t wait for any pain to “remind” you to take your drugs…just do it every 4-6 hours like they say at first…life is just better. anyway I am so happy for you and hope you have an amazing day to birth! can’t wait to here this little guys name!
Apparently c-sections are the most common surgery in America. They are more common than what most people think. It freaks out a lot of women but honestly the thought of having a HUMAN come out of my…well you get the picture. Neither way is too exciting but the Dr’s will always do what is the best option for the Mother and the baby and sometimes that’s a section. I had no problem with mine but some women think they are horrible ( my Mother) I suppose it has a little something to do with your pain tolerance as well.
Congratulations, Kate! A week from now you will have your baby! Lots of prayers will be going up for y’all. Thanks for sharing. I know he’ll be beautiful.
December 13th being my own birthday, I can tell you it is a great day to come into the world ๐ Good luck to you and your family, and I’ll be looking forward to the big news next week!
I also had to schedule a C-section for my first. She was breech from the beginning and never once switched it around. I was upset about it, I will admit it. And I definitely didn’t want to pick my child’s birthday, but I did. I got it scheduled, marked it in on my calendar and went home. That night in bed my husband and I chatted about how crazy it would be that our baby would be with us in exactly three weeks later. We turn over and go to sleep. Ten minutes later I wake my husband up by jumping out of bed and screaming. My water broke at 10:30 PM and instead of 3 weeks, we had a baby 3 HOURS later. So… the moral of the story: don’t go getting monogrammed pillows with his birthday on them. ๐
Wishing you the best of luck! Enjoy your last week while it’s just hubby and you. ๐
Same thing happened to me with my girls, kinda lol we scheduled May 23rd for their arrival and my blood pressure went up on May 17th so that was their birthday. I think we as women will decide our own grand entrance into the world ๐
Praying for a great baby day for you and your husband. Prayers for God’s blessings to be poured all over you guys! Our little guy was born on 3/13/13 – and I had a vaginal delivery (with the doctor of my choice, which is exactly what I hoped for!) – but no matter the means, great is your reward! ๐
I was also fixated on the catheter part of the c-section and whether it would be inserted before or after they did the spinal. In my case, the nurse put in the catheter well before the spinal. Even before I went into the OR. It was totally fine. My entire planned c-section experience was fine and I had a super easy recovery. As soon as they removed the catheter (about 18 hours post surgery) I took a shower and then blowdried my hair. That’s how good I felt. I hope you have a similarly good experience. Good luck,
I always read your blogs but I’ve never commented. But as a Mother of 19 month old twins I had them by c section and I was really worried about it. I of course didn’t want to have them natural because of obvious reasons but I have to say a c section was a breeze. I had no problems or complications healing what so ever. The catheter I didn’t even KNOW I had one because they insert it after you have had the epidural and are numb from the breast plate down. I wouldn’t worry about a thing. You seem to have really been very easy going and open and let God handle all things in this pregnancy. The delivery will be no different. Congrats to you and yours on your new baby,there is truly nothing like it ๐
I had an emergency C-section last year so I didn’t have time to worry about any of it (didn’t realize I even had a catheter until much later!). You’ve received so many tips I hesitate to pile on, but just in case these are helpful to you, in no particular order. 1: scaraway…ask your doc about how soon you can use these, but they totally helped with the itching that comes along with a healing incision, and I like to think they also helped the scar to fade. 2: if you’re short like me (I’m 5’3″), consider a stool for getting in and out of bed when you get home–my usual “hop” method did not feel too good right after surgery. 3: take a thin pillow for the ride home–feels nice between the seatbelt and your belly… and 4: don’t be ashamed to wear pants with an elastic waistband for a little while…a lot of my pre-preggo pants seemed to ride right on that incision line, which was not the most comfy for awhile.
Most importantly, though, enjoy every minute with your little one! (Even when he’s crying at 2 a.m. and you have no idea why…this too shall pass.) Have a merry Christmas with your family. Thanks for your blog–it is an inspiration.
I have had 4 c-sections and 4 beautifully healthy girls we are about to have our 5th and final c-section march 19th! I call it my supernatural child birth pain free and only takes 30 minutes :)….ok maybe not supernatural but not to bad! Healthy mom healthy baby is all that matters. Will be praying.
Well, I was going to give you all sorts of advice on how to flip the baby, but I guess I won’t now. I’ll save it and write really long comments on how you should get him to sleep…how you should nurse him (forever)…and, of course, how you should potty train him in 30 seconds! ๐
Eeeeee so exciting! I can’t believe his birthday is almost here!
The catheter is the absolute BEST part. I have unfortunately had to be hospitalized about six times (including both times I had kids) and to not have to get up to go to the bathroom is heaven! So cross that off your worry list!
All the boys in my family have been born on the 13th. My Brother and my 2 sons different months March, June and July! So for our family the 13th has become Lucky and we love when it falls on a Friday!!
12-12 is my boyfriends birthday ๐
Hope everything goes well for you! Try not to stress about the catheter (though I understand– I get squirmy thinking about it). I had both my boys vaginally, but they inserted the catheter after I got the epidural– so I couldn’t feel a thing! I’m sure they’ll do that for you after you’re numb, too. A nursing student did my first one, actually, and she was freaking out because she didn’t get it on the first try, but I just told her not to worry– I couldn’t feel anything down there anyway!
His first birthday will be on 12-13-14. That is pretty cool.
Prayers for a great delivery and a happy, healthy baby boy!
So exciting! I had 3 c section, also my 1st was breech! No worries you will be fine, my advise take the nurses help when you can to catch on zzzz in the hospital! ๐
I’ve had two c-sections and they honestly went great. The worst part of the whole thing was when a resident took the bandage off my incision after my first. He just pulled it off and it hurt bad. The nurses later told me they usually have moms take them off in the shower because they come off easy then. With my second I didn’t even have a bandage. Without one, I really wanted some extra support so they gave me a “binder” that wrapped around me and helped a lot! I wore it for several weeks after. I also second the advice to get up and move around when the nurses recommend it. It helped so much.
Congratulations and good luck!
12-12 is my birthday!! Congrats and good luck- can’t wait to see the cutie ๐
My youngest daughter was born by scheduled c-section on 12-13 ๐ Its a great day!! Good luck!!
All the best to you Kate! I’ve had 5 C-sections and gave birth to 5 beautiful children! (A cath is to make sure your bladder is empty so they don’t knick it when cutting.) These babies are a blessing how ever they get to us, and I’ve never felt slighted that I couldn’t squeeze them out like most. It sounds like you’re pretty grounded with how things are going so I don’t have to say “just enjoy” because I think you’re going to!! One of my grand babies was born last year on 12-12-12! Pretty awesome day!
There is still hope for a vaginal delivery. ๐ My daughter was in the breech position until 5 days before I went into labor. She decided on her own to turn around – it was the strangest feeling for her to be that large and changing positions!
My son has a 12-12 birthday. Congratulations!!!!
Congratulations and best of luck. I’m sure you have gotten a ton of advice but I found it helpful to have a notepad and paper to record details about the delivery while they were fresh as well as all of baby’s visitors and gifts while in the hospital. Helped me a ton as it’s and exciting time and little details sometimes blend together. Enjoy! The days after his birth will fly by!
12/13 is my birthday, and I was born on Friday the 13th almost 28 years ago! So I like to think of any Friday the 13ths as my lucky day ๐
My daughter was breech & I had a scheduled c-section as well, I was TOTALLY freaked about the catheter more than anything. And you know what, we ended up talking so much with everyone in the room at that point, that I never even knew they put it in! ๐ So excited for you & wish you the best of luck!!!! PS. I’m sure you’ve read a million, but if you are interested in a c-section birth story (I swore mine was cake & recovery really wasn’t bad at all) you can read mine here! ๐ I always found it comforting to read good birth stories when my due date got closer. XOXO
Kate – I so support your decision. I’m pretty sure I’m older than your mother (not only young things read your blog and benefit from your wonderful hair designs, ya know :). My first child (a boy as well) was breech, and I had the version done on on his due date. Things just got complicated from there. I carried him successfully two more weeks. He’s a wonderful gorgeous, strong, accomplished 20 year old now, but his birth was not the greatest, and my memories of that day, um those birth days more like, are dramatic. Unnecessary in the US of A. So, have fun, relax, you are in good hands. I wish I would have been more “in control”, and not listened to my doctor. BTW, I also have a beautiful 16 y/o daughter whose birth was the way it should be. No c section, but such and uncomplicated beautiful experience.
Congratulations on your soon to be baby! My daughter was also breech. We tried an external cephalic version (staggeringly painful!), and when it didn’t work, scheduled our c-section. The delivery was not at all what I expected. Because I was literally, 100% without sensation bellow my ribs, I was able to focus entirely one my daughter being welcomed into this world. Also, my recovery was such a breeze! I was able hike three miles by three weeks postpartum. I now believe that not laboring and enduring damage from childbirth are such blessings! I’m proud of you for having such a wonderful attitude about how your little guy will enter this world. Oh, and my husband often comments about how having the whole thing scheduled greatly reduced the stress on his end.
Omg…im so excited for you. Motherhood is my favorite thing!! Its the best adventure of my life. And im sure it will be for you too. I will send prayers your way . We will miss your post but that baby is way more important. Take your time sweetie, and cherish every moment. Hugs
I’ve had 4 c-sections and my best advice is to get up and walk, walk, walk as soon as the nurses will let you. It’s hard at first, but it makes your recovery so much more quick and smooth!
Congratulations! I loved my 2 c-sections. Planning the day you’ll have your child, is SO nice and a convenience of our day and age (you’ll have great hair!), and God’s grace in my mind! Enjoy it all (it’s virtually pain free!), and I agree with those who suggested getting around quickly afterward. They always recommend it and I know that the sooner I moved the better with both of mine. Can’t wait to see pics afterward!
This is so exciting! Your life is going to change so much in just a week! That’s so great. I’m happy for you!
Your little baby will apparently have the same birthday as my mother! Fun ๐ And I’m sure he’ll find it pretty cool that he was born on a Friday the 13th!
The Girly Gamer
Congrats on the date! I had my son via planned c section, and it was a breeze! Recovery was not bad at all! You will do great, just get lots of rest before the big day, because once he’s here, you will miss your sleep, lol! ๐
Our first was born in Jan, nine weeks early due to a very difficult pregnancy.. not induced, just early labor.. 36 hrs+ with a catheter, 40 days in the NICU, while trying to heal physically and emotionally from such an unexpected, traumatic birth.. but you know what? I would do it all over for our sweet boy..:) we women have an inner strength.. you will do just fine- catheter and all:) really not a big deal, and it is nice not to need to get up to pee! Lol.. our second is due in Feb, and so excited about experiencing a full term baby, regardless of how he/she arrives! Congratulations, you will make a wonderful momma:)
As a nurse who has worked in L/D here are some things you can ask when you go in….
When can I be cathed? Some places will put it in before your spinal, others will wait till you are on the table…some will ask-some won’t. If it bugs you that much ask them to do it in the OR. Different doctors have different “hair” preferences. Some want no visible hair and some just take it off the top. If you get severe razor burn on your lady bits like *cough me* it pays to ask in advance, Some places also have different policies regarding how long you have your epidural or spinal block in place following surgery. Again ask-why? Cause if they opt to leave it in then your cath stays in too! ๐
Following surgery get up and walk. Yes, when you regain feeling start to walk. You will be taking pain medication that can cause constipation. Walking will be painful, but that is short lived….dealing with constipation way worse then walking.
Basically the rest is details that are your own personal choice. Clothing, people who are there, breastfeeding, the mesh panties vs. the depends diapers, baby staying in the nursery at night, Justin going home to sleep….those are up to you. The hospital staff will do everything they can to make sure that your birth is a good one.
Just remember it doesn’t matter how they come out-it’s important they come out as HEALTHY as possible.
T~nurse and mom of three c-sections
Congratulations! My daughter was born December 13, 2010 via c-section! Don’t worry about the catheter. They typically put it in after they give you the epidural/spinal block, so you’ll be numb from your chest down and you won’t even know that they have put it in. I wish you the best of luck and make sure you take it easy afterward – as much as you can with having a newborn baby! ๐
Congratulations! And don’t worry about him being born on Friday the 13th – I was too and I tell people that superstitions don’t work on me. It’s little fun fact that I enjoy!
twenty some years ago my baby was very late and the asked me to pick a date to be induced.. The monday was the 19th, tuesday was the 20th – i went with the 20th being that it was an even number, i liked the way it looked.. Well, it turns out that that day is also Hitler’s birthday and Pot smoking day!! (4/20) so bad things have happened on that day and some illegal things as well! my son is okay with it though ๐ can’t wait to see pictures!!
Wishing you all the love and blessings as you welcome your sweet angel! I will be saying prayers for you, and mostly for the catheter part….that was by far the worst part of my c-section. Deep breaths get you through it! But now a year later, I hardly remember that part, and just melt seeing my little chunky monkeys smile every morning!
Good luck and remember that you won’t necessarily have to have another c-section if you have another child. I ended up with a c-section for a “big baby” with my first and went on to have three VBACs, including two at home. Strangely, all three were larger than my first. My first homebirthed child’s fifth birthday is today!
Yay! I have to admit, I didn’t even realize you were THAT far along already. I mean, the 12th is right…around…the corner.
With my first, we discovered he was breech at 38 weeks. Found out, and were put in a room to “wait” to decide what to do next. Like you, I didn’t really have “plans” and kind of laughed at that word, but finding out at 38 weeks…that was a shocker. I chose a c-section because honestly? I was pretty scared of contractions and labor. So, a c-section sounded okay with me. It went so well, I opted for a c-section with my second, and I wouldn’t have changed a thing. Best of luck and prayers to you as you welcome your little guy! What a joy and a blessing! So happy for you!
SO EXCITING! And so soon!
I was born via c-section and history repeated itself almost three months ago when I delivered my little boy via c-section. Wishing you all the best, enjoy the experience.
Thanks for such an encouraging post! A year ago I went in for my 39 week check up, found out I had preeclampsia and had my baby girl via C-section 4 hours later. Your words did a lot or me. ๐
Excited for you and excited to see your little man. Been following since before your pregnancy. Praying all goes well.
Hi Kate- praying for you next week, so excited for you to meet this baby! I’m a postpartum nurse, and I can tell you that women recover strongly and quickly from c sections..especially when they have outlooks as positive as you do- you will be such a rock star!!
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My daughter was in a breech position until the 37th week appointment but then she flipped! We had discussed a C-section for week 38 or 39. I should have known then that’s she’s a bit putzy – getting her out of the house on a daily basis is a feat. Best of luck.
Kate! Your only a few days away from meeting your little guy! I’m so happy for your little family! I love the blog and I wanted to share some hopefully helpful advice! I had my 3rd child (2nd C-section) just a short 4 months ago! Time flies by the way!! ๐ The first time I went in for a c-sec I was only 28 weeks pregnant and my placenta ruptured so it was an emergency surgery and I was put to sleep. I woke up and had a beautiful, tiny 2lb princess. This time around I was awake I did deliver early again but at 35 weeks instead of 28 thank GOD!! I had a ton of anxiety and was so scared of what the outcome would be for my again preemie…It went fantanstic! I went in they numbed me with the spinal, layed me back and it was showtime. She was out in about 12 mintues after the process began! It’s amazing how quick those docs can work! I had a tubal and was stitched up and rolled into my recovery room with my baby in no time! Here’s my advice for you, take as much time healing at the hospital AND at home as you need. Don’t rush things a bit. If you try to over work your body before your completley healed it will set you back big time in your recovery! I regret trying to be superwoman both times and being impatient. Kick back and take in the moment. Don’t feel a bit guilty accepting help from others! They love you and WANT to be there helping! I had a hard time with this because I love to be independent even with my husband! It’s necessary you get the proper rest. You will want to take the time to rest in the hospital while the nurses are there to help cause once your home it’s total chaos!! Your husband will need his rest too so remind him that a nap is his friend ๐ Also the ice packs at the hospital are great you can bring a couple home if you need to and apply them to the incision area. They are great for painful areas and swelling. One more thing don’t wait on taking your pain meds because you feel “good” at the moment. Once time passes and it wears off you will be hurting and begging for the nurse to get there quickly with the meds! Take them round the clock even though you feel ok cause managing the pain is far easier than trying to make it go away! Good luck hope this helps and I can’t wait to see your little guy!! ๐ Take lots of pics they change so fast!!
I know the photographers working that weekend at the hospital; they’re all wonderful and you’ll be in good hands and get great photos! ๐
I’m also a csection-breech-baby-boy-born-on-the-13th Mama and it’s awfully nice. ๐
Congratulations!!! I also had a scheduled C-section and I was freaked out the most about the catheter too!! You are not alone, girl. ๐ They won’t insert the catheter until after the spinal block so no worries. Just be sure to get up and out of bed as soon as you possibly can. It’s going to be hard but you really need to be moving around as quickly as possible. It helps with recovery. Good luck to you!!! Enjoy it!
Good luck ๐ My little girl was breeched and at the last minute I agreed to have an ECV as it felt right at the time even though I was against it until that moment. I was then 7days over due, was in hospital for 25hours and a half until my girl was born via an emergency c-section. Having a planned c-section is much better than emergency but I was mentally prepared for a csection anyway however the only thing from my whole labour that I was upset with was that the epidural wasn’t working for me so I had to be knocked out with a general anaesthetic because it was an emergency and they didn’t have time to try the epidural out longer xxx
My son will be 13 on 12/13/13! ๐ Congratulations to you – praying.
the catheter goes in after you are numb and comes out before you can really feel it. You’re going to have several hours of numbness before you will start feeling anything which makes walking and using the bathroom tough. You will need help with very simple things. Some of those things were embarrassing for me but I had to let modesty go out the window! To help with milk coming in and latching, it helps to get your baby on your chest (laying head up) as soon as possible. They just naturally know how to bob their heads and make their way to the breast with more milk/faster flow. It’s AMAZING!
My daughter was a scheduled c-section on 12-7-12. Once I had the spinal (which was not bad at all), I couldn’t feel a thing. Not even tingling, like when your foot falls asleep. I just had no sensation whatsoever from the chest down. I had no idea they inserted the catheter, or even started the surgery. My recovery was rough, but my incision opened up about 1 week PP. I’m sure yours will be fine! I agree with others…get up and walk around as soon as they let you. It does WONDERS. Good luck!! Can’t wait to see pictures and know his name!!
Congrats! How exciting he will be here soon. I also had to have a c-section and it was nbd. I actually breathed a sigh of relief when I finally had a catheter put in because I didn’t have to run to the bathroom every 5 minutes! Take it easy after all is said and done and just enjoy your sweet baby. Such a special time- I am so happy for you!
As the mum of a December 13th birthday girl, despite my misgivings during pregnancy, it’s been a wonderful time of year for a birthday! Everyone is in a festive mood already and she has the most exciting month that she could possibly imagine. She LOVES it.
So, congrats on a December 13th wee one!
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I have a Friday the 13th baby too! My water broke right after midnight on the 13th and the first thing I thought (it was 2 weeks early so unexpected to me) was, “Oh no! He’s going to be born on friday the 13th!” lol I’m totally not superstitious either though so I don’t mind. But now that you mention it, it will be kind of cool for him to become a teenager on his golden birthday! Good luck & will be praying for you as we take our 17 month photo that day ๐
Congratulations- how exciting!!! I think you did the absolute right thing not setting yourself up for how the birth will go. SO many of my friends did and were majorly disappointed by their experiences, I didn’t and ended up being perfectly happy. I can tell you though that the catheter is NOTHING. I was worried about it too, seriously don’t be! Prior to having my daughter I was really worried about all of the nurses seeing “the goods,” and I told my mom. She told me that by the end of it I wouldn’t care if someone started selling tickets and asking strangers in, and it’s true. ๐ Modesty goes out the window honey, but the outcome is so worth it. ๐
I have two beautiful children. My daughter (vaginal delivery) is 11 and my son (planned c-section) just turned 8. I have to say, that in my opinion, have no expectations when it comes to the delivery of your child is the best way to go. As the saying goes “Don’t expect much and you won’t be disappointed.” I fear that so many women are so married to their birth plan that they feel like a failure if things don’t go the way they want, and no new mom needs that burden on their shoulders. Getting a handle on long nights and breastfeeding is trying enough. You are going to be a wonderful mom and I am so ecstatic for you and your family.
I had c-section 11 weeks ago and it went great. It was weird choosing her birthday but we liked the day we chose. But in the end I got preeclampsia and she came 16 days early. So all the planning of the date went out the window and we got a totally different month and date. The catheter was fine. They out it in after your numb and when they take it out you really don’t feel it at all. Get a belly binder! I asked my doc for one and it was amazing. I was up and walking as soon as that catheter came out. Good luck and early congratulations.
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Congrats! I’m a 12-13 baby and was also born in Friday the 13th ๐
I started reading your blog a few months before you announced your pregnancy… I had my daughter 14 months ago via C-section, and I too went into it without a birth plan and I really think this helped me get through finding out I couldn’t deliver naturally without getting too panicked. I was 5 days past my due date and my water finally broke on the exam table during a routine prenatal exam! *awkward* Because of some other slight complications, I decided to have a C-section and while I was nervous, I wasn’t freaking out because it’s not like I had these grand plans that were being ruined. Main thing I remember is after the surgery- I was SOO ITCHY! I think it was the morphine in the anesthesia… But I was scratching and rubbing my face, arms and chest like crazy… Good luck!
I’m surprised you are having a planned c-section just because the baby is breech but I hope all goes well for you. A sign on the door to let visitors know if you’re up for a visit or sleeping/nursing etc is always helpful. As is lanolin for sore breasts.
I was curious how the 13th was chosen. I bet the 13th was more available because of Friday the 13th. I had knee surgery on a Friday the 13th and within a few short years after I ran an ultramarathon so everything turned out well that day. I’m more nervous about how long it will take before I can run again because of my c-section not the actual surgery itself. I’m also choosing not to try anything else to flip my baby. I can’t wait to see your blog after and if you aren’t posting any details of what you wish you knew or something, I would really love to hear them in some way because I will have my scheduled c-section 8 days after yours. you can email me at if you have time (which i’m sure you won’t but I hope you do.)
I have been following your posts for a couple of years now. I don’t believe I have ever wrote to you before but, I wanted to congratulate you guys! One thing that sicks in my head as “one of my favourite baby memories” is how they curl up into this little ball, tucking their legs up (just as they were in the womb) when you hold them up against your chest. It is the BEST feeling in the entire world!! Let me know if you agree. Good Luck on Friday I will be thinking of you! Kristina
I have loved reading your blog for some time now. I’m excited for you and Justin and your new baby boy. My first born, a boy, was also breech and born via C-section. He will be twenty next month. My other two children, both girls, were also C-sections. I personally think it’s the only way to have babies…labor is highly overrated. ๐
I have loved reading your blog for some time now. I’m excited for you and Justin and your new baby boy. My first born, a boy, was also breech and born via C-section. He will be twenty next month. My other two children, both girls, were also C-sections. I personally think it’s the only way to have babies…labor is highly overrated. ๐
Ask for the catheter to be placed after you get your spinal! The nurse clued me in on the fact that if the patient specifically asks, they will do it in the OR, instead of during prep. ๐
My son was breech so I had a c-section. The catheter was the worst part for me haha! Praying for a safe delivery and healthy baby! -Lane
i am here to give testimony of how i got back my husband, we got married for more than 9 years and have gotten two kids. thing were going well with us and we are always happy. until one day my husband started to behave in a way i could not understand, i was very confused by the way he treat me and the kids. later that month he did not come home again and he called me that he want a divorce, i asked him what have i done wrong to deserve this from him, all he was saying is that he want a divorce that he hate me and do not want to see me again in his life, i was mad and also frustrated do not know what to do,i was sick for more than 2 weeks because of the divorce. i love him so much he was everything to me without him my life is incomplete. i told my sister and she told me to contact a spell caster, i never believe in all this spell casting of a thing. i just want to try if something will come out of it. i contacted traditional spell hospital for the return of my husband to me, they told me that my husband have been taken by another woman, that she cast a spell on him that is why he hate me and also want us to divorce. then they told me that they have to cast a spell on him that will make him return to me and the kids, they casted the spell and after 1 week my husband called me and he told me that i should forgive him, he started to apologize on phone and said that he still live me that he did not know what happen to him that he left me. it was the spell that he traditional spell hospital casted on him that make him comeback to me today,me and my family are now happy again today. thank you traditional spell hospital for what you have done for me i would have been nothing today if not for your great spell. i want you my friends who are passing through all this kind of love problem of getting back their husband, wife , or ex boyfriend and girlfriend to contact and you will see that your problem will be solved without any delay.