Retiring at 27

October Q&A Video

Well, it’s almost official.

After today, I’m retired. 

I’m also tired. And I’m tired over and over again, so I’m kind of re-tired too.

I’ve thought about this day for a long time. I never really knew what it would feel like, or how I would react. I didn’t know what the circumstances around it would be, nor how old I would be. 

After 10 years of being a hairstylist, I’m closing my private studio, leaving only a layer of hairspray behind, and beginning the next chapter of my life, a stay at home mom. In the meantime, I’ll pretty much be a full time blogger, but once that baby exits his current home in December, being a mom will be my #1 responsibility, pushing “blogger” below it. 

I’m so very grateful that I have the opportunity to stay home with my son. I do not take for granted how nice it is that I’ve been able to choose that. I know so many women who long for that. 

I grew up with a stay at home mom, and my husband grew up with a stay at home mom. We both appreciated the benefits of having our moms around, and hoped that we would be able to do the same with our family. 

Of course, it goes without saying, I don’t think being a stay at home or working mom is a “right” or “wrong” decision. It’s more of a “right” or “left” decision, you know? Neither is wrong in an of itself, they are just different. A different direction, if you will.

So, let’s get sentimental, shall we? Here’s the past 10 years of my hair career in a nutshell:

(sometime around 2008)

-Graduated beauty school at the same time I graduated high school. Had intentions of heading straight to NYC to do runway hair.

-Dad said, “yeah no. you should probably go to college” so I went to college.

-Started working in a salon, as a independent stylist (aka booth renter) in 2007 in a small, family owned salon. Learned a lot about what I valued (and did not value) in a salon environment and working with other stylists.

-Flew to NYC in October of 2007 to take the Redken Color Certification exam. Passed grueling test and got certified! 

-Switched to a salon that better fit my style and clientele in 2008. Enjoyed more privacy and expanded my clientele and hours. Typical work weeks were Tuesday through Saturday, with many long days. 

-Got married in 2009, moved to Raleigh 3 months after we were married, and I started my own business in a private studio immediately thereafter. It was the slowest time in my career since I basically started from scratch.

-Steadily built a clientele and moved to a different (and much, much better) private studio in 2012. 

-Shaved off a few days from working behind the chair in the spring of 2013 in order to allow a bit more time to be spent on the blog. 

-Pretty much had a dream schedule, with a dream clientele, in a dream studio. 

-And now, closing my business and leaving behind clients that I’ve been working with for years. It’s rather sad. 

Overall, I could not be more pleased with how my career has evolved. I absolutely loved being a business owner. My boss and employee were a dream to work with . . . since they were both ME. I loved the freedom in choosing everything about how I wanted my clients to feel in my chair. I loved choosing my own hours, payment methods, color, products, music, etc. I loved being an independent stylist. 

So what was my favorite part of doing hair?
This is a tough one. It’s truly difficult to narrow down just one. Other than developing relationships with my clients, my favorite part has been watching my clients become more comfortable styling their own hair. That was the inspiration behind starting this blog after all. Second to that, the look in their eyes when I did a fresh cut, whether it was an inch or 5 inches. I know how great it feels to have a haircut, and I loved being able to making women feel that way. 

What was my least favorite part?
Getting color under my nails making it look like I dug around in dirt all day. Also, folding towels.

Do I think I’ll ever return to a salon and work as a stylist?
No. Now, I may change my mind in a few years, but at this time I really don’t think I will. The most I could see myself actually doing is a few bridal parties a year on the side. But I don’t see myself working behind the chair again. 

What was your favorite, cutting or coloring?
I really enjoyed doing a fun haircut on client looking for a change. I liked the dramatic befores and afters. Overall, though, I typically had more “maintenance” cuts (ex. “just a trim!”) than dramatic makeovers.
As far as coloring goes, I really enjoyed highlighting/lolighting and creating the perfect caramel color with Shades EQ (a line of Redken hair color).

What am I going to miss the most?
Talking to my clients. I’ve seen s o many of them nearly every 4 weeks for the past 4-5 years. I know them and they know me. In fact, there are friends that I don’t even see as much as I see my clients. 

It’s going to be strange to not get a life update every month or so. And that is where I anticipate the largest void occurring  Sure, I’ll miss the act of doing hair, but more than that I’ll miss being a part of my client’s lives. 

It’s truly going to be a bittersweet day. I couldn’t have asked for a better experience as a stylist. I’m forever grateful that God gave me these interests and talents, and I was able to use them for my job. Have you heard the phrase “if you love your job, you never work a day in your life” ? That’s really how I felt about it. I loved it. 

And I’ll miss it.  


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Lisa Cuba says · 10.25.13

Thanks for sharing your gifts <3

Abigail Hoppen says · 10.25.13

ok for a second you had me freaking out that you were retiring your blog. (I’m a new reader).

Congrats on this new chapter in your life! Ending a successful business in pursuit of other things is not easy. ( I closed my brick and mortar store this fall) But if you follow your heart, you know you did the right thing.

Kelly || Old Blue Silo says · 10.25.13

I recently “retired” from the time clock myself.. not to be a stay at home mom (I don’t have kids) but to be a stay at home farm wife to help on the farm, grow my blog and to work on free lance jobs. It’s actually a much busier life but indeed better and more rewarding. I have a better relationship with some of the co workers I thought I’d miss because we go out of our way to make plans to grab dinner or get coffee together. Hopefully you will be able to form a friendship outside of the chair with some of your clients! Good luck with your new career. You’ll have times where you miss leaving the house to work elsewhere but at least you have the blog to keep you on a schedule and to serve as an outlet to the outside world. Looking forward to hearing about your adventures!

Lauren says · 10.25.13

Thinking about you today. It is awesome what you have accomplished with your talent and I know we will all be very sad to see you leave the salon but it is also awesome to get to stay home with your precious baby boy. You are an inspiration in so many ways, not just behind the chair but by who you are and I couldn’t be more excited for you and your new adventure of being a mom!

Ashley@MarriedLane says · 10.25.13

So happy for you! I’ve been a stay at home mom for almost 4 years now and it is the hardest, best thing I’ve ever done. So thankful to my husband for making it possible!

Angela says · 10.25.13

ohh this makes me sad! Excited to see what the future holds with baby and the blog!!!

Paige McDaniel says · 10.25.13

So excited that you are able to stay at home! I too am expecting and am due in March. We won’t have the opportunity do do that so I am happy for you! I think that is wonderful. Thanks for sharing your stories with us! Hope the close of this chapter is a great one and the beginning of a brand new exciting chapter! Look forward to more reads from you!

Michelle Ash Latham says · 10.25.13

Congratulations! Enjoy your last day, and then it’s on to a new chapter πŸ™‚

amber says · 10.25.13

Congratulations on the new chapter of your life. When I left my job to become a stay at home mom, I had a bit (err huge??) identity crisis because I had been a social worker for so long and it was such a huge part of my life. But now I have three kids, and can’t imagine working full time on top of being a mom. It can be lonely sometimes not having the adult interaction, but I have found that joining a Moms or Mops group is a huge sanity saver.

Delyn Metcalfe says · 10.25.13

What made a client of yours a “dream client”?

Amy Teepen says · 10.25.13

I “retired” 23 years ago to become a Domestic Engineer (Stay at Home Mom). Best decision we ever made. I too feel truly Blessed to be home for my four boys. We have found it well worth the sacrifices we have made for me to be able to be a Stay at Home Mom. God Bless You and enjoy each and every precious moment with your little Blessing! Time FLIES!!! πŸ™‚

Former Fat Bride says · 10.25.13

Why did I tear up while reading this post? I’m such a weirdo lol. Congratulations on all your successes, and best wishes for your new chapter!!

Daliene Hendon says · 10.25.13

This is so sweet. I’m so thankful my mommy stayed home with us. She returned to work after we were both in school and said it was the best years of her life when she was at home with her babies. Aww

Lauren {Fizz and Frosting} says · 10.25.13

Congratulations on entering this new and exciting stage of your life! I can’t wait to see where it takes you and the blog! πŸ™‚

Erin J says · 10.25.13

Congrats! I have read your blog for along time and have followed you journey! I am as you said today a “retired” stylist as well. I worked for 9 years in the salon and then found out we were having our first son and decided it was best for our family to stay home and now 3 children later its the best decision I have ever made. Yes there are days I miss being in the salon and that constant adult conversation( those are also the days I pray for my sanity) but I still do wedding parties, family and a few clients that were some of my first clients at home and that is enough for me and I also don’t planning on returning to the salon and not sure I will return to the work force at all because honestly this is the hardest job I have ever had and I’v been home for 4 years now and its alot but I love it! Plus bonus for those mornings you have 5 minutes flat to get ready you can walk out with flawless hair and makeup for school drop off and moms comment on it,although some days may be accompanied by yoga pants because you cant find anything else clean haha! Good luck and savor it because it is the ultimate blessing to say home and take are of your little miracle!

Kaileigh says · 10.25.13

You are so lucky that you have the opportunity to stay home with your baby! That’s not a choice for so many people these days. I had a stay at home mom growing up and I think that it was so beneficial. It was so nice to have a parent to go on school trips, and pick you up when you were sick and be there before and after school…. your children will be blessed!

Leeann Killion says · 10.25.13

So enjoy it. If I had it to do over again my husband and I have both said I wished I stayed at home with our 2kids. Your exactly right it being a choice. Hine sight as they say is 20/20. We sent our kids to day cares, sitters and they were with other people, not all with our morals and values for about 8-10 hours a day. I’m not one to say I wished I had … But this is one thing we both my husband and I agree on. Have fun bad cherish every moment because time flies. My kids are 19 and 21 and it seems like yesterday they were babies and me wishing they were a little older haha. Now I wish they were little again.

A Modern Commonplace Book says · 10.25.13

I am so excited for you! I mentioned you yesterday in my post about Jeans: Denim 101. Just thought you should know πŸ™‚

Denim 101:

Megan says · 10.25.13

I don’t even know you personally, but that made me tear up. Lol. Enjoy your last day behind the chair.

Bella Vie says · 10.25.13

Aww congrats!!! This is so awesome πŸ™‚

Megan Coomer says · 10.25.13

Beautiful Post. Congratulations on your next chapter:)

Little Miss Everhart says · 10.25.13

I totally know every emotion you’re having! I left my salon life to be a mommy as well. I miss my clients too. But you will see them. Do coffee or lunch dates! Being a mom is by far the greatest thing in life and you will not regret watching your son grow up! Congrats!

Unknown says · 10.25.13

This is so exciting! My mom was a hairstylist (still is, I suppose!), and when we were little she did hair at home. We have a salon in our basement. I don’t know if that’s something you are ever interested in doing, but it’s a thought!

Jennifer Marie says · 10.25.13

Congratulations Kate! You may not be with your client family anymore, but you sure will be with your blogging family!! Best of luck to you and yours! Can’t want to what’s to come!

Kelly @ turned UP to ELEVEN! says · 10.25.13

There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t miss my clients. I used to be a manicurist. I stopped doing nails over 10 years ago, and I miss it. It was my “I’m not sure college will work out for me I need a trade to fall back on” career. I went to school for the entire summer after I graduated HS and paid for it myself with my graduation money. I enjoyed it so much – I then started community college and loved that too. So while I was in school, I went ahead and did nails, and lived off that income for fun money, gas money, etc. So thankful I had that trade. Sadly I let my license lapse DON’T EVER DO THAT!!! I think it’s awesome you’ll be a stay at home mom but keep your credentials current, you never know, you might want to go back to hair again once your little one is bigger πŸ™‚ Congrats!!!

Ashley says · 10.25.13

That’s exciting!! Congratulations and the best of luck on the next chapter of your life!! πŸ™‚

Sincerely Miss Ash

Lindsey218 says · 10.25.13

Congrats Kate! As a working mom of a 1 year old I can’t wait to see your Mommy Style evolve and change when your precious boy comes. Being a Mom has been the hardest and best thing I have ever done, I know you will love it πŸ™‚ Maybe in a few months we will see a hair tutorial on styling your hair after no shower and sleep in 2 minutes, all while hold your baby in one arm!!

carly says · 10.25.13

Congrats on so much success and soon starting the next chapter in your life πŸ™‚

EMT says · 10.25.13

Being a MOM is the most precious job you will ever have. I am a working mom of a 17 month old, and while I love the opportunity to continue my career, it is VERY challenging to juggle both. And I often feel like I’m cheating on my little girl…so enjoy every minute as a mom, and please continue to blog – I love reading, but I also have found that blogging is such an amazing release and gives me a sense of self and accomplishment as an adult (not mom)! God Bless!

Vanessa says · 10.25.13

Wishing you good luck in your newest “job.” πŸ™‚ Ironically, I was just working on writing a blog post about being a SAHM mom vs. one who works outside the home. I have done both, and currently I feel like I am struggling a bit with my choice. I don’t dislike being home all the time, but at times I find myself missing the work identity that came with having a job that didn’t involve my children.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both, but overall I am glad that I get to be the one to witness my daughters learning the alphabet or watch my son take his first steps. I hope you absolutely love it, but on the days when you think to yourself, “Man, I sort of want to run away and hide for awhile” (And believe me they will happen), don’t feel bad – it just means you’re normal. πŸ™‚

Our life with 2 P's says · 10.25.13

Best of luck to you on your new adventure! Being a mom is something you can’t go back and start over. The Lord has vast plans for you and your family! What a blessing it is for you to stay home! It’s worth every minute πŸ™‚

Shannon says · 10.25.13

You are such an inspiration! I would love a blog post more about your faith and how you use it in your everyday life. Or maybe a recap of your presentation at the conference you recently went to. God bless you in this next chapter of your life!

{Jessica} says · 10.25.13

Good luck in this next chapter of your life as a Mom! It is such a blessing that you will be able to stay home with your precious son. Enjoy it, Kate. Motherhood is the best!:)

Laura@Elegant Nest says · 10.25.13

How exciting! Good luck in this new chapter…the best one in the whole book in my opinion! I am fortunate enough to have been a full time stay home mom for 20yrs and counting…and am just now entering my next chapter…after the kids. Enjoy every moment…as my favorite saying goes…”the days are long but the years are short”. Looking forward to following along.

Lisa says · 10.25.13

It is good to be nostalgic, but don’t get sad. I am so excited for you! You are starting a wonderful new chapter. It will be amazing.

Aunie says · 10.25.13

Sooooo excited for your next season. It’s going to be beautiful.

Tracy says · 10.25.13

You truely are a lucky girl living a very lovely life. Good for you! Good luck with your new chapter~you are going to LOVE it!

crazybluedaisy says · 10.25.13

THANK YOU for sharing your bittersweet moments. I did the same exact thing; built a skill and career from the age of 16 on up, all the while knowing my real job aspirations were to be a SAHM one day. Married a man who was down with that, a feat in itself it seemed. Had my first child at 28, walked away from a very successful career and have never been more happy or satisfied with a decision. I look at my 10 and 13 yrs old’s faces looking back at me and thank my DH and God every day that this attainable for us (though MANY sacrifices and a major simplification of funds are involved). I can tell you already know what an important and wonderful decision this will be for your child(ren) and family and I admire anyone who can close such an important/exciting/wonderful/self-defining chapter in their life to stay at home and raise their babies. Congratulations on everything! Life’s greatest excitements are just ahead!

Katie Chandler says · 10.25.13

How neat that you get to stay at home with your baby! I’m also selfishly glad that you plan to keep blogging, even if its a second priority.

Meggie @ My Grace-Full Life says · 10.25.13

What a blessing to be able to stay at home with your sweet baby! I left the corporate world to do the same 1.5 years ago, and while it was a tough transition at first, I absolutely love it now. Wouldn’t change it for the world! Blessings to you as you begin this new chapter!

Kate says · 10.25.13

Hi Kate, congratulations on a great career. I had to comment since my name is Kate, I am pregnant and due with a little girl in November, I am 27, and today is also my last day at work as a CPA. I couldn’t pass up all the similarities. I plan to stay at home with my kids too. I have really enjoyed your blog. Thank you for being a positive, upbeat writer. I can always look forward to an uplifting post from you. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy.

Andrea Worley says · 10.25.13

Yay, for being on an exciting new adventure! I stayed at home with my first for 8 months and returned back to work when she was 8 months old out of financial need. Hardest thing i’ve ever done. When my second was born I was able to now stay home with both of my kiddos. You’re so right it’s not a right or wrong decision, it’s more of a what is best for you during your season of life decision. I know you will adore motherhood and love being at home!

jess says · 10.25.13

If I’m remembering right, I don’t think I’ve ever commented on your blog. I’ve been reading for a little over a year and I have learned SO MUCH from you. Thank you so much for what you do.

I wanted to comment to say that your post gave me a lump in my throat. I had much the same feeling when I left my classroom of special ed students 8 years ago in order to become a stay at home mom. It’s so bittersweet. It was a wonderful change and I am 100% thrilled that I’ve been able to do so–but I completely get where you’re coming from. Blessings to you and your little family and thank you for the way you’ve reached out to the world with your talents. πŸ™‚ And come on, December, right?!?

Pamela says · 10.25.13

Awww very bittersweet!!

LPatter says · 10.25.13

Kate, have you ever thought of doing makeovers on a volunteer basis for female inmates, victims of domestic violence, or mental health patients? I have seen articles about the amazing transformation that takes place when women in these cirucmstances see themselves in a new light, see the beauty/potential that someone else sees in them physically, and how encouraging that is to them in the work they are trying to do personally/spiritually/emotionally. I know FLYLady Marla Cilley (google her if you don’t know!) often talks about her make-over assignment in treatment and that the physical and spiritual are so closely connected. My old roommate and I used to laugh about her going into “Fashion Evangelization” because we felt the show “What Not to Wear” brought about such positive personal changes in people (though for entertainment’s sake the process was perhaps rougher than it needed to be!). Anyway, just had that brainstorm from reading your statement about not going back behind the chair but dong bridal parties – thought that would be a fun and rewarding way to use your gifts after the transition to motherhood settles down for ya. Have loved reading your updates! Peace & Blessings – and congrats!

anneprado says · 10.25.13

Awww can’t imagine how bittersweet this must be for you. But at least we’re happy you’ll stick with us! πŸ™‚ And btw, you’ll LOVE being a stay-at-home mom (just don’t judge it by the first crazy sleep-deprived days. Things settle eventually, I promise πŸ™‚

Val @ Chicken Scratch. says · 10.25.13

Im a former hair designer myself and chose to stay at home two years ago after my daughter turned one. It’s a hard decision…as you know- hairstylists are usually very passionate people about what we do- but it has been amazing having the opportunity to stay at home. I still do some hair on the side which is so satisfying to the “itch”. I wish you all the luck with your new tranistion! I just know you will enjoy it! πŸ™‚

Chelsea Cauley says · 10.25.13

Congrats! I worked from home part time after my first and I became a full time stay at home mom this fall just in time to get ready for number two. There are days i miss having a reason to put on nicer clothes and the more social aspects of working but every time I get to be present for a special first or cuddle him on a rough day I know it is worth it. When both kids that the same nap schedule I will go back part time πŸ™‚

kmac says · 10.25.13

I know if you were my hair stylist, I would be in mourning, wearing black for at least a month. I think you might miss the creative part of doing hair and maybe years from now, you’ll go back to it. But, congratulations on your new role coming up here quick!

Jolee says · 10.25.13

Very bittersweet! Congratulations on your retirement. πŸ™‚ Get ready for a whole new kind of job!! When I stopped working to be a stay-at-home mom after always being busy with school/working, my eyes sure were opened. I thought it would be much easier than an outside 9-5 job. No way! Having a little human needing you every second is tough and sure is an adjustment. It took me awhile to get used to my new life. But I did and there is nothing I would rather be doing! Good luck, you’ll be a great mom!

runtspickins says · 10.25.13

You actually live in NC?!?!?! I could have been getting my hair done by you, because finding a good stylist is the hardest thing in the world, and now I know you live here and you are retiring!! I am so mad for myself!!!! But happy for you! =] Congratulations!! If you ever decide to do hair again, PUH-LEASEEEE let me know! =]


Jen says · 10.25.13

Congrats and blessings in your new roles!

Jacque Pinol says · 10.25.13

Bitter , but oh so sweet! Congratulations!

Tiffany H. says · 10.25.13

What an exciting life change you’re going through! I “retired” from teaching after I had our first child. I didn’t have a stay at home mom and neither did my husband when growing up. I always thought I’d be a “working mom”. After working one year with a newborn we realized working was not for our family. I’ve been a stay at home mom for about 11 years and I love it. It was a *huge* transition for me. In our society we really are defined by our jobs and once I didn’t have that anymore I was kind of lost. I knew I was a mom and that’s a job but it was different. It took a good year to get comfortable in my new “job”. Once I did I never looked back…until now.

In Sept. I sent my youngest off to first grade. He’s at school all day now so I’m back to those questions of who am I and what do I do? I used to be a teacher and so I’ve renewed my credential and will start substitute teaching at my kids’ school. I figure it will be a great part-time job while the kids are at school but I will still be there for them at home when they need me.

I wish you well during this time of transition and congratulations as you prepare for your new stage of life.

Carla TePaske says · 10.25.13

Beautiful post! Praying for you as you start a new career. πŸ™‚ I am a mom of two boys…it is a true gift! May God continue to guide you and your husband.
And thank you for all you do with The Small Things Blog, it is so much fun to read.

thestreets2 says · 10.25.13

Such a bittersweet day. Thank you for sharing.

Megan C. says · 10.25.13

tear. enjoy being a stay at home mom. it is wonderful πŸ™‚ had its ups and downs but is wonderful all the same.

Shae Abell says · 10.26.13

I too “retired” to be a stay at home mom. You will never regret the decision. It is the hardest job I’ve ever had but I love every second. I am 35 weeks pregnant with my second and can’t wait to see what joy will come with two! God bless you as you begin this new journey. It truly is the best!

Charlotte Pahline says · 10.26.13

I would love a post about the do’s and don’ts of getting cut and color from a stylist’s perspective. An etiquette guide if you will. How to communicate what you want as well as how NOT to…that sort of thing! πŸ™‚

workingmomof1 says · 10.26.13

I too retired early. Being a SAHM is the BEST decision I ever made. I returned to work when my son was 3 months old, leaving him at daycare 2 blocks away from my job. It felt like my heart broke into a million pieces and I left it with him. As soon as I got to my desk, I emailed my husband and told him that I WILL be a SAHM and it will work out. After 3 months I resigned and haven’t looked back. Being with your child and seeing every second of their development, love, smiles, etc. will be worth everything. Cherish every second.

Leila Dishes says · 10.26.13

A bittersweet day for sure! Congratulations on your soon-to-be new adventure πŸ™‚

Jenny says · 10.26.13

It sounds like it might be the kind of job that could be easy to get back into once your children start going to school, if that is something you choose to do. We can have it all, but maybe we shouldn’t want it all at the same time. It is important to be there for your kids. But it is also important to remember who we are and the things that made us who we are before we were mothers. Our kids will want to know that person too.

Megan {Willow Way Blog} says · 10.26.13

change is always a little bittersweet…congrats on the next step in your journey, it will be amazing! I stay home with our little one full time and it is hands down the best, most rewarding job!

Maria says · 10.26.13

I also “retired” from doing hair when my husband and I moved to Germany (he’s in the Air Force). I didn’t think I would be so sad but I actually cried when I was packing up my things on my last day. Good luck to you in the next chapter in your life!

Mama Sue says · 10.27.13

So glad you have this opportunity to be home with your baby! You may never look back, but I can tell you that your clients will miss you so! It’s hard to find a good stylist. I’m 53 and have really only had 3 long time stylists since I was 16! In fact the girl who started cutting my hair in 1976 – when I was 16 (wedge). She quit to have babies as well and now is back to work after her kids were grown and has a majority of her clients back. As luck would have it, my stylist has retired and moved to Beliz and Debbie is back cutting my hair! I really missed her all those years but I miss BJ too and Sandy who decided to leave Texas and become an interior designer. I’m sure they will remember you with the same fondness!

Paula says · 10.27.13

All the best to you as you begin this new chapter! Life will be so full and wonderful with your little one. Enjoy!

Jen Bontrager says · 10.28.13

Good for you, Kate. I taught elementary school for 4 years before we started having kids. Now my youngest (of 3 boys) will start kindergarten next year. I have not regretted it for a second! Just make sure you get your date nights and your girl time and you will be just fine! πŸ™‚

quinn sharp says · 10.28.13

Hi Kate! I just started following you on the recommendation of a girlfriend who found you on Pinterest. First of all, you are just too cute and I wish you all the best as you enter the Mommy Club. This is the first blog of yours that I have read and I am laughing because I feel like I am about to trade places with you! I am a mommy of three and my youngest just started preschool. I have mostly been a stay at home mom for the last 10 years. However, with all 3 kids at school, I am now about to start on a new journey in life…..cosmetology! So excited and looking forward to this new adventure. I will defintely welcome any and all advice you have to share on this.

Sabrina Manuel says · 10.28.13

Congrats on getting to stay at home. I retired in June to become a stay at home myself. It is the hardest job, but so worth it and rewarding:)

Bridget says · 10.29.13

Such an exciting time for you! I’ve been a SAHM for almost 14 years. Best thing I’ve ever done. My husband is beyond supportive and our 3 kids know the comfort and stability of me taking care of them and my husband. Looking forward to baby news!!

Sarah says · 10.29.13

I left my job as a lawyer to be a stay at home mom in May. It’s really frustrating and exhausting at times, but also the best decision I made. You are so right – how lucky are we to have this option?! Best of luck – you look fabulous!

Ali Bee says · 10.30.13

That’s fantastic that you’re able to retire at 27! What a huge change though. I know you’ll be a great at home mommy πŸ™‚ I dream to one day live the life of being a full-time blogger and full-time stay at home mom!

{Jess} says · 10.31.13

Wishing you all the best on this next chapter of life. So very excited for you!!! Different type of career, but I can relate. Last year I walked away from a great career in marketing (which was with my dream employer, nonetheless) to become a SAHM. I am so, so thankful that our family has this option. This new role is HARD…there are times where I miss my former career…but it is SO REWARDING.

Wani says · 11.04.13

SO excited for you as you embark on the next part of your journey. Motherhood is the hardest and best job you could ever have! πŸ˜‰ You’re gonna make a great SAHM! May God Bless and Keep you in this new chapter!

Cheryl says · 11.06.13

I am so happy for you and your newest upcoming job…a new mom! I would love to retire, but it just isn’t what God has for me right now…I do what I do, so that my husband can do what he does…which is pursuing full time ministry working at a non-profit rehabilitation center for men with addictions. I can’t wait to read more about your family as you continue blogging about life! Thanks Kate for giving so much of your life! God bless!

Erin says · 11.10.13

Some of my friends who are hair stylists, have made the transition to doing hair in their homes, so they can still be at home, and manipulate their schedules around their kids. One of my friend’s business is called “kitchen hair”. Another friend hired a contractor to put in a mini salon in her basement complete with sink and chair. If you find you get lonely, missing your clients, you always have options! Best of luck kate!

Principessa says · 11.15.13

Congratulations on your new baby !!! It is really inspiring and wonderful to read your story and I thank you not only for your amazing tutorials (that I´ve found this year and I love them!! ) but for sharing your story with all of us. πŸ™‚ I feel reading your blog and all the loving comments that there are more women like me out there. I don’t have babies yet but at your age I decided to take care of my hubby and all the things at home while he is working so we can prepare for our baby. I’m 31 now and I feel this is the best decision ever. The rewards of taking care of the family are beyond anything and we still can make money from different sources at home. Times are different now :). Thank you again and please continue your blog !!!!!!! XOXO

Sewing Princess says · 11.22.13

Sorry to see you retiring.

Reply says · 05.05.14

Heya i am for the primary time here. I came across this board and I to find It truly useful &
it helped me out a lot. I am hoping to present one
tthing back and help others such as you helped me.

Jamie says · 09.25.14

Congratulations on being a mom! I was a hairstylist for 7 years before I became a mommy and I took a 5 year break but then I went back to it. I just couldn’t stay away. Once the baby was older I felt comfortable working again. PS: Where did you do your barbers course from? I’m a graduate of Evergreen Beauty

Savannah says · 09.25.14

Good luck on everything! I am far away from becming a mommy so dunno about quitting because I just started my career. I graduated from Cameo College and did their cosmetology course

Shirley says · 09.25.14

I retired (or I thought so!) after my first baby but that only lasted 7 months. I am a licensed esthetician from and work part time with a 2 year old son. EVen though it’s part time the money is oretty good. You should consider part time as an option too!

Shirley says · 09.25.14

Have you considered working from home though? Could be an option for you to have the best of both worlds. Wow!I was a factory worker for 22 years and last year my life changed when I took up a massage therapy course in Texas from Avenue Five and now I work as a massage therapist. I make 60 bucks and above an hour and they job isnt laborious at all

Bryce says · 01.27.15

Hi! I really enjoyed reading your blog and it is inspirational. I am a hair stylist going on about 4 years. I am unbelievably passionate about what I do, but there is
Something missing. I feel I am ready to take the next step in my career and go solo. When you became your own boss how was the transition. And what would be your word of advice for me? Please email me if you have a chance, I also might have more questions. Thank you! :))

Toya says · 12.05.17

This was so refreshing to read. I felt like I was reading about myself. I just too, had a baby girl and decided to retire from hairdressing to be a stay at home mom. I’m also 27 and had been doing hair for 9yrs. Rented out a chair and built a decent clientele. My daughter is 9 months now and I’m kind of missing being a “hustler” though my husband takes great care of us. I’m actually thinking of going out to do a few clients per month, but I’ll have to take my daughter with me😞. Idk if I’m being selfish.

Samantha says · 03.15.18

I know you posted this a while back now, but I really enjoyed every bit of reading this just now. Thanks for sharing your journey!

Alisa says · 05.31.18

Very cool

Cindy says · 01.10.20

Great story!! I’m a hairstylist and I have been looking into making money from home. Any tips? πŸ™‚
