What it’s actually about.
September Birchbox
If I’m being completely honest, it’s not very often that sermons bounce around in my head for weeks after I hear them.
But every once in awhile, I’ll listen to one and it will touch me on a deeper level.
That happened recently, around the beginning of September, and I have been wrestling with sharing it here on the blog.
Here’s my reluctancy with it: I don’t want it to sound like I’m downplaying pain, suffering, struggle, loss, etc. I’m really not. So will you just know that from this point on? Thanks.
So, I have the pleasure of attending a wonderful church here in Raleigh. It’s called The Summit. Justin and I have been attending for years. I really love it and love the people I’ve met through it.
JD Greear is usually the one speaking from the stage on any given Sunday, and on this particular Sunday, he was talking about the story of Naaman. You can read this story in 2 Kings 5:1-18.
Kate Notes (another type of Cliff Notes):
-Naaman had leprosy. Bad. He was suffering.
-A little girl told him that there is a prophet in Samaria that could cure him.
-So he went, in search of this prophet, and through a series of events, Elisha (the prophet) heard that this man was coming in order to be healed.
-Elisha knew, from the Lord, that this man was coming for a greater purpose than simply to be healed from his leprosy.
-So Naaman shows up at Elisha’s home, and Elisha sends out a servant to tell him to “Go wash in the Jordan seven times, your flesh shall be restored and you shall be clean”.
-Naaman was frustrated and annoyed that Elisha wouldn’t even come out to speak to him, -but he went to the Jordan anyway. He also thought he’d be going to a cleaner, larger river than the Jordan, so that upset him as well.
-So Naaman dips himself in the river 1 time. 2 times. All the way up to 7 times, and on the seventh time, as he rose out from the water, he was healed. His skin was pure.
-Naaman heads back to Elisha’s house, and Elisha steps out to greet him for the first time. (remember he sent his servant out to talk to him earlier)
–and this is where the whole point of the story hits me. . .
You would guess that Naaman would thank Elisha, perhaps fall on his knees and cry with gratitude for “curing” him from the leprosy.
But no.
The first words that come out of Naaman’s mouth are “Behold, I know that there is no God in all the earth but Israel.”
He didn’t thank Elisha. He didn’t even mention the fact that he was cured. It’s almost as if he didn’t care about being healthy at all since it was so minimal compared to his newfound knowledge of the Lord.
Naaman was so overcome by sheer knowledge of the Lord that he completely moved on from the reason that he went to Samaria in the first place.
I looked back at a tough chapter of my life, which was the struggle to get pregnant. About half way into what would end up being 14 months of trying, I couldn’t handle the stress of it anymore. I broke.
I relinquished control to the Lord. I trusted Him, His plan (whatever it may be) and re-learned how to overcome worry and anxiety.
So, in a way I was thankful to have experienced such a trying time. Because I was able to see God so clearly in that situation. That doesn’t make it less difficult, or even pleasurable. But it was kind of like how I imagine Naaman felt.
Solely focused on this one mission (for himself) and suddenly, through God’s provision, solely focused on the Lord — forgetting the original trial to begin with.
Sometimes it’s not about the pain or the struggle. It’s about God shaping us through experiences in life so we may better understand Him. And I’ll say it again, that doesn’t discredit the pain and suffering that can go along with trials. It just means that it can be for something greater that we may not understand.
I’ve been overwhelmed with how God has used Justin and my struggle to get pregnant in order to connect me with other women on a whole new level. While I dislike the circumstances that bring me and these other women together (because it’s hard), there is a large part of me that is so so thankful that I can talk with them and process through things on a deep, relational level.
It’s truly been a gift.
I don’t believe that we go through things in life purely for our own experiences. I think we were created to be in community, and part of that involves sharing your story, whatever it may be, in order to help someone else.
So I’ll think of this story of Naaman and Elisha from time to time. And I’ll remind myself that it’s not always about the events or the circumstances in my life, hard or joyful. It’s about how God is shaping me, or showing me more of Him through them.
I really love this post!
Have an amazing weekend! 🙂
Sincerely Miss Ash
Amen! I’ve grown to understand this in my own life ( fertility issues, being called to move away from all I’ve ever known, losing friendships, illnesses). And knowing this and putting all trust in God: life changer! Thanks for sharing!
That was a great post. There’s a song by MercyMe, I think it’s called Bring the Rain. One line say,
Bring me joy, bring me peace
Bring the chance to be free
Bring me anything that brings You glory
And I know there’ll be days
When this life brings me pain
But if that’s what it takes to praise You
Jesus, bring the rain
Kate’s post was great, but when I read these lyrics, I was brought to tears. Right here at lunch. They pierced straight through my heart. Thanks for posting.
Thank you for the song suggestion! Downloading it on my phone right now! 😉 I’ve been struggling to get pregnant for over 2 years right now and I’m starting to come to peace with my struggles being “bigger than me” and for a greater purpose. Thanks for posting!
This is one of my all-time favorite songs! It was so fitting that you shared it in response to this post!
Alesha <3
I went thru infertility and had the biggest broken heart. I had an ectopic pregnancy and almost lost my life and then amiscarriage. I now have two beautiful adopted daughters and a handsome Guatemalan son. Years of pain and struggle and I would not have it any other way. They would not be here with me if things were done my way. Praise God!
Thank you for sharing, I read your blog a lot, but really enjoyed this post !! AMEN !!
Great post, Kate! I think we often forget that our life on earth is not a one-stop shop. We are headed to greater things after this life and I for one want The Lord to yell out, ” I KNOW HER!” when I get there. So thankful He uses the pain of this world to draw us closer to Him, to reveal Himself to us.
Kate – That is a really beautiful testimony of God’s desire to shape us according to His plan, not ours. Thank you for that reminder of who is in control; all too often we forget. Have a wonderful weekend!
Love this post.
We have 2 children (8 and 4) and we had 3 pregnancies in between. I hesitate to write about them on my blog (besides frequent mentions) because I’m not one to dwell over it or still cry about it (not that there is anything wrong with that). It is what it is, it happened, can’t change it. Yes, it’s sad. But I look at it now as ‘I have my daugthter and without going through what we did we wouldn’t have her….we wouldn’t have grown closer to God and each other in a way only that kind of situation can do, and now I have 3 angels (among others) that are watching over my children here with us’.
Sorry for going on and on, lol. I hope you have a lovely weekend!!!
Fantastic post! Thanks for sharing!
Great notes—and great testimony. You have a large audience that already respects you and knows that you’re “real”.
Encouraging to see you sharing God’s love to those who don’t know him.
Hit send too quickly. Anyway, it’s true what you say. We are here to solely serve God. Even when the times are hard and we are broken. It’s the times I feel closest to Him❤
Thank you for sharing this, Kate. Over the past several weeks, I have “happened upon” several lovely blogs with courageous Christian women who have also touched on this topic of God using our pain and suffering to shape and mold us and help us become more like Him. I feel the Lord is definitely leading me to embrace this in my own life. God’s promises are so true – he truly does use EVERYTHING for our good, if we can only learn to trust Him and His plan for our lives. Thank you, again!
Great post! This is the exact same lesson God has been whispering in my ear. We are trying to get pregnant (going on 2 years now) and there have been many obstacles along the way, health-wise, that have added to the frustration of it. But I have grown closer to God than I’ve ever been in my life, so I am incredibly thankful for this season because without it, I wouldn’t be where I am & who I am now. And that’s not to say that there aren’t moments of sadness & anger, or worrying about what might never be. But God has shown me that he will provide, and that his plan is so much better than I could ever imagine. That alone makes me hopeful for the future. It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes on pinterest “God sometimes takes us into troubled waters not to drown us but to cleanse us”.
Kate, thank you for your honesty and vulnerability! This is a word I needed to hear this morning. While I’ve heard this story a million times sometimes we forget in the midst of the struggle what we’re supposed to be doing; and I am definitely in the midst of a struggle and needed to be reminded! I was fighting tears as I was reading, thanking God for this precious reminder to set my sights on Him. I clicked on over to your blog this morning hoping for a post about chapstick or something to distract me but clearly I found something better! (Which is difficult because I have a serious lip-product addiction!) Thank you for posting in spite of your reluctancy and I wish you lived in New Orleans so we could be friends! (lol, I’m not a creeper, I promise 😉
I have been amazed in the last 3 years how God can use the darkest times to draw your closer to him. It seems to be the only time where we let go of ourselves long enough to realize “oh wait! I can’t do this on my own!” I think about Jeremiah 29:11. It says “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” What a beautiful gift from our loving Father. Thank you for this post. I needed this today. I love how God does that!
This is great, Kate…thank you.
Beautiful. My husband & I suffered through infertility for nearly 18 months before conception and we lost two babies to miscarriage between our girls. I’ve never, ever experienced anything harder and as month turned into month I didn’t think I could possibly survive that trial one more day. I couldn’t wrap my mind around why this was happening to ME. I read this quote on another blog yesterday and it really slapped me in the face, R.C. Sproul, Jr. wrote “Why do bad things happen to good people? That only happened once. And he volunteered.” I’m studying James with my small group right now and God keeps showing me chapter 1, verse 12. It is so easy to look back now and see what God was doing in my life and how he was using infertility to change me. Thanks for sharing your story, Kate.
thank you for sharing as this is so true. I’ve had a rough month and often questioned why and “why me”-but now that the waters have smoothed, i’m grateful it all happened because it made me realize the bigger picture. thanks!
So true. Thanks for sharing! Once we realize it’s not about us but about Him we let go of those things that plague us and our burden is lifted.
Wonderful message. Thank you for sharing that.
Thank you for this post, Kate. I really needed it today. I’m not a Christian, but I am a firm believer in a higher power that wants to help us, if only we’ll let it. In the past 24 hours, I’ve gone from feeling on top of the world, receiving things I never dreamed I’d have yet, to bottom of the barrel, discovering I can’t pay my bills. Thank you for reminding me that I need to go back to a place of faith, that it will all work out according to the best plan possible, even if that plan isn’t quite what I have in mind. I’m glad you made it through your trial a stronger woman. Thank you for reminding me that I will, too.
I love this post. My favorite portion is, I relinquished control to the Lord. I trusted Him, His plan (whatever it may be) and re-learned how to overcome worry and anxiety. –> Great reminder.
Totally needed this today as we just began our journey with a Reproductive Endo for the second time. It is nice to be reminded of His grace and that His timing is perfect.
I enjoyed reading your post. Last night at our homegroup, we started a short study called “He’s still got the whole world in his hands.” Despite everything that one goes through in their daily lives, it’s important to remember Romans 8:28 — “And we know that in ALL THINGS God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
Amen Kate! This is so true… and I don’t know that I ever fully connected those dots before, but when I look back on the struggles I’ve been through I can clearly see that it was always God shaping me into the person I can today.
Wonderfully written! Thank for sharing your heart and what the Lord is doing in your life! Part of growing in our own faith is sharing those testimonies that God gives us, whether they are victories or trials. Trials are all part of the refining work of grace preparing us for our heavenly home. Never easy but a necessary part of God’s growing us up in Him. This post was an encouragement to me and I know it will be for many others, wherever you and Justin come into contact with them. Thank you and keep seeking Jesus!
Wonderfully written! Thank for sharing your heart and what the Lord is doing in your life! Part of growing in our own faith is sharing those testimonies that God gives us, whether they are victories or trials. Trials are all part of the refining work of grace preparing us for our heavenly home. Never easy but a necessary part of God’s growing us up in Him. This post was an encouragement to me and I know it will be for many others, wherever you and Justin come into contact with them. Thank you and keep seeking Jesus!
Sooo good!!!
Kate, thank you for this post. I would love for you to google “Shane and Shane with John Piper” and listen to it. It’s amazing and will encourage you. Make sure you listen all the way. So happy for you and your husband. May God bless you and your family. xo Tracy
Thank you so much for a beautifully written post! This was exactly the encouragement I needed this morning! 🙂
Oh Kate, I needed this today. My husband and I are christian and offten wonder why were were dealt this hand. Even through our marriage classes, when asked how many children we want, we first said “a glorius amount” and then said whatever God will give us. We are blessed with a beautiful little girl that is almost 2. We have now been trying for 1.5 years with 2 losses (one being ectopic and losing a tube). Doctors now tell us it is nearly impossible to concieve another. Heartbreaking. I know many might say I can’t speak about infertility because we already have one; however, when your choice of having a child under your control is taken out of your hands, it is heartbreaking. And experienceing loss is also very heartbreaking. This message helps me understand God has plans. It may not be what are plans are but they are for the the best for us. Again, I really needed this. Soothes my heart. Thank you for sharing.
I am sorry to hear of your losses and your struggle to conceive. I do not have any children yet, but wanted to let you know that just because the Drs say it is nearly impossible to conceive another does not make it so. My mother had an ovary removed after she had me due to borderline cancer- and she went on to have 3 more children (including a set of boy/girl twins!)
God’s plan for your life is bigger than anything you can imagine and His love is never ending. I will have you in my prayer’s that you see God’s will for more children be fulfilled in your life.
When I read this story, I am reminded of 2 Corinthians 12:9 “And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me” KJV. We learn much more through our trials rather than our victories. When we are dependent on ourselves, how can God be glorified? So we have lessons we have to learn, to make us stronger individuals and to teach us that we rely on Him and not ourselves. Thanks for sharing.
This is beautiful. Thank you for showing your open heart. Best wishes to you and your growing family!
I have been following your blog religiously lately due to your strong Christian beliefs. I love that you are a genuine woman. My hubby and I have been trying to conceive the last year and a half. We as women sometimes feel that we are damaged and alone. I have come to find out that more and more women I am surrounded by in my church are going through the same struggle. I just started a blog about our journey. We are super active in our church and I sing in the choir and contemporary band. Recently I sang a song about Never losing my Praise, Joy, Faith, and hope. I attached it because it has been my message and peace during this trying time. Thank you for being such an inspiration. And honestly with your hair tutorials it has totally turned my attitude around to make me feel pretty again. You are such a joy to women. Thank you.
Your transparency is admirable and appreciated! Thank you for turning your struggle into a ministry and sharing your heart. May the Lord bless your sweet little family. Blogging has been very instrumental for my spiritual walk.
Thank you for sharing this…it resonates with me for different reasons, and isn’t that one of the most beautiful things about the Bible and our Lord? He can speak to us all in a unique way!
This was the story shared during Sunday school last week – it opened the door for great conversation with my sons. Nice to hear an adult take on it now as a follow-up!
I love this! And I completely agree. Next Wednesday will be one year since my dad went to be with the Lord. Through this past year, I have become closer to God and have really come to know what it means to trust God and his plan. I recently wrote on my blog,
“Even though I could go through life thinking how unfair this all is and how bad things are, I just have to remember that I am not here on this Earth for me to have a great life with no hardships, I am here to further God’s kingdom. If, through all this, my faith in God is strengthened and I grow closer to Him, and if my family and I can show our faith to others around us, then I believe that is a small piece of the purpose of this all. It is all about Him!”
Thank you for sharing this and how it has affected you!
This is so true and it is only after you come to that breaking point that you realize this. I suffered the loss of my son at 24wks pregnant. As heartbreaking as it was and still is, there is a peace with in me. That God entered my life in a whole new way and I have developed a realatioship I had not known in this way before. I know in my heart that this path that had developed and continues to in my sons name is not by accident but his design. These events have changed our lives for the better and will continue to do so. It still can be a struggle and is painful, but what we have gained from this experience is pricless.
Good for you Kate to realize this in your own struggle and life, remember this as other struggles appear, that he will always be there for you.
Thanks for sharing your heart here today. Just as Romans 5:3 encourages us “…but we rejoice in our afflictions, because we know that affliction produces endurance, endurance produces proven character, and proven character produces hope.” The Ancient of Days knows every trial we’ve faced and He delights to bring joy to the hearts of those who love Him. I’m so happy for your current joy as you anticipate the precious gift of your baby boy
I really like this post, but perhaps for different reasons than some other readers. I respect & admire the beliefs of others, and I happily engage in discussions about faith & religion — but I do not believe in God. Some might think that your message would not resonate with a person like me, but it does. I may not believe in God, but I really do believe in the power of community, and sharing our stories is a critical step in building community. For what it’s worth, I have read the Bible, and I actually find it to be very interesting. I may interpret some of it a bit differently than Christians, but I think that so many of its messages hold great value. A friend of mine is not a religious man, but he & his family go to their local church every Sunday. His explanation? “I just don’t think it’s a bad idea to go someplace & sit for an hour & think about being a better person.” I love that! No matter what someone might believe, your post is a great one, and one to which we can all connect on some level. Thanks for sharing!
This was beautiful, thank you for sharing. I wrestle with my religious beliefs,but I agree with you for sure that with struggle / sadness there is almost always a “bigger picture.” THe thing about going through any sort of strife is that it definitely makes you more appreciative — more grateful, etc. Wishing you the happiest and healthiest of pregnancies!
God’s timing is PERFECT
Great post. So happy for you and your husband— sometimes it’s hard to trust God with these situations, but after I struggle with trust and it really ends up being fine in the end, I always think to myself, “why do I do that? why can’t i just trust fully?” You get to a point where God just allows you to let go of that fear and to trust. So excited for you!
Thank you for your beautiful post this morning! It has been amazing to me in some very heavy trials I have been called to carry, how my relationship with my Heavenly Father has changed. I went into these trials trusting, full of faith. After 2 years of trials that brought me to my knees daily, I became so angry. I was resentful and was ready to walk away from God and all of it. It was then that I spent 40 days in my scriptures, reading and studying. I found peace in my heart. When I finally turned it all over to God, not just in my head but in my heart and realized there is nothing I can do without him, things changed. I became broken and humble. The load was lightened and so was my spirit. And I can now say that even though some trials can be so difficult that you don’t think there is ever going to be an end, I am so grateful for the relationship that has developed with my Heavenly Father and those around our family that loved and supported and prayed for us daily. That closeness could have never come any other way.
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This was really awesome to read. Thank you so much for sharing your struggle and your heart with your readers. This is a great reminder to not dwell on the tough situations we go through in life, but to focus on God who is greater and what He is doing in these seasons of struggle and pain. Thank you again for sharing; you are such a blessing. God bless.
Jolonda Sibbitt
I’m religious, but I wish I would believe in Him as you. I wish I could let myself into His arms completely. I’m wondering why? Why me?
Love your blog and specialy this post.
Sending you love from Slovenia, Tanja
Thank you so much for this post Kate! This was very inspirational to read this morning, and was something that I needed to see to be reminded that there is a bigger purpose to everything, moment and decisions within our lives!
Absolutely LOVED this post. So glad you shared it 🙂
Even as someone who is not religious, I really appreciate the message here. I think anyone can learn to accept their circumstances and know that there is always something to learn and a chance to grow, no matter how tough it seems.
The Bible and prayer has always been a struggle for me. It’s something I’m trying to work on, but it’s definitely been a long and hard process. Because of that, I’m not normally one to understand or like religious posts, but yours makes sense and I enjoyed reading it!
Thanks for writing this and being so open and honest with all of us! It shows me someone can be happy even after extremely trying times.
We love you, Kate!
Great perspective. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for this post! As someone who is at the point you and your husband were, and greater length and devastation, it is nice to hear that things do work out the way they are meant to. I’ve been trying to keep positive and believe that when we’re ready it will happen. But its hard to do day in and day out and meanwhile live a normal-ish life when its always on your mind. This post came at a much needed time and I thank you for that!
All the best to you and your soon to be family!
Thank you for sharing this, Kate! 🙂 It’s like what Romans 8:28 says. I love your blog by the way!
Love this post, Kate. My husband and I suffered through a miscarriage before being blessed with a healthy baby boy. At the time, I was sad and angry, and just didn’t understand why I had to lose my baby when others around me were experiencing healthy pregnancies with no problems. Looking back now, I realize that, like you, while I didn’t like that I was connecting with other women for that reason, having the experience of losing a baby did allow me to connect on a deeper level with women going through the same thing. It also made me closer to God than I had been before that experience. And more thankful than ever for our little man now! This post struck a chord with me today. Thank you for sharing!
I once heard a quote that God is more interested in making us holy over being happy. Struggles, hard times and trials always seem to be our biggest times of spiritual growth because it always turns us back to our strength-source! These times always help us to relate more to other people to help minister to those going through the same circumstances. Beautiful to see how the Lord has been working on your heart!
This is beautiful – what a great reminder! Thanks for sharing!
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I first heard about Naaman from Todd Friel of Wretched Radio. He used that story in a debate with Dan Barker who is an atheist and used it to show that you have to have humility and yield yourself to Christ.
Could God have healed Naaman right there without bobbing in the water 7 times? Sure. But that wasn’t the point…the point was that he had to humble himself -like that of a child- and in that act he was showing that he would do just that. And like you pointed out, he was so overcome with the glory of God everything became secondary after that point. He was truly regenerated and came to know Christ in that act oh]f humble obedience and repentance to God.
I encourage anyone that may of read this post and isn’t born again or have further questions about Jesus Christ, and what being a Christian means, to go check out wretchedradio.com
You can see the dvd and the segment I mentioned, the title of the dvd is The Case for Atheism. It is so powerful.
Thanks Kate for sharing this post, and hopefully this will bring light to many in their lives not just of struggling with a problem, but what may be at the root of the problem-an unregenerate heart. Obviously that is not the case for everyone, but it was for me, just four years ago. I was a false convert. Believing I was truly saved and was not. It was truths of the Bible such as the one you posted that helped me to understand what sin was and why I needed a Savior.
Blessings to you
Dear Kate!
This post really hit home. Only days ago I was left by my boyfriend. All I think about is: I want him back, I want to be happy. Well guess what: He is not happy together with me. In a short while he will show up and we talk over things. Your post made me realize that it’s not only about me. It’s about him. And about what God wants. I always felt Gods wants him and I to be together, but maybe God wanted something entirely different. Maybe I was meant to be a seed sower, because I know that I did that. When talking with him I will try to keep that in mind.
Just wanted to say thank you. It was really wht I needed right now!
I’m glad you decided to share this story with us! So many powerful nuggets of wisdom come from having the courage to share how the Lord has shaped our own lives…it ministers to others in ways we never thought possible! Thank you for this…it definitely touched me today.
Thank you for sharing your heart, Kate! I know it isn’t easy and can be a little scary. But thank you for being so brave and willing to be vulnerable. What a blessing to know that God uses our circumstances to not only change us into Christlikeness, but to use us to encourage others so we can give Him the glory together!
I love this post for so many reasons! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Amen! God is good ALL the time for His purposes are bigger than ours.
you just HELPED more people than you know. thank you for being a light & for showing how good God really is. i know he is proud of the way you are USING what he has given you for his glory.
just another reason why i absolutely adore you 🙂
What beautiful insight. I loved this post. thank you!
Excellent post. Without going thru excessive detail, I had breast cancer in 2005. I met my husband the week I was diagnosed and had I not had breast cancer, he would not be in my life. I urge anyone to look for God in ALL circumstances since he can use ANY situation and make it something wonderful. I would do it all again to meet my husband.
Thank you for being a shining light for Jesus. You may be the only ‘Jesus’ some people encounter.
Love this! I have a similar story. My blog, my only blog, was my journey through IVF and praising the Lord for what it taught me.
EXCELLENT post. I love your hair tips, your makeup tips…and now your nugget of REAL wisdom. Keep it up.
Great post and just what I needed to hear! Going on 8 months of trying myself and have also reached that point of finally realizing this is out of my control. Thank you for sharing your story.
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Amazing post! Thank you for writing what all of us are thinking! We are going on 15 months of trying and have been told that we will only be able to conceive through IVF due to male infertility. My husband went through surgery to try and fix the problem and the surgery didn’t work, so we are starting IVF next month. I also write a blog and have come across so many followers who have reached out to me because they were going through what we had already been through. I know that God has us going through this to allow me to help women who will go down this road as well. I won’t say that I enjoy this, because I don’t, but I’m hoping we are coming to the end of our journey and will be pregnant soon. Being able to help other women does lessen the blow of infertility because when I went/am going through it, women just like you helped me along through the heartache and I know I will be able to do the same for others. Thank you again
Our hearts can’t feel real, true JOY unless they are carved out and stretched by pain and sorrow. Those two things are inseparable. Even though it’s hard to remember sometimes, I know that’s God’s way of showing himself and making us better people.
I love this! Five years ago today I lost my Mom in a battle of a terrible auto-immune disease. I feel as though I’ve grown so much closer to God because of it. I’m thankful that you posted this today.
Hearing the perspectives of others on different sermons is none other than a blessing. It challenges me to open my mind and heart to see what you see in a lesson or topic. I love it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!!
I have never commented on your blog before but appreciated what you shared so much!! Thanks for being a witness.
Thanks for putting it all out there, Kate! I’m 28 and have been married 6 years. My husband and I tried for years to have a baby. And thank god he did bless us with 2 beautiful girls. But we lost a baby at 15 weeks 5 years ago and then it took another 18 months to get pregnant. I often think about sharing my story to help other women..I agree. I think life is about what god thinks you can handle. He has a plan and he knows what he is doing!
Great post! So true!
What a great post-thank you 🙂
Goodness how true! My journey isn’t the same, but totally understand what you mean! My daughter was born with congenital heart defects that we knew nothing about, and this past year has been such a roller coaster. We are finally in a good place, and I feel so blessed that God chose me to be her mommy! I’m not much of a blogger, but did write down the journey from the first three months so I would have them to look back on. Here it is if you’re interested.
I firmly believe that we have a choice every day when we wake up… wallow in what’s wrong or delight in our blessings! It doesn’t discount our bad feelings, but allows us to acknowledge that they are there and then move on and focus all the good that is there too!
Kate, thanks for sharing this! We’ve been “trying” for awhile now–hearing this story helps to put things in perspective. Which isn’t always easy 🙂
I love this. we just completed a series on 1 peter at my church, and we spent weeks talking about suffering andhow suffering can bring us closer to Jesus and its something we should pray for, which is such a backwards thought because who wakes up and says, “good morning Jesus. please make me suffer today.” But we should desire to get closer to him.
I am also going through a similar situation in employment where I’m not quite sure what is happening and as I watch our meager savings acct dwindle I can’t help but remember that this suffering, though it may be small in comparison to.others, will help me see Jesus a little more clearly.
if that makes sense.
Thank you for sharing this!
This is such a great reminder!
I’m so glad you shared this post. I have suffered through many different medical problems and it wasn’t until recently that I understood and was THANKFUL the Lord gave me these experiences. Yes, thankful. Like you said, it is hard–so hard and for me sometimes still hard. However, I am far more empathetic with others and have a deeper understanding and appreciation for those dealing with chronic health issues. Thank you Lord for giving me the gift and thank you Kate for speaking so publicly about your struggles. If we all shared more, this world may find more love and empathy.
Thanks for this, Kate. It’s inspiring and makes us think of what’s really important.
This Was Wonderful AnD Spot On. Thank You For Sharing This… Letting God Use You So PoignantLy. I LovE Following Your Blog!
This Was Wonderful AnD Spot On. Thank You For Sharing This… Letting God Use You So PoignantLy. I LovE Following Your Blog!
Such a blessing to be able to see your Light shine for all women! God is definitely using you for a greater purpose. Thanks for your wonderful post. Katelyn
with a heart of thanksgiving before The Lord.
…now you’re talking, girl.
6 years of infertility and 3 beautiful children later…..
I was moved to tears with your words.
{{* *}}
Great post! I’m so glad you decided to push past your reservations and share it with us!
Thanks Kate for sharing your heart with us all. I love to see how God works in our lives. What a blessing!!
Yes, I have struggled with getting pregnant too, and the struggle has helped me learn Philippians 4:11 “in whatsoever state I am in, therewith to be content.” Thank you for sharing.
I just happened upon your site via Pinterest. I have been looking through several of your blogs, but this one really hit home. We have not struggled with infertility, but your words helped me make sense of the struggles I have been through. Please keep posting such inspirational and motivating words. 🙂
Probably your best post ever!
thank you for sharing your heart 😉
& what you are learning through His Word.
blessed to be a blessing…
Thank you so much for sharing this! This was exactly what I needed to hear/read right now and such a good reminder that almost seems obvious, but it’s so easy to forget especially in trying times. <3
I really love this post. Thank you so much for sharing and for this reminder!
Hi Kate! I love your blog! I’ve been following for a while and really enjoy all of your posts. Thank you so much for this post and for sharing your story about struggling to conceive. I have been trying for 4 + years and it’s been so hard at times to keep my head up. I’ve recently started a blog mostly because I was inspired by you, and a few others, and because I felt compelled to share my stories with others to remind them that they’re not alone in their struggles. I try to rely on God’s power and believe that He will bring our baby to us, so I wanted to bring that to other women who are in similar situations, as well. Here is a link to one of my most recent posts, http://stumblingalongthrulife.blogspot.com/2013/09/1000.html, it would mean the world to me if you would look it over in what little spare time you have. Congratulations on your little boy, I can’t wait to hear more about your pregnancy and see pictures when he arrives!
Thank you for this. I have come to very similar realizations over the last few months. Your previous trying to conceive post was one of the reasons that I decided to start my blog in the first place. Your story is amazing and I hope that some day my story will help someone else in the same way that yours helped me. Congrats again on the baby! It has been wonderful to watch your pregnancy progress. 🙂
I found it interesting that you shared the story of Naaman. I’m currently in a women’s Bible study (Missing Pieces by Jennifer Rothschild) and she spoke of the same story this week. We may not go through the same trials in our lives, but once we come out on the other side we are there to help those I the midst of the same. Isaiah 43:2-3 says when you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, nor will the flame burn you. For I am the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior. (NAS)
Reading many of the posts makes me realize we all have trials, but can rely upon the one true God to get us through.
Thank you all for your encouragement.
Always share what God lays on your heart; you’ll never go wrong doing that!
I love that you are bold in your faith and share what’s going on in your heart and mind. great post! 🙂
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Amen, amen, amen! Thank you for sharing this! So true.
Alesha <3
Thank you for sharing this!
Thank you so much for sharing this! My husband was recently in a bad car accident (he’s not going to be able to walk for a couple of months), was in the hospital for 3 weeks, and is now in a rehab facility with no release date set. Oh, and I’m 33 weeks pregnant! This is definately something that not only I needed to hear but I’m going to make my husband read too. I know that the only way I’ve made it through the last month is my faith in the Lord and that’s the only way I’m going to continue to make it. We are going through the refiner’s fire right now but I know that we’ll be stronger when we get to the other side!
Thanks again!
Saying a prayer for you 🙂
Thank you for sharing your heart. My husband and I have been trying for many years to get pregnant. Some days are harder than others, but like you, I have found my peace in knowing that God DOES have a plan. <3
Thank you for this. I needed it to help me re-focus.
I needed to hear this today! Thank you, you are awesome!
Thank you for your testimony of God’s grace in your life! It astounds me time and time again how God uses the stuff of life to mold and shape me and draw me to himself, and I love hearing how He is doing it in other women’s lives. And while my outer girl has benefited greatly from your blog (aka… I’m cuter:), I love the way you intertwine your faith in to share with women what God is doing in your life. Congrats on your little one on the way!
Thanks, I needed to hear that.
Thank you for this post! I felt that this was written for me. My husband and I have been trying for 14 months. We just a had our first IUI a few days ago, and are hopeful that it works. If not, of course we will be sad, but we know God is in charge. but Hopefully, like you, 14 will become our lucky number! I also feel that while our infertility struggle has been very difficult and has tested me in many ways, it has brought me closer to God, and has made our marriage even stronger. If we can get through this, we can get through anything. I also think that this struggle will make me a better, more patient mother, one day. Thank you again for this post, and your willingness to share such a sensitive (and emotional) part of your life.
“Sometimes it’s not about the pain or the struggle. It’s about God shaping us through experiences in life so we may better understand Him.” This was a beautiful post! Thanks for sharing!!
Wow, beautiful said!
Wow, beautiful said!
Wow, beautiful said!
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I’ve loved your blog for quite some time now, and I could have sworn I saw you at Buy Buy Baby a few weeks ago. And then it all made sense with this post – I go to the Summit as well, am also pregnant with my first (due just a month after you) and live in Raleigh. It’s nice to follow along with someone who is in such a similar boat. Congrats!!
Thanks for this. I just starting following your blog and this post came at a great time. My husband and I are struggling to get pregnant (for 10 months now) and I’m at the point of I don’t know where to go next. I’m trying to wait on the Lord’s timing but it’s hard to remember that daily. I hope one day I can look back at this process and see the ways the Lord is shaping us.