A Life Update

Grey and Simple Jewels

Whirlwind doesn’t begin to explain these past few weeks in my life. And don’t hear me “praising” busyness. It’s far too exhausting and I long for the days of slower schedules, less to do lists, and a simple day. 

First, Justin and I are completely settled into our new home except for the nursery. Furniture is on the way, and as soon as those pieces arrive and are in the room, we can start decorating and organizing. And by we I mean my mom and I because she’s truly the best at “all things home”. I’m going to snap a few photos of my favorite parts of the house and share them on a “home tour” in the next few weeks. 

I just returned from the Influence Conference in Indianapolis. It was a fun weekend and I most enjoyed my roommates (Rebecca and Carrie), and meeting new people + seeing old friends. I could tell that I wasn’t as energized as usual at this conference so I had some downtime in my room during the day. I was also prepping for a talk I gave on Saturday about finding your passion and blogging about it! I really enjoyed the experience and loved the question and answer time at the end of the session. If I could have had an hour of q & a, I would have. 

I wrapped up a side project I’ve been working on for the past few weeks that you will know about in roughly two months. I’m excited to share it with you!

My sister announced that I am no longer a part of Elisabeth Ashlie Jewelry, our jewelry biz. We started making jewelry in the Summer of 2010, and have had such a great time growing our business. With the business of the blog, working in the studio, and now preparing for this baby, I thought this was a perfect time to step out of it and hand the business over to her! I actually felt so guilty about “leaving” that I forced her to fire me. We laughed, and she looked at me and said ,” You’re fired”, just like Donald Trump would.

And I could physically feel the stress washing away. 

She’s still killin’ it with her jewelry on Etsy, be sure to check it out. 

I had another ultrasound this morning to check on the baby. He’s doing great, and in fact measuring about a week ahead! In my mind, the further we can get from December 25th the better because I’d really like him to have his own birthday. Obviously, whenever he comes is going to be fine.
It was fun for us to see him again, and he was even making some funny faces that we caught on camera. He’s currently butt down, head up (breech) and has his feet stretched all the way up to his face. He takes after his dad on the flexibility chart. I can barely touch my ankles when I bend over. Pregnant or not. 

I’m excited to meet him. 

I took my glucose tolerance test this morning at my doctor appointment. That is when you fast for a certain amount of time, and then drink a sugary beverage while at your appointment. After an hour, they draw blood and then will let you know if you’ve passed. I heard so many negative things about the sugary drink but it really wasn’t that bad. I thought I would have to choke it down, but I guzzled it in about a minute. And I could have had another one right after. Maybe I’m crazy, but it simply wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. 

Maybe everyone that says labor is hard is exaggerating too and it won’t be painful?

I kid. I may like sugary drinks but I ain’t stupid.

I have 1 month left working behind the chair in the studio. Then I will close up shop and be, temporarily at least, a full-time blogger. And when the baby comes, I’ll be a full-time mom and put blogging right below that in my list of priorities. I’m anticipating some level of change with the blog, and I’m kind of excited about watching it grow and adjust as my life changes dramatically. 

This week, I have lots of time to get back on schedule with regular blog posts! I may even be able to throw a hair tutorial up in the next few days!

Hope you are having a happy monday!


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Ashley says · 09.30.13

Looking forward to your upcoming posts this week!! 🙂

Sincerely Miss Ash

Michelle Ash Latham says · 09.30.13

Love the update! You certainly are a busy lady — keep taking care of yourself 🙂

Single Stone Studios says · 09.30.13

My son was breech until literally the night before my due date. I was laying in bed kind of propped up and my whole belly just rolled and rolled – it looks like an alien or something. I was SO much more comfortable and slept well that night. The next morning I had a Dr appt and he sent me in to be induced. 4 hrs later I had a baby boy. I will forever be thankful that he turned and get in position.

Obviously labor is not painless but with both of my drug-free labor and deliveries I was fine as long as my husband held my hand and I could pray and breathe. It was peaceful through the pain 😉 Good luck to you!

Meredith says · 09.30.13

Not to be a downer, but just a word of caution to Kate ( I hate giving unsolicited advice but this time I will), if the baby is still breech when you are due, and you feel the roll, go to the hospital. It can be dangerous for babies to turn so late, and unfortunately, that is how I lost my daughter at full term, because she got caught in her umbilical cord. Also, make sure to do your kick counts! They can save your baby’s life!

Julie Smith says · 09.30.13

Meredith..my baby also had a true knot. I could have lost him but he was born emergency C-sec and is now 2 years and healthy. So sorry you went through that.

Julie Smith says · 09.30.13

Meredith..my baby also had a true knot. I could have lost him but he was born emergency C-sec and is now 2 years and healthy. So sorry you went through that.

Meredith says · 09.30.13

I’m glad you will have some time to rest! My son was born on Dec. 22nd and it makes for such a fun week – he is always on vacation, and we make sure no “double gifting” happens so he gets two real celebrations in one week – Christmas and his birthday. I know people who don’t like December birthdays, but I love having his so close to Christmas.

Luanne says · 09.30.13

Agree with Single Stone Studios – labor is not painless – but, mine came naturally and I was checked in at REX at 10:30pm and by 8:05am my sweet baby was in my arms. Don’t let all the scary stories scare you! 🙂 Prayers!

Andrea Worley says · 09.30.13

looking forward to a house tour! glad all is well with baby & your lil family

Evelyn Morales says · 09.30.13

I am excited to meet your little one too. Its such an amazing experience and I am sure you will do just fine in labor, just go with the flow and don’t worry to much what you should be doing and how you handle the pain, oh and just take deep breaths they helped me to get through it;-))

Kerrie Williams says · 09.30.13

It was so great to meet you this weekend 🙂

Unknown says · 09.30.13

Everyone always says labor is the worst thing ever. Mine wasn’t so bad! I was in labor for all of 6 hours and had an epidural for only 1 of those hours. I was so afraid it was going to be so awful and it really wasn’t that bad. Maybe I’m in the minority though 🙂

Erika Jensen says · 09.30.13

Had to laugh at the due date. My brother was the same when I was little and I called him my Christmas present from the 3 Wiseman. He came the 23rd, and was home on Christmas Eve for the festivities. Everyone in my family is so careful making sure to seperate his birthday and the holiday, and really make each unique, even when he will be 26 this year.

catt716 says · 09.30.13

I would love to hear more about the talk you gave at the conference about finding your passion and blogging about it! I feel like I’m at one of those crossroads in life. I’ve wanted to start a blog for some time, but I haven’t been able to decide what I want to blog about. I don’t want to just write “another” mom blog (I thought about a grandmother blog)…I want to be influential and uplifting and encouraging. I read several of blog posts, etc. bur yours are one of my favorites to follow!

Suzanne S. says · 09.30.13

Can’t wait to see a house tour! I love seeing pictures of your decor 🙂
Suzanne from written by suzanne

Megan Karabon says · 09.30.13

I didn’t think the drink was that bad either 🙂

Kate at Green Fashionista says · 09.30.13

I’m glad you were able to find some time to rest and are able to concentrate on less things with preparation for the baby. Can’t wait to see pics of how the nursery comes out 🙂

JKje says · 09.30.13

No advice here… just an “I agree”. I didn’t think the glucose test drink was that bad either. Not my drink of choice, but I didn’t hate it like everyone else.

Elise says · 09.30.13

Both my babies were breech until the last 2-4 weeks – you still have plenty of time! I had a December and a January baby so I know all about those winter-around-all-the-holiday babies.

Jessica says · 09.30.13

Our first born, Benjamin, came 4 weeks early on December 23rd! We’ve done our best to make his birthday special every year, but it is surrounded by Christmas decorations and cheer. He totally loves it right now at age 6. I hope he always feels this way about sharing a birthday so close to Jesus’ 🙂

Katie says · 09.30.13

Can’t wait to hear what you’ve had up your sleeves the past few weeks!


Jenny says · 09.30.13

My son was breech and in the exact same position. They took him at 39 weeks. He is perfect and beautiful. C section wasn’t that bad. Good luck!

Susan Wright says · 09.30.13

Love your blog ! I’ve been following for about 2 weeks. Labor can be very painful…or not. 5 hours with my first one, 42 minutes ! Yes I said 42 minutes ! lol Anyway, love your tutorials and style !

Judy says · 09.30.13

My birthday is Dec 26th…only because they slowed my Mother’s labor for a few hours on the 25th so she could come home for her kids to open presents and to also get a bigger staff into the Airforce hospital. Think 1961 in the Phillipines…they would never do that now. However, My Mom was fantastic growing up. We always celebrated my birthday parties the first weekend in December with my friends and she made it such a big deal. To this day I still have a few rules…..no Christmas wrapping on my birthday presents and no combination gifts. Even as an adult, that’s just tacky. I’d rather you give me nothing.

Kacia Hosmer says · 09.30.13

cracking up over Lauren firing you.

Also super thankful for your wisdom.

Ashley Elizabeth says · 09.30.13

I love Elisabeth Ashlie jewelry and I actually featured a pair of earrings on my blog this morning with a post of my favorite shops and items on Etsy right now. http://ashley-to-awesome.blogspot.com/2013/09/my-latest-favorite-etsy-finds.html

It will be fun to watch your blog change as you transition into motherhood. Being a mom is truly the greatest blessing of all.

Caroline Donjon says · 09.30.13

I’m due December 6, went through the 1 hour glucose challenge and like you, I thought the drink wasn’t terrible. Unfortunately, I failed my one hour by 2 points and had to do the 3 hour. Also not that bad, worrying about the results for the next few days was the worst part! So, if you have to do the 3 hour, don’t panic like I did! You’ll more than likely be fine! 🙂

Jaclyn says · 09.30.13

My little guy came on Dec 27th and I was soooo thankful for that! I didn’t want a Dec 25th or Jan 1st baby. Do what I did…eat a HUGE meal around Dec 15th and start walking the mall, fast. I think I forced him out with food and excessive shopping.

Desiree Lynn says · 09.30.13

Ooo home tour…score!

thenewsgotofrance says · 09.30.13

I liked the drink too! Probably because it was so sweet and I am definitely a sweets person!

suzy supnet says · 09.30.13

Reading about your pregnancy right now makes me very nostalgic. Two years ago I was pregnant with my little girl and had to be on bed rest…for 12 weeks…6 in the hospital. I had just discovered your blog a few months prior. Since there wasn’t much to do in the hospital I would practice my hair a lot using your tutorials. Now you are pregnant and due at the same time I was.

Thanks for helping me get through those 6 weeks and congrats on your baby. They are such a joy.

lyndsay says · 09.30.13

So glad everything is going well. My husband and I just found out we are having #3!

Kelly (She Wears a Red Sox Cap) says · 09.30.13

I’m glad to hear that the sugary drink isn’t as bad as they say! I have to do it in 7 weeks and even my doctor said it was bad. I guess i’ll just prepare for the worst and then be happily surprised!

Kristen says · 09.30.13

you’re adorable, so sweet and genuine.

Bobbi says · 09.30.13

Loved meeting you at Influence, Kate :)!

lori says · 10.01.13

My daughter was born on Christmas day; definitely a Christmas we will never forget! Our family spent the whole day at the hospital and since no one was home to make Christmas dinner everyone had to eat at a Japanese buffet (literally the only restaurant around that was open) for dinner 🙂 Fun memories for them! Our daughter LOVES having a Christmas birthday.. we do Birthday breakfast for her and Christmas dinner to celebrate the holiday. It will be a special day for you guys regardless of the date!!

KIm Franklin says · 10.01.13

My daughter was born on Christmas. She’s going to be 25 this year and we’ve always celebrated her birthday on Christmas Day. It’s special for more than one reason!!

Elizabeth says · 10.01.13

Really if you get an epidural labor isn’t hard. I labored for 28 hours and then had an emergency c section and the whole process was so so so much easier than I expected. I’m glad to hear all things pregnancy are going well for you.

Elizabeth says · 10.01.13

This comment has been removed by the author.

skinrx4less says · 10.01.13

Can’t wait to hear about the surprise project coming up – i love surprises! Hang in there for the last month of work – it’s always the hardest when you know it’s coming soon!

Ausmerican Housewife says · 10.01.13

December babies are fun babies. 😉 I was due on Dec 27th but apparently I didn’t like that and came out 4 days early on the 23rd. 😉

Amanda Sokolowski says · 10.01.13

I love the baby updates! I am due 12/31 but I am convinced she will show up before. I am really hoping not on Christmas! I know it’s pretty rare for a mom to deliver exactly on their due date anyways, but I actually don’t think New years eve is bad. Hey at least there will always be a party! haha
Isn’t that Gap sweater awesome?! I saw you had the grey one on in a previous post so that inspired me to run out and grab it. I already had the navy and its my fave at the monent because it’s that sweatery feel, but since it has the holes its not too hot. Are you wearing the demi panels? Or full panels? I have only worn full panel jeans because I feel like they help make my belly feel round, and the demi’s I thought made it look like i just had a roll. haha Keep us updated!

Andrea Schreiber says · 10.01.13

I’d love to know more about the mug and spoon in the picture but the link for more details takes me to instagram. Not sure if it is supposed to — but I don’t have an instagram account, so I don’t know! My boyfriend’s favorite mug disappeared during a move, and it looked similar to that one! I l’d love to replace it for him as a surprise.

Hannah T says · 10.01.13

Any birthdays in December are tough…mine is even 7 days before Christmas and I don’t like it! Everyone seems to forget about it. One bit of advice…always wrap birthday presents in birthday paper and christmas in christmas paper, it really makes such a difference!

Kathleen says · 10.02.13

My advice for childbirth: hire a doula! Sounds like a crazy idea, but I didn’t have one with my first child and really wish I had. I did have one with my other kids and she made a huge difference. There are lots of different doulas with different personalities and not all are the stereotypical crunchy hippies.

Alexandria says · 10.02.13

I think you are just amazing and truly an inspiration. So happy for you and your new bundle of joy that will be joining you soon!

Allison says · 10.03.13

You are simply adorable! I think you inspire me with each post – keep it up and make sure to update us with lots of baby stuff! 🙂

Kristi says · 10.05.13

I didn’t think the sugary drink was all that bad either. Mine was orange and I had it over ice. It was like an Orange Crush. I had two drug-free labor/deliveries and everything went just fine. Obviously, it was not pain-free. My son was first and he was actually minor in the pain department. Pushing was even a relief. My daughter came VERY quickly with a bit more pain but nothing to “write home about”. You will be fine. I relied on my husband and the Lord for comfort and both came through for me. I spent my entire pregnancy praying for that peace that God promises will surpass my understanding. That is exactly what He blessed me with. When you greet your son, everything else will melt away. Congrats!

Niki B says · 10.09.13

Just remember that women have been giving birth since the beginning. It’s what we are made to do. You will get through it and will have the most beautiful parting gift to bring home with you!

farmhouse mama says · 10.23.13

I also didn’t mind the sugar drink…. or labor. 🙂 All four of my labors were fast (2 medicated, 2 I didn’t get it in time). I also gave birth to an over 10 pound baby. I’d pick labor any day over heart burn and morning sickness. blech! Good luck! Enjoy that baby. They grow waaaaay tooooooo fast.
