High Five For Friday!

Happy 4th of July!
It’s friday, once again, and time for another round-up of the top 5 moments of the week! I don’t have a lot of photos this week since I was traveling a lot, so you’ll have to use your imagination with me.

1. I joined my husband on a quick business trip to Erie, PA last week. Since we were leaving for Wisconsin on the 3rd AND I wanted to see my friend Kacia, I just went up with him, and we left together.
Erie is right on Lake Erie, and the water and beach areas are pretty expansive! I was impressed with all that they offered. We kayaked on Sunday morning, which was beautiful, and spent the rest of the time soaking in the lovely humidity-less 75 degrees. 

2.  I discovered this great little coffee shop called Coffee Culture in Erie. It’s slightly affiliated with LECOM, a local medical school, so there is a study section on one side and the coffee shop on the other. The service was top notch, and so was the coffee!

3. In pregnancy news, I’m feeling more and more like myself again. My energy has returned, though I’m still fighting a bit of morning sickness. Having nothing to compare this to (aka another pregnancy), I’d say I’m definitely not experiencing a “horrible pregnancy” (as far as illness goes), but it hasn’t been a walk in the park either! 
I’m looking very, very forward to the first time I feel the baby move. I’m guessing it will be anywhere between now and 22 weeks. 

4. My sister-in-law came to our family lake house in Wisconsin for the 4th of July. It was a last minute decision, but I’m so glad she came! 

5. We blew off some great fireworks last night and put on quite a show. For some reason, I’ve really developed a soft spot for the 4th of July over the years. I love the fireworks, food, and family time. 

If you are interested, I wrote about my top picks for the 5 Minute Face, tried to explain Texturizing Powders, and a few tips that you may want to learn for Summer Haircare at the pool/beach


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Lauren T. says · 07.05.13

My husband went to LECOM! We loved Erie, except the winters are brutal!

bonnieshee says · 07.05.13

I felt my first movements at around 16 weeks. I had been suspecting I felt something and my husband took me on the bumpiest golf cart ride ever, and as soon as I got off, I felt a sharp poke that I *knew* was baby. It’s been nonstop since and has been the best part of pregnancy! Hope your little one makes its presence known soon ๐Ÿ™‚

R2P2 says · 07.05.13

You will live for feeling those little flutters! And they only get more amazing & strong. I’m currently 27 weeks, and I have to say it’s probably one of my favorite activities right now. And when baby is big enough for hubs to feel? Amazing.

Suzanne S. says · 07.05.13

I love discovering new little coffee places!
Suzanne from written by suzanne

Kendra Schmitz says · 07.05.13

I live in Wisconsin, too! Not sure your whereabouts, but there are many great coffee shops around the area. Off the Rail in Elkhart Lake, CopperRock in Appleton, and SolidGrounds in Fond du Lac ๐Ÿ™‚

Victoria Clemons says · 07.05.13

How Exciting that you;re feeling better! I had my little boy 10 weeks ago. How i miss being pregnant! It’s amazing feeling them move for the first time ๐Ÿ™‚


Lisa says · 07.05.13

I live very close to LECOM and know that coffee shop well. If you’re ever in Erie again with hubby, check out “Picasso’s” near the mall. It’s in a strip beside Starbucks and has the best sandwiches and paninis I’ve ever had! (This is, of course, once you can eat sandwich meat again). Congratulations on your little one!

Astin says · 07.05.13

She can eat sandwich meat. I assume this is in regards to a listeria risk? There is a higher chance of getting listeria from produce than from lunch meat. You don’t even have to heat it up, but if it makes you feel better, by all means. (And, let’s be honest…a grilled sandwich beats a cold one ANY day)


Baby Boy Braxton says · 07.06.13

My concern with lunch meat while I was pregnant and breastfeeding was the nitrates.

Erin Lynn says · 07.05.13

I’m from Erie! We love the lake and spend many summer days enjoying the water. How cool that you were just here ๐Ÿ™‚

Kristin Crosby says · 07.05.13

Don’t mistake your baby-kicks for gas bubbles! It’s not indigestion, it’s your tiny-you ๐Ÿ™‚

Ali says · 07.05.13

Glad you enjoyed erie, it is my hometown!

Dana says · 07.05.13

I love the 4th of July, too! Maybe it’s the fact that, in addition to family, it’s hot (instead of cold), you can grill, and there isn’t the pressure of gifts. And you can’t beat fireworks. Have a great weekend!!

Libby says · 07.05.13

I agree with you about the 4th of July! It is such a fun family day, celebrating our country! ๐Ÿ™‚

Libby @ livingwiththels.blogspot.com

Corinne says · 07.05.13

My husband attended medical school there (at LECOM) and I lived there with him for 1 year. I loved how much the town has to offer!

NIGHT OWL VENTING says · 07.05.13

the 4th of July is always a special time for our family. this year we were missing someone tho.

Jeanne Baney says · 07.05.13

I loved reading about everyone did to celebrate! Ours was simple but loads of fun!

Cori says · 07.05.13

I’m from Ashtabula, OH, 30 minutes from Erie along the coast. Grew up on Lake Erie. It is home! <3

Cori says · 07.05.13

I’m from Ashtabula, OH, 30 minutes from Erie along the coast. Grew up on Lake Erie. It is home! <3

Bonnie says · 07.05.13

Thanks for linking to your Babble articles. I find they’re about the only things I care to read on there and I don’t want to miss any.

Missmacbeauty says · 07.05.13

I loved reading this! and fridays are the best ๐Ÿ™‚


Hi, I'm Natalie. says · 07.05.13

Thanks for posting links to other places you wrote – it’s handy!

Suzane Mart says · 07.06.13

Your thoughts and our imagination together complete this blog …….
thanks for sharing and your greats moment.with us…

Wendy says · 07.06.13

Just wanted to tell you that I loved your piece of texturizing powders– I ADORE the Oscar Blandi teasing powder!

Md.Mazidul Islam says · 07.07.13

Is really good. I love your website! Thank you so much for sharing and imparting.
Imperial Valley Real Estate Agent

lilia vanini says · 07.07.13

few months ago I discovered this blog and I love it!!

Jamie says · 07.08.13

That’s so great that you were able to join your husband in Erie and see Kacia! I’m just a week behind you in the pregnancy department and love feeling like myself again, second trimester really is quite lovely!

the2dees says · 07.08.13

Erie?! Erie is about an hour North of us! We take our kids to Presque Isle all the time…small world!! Btw – I never comment (laziness, mostly) but I adore your blog. I’ve purchased many of your recommended hair/beauty products and try out lots of new hairstyles you’ve demo’d. You make it so easy with your tutorials!

And congrats on the pregnancy – how exciting!!!

the2dees says · 07.08.13

This comment has been removed by the author.

JessiAnn says · 07.08.13

Can I just say, thank you for saying you were in Erie! I live about 30 minutes south… and I was in Target that Saturday! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I told my husband that I was sure I saw you, but figured I was losing my mind! He keeps teasing me about being “star struck” now when I’m watching your tutorials ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for all the advice and great product references! I think you’re hilarious and I love your blog!

Kate says · 07.09.13

Oh my gosh you should have said hi!!

JessiAnn says · 07.18.13

I should have! Except, I had this bizarre vision playing in my head of me being like, “Oh my gosh- hi! I LOVE your blog! I can’t believe you’re HERE… in ERIE!” (in some bubble gum-chewing teenage girl voice – even though that’s not at all how I talk! LOL.) Plus, my two girls were being loud and obnoxious – in fact, you probably heard them! Haha! ๐Ÿ™‚

Katie says · 07.11.13

Erie! I live in Erie! Grew up in Erie. And go to Coffee Culture all the time. Thanks for the Erie shout out ๐Ÿ™‚ We sometimes get a bad rap.

amber says · 07.11.13

I’m currently 26 weeks and I want to pass along the #1 most helpful piece of information I’ve received this whole pregnancy:

People kept telling me that baby kicks would feel like butterflies fluttering. Well, I never felt anything remotely butterfly-like, so I thought there was something wrong with me. One day, I was talking to my friend about this (she is a mother of 3) and she gave me her foolproof way of distinguishing baby movements (and, these are her exact words, btw): “If you feel like you have to poot, but you don’t poot, it was your baby moving!” At first I was like, that is ridiculous, but no, seriously, that’s what it feels like. So, next time you feel a little gassy, it might just be your baby moving! ๐Ÿ™‚

thickenithairpowder says · 09.24.15

This is one of the most informative information I’ve read. It really helps a lot. Thanks for sharing this and teaching some of your Idea’s
