High Five For Friday!

Tips for Shampoo and Conditioner Shopping
Whew. Busy week!
Like usual these days.

Let’s go ahead and start chatting about the top 5 things of the week. I have a feeling this is going to be a chatty one. Also, my nails are drying as I type, so the longer I type the less likely I’m going to have touch up a dent. 

1. First off: Overall, I’d say I’m feeling better. I’m in my 14th week of pregnancy, and I’d say my energy has returned nicely, however I’m still fighting some morning sickness/ all day nausea. I seriously don’t know what I would do without Zofran. I call it my Zo-friend
Also, as I was getting sick in the bathroom the other morning (tmi? just keeping it real folks) MY CAT GRAVY started vomiting all over the carpet. So, that was an absolute blast. Sympathy sickness I guess. 
“if she’s puking, I’ll puke” he thought.

I swear, if Grits started too I’d think they were conspiring against me.

2. My pregnancy dreams have been straight crazy. So far my Dad has been trippin’ on acid, I watched Justin fall off a mountain to his inevitable death, I had hair like Shakira (or Shaki, as we call her in our household), and have birthed and held “our future son”. If it’s a girl in there, we’re going to be stunned. I’m obviously aware there is a 50% chance that it is a girl, it’s just so funny to me that I have this deep feeling it’s a boy. (We are going to find out next month what it is and I’ll tell you guys.) (but if it’s a girl, we’re back to the drawing board since “North” is already taken by Kim K & Kanye. #ikid #enoughwiththenorthjokesalreadyamiright?) 

3. A sweet client brought me my very first pack of diapers yesterday. It really melted my heart. <–sappy much? (also that is such a CarolineG thing to say. I’ve been hanging around her too much. ALSO, aren’t we all glad she doesn’t sell strings? Imagine her social media handles. . . instead of CarolineGshop it would be. . . {did you fill it in in your head?})

It was fun to take them home and see them sitting on the counter. Kind of wild to think we’ll have a baby that will need those in 6 short months. (My due date is December 18th, for those who have asked)
I ALSO had a client who brought me a new Oribe product to try out! What a sweet gesture. We talked about how much I like Oribe at our last appointment, and she remembered and brought me a brand new product. So sweet.

4. I got my new growth touched up on Monday! I love a fresh highlight and lowlight. (questions about my color? click here

My personal stance on hair coloring while pregnant: I think it’s okay especially if you are having your hair colored in foils. That way, no color should touch your scalp. You should also be in a well-ventilated room, pregnant or not. A lot of doctors say it’s okay to color your hair (even on the scalp) throughout your pregnancy, so in general : It’s up to you and your doctor. I think this goes without saying, but it’s a personal decision. Do what your little heart desires.

5. Apples, fro yo, caesar salads from Panera (with safe dressing AKA w/out raw egg), cereal, chocolate milk, and fruit smoothies have been quite tasty these days. I haven’t had any obscure cravings, or completely random distastes, so I’m actually looking forward to the first “oh em gee I have to have _____ right now.” Unless it’s Mr. Softee*. That would be a problem. Although, Justin and I are thinking about hitting up NYC sometime this fall so perhaps I can indulge while I’m there. And by perhaps I mean definitely. 

In other news, I’m thinking about doing another “live blog chat” on monday. Somewhere in the 5-8p EST time frame. NOT for 3 hours, just somewhere in there. So, ya know, pencil it in if you feel like it. I’ll announce on facebook and twitter, but probably not here on the blog itself. 

Have any big plans for the weekend?


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Rachel K Christian says · 06.21.13

PLEASE tell me where you got that iPhone case! #dying

Kate says · 06.21.13

It’s from Rifle Paper Co

melissamcentyre says · 06.21.13

My husband and I are going to NYC this fall also! Isn’t it just the best?

Trish says · 06.21.13

Oh man. I am prematurely graying and did not want to let that grow out while I was pregnant so I kept coloring it. I actually had someone tell me my vanity was more important than my baby. He turned out alright though. I kind of like his third eyeball 😉

Kate says · 06.21.13

BAHahahah, love it.

timesnlatte says · 06.24.13

Ignore the pregnancy police. It will be good practice for ignoring the baby police, and the kid police . . .

Kinsey Roberts says · 06.21.13


Your sense of humor kills me! Thanks for the Friday laughs – have a great weekend!

Bouquet of Bliss says · 06.21.13

You look so happy and glowing. So excited for you!

Chelsea says · 06.21.13

what is “safe dressing” from Panera?

Kate says · 06.21.13

Some Caesar dressings are made with raw egg. I cannot figure out whether or not Panera’s caesar dressing has raw egg or not, so I just bring my own dressing from home.

Anna P says · 06.21.13

Caesar does normally have anchovies, if you’re concerned about fish

Anna P says · 06.21.13

@Kate – I used to work at Panera and can’t imagine how it could possibly be shipped to all the stores if not at least pasteurized (it’s made fresh – like their bread [which is hardly fresh but that’s another story]) but it is very likely raw

Lydia Geisendorfer says · 06.21.13

I love that you keep it real, girl. I am just now 19 weeks along with our first baby and yes, whomever coined the phrase “morning sickness” just didn’t get it, I had “all day sickness” right up until the 14-15th week point. I was so relieved to finally feel like eating/cooking again. (My hubby was too) And the dreams…. oh boy, I always wake up with fun stories to share! Also I totally applaud you for keeping up with work and life and blogging through all of this, my hobbies dropped down to eating and sleeping there for a while! Anyway, super excited for you and to hear all of your stories though this baby journey!

TheDabblingCrafter says · 06.21.13

I also colored my hair while pregnant. It was one of the only things that made me feel human when I felt so disgusting. 🙂

Teri says · 06.21.13

An old wives tale is that if you dream you’re having one gender, you’ll have the opposite, but I dreamed about both and got my little boy! I felt like I was having a boy from the beginning too. I also never had an odd craving, but I would want something and as soon as I finished it, I wouldn’t want it ever again. But I did crave milk all the time. Good luck with the pregnancy and I hope the nausea goes away soon!

Lindsey218 says · 06.21.13

Happy Friday Kate! I was preggers like you last summer and Zofran became my BFF, that all day sickness is rough! And from my short 8 months of being a Mommy, Pampers Swaddlers are the best diapers out there!! I am looking forward to seeing how your Mommy style evolves, have a great weekend!

Elsa Kooiker says · 06.21.13

Do you plan to continue working once the baby comes? If so, a post on working mothers some day would be fabulous 🙂

hkschulte says · 06.21.13

Love your ramblings & how happy you seem these days (not that you were never not happy haha, but you just seem especially giddy!). Happy Friday! Hope you get some time to relax after a busy week!

Anna P says · 06.21.13

I literally laughed out loud on the cat bit in #1. Conspirators for sure 🙂 Hope you feel better soon!

Our Little Family says · 06.21.13

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Sisterino says · 06.21.13

I first read the cat comment as “cat gravy,” as in… gravy made of cats. hahaha OOPS. =)

Wendy says · 06.21.13

With my first I dreamed of a girl then weeks later we found it was a girl indeed. The kicker…. when I was sitting in the hospital holding her it hit me that I dreamed the exact setting and baby. She looked the same and the hospital room was the same (I had never seen the hospital previously to delivery and our baby didn’t look like me or my husband as newborns.) Sounds crazy but its totally true. My daughter is 4.5 and I have never dreamed of her since.

Our Little Family says · 06.21.13

Your hair looks so pretty! I had major blonde issues when I was pregnant…the roots were terrible. I couldn’t keep up so I dyed it brown! Also-don’t pampers smell so sweet?! I am loving all the baby stuff in this post 😉

Mackenzie Tetmeyer says · 06.21.13

I love the cat story! How bazaar…

also, I am 30 weeks pregnant and had been inspired to write about our long battle with conception by you.

I am too having CRAZY dreams! We are having a boy (Maddox) and I have had 3 dreams in one week that it is a girl. Very crazy that your mind can do such strange things and the dreams are SOOO vivid. Take care 🙂

Nattymommy says · 06.21.13

Oh my goodness! Zofran was my best friend too when I was pregnant! The only thing about it was that I wasn’t told about the very important side effect…horrible constipation!

elliesam says · 06.21.13

Well, that’s a very common side effect of pregnancy too, so it could be that. Double your water intake.

Elizabeth Miller says · 06.21.13

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Darcy Day says · 06.21.13

Sounds like you’re getting ready for your little one! So exciting! I am sorry Kim K. stole your name 😉 Loving that chunky chain necklace in your photo! Congratulations! This must be a really exciting time for you!


Kristina says · 06.21.13

I don’t know where Ihave been but CONGRATS!!!!! That is wonderful and I’m veryy happy for you. I am 12 weeks along. I feel like it a blogger-baby boom!!!! Hope you are feeling well.

Sarah Caitlin Berry says · 06.21.13

Kate, I am currently 35 weeks pregnant with our first and throughout my first and second trimester I dreamt that my husband and I were having a boy (in fact all of the old wives tales pointed to a boy). So you can imagine my surprise at our gender reveal party when we cut the cake and the icing was PINK!
I wish you and your husband all the best in the up coming months as it will go by so slow and when December gets here you’ll be wondering what happened to “all that time”!

Andrea Worley says · 06.21.13

oh sweet little baby new born diapers, they are the best! if you’re like me you’ll save at least one and shadow box it. no joke! 😉

Jillian says · 06.21.13

Omg the dreams!! I am 15 weeks and I swear some night I can’t tell I am even sleeping the dreams are so vivid, and random, and crazy all at the same time.

Luanne says · 06.21.13

I *knew* I was having a boy – from the moment we found out I was with child…it was like something kept telling me it was a boy. And, we had the nurse seal in an envelope what we were having – we went to the Angus Barn for dinner and when we finished we opened the envelope (just the two of us) – and it was in fact a boy! 🙂 He joined us on March 13 (3/13/13) – and it’s the hardest yet BEST thing that’s ever happened. Wishing you all the best! And praying for the morning/day sickness to end soon! 🙂

Carly says · 06.21.13

I’ve been having crazy dreams too…..like really whacko dreams! And I finally felt better about 2 weeks about (week 14)….isn’t it AWESOME????


Jenn @ WLB says · 06.21.13

I great up in NY and now that I live somewhere else now I spend my summers dreaming of Mr. Softee!

Lindsay says · 06.21.13

Yay for Friday! I love reading your pregnancy updates! My husband and I are also expecting our first baby this December. My due date is December 20th! We are just two days apart! Happy 14th week! I am still waiting for my energy to return, but thankfully not suffering from morning sickness. Here’s to hoping yours passes soon!


Janelle K. says · 06.21.13

My b-day is on the 16th of December. Maybe I’ll have a “twin” who’s 16 younger. : )
btw…have you thought of posting a weekly “baby bump” picture? : )
Praying for a continued safe and lovely pregnancy for you and your baby. Oh, and personally, I think it’s a girl. lol : )
God bless!

anderjes says · 06.21.13

Have you looked at the Chinese Gender Calendar. It’s really crazy but I compared it for all the women I know that have kids and it’s been pretty right on. I’ve also heard if you have morning sickness and/or clear skin it’s a boy, opposite for girls.

Katie K. says · 06.21.13

Love it, Kate!!
Sorry to hear you haven’t felt well. Sounds like we’ve had identical pregnancy symptoms (I’m due 11/6), even down to what tastes really good and the dream about a boy….but I found out last week it’s a girl!! And Zofran…yeah, lifesaver. Looking forward to learning the gender of yours–even though we all know it will be a sweet blessing either way!

Julie says · 06.21.13

Kate do you have an instagram? I can’t seem to find you, and I want to follow to see lots of pregnancy and baby pictures!! Please and thanks!

Kate says · 06.21.13

Yep, K8_smallthings

Brooke Powell says · 06.21.13

I’m 16 weeks pregnant (due 12/2) and still am in a committed relationship with my Zofran! We are finding out the gender tomorrow…(I think its a boy, he thinks its a girl).

Christina Gathright says · 06.21.13

With my son I had a very strong feeling that he was a boy and at 20 weeks they confirmed it. With my daughter my hubby kept dreaming that we had a baby girl and sure enough we did lol 🙂 Either way, babies are wonderful and amazing! You look great!

elliesam says · 06.21.13

Zofran – Oh YES! I lived on that for the entirety of both of my pregnancies. That stuff is awesome.

I remember the morning after my second baby was born I woke up and just laid there smiling because a) baby! but also b) I wasn’t immediately reaching for my bedside bucket. 🙂

Susan says · 06.21.13

Okay so I must confess I have been absolutely obsessed with your blog over the last few months. I love all of your advice on hair, makeup, and clothes. Thanks for taking the time to post and make this so fun and interesting to read. But most of all, Kate, I appreciate your blog because I know that you are a Christian. You can tell by your posts that it’s not “all about looking good” and you don’t flaunt your beauty in a vain way, which I appreciate.

Kate says · 06.21.13

That means a lot to me Susan. Thank you!

Kori says · 06.21.13

The cat portion of your post made me totally laugh out loud!

I’m also super impressed that you can type with wet nails…I’d have polish all over my keyboard, so props to you on that!!


Tea&Bunting says · 06.21.13

Hey Kate!
Your blog always puts a smile on my face. I giggled at your Gravy story although I bet the clean up wasn’t fun!
Here in Britain Mr Whippy is the Mr Softee equivalent. While pregnant with my little boy (now nearly 3!) all I wanted was a Mr Whippy but my mean old midwife told me I wasn’t allowed as all soft icecreams from those machines (like mcflurries, etc) all carry a risk of Listeria.
I was devastated! But maybe she was wrong or advice has changed now or is different in the States?
Anyways just thought I’d share my pain with you!

Ashley B says · 06.23.13

It’s either changed or was never a problem in the States! Knock yourself out! A pregnancy without ice cream?!?! I shudder at the thought…

Rebecca says · 06.21.13

Ahhh! I laughed so hard at #3 (the g shop joke, not the diapers).

KimC says · 06.21.13

My husband and I would have bet our house, car, everything we own that our baby (due in September) was a boy. We were both convinced! We had a name picked out and the nursery was all planned…and it’s a girl 🙂 We still don’t have a name and are having a hard time planning out the nursery, but we are so excited! Either way, your baby will be beautiful! Can’t wait to hear the news next month!

Tricia Hicks says · 06.21.13

I’m headed to NYC on Monday on an annual mission trip. The FIRST thing I will do is find a Mr. Softee truck. I’m gonna go ahead and put it out there that I will have a Mr. Softee cone every day. Several years ago, your pastor was one of the speakers. We work with Gallery Church in Manhattan. Pray for us! Thanks!

Dana says · 06.21.13

Your Friday posts…too hilarious…especially the cat puking. So real, and that’s why it’s funny!!

You’ve made me crave Mr. Softee and I’ve never even tasted it AND I’m not pregnant!

mama wolff says · 06.21.13

Hilarious about your cat.. the night before my twins were born both the cat and the dog started getting sick, and right before we left did the same thing.. I swear they were just trying to get there last hey look at me in before the kids got here and they fadded into the background lol… So excited for you!!!!!! This is the most amazing and blessed time of your life! 🙂

katie ridings says · 06.22.13

omy!! your prego!! how awesome, I need to check blogs more often 🙂 My little guy is almost one now! Congrats!!

Bailey H says · 06.22.13

I had boy dreams pretty regularly and my hunch was right! Little boy due November 5! My birthday is December 20th, so I suggest holding your little one in for a couple days 🙂

Eva-Karin says · 06.22.13

I’m pretty sure zofran is the only reason I survived both of my pregnancies. And the puking, I feel your pain! I hope it ends quickly! I really started to feel better between week 14 and 16 with my first. Then the “fun” part begins!

Carrie says · 06.22.13

I love to read what you are feeling this time. Thanks for sharing your happy moments of your life here.Bloggingservices

Sarah at Midwest Pillowtalk says · 06.22.13

panera has been by FAR my biggest craving this entire pregnancy! so good! but i am really starting to miss the sierra turkey sammiches!

Megan Lindley says · 06.22.13

Loved this post – I love being updated on day-to-day life! Pregnancy seems to be an incredible journey. I can’t wait to experience it as well. Congrats again!!!

Sonja says · 06.22.13

My little guy was born 12/18 and he’s just the sweetest baby I could have ever hoped for. I’m so excited for you, it truly is an experience like no other and the most love you’ll ever know. We were convinced he was a girl though and when a boy popped out we we shocked but so in love no matter what!! You are adorable! I attended 7 weddings during pregnancy and definitely did dome highlights and color during that time, no problems at all!!!

Alisha Landreth says · 06.23.13

I just caught up with reading your blog again (I have a 3 month old!) and I am so excited for you!!! I kept seeing your posts on my blog roll and something was nagging in my brain that you were looking extra glowy lately. Congratulations. Beware of “Morning Sickness”. I was in awful straights until 13 weeks and then still had a daily 10-20 minutes of either nausea or sickness until 23 weeks. Also dont let those dreams fool you with the gender! I hope you guys get a boy, as you have the gut feeling. I had a gut feeling it was a girl, it was, but all I dreamed about were boys. As well the “NEED THIS NOW” cravings didn’t show up until after 20 weeks for me. I hope everything goes smoothly. You’re going to love motherhood, it’s the most amazing feeling on earth, none other like it.

Rhonda Sloan says · 06.24.13

LOl- I always laugh thinking about driving to work in my white scrubs with a jar of salsa between my knees and tortilla chips in the passenger seat for breakfast. There was no denying that chips and salsa craving- I HAD to have it. I don’t really care for them and 11 years later don’t ever eat them. Enjoy every moment of your pregnancy!

Lori says · 06.24.13

Got a question…who does your hair? (Cut and color)

Oh, and boys are great, I have three of my own!

Nikki says · 06.24.13

Love this post! Have you ever thought about using cloth diapers on your little one?

Robin says · 06.24.13

When I was pregnant I just KNEW it was boy. I never referred to the baby as a girl. We always say he and sure enough he was a boy. Sometimes moms just know!

Lindsey says · 06.25.13

I am 27 weeks, and have so far had 4 dreams that we are having a boy… but my 20 week ultrasound showed we are having a girl. Needless to say, I am not 100% convinced that this little booger growing inside me is actually a girl, and I will not be surprised if “she” turns out to be a “he”! Either way, I don’t care, but I’m making sure we’ve got a boy name on back up, just in case!! 🙂

Mallory Turner says · 06.26.13

Just so you know, they don’t tell you not to color your hair (with or without foils) because of chemicals that may or may not come into contact with your skin or because of the smell (although, yes you should most definitely be in a well ventilated room). The reason for not wanting to color your hair while pregnant is because your hormones could have a weird reaction to the color, and it may or may not turn out how it normally does. Usually, it turns out fine. 🙂

Gregerge tongcui says · 06.28.13

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Teresa Stirba says · 06.28.13

Hi kate from down under
I love your blogs and all your inspirations. Congrates on your pregnancy .
Enjoy the adventure even the times that seem hard because they go sooooo quickly .
My boys are 16 and 11 . Time flys all the best to you and your family.
