I’m at Blissdom!
EARH mer gersh. mer ear.
I’m at Blissdom today through Saturday! I’ll be tweeting and Instagraming like a fool, so be sure to follow along if you want to see little snapshots of what Blissdom is like!
Find me at K8_smallthings on both medias.
ALSO, if you are at Blissdom, come find me, give me your business card, and you’ll be entered to win a hair product prize pack with some of my favorite products! I’ll pick the winner on Saturday before the conference is over.
Lastly, if you are at here and you styled your hair using one of my tutorials, please come find me and show me. I’d love to see it and get a pic taken with you!
Sounds like so much fun. Have a great weekend!
Have fun!! Wish I could be there but my son is in the hospital. 🙁 Hope you have a safe trip home!
have fun!!
Making It Sparkle
Have fun Kate! : )
Following you on twitter! 🙂
Hi Kate! It was so nice to get to meet you at Blissdom. You were so sweet and its nice to have a real person to put with who we feel we know so well from your blog. Have a great weekend! – Jamie & Carly
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hi! I found your blog a cople of days ago and I love it, especially your hair videos. I have so far tried the doghnut and the half up with a small braid 🙂 Both were a success ! Let me know if you want pictures.
Take care!
/ Evelina from Sweden
How fun hope you are doing ok not being able to wear earrings! 🙂 enjoy!
How fun hope you are doing ok not being able to wear earrings! 🙂 enjoy!
I have followed you on Twitter and Instagram. I enjoy reading your interesting posts and photos! Catching up with your contest, I hope I could win a hair product prize pack.:)
Tinnitus Miracle
I hope you had a good time.
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Thanks so much for these awesome tips and for the enuenragomect! I love the ideas of putting business cards on rings & dividing them into 3 categories. Im a big fan of organization :)Excited to meet you!Andee
I’ve been to several blog coefnrences and left with a lot of great ideas that I never followed through on because I didn’t get/stay organized. Thank you for these tips!