Heading back home. . .from home. . .

High Five for Friday
Today is the last day that my sister and I are home. It’s been a busy busy weekend but we’ve had a great time. I got to see an old friend on Saturday, and then we spent yesterday in the city!

I knew this trip was going to be great since we started it off with Giordano’s on friday night. This, my friends, is the best chicago style pizza around. There tends to be a bit of debate about which is the best, but rest assured–this is it.

If you aren’t familiar with chicago style pizza and you are confused by the seemingly lack of cheese in the photo below–don’t be mistaken. There is tons of cheese. . .right underneath that layer of sauce. And sometimes another very thin layer of dough between the cheese and sauce, not including the substantial crust.


I could keep going about the pizza but I’ll spare you.

Yesterday my mom, dad, sister and I swung by Chicago on our way home from Michigan. It was a picturesque day. We walked around Michigan Avenue for a few hours, then ended the trip with a Sprinkles Cupcake. It was delicious. I chose the Milk Chocolate and it lived up to the hype!

In other news, I organized my Pinterest boards and picked pretty board covers for all of them. I just had to get that out there. Feel free to comment below telling me how nice it looks (it took about 2 hours!!!!!!).
(I also started a board called “In My Closet” where you can find a lot of the items I wear on a daily basis and also in “outfit” posts here on the blog. If for any reason a link is broken here, check that board if you are curious about a specific item)

I also took advantage of some time in the car to map out some blog post ideas for the next several weeks. I have a few more Beauty 101 posts and am planning on doing a fall version of “30with30”, but just doing “15with15”. Thirty was a lot. It was a great challenge, but I felt like it dragged on by the end. I think 15 outfits with 15 items will still be a good challenge and hopefully push my creativity a bit!

I’m planning on working a hair tutorial in this week since I didn’t have time to get one done for today! It’s funny, I would have guessed I did most of my work during the week for the blog, but it turns out I used a lot of the weekends too. Loosing two weekends back to back has really thrown a wrench in my schedule! Don’t get my wrong–they’ve been great travel weekends, just not great for blog post deadlines!

Thanks for your patience with my crazy schedule. Looking forward to getting back into the flow this week!


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Caroline G. says · 10.01.12

Looks like y’all had a blast! You’ve been one busy lady!

Jessica D. says · 10.01.12

I was just in Chicago yesterday on Michigan Ave as well! First time and you are right, it was a beautiful day to walk around!

Kate says · 10.01.12

small world! It was beautiful, you’re right!

Jessica D. says · 10.04.12

It is ๐Ÿ™‚ We at at Pizza Due on Sunday afternoon and it was pretty good. The people in Chicago are very friendly I must say! ๐Ÿ™‚

pretty little things says · 10.01.12

looks like you had a great weekend! xo


Melissa {www.grinandbarrettblog.com} says · 10.01.12

What a fun weekend! I love spending time with my parents and being able to fun things! I would love to visit Chicago someday, just for the pizza and the Chicago Dog. I heard it is no ordinary hotdog, but complete and utter amazingness. Maybe someday…

Have a great Monday!

Amy McGrew says · 10.01.12

I was just in Chicago two weeks ago. I totally agree with you on Giordano’s. It was sooooo good.

<3’ed the city too!

Glad you had a good time!

p.s. I love your blog!

Chelsea Thompson says · 10.01.12

Love the Pinterest board covers. I need to make time to organize mine. I am indecisive on what to name my boards….haha Love your blog and always love your beauty and hair tutorials!

Planning In Between

Kate says · 10.01.12

Thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚

Ericka says · 10.01.12

I was in Chicago (from Michigan) this weekend too! We went to Giordano’s on Saturday for lunch…they do have the best pizza! And of course The Cheesecake Factory for dinner…and the zoo and some shopping. We had a good time, glad you did too!

Cassie says · 10.01.12

You have inspired me to organize my Pinterest boards! Thank you! ๐Ÿ™‚

{annie_loo} @ The Farrar Four says · 10.01.12

Great job on the Pinterest boards. I really need to organize mine too! That pizza looks amazing!!!!!

Kristina says · 10.01.12

Ooo the Giordano’s looks so good, almost went there this weekend too but then the boyfriend got too sleepy ๐Ÿ˜‰ I can never decide which is my favorite, Lou Malnatis does a good job too!


Kristina does the Internets

Kate says · 10.01.12

Both of those pizza places are great!

Jennifer Lauren says · 10.01.12


Jenn King says · 10.02.12

Lou’s girl here too. I live in a house divided though. My husband was raised on Giodano’s, my dad grew up with the Malnati boys. We moved away from the area a few years back, but we have Malnati’s overnighted once a month and go to Giordano’s when we’re home visiting. Now I want pizza…..

Anonymous says · 10.01.12

Any suggestions for a hair stylist in downtown Chicago? I work on Michigan Ave near Crate and Barrel and would love to find somewhere to stop by on my lunch break. I have been to Salon 161, but it was kind of expensive (kind of doubt I could find anything that isn’t though). Or, if you know of anyone in Lincoln Park or East Lakeview that would work too. Thanks!

Glad to see you enjoyed your weekend here! The weather was beyond perfect ๐Ÿ™‚

Kate says · 10.01.12

check a few comments down!

Emily says · 10.01.12

Check out Sine Qua Non salon. They have several locations, including Lincoln Park and Lakeview.

Hannah says · 10.01.12

Love Giordano’s!! My favorite part of visiting Chicago, easily.


Melissa says · 10.01.12

I LOVE Giordano’s pizza! I live in Ohio so whenever i’m in Chicago, I buy the frozen ones they sell and stock up ๐Ÿ˜‰


Jennifer Lauren says · 10.01.12

I am from Chicago and would never dream of letting anyone but Robyn at Dennis Barlolomei touch my hair! Check them out. Expensive, but Robyn is THE BEST. Check out her work http://www.robyntornabeni.com

The salon’s address is below:
15 East Pearson Street
Chicago, IL 60611
(312) 787-7778

Kate says · 10.01.12

Thanks for suggesting this!

Lindsay E. says · 10.01.12

Oh man! Now I’m majorly craving Giordano’s! the best! ๐Ÿ™‚

Meredith S. says · 10.01.12

Sprinkles has the most fabulous cupcakes! The milk chocolate is my personal favorite.

StephanieKelly says · 10.01.12

That pinterest board of all the things you wear is so amazing and such a problem! I want everything! Thanks for sharing it, I’m always looking for great basics, those skinnies from Loft look so perfect. If only more brands made skinnies for women, not 13 yr old boys life would be so much easier!

Tabitha says · 10.01.12

Giordano’s does have the best pizza! I need some now… I need to plan another trip to Chicago.

Brittany Walsh says · 10.01.12

My mouth is watering. Oh Chicago pizza and Sprinkles cupcakes. Two things I enjoyed very much on our vacation there this summer!

Annie says · 10.01.12

It looks like y’all had a blast in Chicago! Are you from there or from MI? And if MI, where in the state? I live in metro Detroit and spent three years in Grand Rapids for university!

Audrey says · 10.01.12

I’ve never been to Chicago, but I was raised absolutely loving their pizza! It is my total favorite! There is a place in GA called “Upper Crust” that makes delicious Chicago style pizza! I’m glad you enjoyed your visit and safely returned.

Erin @ The Grass Skirt says · 10.01.12

Giordano’s is my favorite! I literally cried when I finished my last slice before heading back home to NC. LOL.

Kate says · 10.01.12

HAHA that sounds like something I would do!

Jan says · 10.01.12

I love your new board covers for Pinterest!

I also love Giordano’s pizza! It’s not quite Giordano’s but Harris Teeter now sells Gino’s Eat of Chicago Frozen Pizza that’s really good (comes in cheese or pepperoni…I with they had more topping choices). Not a total fix, but might help with the in between visits. ๐Ÿ™‚

Kate says · 10.01.12

Thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚

MarBear says · 10.01.12

So sorry, but I have to disagree! Lou Malnati’s is the BEST Chicago deep dish pizza! And Molly’s has the best cupcakes in the city!

Emily says · 10.01.12

I agree with MarBear! Molly’s has the best cupcakes in the city- so next time you’re in Chicago, you definitely need to stop by. You cannot go wrong with their Red Velvet and Ron Bennington!

Kate says · 10.01.12

Good to know!

Anonymous says · 10.01.12

I am so wanting to go on a trip to Chicago now!!!! It sounds like you two had an AWESOME time!!!!! :)There’s nothing like spending time with family!


Anonymous says · 10.01.12

I absolutely following your blog! I get on every single day to see what’s new! Thanks for the awesome blog!

Kate says · 10.01.12

Thank you!

Anonymous says · 10.02.12

I wanted to hug you when I read you love Giordanos too! Best pizza EVER! How was I NOT following you on Pinterest?! I remedied that. Love you and all you stand for!

Kate says · 10.02.12


Anonymous says · 10.02.12

I live in the suburbs of Chicago and on Saturday I am going on a pizza tour that goes to Giordanos. Such amazing pizza! We have one about 10 minutes from out house. We’re def spoiled on Chicago with pizza!

speck says · 10.02.12

I’m from Georgia and I was in Chicago this past weekend as well! It was my first trip. I probably even past you on the street Saturday as I was right there as well.

Pretty neat.


Karen says · 10.02.12

Love Giordano’s pizza! Really enjoying your blog. Have actually learned how to do something with my mop of hair. Also, am a lifelong Michigander to book. Where were you at?

Kate says · 10.02.12

I was in Holland and Grand Rapids!

Anonymous says · 10.02.12

Good thing I didn’t know you were in Holland (I live in Holland), or I would have wanted to meet you!

Emily says · 10.02.12

Oh my, that pizza!!!! I love Chicago style pizza, and I’ve only had it once in my life. Now I’ve got a serious craving to have some again, soon!

Looking forward to all the neat stuff you’ve got planned for this month!

Maria Morley says · 10.02.12

Glad you had a great weekend. Sprinkles Cupcakes are delicious! We have one really close to where I live and I’m telling you, it is trouble! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Looking forward to what you have in store for us this season!

Melissa U says · 10.02.12

We just moved away from Chicago…..so glad its still in good hands w/o us there ๐Ÿ˜‰ haha …..Oh! Gio’s how i miss you! MMMMMmmmmmm

ashleykalcic says · 10.02.12


I have an odd question, but were you at Target off of Diehl Rd in Warenville, Il yesterday? I saw someone who looked just like you in the jewelry department but thought there was no chance it actually was you! Then, I checked your blog today only to see that you are home visting Chicago this week…

emt817ftw says · 10.02.12

Your Pinterest boards look “mahvalous, darling”.

T. Roger Thomas says · 10.02.12

I can honestly say that I have never had pizza in Chicago. Is it weird to plan a vacation entirely around one meal?

Amy Oudenhoven says · 10.03.12

I’m from Wisconsin and Giordano’s is my family’s favorite pizza place. When I was younger we’d plan an entire day trip around dinner. Can’t beat it!

Nicole says · 10.03.12

Oh, how I love Chicago!
Did you check out the cupcake ATM at Sprinkles? My friend’s and I tried it out last time we visited.

Courtney from Journey of a Dreamer says · 10.04.12

Giordanos is the best. Hands down.

Kelsi says · 10.04.12

What?! I think you misspelled the best pizza in Chicago, you clearly meant Gino’s! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Melissa says · 10.05.12

I’m gonna have to agree with Kelsi; Gino’s East is the best pizza in the city! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Hope you had a fab trip and that the wedding was fun.
