Beauty 101
Target can do no wrong
It’s the back to school time of year where students are attending class and learning riveting facts about any given subject.
Or you are finished with school and you secretly chuckle about all the people left that still have to go to school. (can you tell I loved school?)
Well, we’re going back to class here on The Small Things Blog. It’s time to learn. We’re going to cover the basics with hair, skin and nails. We’re going to touch on additions to your fall wardrobe, the importance of scarves, and more. (I say “we” because you are involved. It’s just me over here, don’t be confused.)
Here are some topics that you can begin thinking about. There will be a test at the end of this course, and if you get an A+, which I’m sure you will, then I’ll say “good job”. I can’t really give you anything because. . .well. . .it isn’t really a class.
If you fail the course, that will be a crying shame.
Okay, on to the topics!
How to prep your nails for nail polish.
Why are there so many eyeshadow brushes?
Liquid vs. kohl vs. pencil eyeliner. Which is best? Where do I put it?
How do I contour my face? (with blush, bronzer and highlighter)
Do I have to wear leopard print this fall to be in style?
Brush vs. comb. What do I use, and when?
Should I get my haircut with scissors, a razor, etc?
How can I brighten my dull skin?
How many scarves can one girl possibly own? (this is more for me to address my own personal problem)
We’re also going to focus on top nail colors, makeup colors, and clothes that are in this fall.
Are you ready? It starts this week.
And it’s still 80 degrees here, but I’m declaring it Fall.
I LOVE THIS. Can’t wait! Autumn is my favorite season, so I’ll declare that it’s fall in Houston too (even though it definitely is not)!
I really need this!! Any chance you can talk about the basics of hair products? I watched your video yesterday, and i am ashamed to admit that I still use gel to scrunch my hair… and it NEVER EVER looks good, but I have no idea where to start.
Can’t wait!
Can’t wait! Bring on the quiz!
This sounds really cool. It’s still in the 100’s here, but I don’t care. Come September 1 I’m decorating for fall!
Can’t wait
Can’t wait
I saw this on your Facebook and got so excited! All good topics to cover and I look forward to all of them. Its getting cool here at night and after work it feels just like Fall in Illinois..Love it!
Can’t wait
love this!!!
yah! can’t wait ๐
So excited, sounds like tons of girly fun!!!! It’s very hot and humid down here in Florida, but I am wearing a scarf as we speak!!!! ๐
love this I have been wanting to do something different with my hari maybe this will give me some inspiration!
1. I too declare this to be fall.
2. There’s no such thing as too many scarves. Trick Subject. Like math that deals with only imaginary numbers.
3. Why the heck ARE there so many eye shadow brushes? I have at least 11 different shapes and sizes.
Woo! What a great idea!
Can’t wait! It’s still 95 here every day but it’s fall in my heart. Dying to wear jeans and a scarf.
Well, this girl right here owns 27 scarves (hangs head in shame) and bought another one over the weekend. (Leopard Print! JCrew Outlet! $15!)
In my defense, it’s an accessory that tops off any outfit and I learned how to tie them 30 ways so they always look cute. ๐
This is great! Can’t wait for your posts! I’m declaring it Fall, also! ๐
Love this idea! Can’t wait to see what you come up with ๐
I’m in the scarves category with you!! Looking forward to this! ๐ Liz McNeil
Excited about this back-to-school course with the Small Things! ๐
I’m so excited! I love your blog!!
I am excited to start class ๐ Just don’t tell anyone or they will think I want to go back to school…and we both know that is very far from the truth ๐
Can’t wait!
Can’t wait!!!!
Yes!! I need help with Fall fashion trends. You will be a great teacher!
I’d add – how to deal with hair-accessories and not to over-heat your hair. Hats, smaller hats, caps, cutesy knit-hats are the death of me.
also – good styles to wear with them, so that when I take them off they don’t need to much work…
is it too much to wish? ๐
Kate…I have over 50 scarves and I’m STILL collecting them. They are hands down my favorite wardrobe booster. Looking forward to these “classes”!
WooHoo Can’t wait! It is beginning to feel like Fall here, so couldn’t come at a better time!
You are my hero! I can’t wait for this! One of the things I really wanted to accomplish this year is how to properly apply makeup, so I am really looking forward to the classes.
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Sign me up! I would like to enroll in your classes please. And I have a decorative storage bin FULL of scarves in my closet…if you could tell me how to wear two at once, that would be wonderful!!
I am so excited! Where do I enroll? ๐
Woo Hoo! Can’t wait, maybe we could add how to apply false eyelashes for that glam look.
I could probably devote a whole blog series just to my scarves. I always seem to buy them when I travel – I literally have an international collection :p Looking forward to this series – love your blog Kate!
Present and ready for class!
Excited! I really look forward to reading your blog. Fall is my favorite so I will pretend it’s fall in Austin too
Brilliant idea for fall! I love your topics; I am definitely excited to see what you have to say about them. ๐
What a great way to start back to school, for those of us past school age but always excited to learn something new!
I can’t wait for this! This is going to be awesome ๐
Wahoo! This series sounds great! Fall is my very favorite season and this post is definitely getting me in the mood for it. I can’t wait for sweaters, scarves, and boots to make their reappearance.
Who am I kidding? I wear scarves in the summer, too! You and I probably have the same problem when it comes to scarves ๐
Hallelujah fall is here!!
Sounds exciting! I can’t wait. Fall is my absolute favorite! I just moved from NC to OH so I understand declaring it fall, even in the extreme heat. I’m super excited to be able to bundle up on chilly days.
Wooohoooo this will be so much fun, coooool!!!! *does happy dance*
I had to start back to school yesterday and I CANNOT say how excited I am for this!!
I can’t wait – this is going to be so much fun! ๐
Yahhh! I am becoming a beauty junkie as of late.
Oh I loved school and would so love to go back! This will be my school “fix”. Yay!!! For some reason, I have been in a beauty rut lately so hopefully you can help pull me out it it and get me looking polished again.
I’m ready!!!
I am excited for these posts to come!
so excited! ~Lindsay
Made my day reading your post can’t wait for class to start I’ll be sitting in the front row.
What a fantastic list?!?!? Great series, Kate.
Great idea! I have a topic for myself – “netural eyeshadows: Can you have to many? When to cut yourself off.”
What about some good every day hair routine basics? I have early mornings and want to look professional, but don’t always want something “special”. Good products and styles?
Same for makeup – what works every day?
LOVE this! And LOVE your blog!!! It’s my favorite!!
Ooo thanks for doing this! I can’t wait for the contouring lesson – I need some major help with that ๐
I’m excited!! Can’t wait:)
I’m excited!! Can’t wait:)
I can’t wait! I love hearing about the basic stuff – it’s a good reminder and learning experience. I’m glad to know that I’m not alone as I also have an alarmingly big scarf (and nail polish) collection…oh well!
I have a total scarf addiction as well! ๐ Can’t wait for these posts!
Can’t wait! Perfect timing!
I am really excited!
I love this idea! I’m so ready for real fall weather…it’s supposed to hit 90 degrees by the end of this week!
I’m excited!
Dear simpleandkeen…PLEASE SHARE YOUR 30 WAYS! I, too, am a scarf junkie! A few weeks back I actually bought one I already own because it was such a good deal. (I was slightly embarrassed and ultimately returned it for a new one LOL) I’ve been experimenting with different ways to wear, but would love if you would share with all of us. Maybe Kate could even do a tutorial on scarf tying.
And Kate…I saw a girl at work today with a really smart outfit on that I swore I’d seen somewhere before. It took me a minute but when it hit me, I realized it was the cute skirt (elastic waist) and coral shirt that you’ve shown a few times, most recently on the 30×30 challenge. Someone clearly follows your blog, or just got really COINCIDENTALLY lucky!
Keep the great tidbits coming!
Great idea! Thank you.
YaY Fall !!!
I buy a Scarf, and or Necklace for each outift but NEVER wear it cause it seems like I’m Preening …. My Closet looks Great,
Me Not so Much. :-{
Looking forward to these Posts.
Hugs ~ Connie xox
Oh my goodness, I am so excited!!! ๐ I think we should have a week where we send you our hair pictures and you can recommend a style (virtual makeover) for us! *wink wink*. Love your blog!
I wore a leopard print scarf today. Watch out, trendy teacher. I got this. ๐
It’s also freezing in my classroom. So it may feel like summer when I go outside, but I’m dressing in layers like it’s snowing. ๐
Can we address how to wear our many scarves? I keep buying them and I have no idea what to do with them…
Also I am super excited for makeup tutorials!! Hooray!
Very excited! I need all the help I can get! I love fall, and ready for a change in my wardrobe.
Your hair tips are phenomenal but I think you should stick to hair. Your fashion seems yawn inspiring and same with makeup. Can we have more hair posts??
I am so excited for this! I am heading back to school this fall and this will be very fun. Thanks! I am looking forward to the course. ๐ -Calee
If it’s 112 here in Arizona can I still join the class? Haha cannot wait!
Looking forward to this series! Great topics! And I’m with you on claiming fall already! It was in the low 80’s here in LA and I was dreaming of pumpkin and football!
Definitely looking forward to this, thank you! And it is far from fall here in Arizona but I wish it was, and not 112+ degrees yuck!
I am really looking forward to this. Thanks so much.
I definitely have to agree with an earlier observation. While the hair tips are great, the fashion and make-up are boring and extremely basic. Unless you just started wearing make-up or want to take no risk in fashion then I am sure it is fine. Classic is beautiful and you look great and put together. It just isn’t fun or exciting. Maybe start following some designers on Instagram before considering yourself an expert. Stick to hair.
Woo! So excited! Thanks for sharing with us! ๐
I can’t wait to see all that’s in store for us here at thesmallthingsblog! Kate, you do an awesome job on your posts! I love your fashion and makeup tips/advice. I will definitely be using your blog as a little “me time” during this busy school year!
Loved this post and looking forward to what’s in store! Seriously, can a girl own too many scarves? ๐ I’ve also declared it fall and have painted my toes to end the season with a bang! I used Essie’s Beach Bum Blu and declared these ‘mermaid toes’ in the process. Anywho, thanks for the great posts and for clarifying the makeup brushes later on. Def. helped me figure things out. Have a lovely weekend!
I am excited for your fall posts!! Can you please talk about nude lipsticks? I am getting married on the beach in Mexico this November and am looking for a subtle lip color that my groom won’t end up wearing too!! I’ve looked everywhere and need some help ๐ love your blog!!!
Yes! I am so stylistically (if that’s even a word) challenged. It’s just sad by this point. I want to look cute for my husband on a regular basis. It’s just a major overhaul for me to get past my $4 Wal-Mart racerbacks and rolled up jeans. Ack. Pathetic. I can’t wait! You are always dressed so cute!
I think you have a very cute, classic way of dressing. Yeah, maybe it’s not on the NYC runway but it’s Everyday ! I personally wish woman in America would take pride in the way they dress and wear scarfs, a cute, crispy cotton top and even jeans around town (instead of baggy pajama pants and a tank top ) . The way you dress would be cute on a 17 or 70 year old ! Yes, I think your hair tips are Super great ! I am wearing the Flat iron waves you showed us right now. But please continue to show us fashion too ๐
Excited for your Fall posts !
I was wondering if you could give tips or tutorial about the best hairstyling tools you like and why. Do I need to spend 100 plus dollars on a Chi blowdryer or does a Hot Tools one do the same for about a 1/5 the cost. I am looking for some new tools and need some advice… Btw looking at this blog makes me fall in love with makeup all over again. I feel as if I’m 13 again and totally excited about using makeup for the first time. ๐
Small things can make a whole lot of difference and reading this was an absolute delight in every possible way.
Yes, let’s talk about all of these things! Especially the part about “HOW MANY SCARVES ARE TOO MANY”. LOL
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A motivating discussio is definitely worth comment.
I think that you ought to write more on this topic, it maay not be a taboo subject but usually
folks don’t discuss suchh subjects. To the next! Best wishes!!