Target can do no wrong

August FQ&A video
Have you checked out Target’s Fall clothes/accessories yet? 

Here are some of my favorites:


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If Youve Seen My Mind...Id Love It Back says · 08.21.12

That necklace is divine! I love the geode look to it. I don’t see my Target addiction waning anytime soon…

Leah says · 08.21.12

I want that striped dress!

Jessica says · 08.21.12

I can’t tell you how in love I am with those orange wedges!!! I saw them on their website yesterday. I haven’t seen them in my local Target yet. They are ADORABLE!!!

Erin says · 08.21.12

LOVE the orange wedges and all the other colors!

Kaily Simpson says · 08.21.12

I ADORE Target! I just scored 2 adorable knee-length dresses from their clearance rack for $8 a piece.

Amanda @ Eloquent English says · 08.21.12

I love that Target bag! They really have gotten better and better over the years with their pieces! xoxo

Mrs. Baker says · 08.21.12

seriously i LOVE target ๐Ÿ™‚

MICHELLE CURRY says · 08.21.12

I love the wedges, belt, and bag!! Target never ceases to amaze me. Have a great day!!!

Summer says · 08.21.12

I’m wearing a top today that would look fabulous with those wedges, and I can think of at least one more in my closet now that would work too. AND, I cleaned out my shoe “collection” last weekend (NINE large paper bags of shoes walked out the door to my mom’s church, and I still have way too many), so there’s room for new ones. I’m THERE!

Erin says · 08.21.12

Trying to maintain a more strict budget…but Target is not helping! I love the striped dress and wedges!

k8te says · 08.21.12

oooh, i’m obsessed with target. that bag looks awesome, i may need to make a trip back to see if my target has it. i can’t get enough of their $8 v-necks.

Meg says · 08.21.12

I want those shoes!! Target is my candy store. I could seriously go and walk around forever and be happy. So many cool things, and their clothes and shoes have really gotten so good!

sandpaperandglue says · 08.21.12

I just bought 2 dresses there last week- they’re super cute right now.
Sadly, I tried to find that Sonia Kashuk lipstick you wrote up a while back but they didn’t carry it ๐Ÿ™ boo!

Chelsey says · 08.21.12

I bought the wedges in teal, and they are fabulous! I also bought the striped dress, but the neckline is really strange. It was returned. Love Target!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Rebecca says · 08.21.12

Ahhh! I don’t need to know about any of this! My checkbook can’t take it!

That striped dress is calling my name, though…

Lindsay Patrick says · 08.21.12

I am obsessed over those sure wedges! I think I need the pink…ok and the orangish/red. LOVE them!


Ryan says · 08.21.12

LOVE Target! I have the wedges in teal, can’t wait to wear them… I may need the orange too :/. And that bag! *swoon*

Jillian says · 08.21.12

Totally have that striped dress! But in orange. Very cute, but the shoulders look a little odd.


StephanieKelly says · 08.21.12

It’s so bad, I made the mistake of going in the other day to get a card and that card made some friends on the way out. He was lonely and needed a pretty new dress and perfect fall cardigan to keep him company! I love all of your target picks! Such a problem to have that store around and yet if it went away I’d cry.

{Jessica} says · 08.21.12

I don’t know who handles the marketing at Target, but whoever it is is a genius. Every season brings new items that I just have to have. Currently, it is a pair of tan suede booties that I am just dying over. Must. Get. Them. Now. And, now I really want those wedges as well;)

angel says · 08.21.12

At least two of those items are now in my cart. Must not click buy!

Jes says · 08.21.12

I swear Target gets better and better every season!

Kris says · 08.21.12

That’s it, I need those shoes! Target is the best!

Betsy Davis says · 08.21.12

What program did you use to compile all of the items and text banner?

Kate says · 08.21.12

picmonkey! (google it)

Mrs. Pollard says · 08.21.12

Target is AMAZING! I just got that striped dress, but I got the orange/tan version. Can’t wait to wear it with some tights and my cowboy boots! ๐Ÿ™‚

sarah a says · 08.21.12

I KNOW! I fell in looove with that striped dress. I can’t wait for boots and scarves this fall.

Alissa says · 08.21.12

I feel like ever since I ranted about how they weren’t having anything cute where I live it was like BAM! Cute things!

kristinwithani says · 08.21.12

Totally agree! I wasn’t a huge fan of their summer stuff/shoes this year so this is exciting.

I was almost drooling over the plaid version of that gray flannel bag the other day. I’m a plaid girl, though.

And that striped dress?!?!? I instagrammed it and an hour later a friend’s 17 year old daughter texted me that she went straight to Target and bought it. Good, good stuff!

EmilyRobyn says · 08.21.12

Its about 80 degrees here in Sunny PA also, but like you said, Break out the fall accessories! I cannot wait to dress up in my scarves, boots and warm cardigans. My fall shopping began awhile a month or so ago at the outlets as things were going on sale. I also started Christmas shopping! So ready for the cooler weather! : )

Anonymous says · 08.21.12

I have checked on that sriped dress and I can not find it in any size but Xl and XXL! Ugh!

Anonymous says · 08.21.12

Nevermind found the dress and grabbed the orange wedges too!

Allyson Butler says · 08.21.12

Those dresses are too cute!

The Ever Changing Classroom says · 08.21.12

I can’t get enough of target! There “teaching” clothes are comfy and stylish!

Laine says · 08.22.12

Would love to see you pull together some working girl outfits from Target. I’m constantly looking for new work clothes and don’t want to pay a lot because they end up getting washed weekly, worn often, and go out of style quickly!!

Nicole says · 08.22.12

I already bought that the strip dress, but in orange and tan stripes! and thank you for the link to those shoes. I have them in black and beige and would love a few more pairs. Right now in my Target they have them in a dark teal, so pretty. I was there tonight and they have a bunch of new earrings of all sorts!

Erica says · 08.22.12

I saw that striped dress at Target and loved it. I didn’t have time to try it on, I hope it is as cute on as it is on the hanger.

Judy says · 08.23.12

My pocketbook thanks you! Or maybe not…..I bought the orange and tan stripe dress today, too cute! and another shirt dress I saw online browsing, plus 3 sale tank tops! Target was awesome today!

I had no idea that there was so much online that wasn’t in the store. I won’t skip looking again!

Shabby, Chic, & Cheap says · 08.23.12

That bag is calling my name!

Maria @ All Things Luxurious says · 08.23.12

Oh my goodness — LOVE that striped dress! So fun! Target is awesome. End of story.

Andrea @ Decorating Cents says · 08.28.12

Love all your picks. Target is my favorite!

Tayyub Khakan says · 01.09.13

Gorgeous job. I love the orange wedges. I love your all pictures.

city says · 01.15.13

thanks for share…徵信社
