What’s in Jessica’s Purse?
What’s in Allyson’s Purse?
hello! it’s jessica here from allora handmade. i am the author of the blog allorahandmade.com where i share about my life as a crazy handmade business owner and mom of 2 wild boys. i spend my days balancing scraped knees and dumptrucks with rosies and pretty fabric for my shop. and life is good!
i’m excited to be here and feel a little nervous that here we just met and i’m about to expose my innermost secrets… the contents of my purse!
i used to be the type that didn’t believe in carrying a purse. if it didn’t fit in my back pocket, i didn’t carry it. since becoming a mom, i have learned the error of my ways and am never without a giant bag – for the “just in case.”

you caught me on a lucky day – i had mostly emptied my purse of mom paraphernalia when i went to SNAP! the conference last week, so i don’t even have any little boy undies in there. bummer.
once again, everything in my purse (even the little boy undies), i carry around “just in case.” i’ll show you what i mean:
1. just in case it’s sunny, i always carry my sunglasses (in their adorable sunnies case), an extra necklace (just in case of a fashion emergency???) and extra business cards in case someone asks about my accessories.
** enter code SMALLTHINGS for 15% off in my shop!
** enter code SMALLTHINGS for 15% off in my shop!
2. in case my boys get restless running errands, TWO hot wheels cars (because having just 1 is worse than having none at all!) and the name tag? well – that’s just leftover from a conference. i can’t even pretend that might be useful anywhere else 😉
3. my wallet is also a wristlet that even has a removable shoulder strap – which is very convenient in case i decide to ditch the big bag and just want the very essentials. i love that i can carry it like a little purse, but it fits my phone, lipgloss and all forms of $$ (plastic and paper) easily. and i am totally ok with the fact that it doesn’t match my purse exactly, but “goes.” i never have been a big fan of matching anyhow.
4. this may as well be called my just in case pouch – full of things i may never need, but want to have on hand: my fave lipgloss (pink mint from C.O. Bigelow– bath and body works), my fave gum (orbitz sweet mint) and a credit card swiper from intuit. you know, just in case someone wants to pay me 😉
5. water and a little snack – just in case i get hungry/thirsty. i learned when i was pregnant the first time to always keep food with me for fear of getting sick, and i’ve never gotten out of the habit!
6. a pen and some colored pencils for the boys in case we need a little boredom buster or i need to make a list on the go. and of course the iphone, my favorite friend. but the best part is my phone case – it may be my favorite thing in my purse! just in case my precious phone gets dropped in the toilet, ocean or bath, or just in case it gets run over by a bike or dropped from the top of the stairs (not that any of that has EVER happened…) my lifeproof case has saved my phone from dying many deaths and is worth every penny.
purse: target (mossimo supply) this winter, wristlet: urban outfitters, water bottle: contigo, phone case: lifeproof, sunglasses: target, sunnies case: the pleated poppy, rosette necklace: allora handmade, zipped pouch: gussy sews, card reader: intuit, lipgloss: c.o. bigelow for bath and body works, key fob: knitty bitties.
with all this on hand, i’m pretty much ready for anything. don’t ya think?
so i’m curious- what do you carry “just in case?”
Love this series! As a mom of 2 myself, my “just in case” item is baby wipes. I think I probably use them more for my pre-teen than my toddler!
I love everyone showing off what is in their bag 🙂
I love my Lifeproof case for my iPhone!
Oh how I look forward to just throwing a few toys and snacks for the kiddos into my own purse. Now I have to lug around a larger diaper bag, so pretty much my whole house. Someday… lol.
I’m looking forward to some more posts on what you outfit of the day Kate.
I miss those….
The bag series you have run this week was interesting at first, but on this TGIF – I’d like to see a little more of you on this blog. : )
I’m a fan – not a hater, so please don’t take my comments the wrong way.
I keep one makeup bag with candy, small snacks, wipes, a small notepad and a few twist able crayons for the boys “just in case” we get somewhere that they get gooey or restless. It’s been amazing at church with kiddo friends, too!
LOVE THIS SERIES!!! It’s a nice change of pase. And I especially like the “just in case” items! So fun and as a mom myself I’m glad I’m not the only one lugging stuff around!
Kate ~ this series is so much fun! Thank you for doing it…
Just in case…I keep ibprofan (comes in handy for all sorts of people) and hair bands 🙂
so, i just have to say, how is it possible that NONE of the ladies so far has had a tampon in their purse?! or possibly are not admitting to it? i ALWAYS have one. even when i was pregnant i carried one, cause you never know when your friend might need one. and it was already in there and i’m too lazy to take it out 😉
I was thinking the same thing!
I have to be honest , I miss Kate too……
I love the “little boy undies”! I carry those, too! 🙂 Along with little girl undies and “emergency candy.” LOL
Cute! Love these kinds of posts!
You know, I’m starting to feel weird…my purse contents are nowhere near as cute…and normal.
This series is fun. I agree and think that everyone so far has had some pretty cute things in their purses. My just in case items…lip gloss, Chapstick, pens, notepad, mints, tampons, panty liners, a case with gift cards, rewards cards, and coupons, pain meds, tums, bobby pins, ponytail holders, and the usual…wallet, phone, etc.