The Braided Pony
Coral Dress
This is a great way to get your hair off your neck on hot summer days.
What I like most about this braid is the subtleness to it. If you want more of an obvious braid, just leave out less hair around your face before you begin AND take smaller sections as you braid.
Refer to this post to see what’s in my hair.
Refer to this post to see how my hair is curled.
White top: TJ Maxx; Jeans: J.Crew Classic Flare , Shoes: Alfani , Jewelry: Elisabeth Ashlie (sold out)
Love, love, love your blog. I have a few questions. I saw where you said before the KMS quick blow dry stuff you hadn’t decided if it was a must. Would you consider it a must now? Also is there a more inexpensive straightener you recommend? Do you ever wear your hair straight in a ponytail? I love mine curled in a ponytail but a lot of the times the only reason I’m doing a ponytail is because I don’t have time to do anything else to it.
Super cute, Kate! Are you growing your bangs out or styling them differntly? They look longer…
They are longer, can’t decide if I’m growing them or not so I’m just not trimming them 🙂
really cute! my hair would never do that though…:(
the cross necklace is amazing… love love love it!
Love this!!! For Color Guard my first year we had all kinda of braids and the French braided pony was like my style!! So cute and easy!! Thanks so much for you blog!!
*kinds of
Haha sorry 🙂
Love the cross necklace, but would love on a longer chain~
Love this!!! For Color Guard my first year we had all kinda of braids and the French braided pony was like my style!! So cute and easy!! Thanks so much for you blog!!
I am trying to let my bangs grow out and they are nearly chin length now. For this style would you suggest pinning them back with the hair you leave out initially?
Very cute and simple style – thanks for sharing. Can’t wait to try it out!
Hi Kate,
I Love your blog! I am 23 and starting cosmetology school next Tuesday! (yay!) But I have very fine blond hair which “clumps” and knots together after about an hour of not being brushed. I use Aveda shampoo/ conditioner but am looking for a product to give me volume and or maybe something that prevents my hair from ‘clumping’ together… Any advice!?
Very cute! How are you styling your bangs differently? They are cute!
adorable. Love it!! I am a hairstylist too but I am best at cutting and coloring and have a more difficult time when it comes to new fun and creative ways to style hair on a the daily basis. I love your blog for this reason 🙂
Loved your tutorial!! Beautiful braided style.
What colour is your nailpolish? It looks like a nice colour!!
Yes, do tell! I love it, too! 🙂
Cute, cute, cute! I will have to try this.
I think you are adorable, and I love your tutorials. But, as a mom of little kids, they don’t give me the time to blow dry, curl, and style most days. Do you have any hair tutorials for those of us on a time crunch?
Yes I agree! I love your blog and style and have been inspired by many posts….. But…. I would love to see some hair tutorials on other hair types. Other lengths and consistency etc would be awesome. I understand it is your blog and your hair but some variety would be awesome and helpful 🙂
Too cute!
What color nail polish are you wearing in this tutorial? I have to know!!!
When using aquage do you have to blow dry your hair? I have naturally curly hair that I can’t blow dry but I’m still interested in using aquage! Thanks
Hi Kate! I love your blog! I noticed your hair is getting longer. I have about the same length of hair and was going to go get layers put in like yours. I was wondering if you would mind taking updated hair pics for those of us who long to copy your hair! Don’t worry, I live in Nebraska so we won’t accidentally run into each other with the same hair cut and have an akward moment! ha ha Thanks!
Kate- after years of wearing my hair the same way EVERY day, mostly for lack of inspiration, you have created the “want” to play with my hair again. Thank you! Just got done watching the braided pony video…I think I can actually do it…great for camping in the crazy Michigan weather later this summer. Thanks for all you share with us!
Love the longer bangs on you!
I love this, so cute!
I tries this yesterday and loved it! It adds a little something to a normal ponytail. My hair was straight but it worked just as well. Thanks for the idea!
KATE! Hi again. I just love your blog. As thirtysomething said above, you have made me WANT to play with my hair again! I get compliments on it all the time. I style my hair before doing my makeup, and I look AWFUL without makeup. But this morning I actually did my hair and then almost forgot to put makeup on because I looked pretty good with just my hair styled! You are an inspiration and I’m just so happy that you decided to start this blog!
Love this hairstyle and can’t wait to try it. You are such an inspiration. What color is your nail polish. It’s very pretty.
Girlfriend, I love, love, LOVE the longer bangs on you! 🙂
Hi Kate, I can’t believe I just found your blog a few weeks ago, your tutorials are so inspiring 🙂 I have not had a haircut in about 6 years and I am finally taking the plunge tomorrow 3/30 at 10am.
Also, when I took the photos to the salon, the stylist said “What is up with this girl, she is showing up everywhere? You wouldn’t believe how many client’s have brought in these photos???” So I guess you have gone “viral” so to speak :0
Thanks for your inspiration,
you are my hair heroine!!!!!!
: )
I am sooo bad at doing my own hair, especially braids but I can’t wait to try this braid. It will be perfect to keep my hair away from my 7 month old son who keeps pulling my hair out! lol
Ok, so I just tried it, and as I said in my comment above, I am horrible at braiding (mostly french braiding). Any tips on how to manage all of my hair once I start to add in pieces?? I have A LOT of THICK hair and I feel like I need like 6 more arms to hold and maneuver my hair in to a braid. I eventually sectioned the bottom layer of my hair into 3 parts and tied them with ponytail holders, to keep them out of the way and ready for when I need them, but I still flounder once trying to add the sections in. I know I need to just keep practicing, but any advice would be appreciated! 🙂
Hey Kate,
I just Discovered your blog today and I absolutely LOVE it! Your hair is so gorgous and I am definitely going to try all your styles that you have in the tutorials! Keep up the good work! =)
Hey Kate,
I just Discovered your blog today and I absolutely LOVE it! Your hair is so gorgous and I am definitely going to try all your styles that you have in the tutorials! Keep up the good work! =)
I LOVE this hairstyle!! I must have a really crappy curling iron b/c I cannot get mine to do anything in my hair haha. Do you have a tutorial on curling fine hair?
I love your blog! I tried this hairstyle for work today and it was awesome! I received no less than 6 compliments from coworkers! Thank you!!
Well I would like to do a lot of these hair styles, I just not sure I can pull them off because I have big ears. What do you think some with big ears can do? Can you show a few styles for someone wh has big ears and they stick out.
Thank you,
Sorry there are quite a few typos lol should have proofread the comment I made first.
I love this hairstyle!! And I love your kitty in the background, adorable! I am for sure going to try this. – Shelly
I just discovered your blog! I LOVE it! I have been looking for different up-do’s to do in my hair and cannot wait to try this!
I just came across your stuff via Pinterest and have just pinned about 10 dos! Thank you. I’m almost 40 and its never occurred to me to do more than 2 hair styles and now with kids I need some diversity and ease. Can’t wait to try these! 😀
I just came across your stuff via Pinterest and have just pinned about 10 dos! Thank you. I’m almost 40 and its never occurred to me to do more than 2 hair styles and now with kids I need some diversity and ease. Can’t wait to try these! 😀