Top 5 Blogs
Grey Eyeshadow Tutorial
I peruse a lot, and I mean a LOT, of blogs. I love being inspired by other bloggers and have even developed some friendships with bloggers local and far away. But lately, my top 5 blogs that I NEED to check daily are:
Comics about life with a cat, or cats. Only cat people understand them!
Kind of hard to contain in 1 sentence but cooking, laughs, life, and cooking.
(she’s my sis, but I never know what she’s posting so it’s exciting!)
Anything from outfit/fashion tips to recipes! She’s FAB.
Major organization ideas.
5. Pinterest
(okay, I know this isn’t a blog, but I definitely have to get my pinterest fix daily.)
Just go to it, it’s too strange to explain!
Enjoy wasting your weekend away online! ๐
thanks for the shout-out lenny!
I am a Pinterest junkie too and love I heart organizing, I will be checking out the others you listed, love finding new blogs to follow. ๐
Oh my gosh, the cat one cracked me up! I love head butts! Ohh cat love is the best!!
Thanks for the suggestions! I’m always looking for new blogs!
Stacy @
I have to say that I am new to your blog and you have probably entered my top 5 of blogs I must check daily. Yes, you rank up there with Pioneer Woman and Pinterest for me also.
I could probably spend hours on Pinterest and not even realize that much time has past. It’s a little like watching Say Yes to the Dress–hours pass in the blink of an eye!
You’re in my top 5 blogs to check =) and I wanted to stop by and tell you that I made two of your recipe’s this week- the potato soup and mac and cheese! They were awesome. Keep them coming! I love the simplicity of them and of course yummyness =)Have a great weekend!
Thanks for sharing! I just recently got into the blogging world in the past year and I always love finding new blogs to follow!! I heart organizing is now going on my list ๐
I’ve never heard of Cat vs. Humans, but as a cat owner and lover, I’m def going to be adding that one to my reading list. Thanks for the rec!
My earrings from Elisabeth Ashlie came yesterday! They’re beautiful ๐
Those are some my favorites, also! Cat vs Human is new to me, and I have a cat, so thank you for introducing this site to me. I know I’m going to love it.
Yep, great top blog list – I follow 4 out of 5 ๐ (the last 4)
I’m now following all of these blogs thanks to this post! Thanks so much ๐
I did tell you
Ha! I love that Cat site! I can relate to it wayyyy too well. Especially the one that you posted, pretty much how it goes when my husband tries to get the cat to love him ๐
OMG thank you so much for introducing me to the Cats Vs Humans blog. I went through every single blog and loved it! I love cats so much ๐ mew!
I love I heart Organizing and of course Pinterest. Thanks for some new reading material.
I’m always looking for new blogs to follow, thanks for the suggestions! Pinterest is addicting, I find myself losing hours of my day on that site.
I love YOUR blog! You seem like such a genuine and nice person. I am making your potato soup right now and it looks like it is going to be delicious!
You should try It lets you have all your blogs in one place and shows you their updats. Just found it and love it. Oh, and I love your blog too! ๐
Kate- I found your blog this weekend and just love it! I am a huge hair/makeup junkie and your tutorials are awesome! I will be purchasing the Aquage Uplifting Foam! Looking forward to reading your future. ๐ Have a great day!
Liz McNeil
Christiansburg, VA
oooh I love pinterest and the pioneer woman! I will have to check out the other ones you suggested! Thanks for the info!
I <3 giveaways!
Ok I was never really into blogs until I stumbled upon yours …. And now my day is incomplete if I don’t check it out!! I love your tutorials and I really wanna get started with birchbox ๐ I also started checking out pintrest lately and I requested an invite but I am still waiting ๐ do u know how long it takes to get invited? The wait is killing me haha
Just found your blog today! I love looking for new blogs too! I’ve started my own blog this year, and I’m really enjoying it – even though I have SO MUCH to learn! Thanks for the recommended sites – I’ll check them out! (I have liked I Heart Organizing for a while now…)
So true. Honesty and everything reinogczed.
Superb inairmftoon here, ol’e chap; keep burning the midnight oil.
Other than your blog I follow Pintrest and a few small makeup review sites along with news for our city. I haven’t followed a blog before but am loving yours! Once I explore yours more I want to check out your sister’s ๐ -Amy-
Would anyone be interested in a blog follow exchange? just let me know.
Kate, Would you consider doing an update to this post?
I’d love to see your top 5 beauty blogs, top 5 fashion blogs, and top 5 hair blogs you follow!
I actually found this more enntetairing than James Joyce.
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