A New Year of Intentions and Goals for The Small Things
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

Listen, I like all of the personality tests and enneagram and all that, but sometimes I do think it’s easy to get too deeply caught up in what those tests say about you without looking at how you are actually feeling about something.
For example, I’m an enneagram 3 (with a 2 wing) and I’ve read that that personality type is often high achieving, hugely success driven, and someone who values recognition and accolades. While there are elements of my personality that resonate with what you typically read or hear about “3’s”, I don’t often see anything related to a feeling of contentment.
This personality type can sound unsettled, always looking for more, bigger, better, etc. Sometimes I ask myself:
Should I add many more employees to my team?
Should I spend more time researching strategy to rapidly grow my various social media accounts?
Should I have completed the development of my product line back in 2015?
Should I have attended every event I was invited to for networking possibilities?
Would an actual Enneagram 3 look at my work and think I’m wasting time and opportunity?
But the truth is, I love my small team. I love that my employees have flexible schedules and get to work on their own time (most of the time!). I love that I have a schedule that allows me to be present in the kitchen at 3:05pm when Justin gets home from school pick up with the kids.
I love that the community online on Instagram and Facebook and in the blog comments is made up of long time followers who enjoy being a part of this digital connection. I feel proud of the number of followers because I didn’t use any tactics to entice them to follow. I just continue to try to educate, encourage, and share recommendations. I’m the hairstylist that will break things down and be honest with you, hopefully leading you to feel great about your beauty routine.
I love that I’ve shifted back to self-filming and editing the content myself. I loved, LOVED the videographers I’ve worked with in the past, but I saw that my self-shot content is what my community engaged with the most. And I am not surprised by that fact, since most of them have been around since the early days of filming in my bathroom with the most basic equipment.
I love that I’m still doing my favorite thing: sharing things online. When I’ve considered and even began working on developing another business to go hand in hand with what I’ve created with The Small Things, I always get hung up on the fact that it would take me away from doing what I really love. I don’t know if this will always be the case for me, but for now — I’m deeply content with my decision to focus on creating great content, maintaining your trust, and providing a light-hearted place for connection online.
I’ve wondered, for years, if I stunted my business potential by not hustling and driving at a pace that brought along with it a risk of losing myself. I don’t want to drive and achieve to the point of exhaustion and burn out. I hear too often of creative people getting completely lost in their business because their growth pushed them so far away from doing what they set out to do. This is not always the case, of course, but I’ve heard it a lot — especially in this industry.
Can an Enneagram 3 be motivated and high-achieving with an awareness of boundaries? Can he or she know themselves well enough to know that success and recognition and accolades feel nice in the moment, but do not provide a long-lasting feeling of validation? Can he or she admit that leaving “money on the table” is okay, and in some cases the best move, when you’re focused on staying true to yourself?
I’ve described 2023 in business as a year of maintenance and that initially felt like a synonym for failure. But after looking around at my work, my life, my team members, and stepping back from the race for growth, more money, more work, more accolades, I got to see that a content spirit of peace and joy and self-validation is the real token of success.
So for 2024, I hope to continue doing exactly what I have been doing for years. I do have goals, like any good Enneagram 3 would, but they are not so lofty that I have to sacrifice the most valuable parts of life outside or work to achieve them. Maintaining boundaries and allowing breathing room for creativity to prosper, trying new things, returning to old things, and making sure that this community feels at ease and happy to be here are just a few of the goals for this year.
Thank you for being here, for following along online, for commenting, for emailing, for stopping me when I’m out to say hi. YOU being here is what makes this whole thing special, and I hope you continue to stick around for this new year.
I love what you do! Don’t stop or change too much!
I so love this balanced approach! Kudos for you deciding your actual life is more important than what happens online.
Thank you!!
Love your blog and what you share with us. Keep the good content coming 😊
Love this so much. So grateful for you, being you. It is why I keep coming back, day after day. Been following for 10+ years and still look forward to seeing what you share each day, because you are real and honest and so relatable. Thank you for that.
Thank you for sharing! I can relate in many ways, though I have a very different job. Contentment is difficult for me, but as a mom with kids at home, I want to focus on time with them, and not as much on getting ahead at work. I so enjoy your content, your honesty and your relatability. I wish you a beautiful 2024!
Kate- I do notice the difference between you and others; however, I end up unfollowing a lot of other accounts. I have been here since the early days prior to IG and it’s your genuine spirit and relatable content that keeps me here. Thank you for sharing this.
Yes, me too! Kate is set apart. And in a good way, selfishly for me haha.
What a thoughtful, vulnerable post, Kate! One of the things I have always enjoyed about your space is the gratefulness and contentment that seems to radiate from your corner of the internet. I always leave feeling inspired, refreshed, but never inadequate or like I’m on the failing end of the comparison game. I enjoy your content and authenticity so very much and will continue to celebrate all of your successes alongside you! Happy 2024!
I am so encouraged to hear that Branna, thank you
I have been following since the days of you filming in your bathroom and continue to find the content you put out useful, encouraging, and engaging! I so appreciate that you don’t use the common tactics to get followers like many on instagram are doing. Well done!
Sounds like you are a supremely healthy Enneagram 3!!! I love your space on Instagram and the internet- for your content, yes, but also for the work/life balance you model. Glad to know we can expect that to continue in 2024!! Thanks for all you create and share with us!
Thank you so much!
I’ve followed along since before David was born, a few homes ago. You’re still my favorite IG and blog to follow. You are real!!!!!! We see that you’re not here for “more” and deeply value that in you. Every friend of mine follows too. Your blog is the first source I go to for any hair questions (growing teens) or tutorials.
We can relate to you being a mom, having a job and having a passion you love. It’s rare to see that online anymore. You’re simply the best. I truly mean it!
You’re my favorite influencer by far to follow.. you’re honest, straightforward and have great style! Thanks for continuing to offer great content to your followers!!
Kate, what a lovely post. I’m a long time follower and have loved your content from day one. You’re such a calm and steady presence and a joy to follow. Keep doing exactly what you’re doing!
One of my favorite influencers! Never knew there was mention of your own product line. How fun!
Thanks Lori!
Brilliant! Thank you for sharing! I so appreciate you valuing balance and contentment!
This is beautifully said. And all the more reason those of us who have followed you for 10+ years continue to do so. Thank you Kate!
Hi Kate! I always love the vulnerability, the humor, and the occasional Wisconsin accent! I have enjoyed following along since the Pinterest days and you are who I look forward to seeing on stories most. I ran into you and your family at Disney and you were just as personable in person! Keep doing what you’re doing!
I love what you do here Kate! I love that you are yourself no matter what others think or say. Keep doing what you’re doing
I love this and have followed for a very very long time since before you had kids! The people I love to follow today like you have grown yes, but in the more balanced way you describe. I don’t follow many people I used to who grew just for the sake of growing, they changed and their content changed and I wasn’t interested anymore. I think what you do is so much more real and relatable. Keep doing what your doing I love your content!
Thank you for sharing, Kate! I agree with so much of the sentiment here. I greatly limit who I follow and choose to be “influenced” by. have been following you for a long time. I too have followed and unfollowed influencers because they didn’t come across as genuine or they were overselling everything. Thank you for being you.
Longtime follower but stay because of your genuine approach to this online space and relatability!
You are one of the most authentic accounts I follow. That’s what keeps me here. I also appreciate that you don’t sell things at an obnoxious internal. Thanks for being you!
Love this! I follow a lot of the other influencers you referred to here but you (and your sister) are a limited few that I never tap through the stories, am always interested in the content coming from you! Love your humor and that you are so real! 💜
I can’t tell you how timely this post was for me. I was JUST having these same thoughts as a YouTube content creator and always feeling like I should be doing more, more, and then some more. This year I’ve decided my word/theme is “simplify” and I mean that in every area of my life. I felt like 2023 was chaos and I can’t do another year like that. Thanks again for being you, someone I genuinely look up to and love following!
Love what you do!!!! Thanks for sharing!
One of my favorites to follow. You are honest, fun and REAL, we could be twins on the books we read. I love all you suggest and have same opinion on them.
May 2024 be a Blessed year for you and yours ❤️
Thank you so much!
Happiness potential is more important than business potential!
Kate, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I love your approach. I always find your space to be calming, fun & informative! I think it’s great that you feel comfortable just doing what you do best.
While I would buy every product in any line that you had anything to do with, I also understand why you have not gone that direction. Please never change. I love the tutorials, the honesty, the product recs (good and bad), and your Grits content, along with everything else. 🙂 I’ve been following you since before kids. Your blog is bookmarked in my browser and your stories are always first to pop up when I open Instagram. If I have a question about a product or hair tool, your blog is the first place I search for answers. I only wish I could win one of your amazing giveaways! Haha! Keep doing you! Much love!
I so appreicate that Lindsay!
Hi Kate!
I love all you share. You’re probably my favorite follow. I respect you so much for the boundaries you set and that you do “leave money on the table” to stay authentic. It’s refreshing. So keep being amazing! Thanks for all you share!
Happy New Year and wishes for a successful 2024!
I’ve been here since the early days and have loved watching you grow, learn and achieve success. Yet, you seem like you have remained who you are and I am thankful for that! Praying that you settle in to what God has for you here even more in 2024.
That is so encouraging to hear Becky, thank you!
Wow so refreshing to hear. I’ve unfollowed so many people who just seemed to be all over the place or just felt disingenuous because most of their content was just to sell you something. I mean I get it, it’s your job but there needs to be a personal connection to it for me. I’m alone most days and I like to think of the people I follow as “friends” (I do have real friends too :)) I love what you do and what you are doing-thanks for being my virtual friend!
I could not agree more. Too much is just…too much. Personally, I have stepped back, left money on the table and slowed life down. I could not be happier and my family is happier for it. I (and I feel like I can speak for your community) appreciate true creativity, honesty and your genuine persona. Please keep doing what you are doing. It is needed and appreciated!
This blog post reminded me of one of the many reasons I have continued to follow along all these years…..early bathroom videos of hairstyles, before you had the adorable kiddos, you have always remained incredibly relatable and just fun to follow along. Back then I looked so forward to reading your blog posts, it was always like reading a letter from a friend. Nowadays it’s more about seeing your stories on IG, which is also just as fun. You have influenced us all on lots of products and ideas but most of all you have felt like a friend. Keep doing what you are doing and your long time followers are still going to be here enjoying all of your content. Happy New Year and here is to a great 2024 !
You’re doing great. I’ve learned a lot from you over the years. A lot of Influencers become fake after a while, or ruin the other parts of their lives to chase money and fame. Also, I agree with you to not put much stock in the Enneagram. It’s not even a valid assessment. See, for example: https://ses.edu/what-about-the-enneagram/ and https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/people-are-strange/201909/when-personality-test-results-are-wrong-feel-so-right.
I love this perspective!! Way to go for recognizing that life isn’t all about achieving more and contentment is of great worth.
Kate, I look for you most often and first, when I open up Instagram. I love your content!
I’ve been following you since the beginning and I always wondered when you would launch a product! But I so respect you for finding peace with your business, co-workers, and family. What a tremendous blessing! This post really gives more insight to you a person and I’m so happy that you have found the sweet spot of family and business for now. Cheers to a wonderful 2024!
I have followed you from Pinterest hair days over 10 years ago and look forward to watching daily Instagram posts! I enjoy and relate to your real life honest reviews and hair/makeup lessons! I have learned a lot and referred friends to your Insta on how to curl their hair! You have embraced fashion and beauty changes with grace which helps viewers like me feel more comfortable in our own skin trying new things as the industry changes over the years!
Thank you for sharing your heart! I’ve been following your Instagram page for several years and appreciate the content, glimpse into your life and family, and genuineness you portray in your posts. Happy New Year!
It is so refreshing to have someone who is good at what they do online (connecting with their followers) and who hasn’t skyrocketed to a financial standing that is so far above their followers that their content is no longer relatable. There are folks I’ve followed because they lived a life not too dissimilar to my own. But with their growth and success I can no longer see myself reflected in their work. Thank you so much for keeping it real.
LOVE hearing this from you, Kate! What a thoughtful, eloquent and, if you ask this longtime Small Things fan girl, wise self-analysis and series of choices. Hope 2024 is very good to and for you, Justin and your family. I’ll be watching, reading and cheering for you. 🙂
I love the way you do things. Seems as though your prioritize well. You and your family appear to be thriving.
Love this message! So enjoy your account/blog, Even as someone that could possibly be your mom if not older. You make it easy to follow along and learn from you!! Keep up the great work!!!
I’m so glad to hear that! Thank you so much!
Hi Kate!
I found you back in your Pinterest days and have followed you ever since. I watch your stories faithfully, and I appreciate the mix you’ve landed on with sharing product, family, and just chatting. In an era where it feels like everyone is trying to sell you something, I feel like your authenticity leads to trust in your opinions and that you’re not just trying to make a buck. It’s appreciated and noticed! Keep doing what you’re doing. I think lots of your community is truly here for your particular style. Cheers to 2024 whatever that looks like to you!
You’re incredible and I have been fallowing you for 10years ! Just keep being yourself
The older I get the more I realize the value of joy of contentment. What I have and what I do is enough for me. I don’t need to prove anything to anyone else. It is about what brings me peace and contentment.
Thank you for your channel and blog. Love the content. It’s one of the happy spots of my day! Happy New Year!
I came here to say what most everyone is saying – I connect with your genuine, relatable, educational content. I’ve been following you since the early days – I learned how to curl my hair from your YouTube videos! You’re genuine and authentic and it shows. I never feel discontentment or inadequate after watching your stories. Thank you for that!
Thank you Caitlin!
And this is why so many of us have been around for so long. You are who you are. That doesn’t mean you haven’t grown and changed with age and experience. That just means you are authentic and we so appreciate that!
Thank you for sharing this! I look forward to your IG posts everyday because they are easy and not too fussy! Keep doing as you have! Happy New Year!
“ I’ve described 2023 in business as a year of maintenance and that initially felt like a synonym for failure. But after looking around at my work, my life, my team members, and stepping back from the race for growth, more money, more work, more accolades, I got to see that a content spirit of peace and joy and self-validation is the real token of success.”
I got emotional reading it. You’re so right that maintenance seems like a synonym for everything negative. I needed to read this whole post. I need to, as you did, look around and see the good. As a fellow business owner, it really is the only way to keep things in perspective and enjoy this ride.
I’m so glad it did! Thank you for your support!
Thank you for sharing your heart here! As someone who’s been working towards making this world a potential career this was a good perspective reminder so truly thank you for that ❤️
Thank you so much!
Good for you, Kate! So thankful for your authenticity on this platform. It can be truly overwhelming. As a hairstylist, I’ve often thought these things—- am I doing enough? I’m not videoing and taking photos of every head in my chair, or teaching classes or creating content. But what I am doing daily in my business is working for myself and my family and I’m perfectly content in that space! I hope you know that you’re always enough! I wish you nothing but the best on all your endeavors. Happy to be along for the ride ♥️
Thank you for sharing! You are the only “influencer” I follow. I appreciate your humor, your kindness, and all the ways you keep it real. I’ve learned so much from you about hair and personal style! I enjoy peeking at other influencer’s pages but yours is the only one I actually care about enough to follow regularly. Keep doing what you do! 💜
Thanks Jolene!
I’ve enjoyed following along on this journey!
This post resonated so much! I think all creative entrepreneurs can relate. Keep doing what you’re doing.
I have really enjoyed reading your blog and watching your social media posts over the years… probably 11 years or so? You have helped me so much with hair, makeup, and outfits. I’m a news anchor — so a lot of your tips and tricks are put to use and end up on tv! Thank you for sharing so much of your life with us. You are a blessing to my Instagram feed!
My very first influencer to follow & still my favorite! I have been following you since before you had kids & have watching your family grow. Thanks for all the years of hair/makeup advice & most importantly thanks for being real! Happy new year ❤️
Happy New Year to you as well Shelli!
Thanks for sharing your heart! You are by far one of my favorites and all the reasons you stated are why. Keep it up!
Such a great post Kate, Yhank you for sharing. I look forward to your content and watch daily. Much appreciated ☺️
I think sometimes in this digital/social media world we think we have to keep changing things up–because social media is changing things up ALL. THE. TIME. but I think in all honesty, people like consistency–and that’s what you’ve always provided. I’ve been a follower since about 6 months before you announced your pregnancy with David (if I remember correctly) and I love that you’re that “old best friend” that is reliable, dependable, and always makes me laugh! And by saying that–I DO NOT mean boring or same-old AT ALL–I mean we’ve seen you go from married 20something to mom of babies, to now mom of school age kids. And just like your recent hair change (bend to straight) you’re style has changed too–so much more color and variety! You’re honestly my favorite social media follow! :).
Earlier today I was evaluating my follows on social media and trying to see what each one brings as I work to edit some out. When I thought of who the gold standard is that I am comparing people to, you were the one that I thought of who continually brings value to what you produce.
Then this afternoon i saw this post. You are someone who has stuck to her values. I see you as authentic and never out just for a sale! I can truly believe that if you say you love something, you use it and love it. I have loved seeing your family grow, and your business expand authentically. You’re doing it right!!!
I had the pleasure to meet you at the Grove Park Inn and I have to say that you are just the same in person as online. I have been following along since your first hair tutorials before David was even born. Thank you for amazing content. Here’s to another great year, Kate!
So great to hear from you Suzanne! It was a pleasure to meet you as well!
Kate I love hearing your thoughts, understanding you a bit more. I do follow several accounts that are full of major giveaways and I do not know how they can afford it, but I post a comment and tag my sister thinking that someday I may win. lol. I stay following them though becuase I do enjoy their content very much. If I do not like the creator, I do not follow them. You and Caralyn Mirand were the first 2 women I started following on Instagram when I learned this all existed several years ago. I still follow you both and enjoy your content and your families. ❣️Happy New Year!
I’ve been following since your blog back in the day. I truly appreciate how real you are. I recently listened to something about content creators that I was surprised to learn about the business side of that job but i immediately thought of you because I never get feeling from you of sell sell sell. It feels real and authentic. Thank you.
Thank you so. much Stacey!
There are influencers you follow because they’re edgy or have something viral. And them there are those who are genuine, you who actually seek out and care about following. You are the latter – please don’t change too much!!
I’ve followed you since you started filming in your old bathroom, before you were pregnant with David. You are one of my favorite influencers and a lot of that I think is because you seem to have healthy boundaries surrounding social media as it relates to your family and you as a person, as you mentioned but also funny and light hearted while also honest. I’ve always admired that you and Lauren take time off around holidays, have gotten away from posting about all the sales and have stayed true to yourself. Just have always loved following you and thankful there are influencers out there who can balance both work and the rest so well ❤️
The good old days! Thanks for being here!
You’ve been one of my most favorite follows for so many years because you’re authentic and unlike the other influencers out there. Keep being you, I am such a fan!
Thank you Katie!
Your content and stories are like connecting with a friend each day … a fashionista friend that is. 🙂 keep up the great work ! Happy 2024!
Love to hear this, thank you!
Loved this post! Finding both balance and fulfillment has been a goal of mine for a few years, and have so many friends, (some Moms, some not) who are doing the same thing. We’re onto something, changing the way we spend our time, and our lives, and I’m so happy to be a part of it!
10+ year follower here – still look forward to your stories daily! Thank you.
I’ve been following you for over 10 years and I still look forward to your stories everyday! Thank you for being honest and authentic!
appreciate that so much!
Love, love, love!! Being content can be so important!!! This is a goal many strive for and haven’t reached. Myself included, to a degree. So happy for you to be able to dig deep and have these realizations. Love following you! I’m always here for the real and raw, and also the light-hearted, happy, helpful content!
Thanks Sabrina!
Thank you Sabrina!
The enneagram isn’t a valid measure of anything (it’s rooted in the New Age with no clear reliability and validity per meta analyses), and the reasons you describe above are exactly why I’m tired of hearing people’s number. It puts people in a box, both limiting our strengths and allowing us a convenient excuse for not working on our weaknesses.
I’m usually more of an IG commenter but I read your blog posts – it’s where I first found you when I wanted to learn how to curl my hair lol.
This part of this post struck me as why I have continued to follow along for more than a decade. You do it so well & your heart, passion & professionalism comes through. For me anyway.
“I do have goals…but they are not so lofty that I have to sacrifice the most valuable parts of life…to achieve them. Maintaining boundaries and allowing breathing room for creativity to prosper, trying new things, returning to old things, and making sure that this community feels at ease and happy to be here…”
thank you!!
Thank you Jessica! So appreicate your thoughtful comment here!!
Wonderful! You do YOU, as you always say. I always find it a pity when bloggers/Instagrammers go all sleek & professional, losing the personal touch, which is such a nice trait on your channel.
Thank you Stel!
Thank you for continuing to do what you do, in the way that you do it! You identified correctly that your long time followers (like me) are here because you are true to yourself and we trust and appreciate you for that. Looking forward to your 2024 content, Kate and team.
Thank you so much Lauren!
I loved this post! As a working mom it resonated with me personally – I have young children, and I’m pushing correctly, should I be jumping into a director role, or am I happy managing my file. How do we create the life that allows the most joy!
As a LTF (long time follower) 2015 me would have gone bananas for your product line haha but I am still thrilled to be hunting the shelves or sites finding what will give me volume or hold or brightness or make me feel confident trying out a new trend. Big happy new year to one of my favourite online friends.
Thank you for the support!
Another long time follower here, since The Small Things beginning. I echo everyone’s sentiments.
Long time follower, love your approach and always have. You are real and humble and a wonderful person, showing up for your family and not letting $$ be your main motivator. Keep it up. Your family is more important than any event or dollar sign. ♥️
Thank you Sara!
I really appreciate your approach to thinking about success and growth. I always look forward to your blog posts, where you give us a brief window into your life and life experiences. I first became a fan when you were primarily focused on hair, and I still really like it when you show techniques and how-to-use products–Aquage Uplifting Foam, what a revelation! But I’ve gotten so many good tips from you on good books to read, a banana bread recipe, fun earrings, tips on home decorating, links to tops and dresses that you like. I like the variety of your content–please keep up the mix! In terms new content ideas, if you could provide any product tips on haircare for women who have chosen to go grey, that would be helpful. Maybe a post on things that some of your older friends or family members do to look and feel authentic and beautiful? Thanks for all you do!
Thank you!!
Been an avid follower since the very beginning… your human approach and real life stories, struggles, milestones, successes, spirit, and style is why I LOVE to still “tune” in… keep writing and sharing and stay true to the model you started… you’ve transformed a community of “Small Thingers” and I am thankful for you being you!!! Cheers to 2024, Kate!❤️
Thank you so much- that means a lot to me!
I adore your different style of engagement and look for your content daily. You’ve helped me feel comfortable styling my hair for the first time in my 40+years on this planet and having recommendations for products that that actually protect my hair as a blonde with fine hair. And you are truly a lovely person. Feeling like I know you from your posts because you are just so authentic and darn it Midwestern is a treat. Keep being you. 🙂
I found you 12 years ago on Pinterest and I am so happy I did! I have learned so much from you over the years and always enjoy your content and beauty recommendations, as well as watching your family grow. I appreciate your grounded nature, it’s inspiring!
I have followed you for YEARS and what you wrote about here is one of the main things I love about you! You are such a genuine, grounded person whose priorities align with many of us. You navigate operating your business with being approachable and likable and trustworthy like no one else I follow. I love that you set boundaries for yourself and your family but let us peak in to some of your beautiful life. Thank you for sharing what you do and for being someone to admire and appreciate! Happy New Year, Kate!
I love this realization for you! I have always thought that personality labels are so limiting and naturally confining. I am so much more than what that label describes me as. I identify with parts of all personality types and allow myself to lean into those descriptors when I’m feeling that way. But to say, like in your post, “I’m an enneagram 3 so I MUST be setting goals and achieving. And, if I’m not doing that passionately and aggressively, then I’m less than, etc”… NO WAY.
I love following you and have learned so much from your content and authenticity! Grateful for this space you’ve curated. 🙂
Your authenticity and relatability is why you are one of the very few OG bloggers I have continued to follow as things have shifted to a more social media landscape. I think you’ve been able to find a balance of what you truly love, who you truly are (even as life has changed through the years) and following along with you has nerved felt transactional. It’s a delight to have a window into you life.
Earlier this week I went through and unfollowed over 800 accounts; all influencers and brands. When I got to your account I kept that blue Following. I appreciate your authenticity and that the girl I started following years ago is still the girl I see now
Eek, I got scared reading the start of this!! It almost sounded like a goodbye post!! I’m relieved that it’s not! Whew!
I’ve been following your blog since your days behind-the-chair when Grits & Gravy barged into your tutorials! (I LOVE that you didn’t edit them out!) I miss those days, but I’m so happy for your success, and that you and your husband can support your family and your staff because of that success! I feel like you’re a friend Ive never met. Seems that many bloggers have gone strictly to social media and that makes me sad! Social media is so impersonal and to be be honest, I don’t do ANY social media. That’s why I’m so happy that you have kept your blog!
May 2024 be a year of unmatched success, contentment and God’s blessings! Thank you for all your tips, recipes, and stories over the years!
I love your perspective on family, business and personal growth Kate. This really resonates with me: “content spirit of peace and joy and self-validation is the real token of success”. I am in a different phase of life than you (55 year old new Mimi, self-employed, semi-retired) and it is so refreshing to hear someone your age in your season of life hone in on what is truly important rather than chasing fulfillment outside the walls of home/career. You are driven and clearly successful. The “content spirit” part comes from the boundaries you’ve put in place to protect yourself and your family whilst (I know you like this work) chipping away one goal at a time. I appreciate you so much!
Happy New Year to you, too!
Love this post:-)
Thank you for sharing this with us! It’s been a joy to follow along on IG for over 10 years – thanks for sharing this vulnerable side and thank you for all the content and laughs over the years. Hope 2024 is wonderful!
I am 50 years old and have followed you from the very beginning: those bathroom posts and videos, long before your kids were born. Your authenticity and sincere joy in what you do is what keeps me here. Keep being you. It’s ok to be content — there is so much going on in life, you are wise and brave to exercise healthy boundaries. As you well know, enjoying your kids and your husband is a high priority, these sweet years go by so fast! God bless.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom and insights online! I’ve been following along since before David was born, and thankful for what I’ve learned from you! ❤️
I have followed you since the days you filmed in your bathroom with minimal equipment and staying true to yourself is why I am a follower for as long as you’re doing this. I count you as the #1 creator I trust on this app. There’s usually a small thought of “is this person doing this bc it’s a brand deal or do they actually love it?” Not with you. Thank you for being authentic, having boundaries, and not losing yourself in the race for money/fame/attention. Have a great 2024!
You have plenty of time to go your business if that is what you choose to do. Being available for your children is important for now. Some things cannot have a value placed on them because they’re invaluable. Kudos to you for not chasing the money!!
While I do not begrudge anyone making a living doing what they like, I always think I miss the less commercial blogging style of the 2010s. Also, again, “you go” to anyone who creates their own product, but when people who used to review a variety of products then only start taking about their own products it again feels disengaging.
I really appreciate this approach of living / being and contentment. It sets a good example 🙂