links + small things

What Beauty Routines Can You DIY, and Which Ones You Shouldn’t!

Click here for my outfit details.

How was this week for you? I felt a noticeable shift in my mood and perspective on Monday so this week was easier than last week. The temperatures are starting to warm up for us, which is such a gift right now, and I’m looking forward to spending time outside this weekend!

Here are a few links + loves from this week!

A really cute idea for getting your kids to wash their hands! This little ball of soap has a toy inside, the more you wash your hands the closer you get to the toy!

If you carry your coffee around with you in the morning while you are getting ready, and you don’t want hairspray to fall into it (or am I the only one thinking about that?) this is a cute reusable coffee mug with a lid!

I’ve been wearing this bra more than ever since social distancing went into effect and my daily outfits got much more relaxed. It offers a nice amount of support while still being very, very comfortable!

Glamour released its 15th Annual Beauty Awards for 2020 and I can say that they truly found fantastic products that deserve to be winners! From their drugstore category, the Revlon Candid foundation (plus the Candid Glow) is a beautiful medium coverage, easy to wear foundation. Check out the full list of drugstore makeup here!

I shared a post all about the DIY And DDIY beauty routines that you can do at home, click here to read it!

I hope you have a great weekend!


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Alison says · 03.28.20

What was the drug store contour pallet you recommended? 🙂

Angela says · 03.28.20

The Revlon Candid foundation is on my to try list!

Leslie says · 03.29.20

What shade do you wear in the Revlon foundation?

McKay says · 03.29.20

Do you feel like those pants are TTS?

Darlene says · 03.29.20

what does tts mean

Deborah Pecis says · 03.29.20

Thanks Kate! I think you’ve covered this topic before, but now would also be a good time for a refresher in cleaning/sanitizing our makeup tools, tossing old making, etc. Just something that crossed my mind. Other ideas: best hand creams and sunscreens.

Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog says · 03.29.20

The weather’s definitely getting warmer where I live too – no more big jackets! Hope you have a great weekend, Kate! 🙂

Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

Michele says · 03.29.20

Wild you be able to give us some dry-shampoo application tips? I’m finding that my hair is really hit or miss with it.

Kaitlyn says · 03.29.20

We’ve been spending so much time outside lately. The weather here in Georgia has been beautiful. We’ve been able to get our spring flowers planted and our veggies planted outside for summer harvest. All things considered, it’s been a good week.

Kaitlyn @ Oh, the Places We’ll Go!

Souki Fournier says · 03.30.20

That cross-body bag is just the cutest! Love it.
