I have exciting news to share! My sister Lauren is pregnant! I’m overjoyed for her and her husband Mike!
I have been reminded about all the research and planning I did when I was expecting my first child (who is now 6!) and I wanted to share some of my most loved and appreciated baby items for the past 6 years.
You can read about some of my favorite breastfeeding things here!
One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen.
The stroller and the baby monitor were the two items I focused the most on when I was pregnant with my first. Ultimately the baby monitor worked fine until the battery life took a strong dive south, and the range from the camera to the parent unit started to become glitchy. We have since replaced our monitor with a different brand but it’s also glitchy and the battery life is awful.
Our first stroller, though, was fantastic! We got the UppaBaby Cruz, which is a single stroller because we only had one little baby. If we had known we would get pregnant again when David was 5 months old, we would have just gotten the UppaBaby Vista in the first place! We loved the Cruz while we had it but upgraded to the Vista before Luke was born. The Vista has been our stroller for years now and it has been wonderful. You can see the multitude of configurations on their website!
With the boys, I used a lot of different burp cloths, and they were great, but with Emily, I used MatiMati burp cloths and really loved them. They are super thick and absorbent, and also so soft for the baby to lay on. They make bibs as well!
My favorite baby carrier, of all that I tried, is the Lille Baby mesh carrier that offers 6 different positions. I also have a deep love for the Solly Baby Wrap, which is where Luke lived for the first 9 months of his life or so. Lukie *loved* being carried and I *loved* carrying him in the Solly Wrap. Emily didn’t love the Solly so much which was disappointing for me, but the Lille baby worked for her for a bit!
For our high chair, we went cheap and I’m so glad we did. The $20 high chair from IKEA has served us very well. It breaks down easily with removable legs so it’s a breeze to toss in your trunk and bring to a friends’ house for dinner. It also doesn’t have a single bit of fabric (other than the straps!) so it’s very easy to clean. The tray does not come off easily so we do not remove it and simply clean the tray while it’s still attached.
I used a Petunia Pickle Bottom diaper bag with the boys and really loved it, but the pattern was a little busier than I prefer these days. I like more of a simple leather diaper bag like this one from Freshly Picked. I will say though that Petunia Pickle Bottom has added a lot of beautiful, classic styles to their collection that are simple and chic.
I few things I never used was the “pee-pee teepee”, a wipe warmer, pacifier wipes, and shopping cart covers. For me, those were extra things that I just didn’t need for my kids.
P.S. If you liked this post, you may enjoy this one on a last-minute decision we made for Emily’s delivery!