I have a Kindergartener.
It feels like I just gave birth to him last week but somehow he is old enough to be attending school! We’ve gone through a lot of transitions as a family in the past few months and I wondered how David would adjust to the demands of a long school day in a new place.
As it turns out, he’s the most excited Kindergartener on the planet. I’ve never seen a child more proud or more enthusiastic about school. I mean, he would announce this next chapter of his educational life to everyone we saw at the grocery store, the bank, the park, or really anywhere we went.
David is attending a year-round school, which generally means 9 weeks in school, then 3 weeks out of school before you start another 9-week session. We’ve heard great things about year-round and are very open-minded to this being a good fit for our kids! I like the idea of periodic breaks throughout the year, and the city I live in has numerous opportunities with camps for kids that are “tracked out” throughout the year.
In early July we went to meet his teacher at his new school. And since it was just David and me, I thought that would be the perfect time to head over to Walmart to grab his school supplies. Walmart’s prices are so low, and it was the perfect place to stock up on all the necessities from his school supply list, as well as art supplies for me to keep at the house.
David is really into Nintendo’s Mario right now and was thrilled to find this Mario backpack + lunchbox combination on Walmart’s website. We ordered it for him as he needed a larger backpack than the one he had at preschool. If your child is into anything Mario right now, Walmart is the place to check out!
David has had two full weeks of Kindergarten so far and is currently on a little break before he tracks back in for a 9-week session. It was really an ideal schedule in terms of him getting a “teaser” of what Kindergarten is like, but still allowing him to have a few more weeks of summer!
This post is sponsored by Walmart, all opinions are my own.
The Mario school bags are so cute. Love how colourful they are! 🙂
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
I love the year round concept! We don’t have that option where I live, unfortunately, though I wish we did. We’ve homeschooled the last couple years and planned our school “year” on a year round based schedule and it has been amazing.
Have a great time at school, David! My son is also starting Kindergarten this year and it’s such a special and fun time. 🙂
I struggle with the idea of year round school because our summers are so gorgeous in the Pacific Northwest and winters can be more harsh. I would hate to have to give up some of this great summer weather, but not having summer brain fog would be nice for the kiddos (mine are 11 and 14).
Love the backpacks with characters, I find as they get older they need a “tougher” backpack and I would be buying 2-3 a years. We usually go with the more sporty backpacks and let them go crazy on the lunch boxes.
Have fun David!
Yeah I understand that regionally the value of breaks during year-round would change!
Sweet David! I too feel like he was just born! I remember impatiently waiting for your announcement and seeing his precious photo for the first time. <3
Those are the cutest backpacks! I cant believe David is in kindergarten already!
What kind of snacks do you usually send?
can you do a school lunch segment