Emily at 4 months!
Something I love to learn
My sweet girl is 4.5 months and best described as “pure sugar”.
Now that we are through those first tough 3 months, I can honestly say it’s been so much more enjoyable and less stressful since she’s been a bit older. Less of a newborn and more of a baby, you know what I mean?
She’s generally content, easy going, and still sleeps at night like a champion. She still hates the car seat and doesn’t nap for very long in the daytime. And honestly, now that’s she’s more content and happy in the day, I don’t mind that her naps aren’t terribly long. It was hard when she wouldn’t nap and then she would be fussy because I’m sure the fussiness came from being overly tired.
The boys are still endlessly patient and absolutely smitten with her. Every morning they greet her when she’s playing on her play gym and sometimes David will forgo some TV time just to sit and talk to her. He has the cutest little baby talk voice when he talks to her, and he even has started calling her “sweetie”!
Emily has her first tooth and I’m pretty sure the next one is coming shortly. David had his first tooth at 4 months and I’ve heard that siblings generally get their teeth at the same time. Luke took a little longer to get all his teeth but I’m fairly certain David had almost all of his teeth besides 2 year molars by the time he was about 15 months or so. Don’t quote me on that though-my memory is rough from those infant days with him!
She’s still nursing really well, gaining weight at a great rate, and I’ve been loving that breastfeeding has worked for her and I.
Justin and I were planning on hiring childcare for Emily during my work days so Justin could have a bit more time to work on his business, but at the last minute we decided to hold off on that. The summer, as far as work hours for both of us, can be best described as complete and utter chaos to an unimaginable degree, but since the boys are in preschool a few days a week Justin suggested that he just keep Emily on my work days and we give that a try.
I could write so many words about the struggle of being a working, work-at-home mom when it comes to childcare but I’ll spare you. The enormous plus side of my work situation is that I’m able to pause and nurse Emily when she needs to eat and the gift of being able to do that is not lost on me.
ANYWAY, back to her. Having a girl is such a delight. I love picking out her outfit in the morning, though I’m looking for some easy casual outfits for her and that is surprisingly hard to find. So many baby girl outfits are adorable but not super cozy, and oftentimes the basic t-shirt onesies have a phrase written on them (and I kind of dislike baby clothes with phrases like “my mom is cool”).
I’m looking forward to her sitting up and being able to watch her brothers more clearly. She loves watching them play and I just know she’s dying to be able to play WITH them. We’ll start trying out solid food at around 6 months or so and I always find that time fun.
While the transition from 2 to 3 kids felt, in some ways, like adding 5 more kids to the family, she’s been such a joy and is always ready to greet you with a smile.
I love Gap basic clothing! They are super comfy and wear well.
Kate, she is just incredibly adorable (like your boys). On your Insta stories she comes across as very fun and sweet and interested in seeing herself in the camera, which is fun to watch.
Thanks Sherry!
Gap! I have 2 boys(12 months apart) and a girl. Never shopped there for the boys but my girl only wears gap. They have playtime favorites now that she’s a toddler that are great but lived in the onesies with the ruffles in the infant line. Trust me! Shop the sales
Emily seems like a popular favourite in your family! She really is sugary sweet, her smile! ❤️ 🙂
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
She is a beauty! I really love Matilda Jane clothing for casual outfits. Their knit is THE best knit I’ve found, and the resale is pretty great. I buy it used at consignment because it holds up THAT well.
great to know!
My favorite non graphic childrens clothes come from Primary.com. The quality is great and everything comes in a rainbow of colors. My daughter loves to mix and match everything!
Was just coming to comment about primary!
How is their sizing? Compared to like H&M or the Gap?
She is just darling! What a smile! Thank you for sharing, xAllie
Our family dynamic is the same! Both of my boys are the same age as yours and we just had a girl in April! I have found adorable and plain things at Old Navy, H&M, and even Carters has some plain, cute floral onesies and pants. I’m also not a fan of baby clothes with phrases 😊
Those are some of my favorite places to shop!
My goodness she is so cute!! Being a work from home mom is NO JOKE. I am fortunate enough to work two days a week from home with my little guy and it is a struggle every single day! I love it but it’s not as easy as everyone thinks!
Carters!!! Carters has the softest, cutest, coziest outfits for babies at Emily’s age. They are super soft, wash well, coordinate, and are durable.
One more thing… for dressy (expensive?!) adorable “event / holiday” clothing, go to Janie & Jack (either in store or online). They have my favorite outfits for photos, holidays, etc. You’ll wish everything came in your size. They have boys and girls, newborn through age 10.
She is SO cute, Kate! I love when she’s in your Instagram stories because it’s like she knows she’s on camera…she looks straight at it and smiles 🙂 adorable. Oh, and she’s looking more and more like you as the days go by. I can imagine how fun it must be to have a little girl in the family.
Oh my goodness, Emily is beautiful! It’s so sweet to hear that the boys have really taken on their big brother roles so well. She is going to love having older brothers!
Love her smile!! I loved Zutano baby clothing for my children.
I absolutely love this post, Kate! She is so adorable and I love watching your IG stories; especially the ones where she’s interacting with David. There’s something about their sibling relationship that just seems so genuine and unique. I’m excited to continue to watch your IG stories as they grow up together.
Felicity | http://oliverandmoose.com
thank you!!
If you’re looking for clothes that don’t have anything written on them, try Primary.com. The clothes are good quality and very saturated colors – my girls like the tunics and the dresses. The prices are a bit higher than ON/Target/Carters, but I feel like the quality makes up for it.
My daughter is 6 months on Friday. I feel the same way about clothes! I don’t like phrases but girl clothes seem overly frilly! Not that great for naps at daycare!
H and M has some fantastic baby clothes. I find most European brands are better like Dirkje, nano etc. Classier and better quality
Ive really liked Tea collection for my girls. Their clothing wears well and grows with them, a lot of their cotton dresses my girls wore as tunics with leggings later. Hanna Andersson is another one of my favorites for comfort, cuteness and lasting through washes.
We have a 6 month old girl, after having a boy, I love getting her dressed in the mornings! I agree with comfort for babies (we’ve had great luck with h&m for simple kid clothes, thanks to my mil). My husband and I both work from home and we are both going back to school, we don’t have childcare for our 4 yr old or 6 mo old. It can be very chaotic at times, but honestly we wouldn’t have it any other way. We look at it as seasons of life, this is just a minute time in their lives, might as well soak up the chaos! Good luck!!
Have you checked out Primary? They have some absolutely adorable, good quality clothes for babies, toddlers, and children! A bit more on the spendy side, but there are no slogans or characters, just colors, and My. GOODNESS. They have so many colors and styles to choose from!
I have a daughter a month older than Emily and agree it is hard to find basic comfortable clothes for little girls with no writing. I have found some great basics at primary.com, they are responsibly priced and the quality has been great so far. There basic dresses are adorable as well.
I’m with you on the clothes! We loved Primary, June and January, and Baby Gap.
Now that she’s two, we do a lot of Alice and Ames and Remie Girl dresses. Yes, they’re dresses, but they’re still really soft, comfy, and simple. That’s all she wears on the weekends (I don’t like to send her to daycare in dresses).
I don’t like saying on my girls onesies either and I found primary.com they have cute colored onesies and clothes for babies and kids with no sayings!! Love their stuff!
This is an amazing baby clothes shop!! they have both worded onesies, and cute adorable ones with little giraffes and other prints. Its run by 2 little girls, how great is that?! Here is the link: https://www.etsy.com/shop/BlueArrowbyDesign?ref=search_shop_redirect
You should definitely check them out, they’re so comfy and cute. My Alice just loves them!
Hi! I love your blog and I have two daughters and four boys! Our need for coziness is real! Peek was our favorite baby girl brand, so cute and super comfyyyy!!!!! Enjoy every moment she will grow so fast!
Emily is just precious! I can relate so well because we have Emma who is 5 1/2 months old. Coming out of the newborn stage (especially when also dealing with siblings) is a whole new world! I agree on the clothes – so hard to find easy but cute (not written on) outfits that an infant can wear. Dresses always get pulled up!
Check out Old Navy for comfy and not annoying baby girl clothes!
She’s adorable! There is a website primary.com that was literally made for people that don’t like sayings or pictures on their kids clothes. Just simple, comfy clothes in beautiful colors. 😊
We shopped in the boys section of Old Navy for basic sweats and casual pieces. They just do NOT make casual outfits for girls. It’s so disappointing a bit.
Emily is an absolute doll! And I hear you on that transition – whew! My 3rd is 18 months old now though and let me tell you, there is nothing better than watching all three kids have a blast together.
Having my 3rd baby was my hardest transition (I had 3 ages 3 and under at that time ) so I remember clearly the chaos that you’re describing. I just had #6 at the end of June (my oldest is now 9) and it feels so much easier because my older kids are such good helpers and much more independent. It feels life changing when they can make their own sandwiches for lunch! 😂 4 of my 6 are girls and jeggings and leggings were (and still are) my go to for comfortable outfits for them. I love the options at Old Navy and H&M.
Emily is such a sweetie by the way. I love the way her eyes just shine.
Congrats for a beautiful baby. I appreciated your clearly written and thought-provoking article.
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Seeing her cute smiling face right when I opened this email but a huge smile on my face, thank you for sharing!!
I just wanted to recommend primary.com for basic staples that don’t have ANYTHING written on them! I LOVE their baby tees and baby dresses, as well as the onesies and leggings. They’re fantastic quality and really do a great job of making it easy to put together a cute outfit that can be dressed up or down depending on what your pair it with.
You should check out Lulu and Roo kids clothing for cute and comfy outfits. I agree they are very hard to find! Not a big fan of sayings on kids clothes either.
Thx you I have enjoyed you sharing family time. Emily and Boys are such a joy. You are such a great mom. It is harder with third child but I wish I had 6. Love my children even grown😂and grands (5). Some people need to see the right kind of real and kindness. Thanks again Kate. Ms B
Check out Tea Collection. Cozy and cute clothes. It was most of what my daughter wore besides Carters sleepers.
Emily has the sweetest disposition. I love it when she grins at herself in your phone camera when you do Insta stories. She’s such a doll.
Thank you!! Yes she loves looking at herself in the camera 😉
I have a little girl as well and love the one pieces from little spoons. They are soft and have a variety of colors to pick from!
Love everything about your blog! This has blank staples that are good quality and great prices! I highly recommend. https://www.blanksboutique.com/
ALSO https://www.rufflebutts.com/ has some great options!
My wife spends sooo much at baby gap (great deals and way to load up on clothes). I totally encourage it. Thanks for sharing your stories! Mike
My wife spends sooo much at baby gap (great deals and way to load up on clothes). I totally encourage it. I recommend worryfreebaby.com they have some really great prices. Thanks for sharing your stories!
She is so adorable! Agree with you regarding basic clothing. Good thing is nowadays it is easier to find blank clothing, as there is a trend in which mom’s decorate their kids’ birthday or holiday shirts like these at stylizeit.com.