A few things in my hospital bag + recommendations from other moms

What does my maternity leave look like?

If you’ve already read this 1,000 times on my blog I’m sorry to keep repeating myself but it’s hard to gauge what people know and what they may have missed! For example, it’s so funny to me to read comments from Instagram followers asking for a hair tutorial because they have no idea that I have hundreds of them on my YouTube channel! So many blog readers discovered me through those tutorials on Pinterest, so I assume most people know that about me, but not everyone does!

Anyway, I’m having a third scheduled c-section for this baby because I’ve already had two. History has shown that I recover quickly from these and I can only hope for an easy recovery just like the last two!

Since this is my third, I have a pretty good idea of what the hospital stay is like. They let me out early last time because everything was normal and good, but traditionally it’s a 3 day stay. I overpacked BIG TIME for the very first hospital stay, and overpacked a little bit the second time around.

I’m sure I’ll overpack for this time, but I’m trying to remember that I can always send Justin home to grab something for me in case I need it. Plus, he appreciates the opportunities for fresh air!

A few things I’m packing in my bag for this hospital stay are:

  1. Comfortable nursing bras (more like a bralette). I’ve packed nursing tanks in the past but I like the skin to skin contact better when I’m just wearing a bralette. Plus my incredibly flattering mesh underwear reaches above my belly button so I’ve got extra coverage there anyway.
  2. A sweater in case I get cold. I’ll pack my robe as well, but that can be a lot of fabric for when I’m laying in the bed. A sweater is easy to throw on or drape over the front of me.
  3. Comfortable onesies for baby! I have a few grey and white options, but I’m also bringing some pink and blue options!
  4. Some toiletries. A shower feels wonderful, but I typically don’t wash my hair until I get home. I’ve usually washed it fresh right before we head in, and laying in bed all day doesn’t really mess with it or create much need for it to be washed. I’ll pack a few hair products, hair ties, a brush, etc. just to get me through! Other toiletries here would be my skincare products and some simple makeup.
  5. White blankets. The hospital blankets are great for swaddling but not my top choice for a blanket to use in a photo. I’ll bring one to lay him or her down on in order to take a few photos!
  6. Weekender Bag. This bag is a good size and keeps me from overpacking. I’ll be able to fit everything that baby and I need in here!

While I was thinking through what I needed to pack, I reached out to a few other influencers that I love to follow to ask what their MUST HAVE items are when they have their babies.

from left: Abby, Lauren, Anna, and Kailee

Abby Smith, Twist Me Pretty : I make sure to bring my maternity sweat pants and miralax! After four babies and three c-sections I’ve learned the hospital is not the time to be glamorous!

Lauren McBride, Lauren McBride -the blog: Depends! If you thought the mesh panties and the big bulky pad were good, just wait until you try Depends! The Always Discreet are thin so if it feels a little less like a diaper, and they do a way better job of handing that post-birth flow. So much more secure and comfortable, even for c-section moms! Game changer!

Anna Liesemeyer, In Honor Of Design: Something I was sooo thankful I stuck in my bag was my own comfy support leggings and soft robe. There is nothing better than getting out of that hospital gown to cuddle your babe with.

Kailee Wright, Kailee Wright : My go-to for every baby are my granny panties or now Spanx high waisted underwear. I put them on right after I can get up and moving. The just suck everything in and hold all those pads right next to you so you don’t feel like anything is falling out. They help give my back extra support too. Plus, I swear the tightness helped bring my hips back down a lot faster after birth! 

It’s so good to hear from other moms about what they really appreciated having in the hospital. Whether it’s your first or your fifth, there is so much to think about that it’s easy to forget even simple things, like a robe, but those are the things that go a long way in making you feel a bit more comfortable in the hospital.

P.S. This is such a cute top for spring! This looks easy for throwing on over a nursing tank, and has lots of really high reviews too! 





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Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog says · 05.11.18

The neutral palette of everything is super cute! 🙂

Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

Allie says · 05.11.18

That Splendid Top is so cute! I love your toiletry case too, it’s just darling! Hope all is well at the hospital, congratulations again!
Happy Friday,

Amber says · 05.11.18

This is the most real life hospital bag post I have ever read. I have 4 kids and your friends suggestions are so good. Congratulations on you sweet girl

Eva says · 05.11.18

Thanks for sharing! No babies for me, likely for some time, but it’s always great to read what others do and plan for. I hope you and baby are doing fabulously! <3

Eva | http://www.shessobright.com

Hilary says · 05.11.18

Although there will be no more babies for me, this is BY FAR the ‘realist’ packing list I’ve come across! I get an absolute kick over the 2-bags-to-the-hospital-is-minimum packing lists! Also, the Depends suggestion is spot. on. 👌🏼

Kim says · 05.11.18

I don’t have a baby, but I’m sure toiletries are SO important! Congrats!!


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Sharon says · 05.11.18

One thing I liked to pack in my hospital bag was a small purse-size roller ball of perfume. Just like having a special wedding perfume, it was always nice to have a baby scent too. (Nothing “heavy”, keep the scent light!) I was blessed to be the mama of 6 sons and each one of them had their “scent”. I was also blessed to wear son #1’s perfume as his dad and I walked him down the aisle to marry my sweet daughter-in-love. Ahhh….. the circle of life! Best wishes for you and your sweet family!

Michele says · 05.11.18

I packed WAY lighter when I had my second in August. One thing I used this time that I didn’t use with my daughter were nursing pajamas. With my first, I figured I didn’t want to bleed all over and make a mess of MY stuff, but this time I figured I didn’t want my daughter to think something was wrong when she saw the hospital gown when she came to see me and the baby (Doc McStuffins, you showed her too much!) so the pajamas made it more comfortable for HER more than me. I bright my own blanket fir the baby this time around for the same reason as you…pictures!

Lisa says · 05.12.18

Aside from the essentials of my clothes and toiletries, and baby items, I also double check that I’ve packed my phone charger, camera charger, a water bottle, and flip flops (esp if it’s in winter and I’ll be wearing shoes or boots to come in). I’ve only had vaginal deliveries so I feel it is quite necessary to bring shampoo and have a full shower after giving birth 😉 Congrats again on your sweet bundle of pink!

Kelsey Foertsch says · 05.12.18

Bring your own prenatals and whatever medicine you take. Pharmacy can verify the medications and the nurse can pull from your supply of home meds as opposed to being charged for medicine you own and already paid for!
I also recommend chap stick- the hospital is so dry! I love the lip conditioner from Mac.
An empty bag for sure! Visitors brought gifts and we needed somewhere to store.

I had my first baby a month ago and I way overpacked but those were definite essentials I will bring if we have another!
