Just a gentle reminder

Easy Baskets and Muffins for Easter Morning

There are so many different ways to follow or catch up with bloggers through social media and the internet. I’ve been doing this for over 7 years now, and it has changed SO.VERY.MUCH. from the beginning. Ā As with any change, some is really great and some is not so great, but that’s the nature of a developing and growing thing.

I have to say that I’ve enjoyed the way that social media, and really instastories, give you a “behind the scenes” look at the people you follow on Instagram.

I was listening to the Young House Love podcast recently and John mentioned that he took social media off his phone and was left to just follow along with bloggers through their blogs. Believe it or not, this used to be the MAIN way to follow bloggers. He noted, and it made a lot of sense to me immediately, that he felt like he was missing out on things not following certain bloggers on social media.

The emphasis on social, especially instagram, has increased dramatically over the past few years. I’m definitely enjoying this and I think it provides nice variety for readers/followers to check in on who they enjoy following or reading. As with any “trend” I’m sure something new will pop up (like snapchat did for a minute before it died completely, or like Vine) and be a fun new channel to follow bloggers on in the future. I don’t think blogs are going anywhere though, and would still say that social is just an extension of the blogs, instead of operating in place of a blog!

All this backstory to say I’m sure there are a good portion of you who read the site that do not follow on social media, for whatever reason. And because of that, I feel like it’s been a long time since I’ve shared a bit of my heart through a blog post since I typically turn to instastories to have casual conversations with followers.

I absolutely love that I get to interact with so many of you on a regular basis and share beauty and life content with you through posts. One of the questions I ask myself repeatedly throughout the week is “how could this blog post help?” or “could someone else relate to this?”. For years I’ve loved experimenting with makeup and skincare and hair tools or products. I loved it so much I became a hairstylist before I turned 18. I did hair for years but decided to step away when I had my first son and wanted to focus solely on the blog.

The blog gave me, truly, a dream opportunity to share helpful tips, tricks, tutorials and reviews that were all created as a way to potentially help someone. I’ve been encouraged by so many of you that they have been helpful and that has been what has kept me going. I’m grateful to be a resource, while also very much on the journey of ever changing trends and products, with you.

Beauty stuff is fun, can lift your spirits, and give you a bit of confidence as well, but it certainly isn’t the end all focus for me. This should be rather evident on instastories because over half the time I’m chatting with followers with no makeup on in my robe. But those of you who just follow on the blog don’t get to see that.

So I wanted to just remind you that while all this beauty stuff is fun and I really enjoy it, it should never be where you put all your focus or confidence in. I wrote a post, years ago, about being recognized without makeup on that still rings very true for me. If hair and makeup start to become a crutch, it’s time to reset your focus. I remind myself of that fact from time to time.

Thanks for following and leaving comments. There is simply not enough time in the world for be to be able to interact and engage with you in a way I would enjoy (I’m thinking coffee date with everyone to chit chat about whatever), but I’m so deeply grateful to have this space and hope I’ve helped or inspired you along the way.


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Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog says · 03.22.18

I completely agree with your words! Thank you for the lovely post šŸ™‚

Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

Amanda says · 03.22.18

I started following almost three years ago when I was at a very low ebb, owing to my daughter’s illness. I was ‘thumbing ‘ through pictures of hairstyles to lift my spirits and I happened upon one of yours. I started following your blog and
for the first time in ages I bought a lipstick, blusher etc. and felt sooo much better for doing so – it really was the small things that made a needed difference at that point in my life. I still love following you and your family. Thank you xx.

Kate says · 03.23.18

thank you!!

Allie says · 03.22.18

Youā€™ve inspired me along the way! I love reading your blog every morning and have tried out many a makeup product and hair trick thanks to you! Keep on sharing, I love reading (and following you on Instagram). Have a wonderful day! xAllie http://www.theallthatglittersblog.com

Ambrr says · 03.22.18

I loved when you did the videos on the blog about if we sat beside each other in office cubicals….so fun!

Jenny says · 03.22.18

I live in North Carolina as well and feel a connection with you. Between being a mother and working a full-time week and this crazy NC weather. And it is just nice to be able to take a minute every day or so to escape and get some great hair or makeup tips plus see another family like mine and their everyday fun and adventurous. So thank you for that, you’ve been an inspiration and on a side note you taught me how to French braid. LOL

Anna says · 03.22.18

Iā€™ve followed you since I found one of your online hair tutorials 6 years ago! I was thrilled to find someone who could teach me how to do hair in a way I understood. I started following your blog and then later on your social media. I have learned so much about beauty from you and I love how honest and real you are. Thank you for sharing a piece of yourself.

Dana says · 03.22.18

You are absolutely delightful! You have helped me with beauty and hair so much! If my ā€œbeauty girlā€ says it – it must be true!! You have never failed me in that department! And watching your sweet family grow has been a pleasure! ā¤ļø

Miranda Bertram says · 03.22.18

I still read your blog daily and follow you on instagram. You are one of my favorites. You are so real, and I appreciate that so much!

Kristi Hicks says · 03.22.18

Iā€™ve been following your blog since 2011! I love your tips, tricks and tutorials! I love watching your instastories. You are such a fun, down to earth gal! šŸ™‚

Amy says · 03.22.18

Love your blogs

Sherrylynne says · 03.22.18

So glad you shared this. It’s a wink to those of us who rely mainly on your blog. While I do see you on Instagram too, when I want to “dig in” to what you are presenting, I would want to sit in front of my computer and watch and follow your links. Thank you for ALL that hard work! AND thank you for helping me BE more beautiful by teaching me. At 54 their are lots of simple techniques and products that have brightened my life and, yes, given me hope. God bless you!

NANCY says · 03.22.18

I am a blog follower – itā€™s easy to read a text my leisure in a quiet house (while my family is sleeping). Trying to keep up with Instagram stories before they expire is a hassle. Plus I need to dig out earbuds to listen. So glad you are keeping up your blog!

Janet says · 03.22.18

Kate! When I started reading this post, I got very serious for a moment thinking you were going to announce closing the blog. I was panicking! I’m one of those old people (you know, in my 30s) who doesn’t follow you anywhere else except on your blog and occasionally on youtube. Please don’t quit the blog, you’d break my heart! Sweetest wishes for the little one on the way; may he or she be healthy, happy, and sleep like a dream!!!

Lindsey says · 03.23.18

So funny! I thought the same thing. I reread it a couple of times thinking i missed an announcement of her moving on!

Jennifer says · 03.22.18

I follow your instastories but, I will always follow your blog. I love all the beauty tips, especially on great products to purchase and its a way I typically start my day. Thanks for what you do, and thanks for the great reminder!

Jane says · 03.22.18

I have followed you for years and I consistently enjoy the content of your blog, and now of course, your instastories. But I am even more so consistently impressed and in awe of your authenticity and the sweet, sassy way you approach life. Thank you for posts like this in addition to all of the fun ā€œhelping us look betterā€ posts! šŸ™‚

Karly says · 03.22.18

Totally agree. Although I love watching your IG stores, I still come to your blog daily (during the week) just to read your content! A blog says so much more about a person…the time, work, effort and dedication to what you put out shows! Keep it up!

Mary Anna says · 03.22.18

Your blog is my go-to for anything! I love seeing all the outfit inspirations, hairstyles, and make-up tutorials. I so enjoy watching your Instagram videos, because you keep it so real, and that’s how life is. Thank you for always posting such great things!

Shana says · 03.22.18

I don’t have Instagram or any other “social media” so I only read blogs. I enjoy reading them each morning with my coffee!! Loved their recent podcast on his social media break, ancestry obsession, and not spending money – the range of topics they cover is crazy and inspiring šŸ™‚

Betsy says · 03.22.18

Your blog is the first one I started to follow, about 5 years now. It helped me feel connected to the outside world with beauty and fashion after I became a SAHM. Since high school I loved getting style inspiration just from passing by people at work or on the streets. It was a void after being home. Watching your tutorials and reading about your ideas helped me no lose a part of myself.

Maggie says · 03.22.18

I follow your blog because you are so relatable and real, all the beauty stuff is an added bonus! Love all the things you post on your blog!

Jess C. says · 03.22.18

I have been a follower since 2010 Kate and I look forward to the blog posts and instastories every day! I found a picture of you on Pinterest, still one of my all time favorite layered haircuts, and the rest has been history. Not only have you been an enormous help to me with my hair and make up techniques, but it’s always an encouragement to me when you share about your faith and habits like your bible journals. I have two kids and even though they are much older than yours, I feel helped as a mother when I hear the way you speak to them or interact with them because it reminds me to be steadfast in doing the same. Not to mention that watching you teach hair is going to help me have what I need to teach my own daughter the same things very soon! I think you are funny and bright and I feel blessed by your presence. It’s so nice to have someone putting themselves out there that doesn’t snark, but carries themselves well, which is a great role model for all. Thank you for sharing your life with us! I know there are many of us that all so often are going What Would Kate Do?

Chelsea says · 03.22.18

Your blog posts are always so helpful and interesting, and while I primarily follow and read your blog like it’s 2007 (viewing your website and reading your blog directly, not via social media), I completely agree about the potential to connect and the opportunity for “realness” with IG stories and similar outlets. I don’t think blogs are going anywhere either šŸ™‚

Chelsea | http://www.thebiglakemi.com

Erica Whitfield says · 03.22.18

I only follow your blog as I’m not on any social media. (That was a beautiful break up that I don’t regret!) I don’t do anything to my hair, like no.thing. I wear minimal makeup and not really into purchasing new products. While I like clothes, my current budget doesn’t allow any shopping. Yet, I still read your blog every morning when I get to work. I can relate to the family/kid side of your blog, but despite any content, you’re still very relatable. Plus, everything you post is visually pleasing, so who doesn’t enjoy that? I live in Durham, so I like having that connection to you as well. Thanks, Kate!

Kate says · 03.23.18

thank you!

Nipa says · 03.22.18

Your blog was one of the first ones that I followed, and have always enjoyed your easy hair and beauty tutorials. Despite being a “fashionista” I have always kept my hair and makeup fairly natural, and once I had kids, it became even more important for me to focus on what I did, than how I looked. As they’ve gotten older, I’ve been enjoying dressing up again, but they’re my reality check. If I look overdone, they let me know. I still remember the look on their faces when I walked out of Sephora once, after a make-over. It was a combination of joy that I was finally done, confusion and then horror! You’re so right. We should have fun with fashion, but ultimately we should still look like ourselves. Please keep writing šŸ™‚

Wendy says · 03.22.18

Great post, as usual!!!
Keep shining!!!

Michele at Everyday Snapshot says · 03.22.18

Great post. I have so many blogs I follow and have for years (including yours). I have my own as well. I like social media, I think it’s good and bad, but I don’t like when people sway from blogs to do only social media since for me, sitting down with a coffee and catching up on blog posts is a really good part of my day. I hope your right though, I hope the blogging world isn’t going anywhere. I love blogging and love so many others that I follow. I hope it’s here for good and we use social media to enhance it is all. Thanks for your contribution to the blogging world ! I love that you are “you” in your videos too.

Jas says · 03.22.18

I love reading your blog each week and all the help you provide for hair/makeup. I also love your hilarious insta stories as they help us to relate to you! Keep doing what you do as we all enjoy it!

Jessica says · 03.22.18

I have been following along for 8 years! Life truly flies by, but along the way I have always loved your blog and the emphasis on “the small things”. You know how to speak from your heart and we as readers will always appreciate that about you. It isn’t about the makeup or hair, it is about the life we live along the way.

Kathleen Bowen says · 03.22.18

Words of wisdom about not letting beauty stuff be a crutch. My teenage daughters and I love following you and we like seeing you without your makeup on instastories from time to time.

Kathleen says · 03.22.18

Words of wisdom about not letting beauty stuff be a crutch. My teenage daughters and I love following you and we like seeing you without your makeup on instastories from time to time.

Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams says · 03.22.18

Such a great reminder Kate! I still get a lot more out of the blog posts then I do instagram. Both social media and actual posts bring different things to me as a reader/follower!

Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams

Renee says · 03.22.18

I completely agree with you 100%. For a while I used to feel like I NEEDED to wear makeup ALL THE TIME and I couldn’t go out in public without makeup on. Now I have reset to where I am totally okay with a fresh face and I also continually try to work on being comfortable/confident without any makeup. We should all be confident in our own skin and shouldn’t let makeup define us. Thank you for this gentle reminder!



PO says · 03.22.18

Snapchat dead? You must be mad! I’m part of the Snapchat world (through work) and it definitely not dead. In fact it’s got bigger numbers than ever. But it is not popular with those 30 plus.

Lauren says · 03.22.18

Thanks for this Kate. I love all your stories, tips and tricks and life events. I admit I’m not the best at keeping up on social media – I’m sporadic at best.

Lindsay says · 03.22.18

I definitely have been following along with you more on Instagram lately. It just feels so personal! Youā€™re funny, kind, and always have so many helpful tips! Iā€™m also pretty sure we all like following along because you have the two sweetest boys ever!! Since you started linking the blog to your Facebook and updating ā€œIncase you missed itā€ Iā€™ve been checking back here more!

April says · 03.22.18

Your instastories are one of just a couple that I look forward to most. Loved the drone kite rescue from the other day!

Ashley says · 03.22.18

Thank you so much for making this such a wonderful space to turn to. Your blog is one of the very few I read, and I really enjoy your Instagram stories. I love seeing the unfiltered Kate on Instagram, it is refreshing to see someone on Social Media without overly done makeup and just living their normal life.
Thanks for all the hard work you put into the blog and your brand. I hope you take PLENTY of maternity time, Lord knows that you deserve it.

Stephanie says · 03.22.18

Thank YOU for sharing your gifts and your life/family with us. I follow you on socials and here and love both formats. My husband is even semi-involved in your stories on IG and he refers to you as the “ice cream lady” after the Graeter’s stories. šŸ™‚

PS We totally ordered a 12 pack from Graeter’s after hearing your saga on IG!

Amy says · 03.22.18

I’m a longtime blog follower and often use that little search bar to find something you’ve talked about in the past or to find a tutorial. I’ve learned a lot! And even though I have three girls ages 11, 13, & 15 I still enjoying your adventures in parenting little boys. šŸ™‚

Diane says · 03.22.18

I discovered your blog from a YouTube video, and have been following ever since. I have a hard time multi-tasking, so I generally avoid social media because I find my train of thought is constantly being interrupted and it I like scheduling a specific time of the day to read a blog and then tune out. I work full time and have two teenagers, so there are only so many hours in the day for me to take a break! I really like your videos but sometimes the blog posts with photos are more helpful for learning how to do something step by step. I would really be sad if you dropped the blog. I used to regularly visit the Young House Blog, but when they took the hiatus a couple years ago, I never got back into a rhythm of visiting their blog once they retooled it.

Rebecca Mills says · 03.22.18

I do certainly like that you do instastories without always being “done up.” As a SAHM of 3 from age 2-9, “ain’t nobody got time for that!” And by nobody I of course mean ,Me! I love your tutorials for when I DO get my hair and makeup done and need some tips or inspiration. Your reviews are very helpful also! I’ve followed you for probably 6 years now, starting by just subscribing to blog. Certainly feels like I know you!

Sara says · 03.22.18

Gah you will always be my favorite! Love these thoughts!

Leslie says · 03.22.18

Such true words! I found your blog years ago….I think through Pinterest…and have loved following and reading your posts on a daily basis. I also follow along on Instagram and love the real life stuff you share and the random facts you share about your life/home/family etc. It is so fun to be able to see an inside peak into your real life. It is just so refreshing to see you not afraid to be on social media make-up free, hair in a towel, fresh out of the shower. One of the things I definitely admire because I don’t know that I would be brave enough myself or have the confidence to do it even though I’d like to think I would. I know that opening yourself up on social media comes with lots of negatives….rude people, mean comments, weirdos, etc…So thank you for putting yourself out there. I have learned a lot from the things you share and just appreciate the authenticity of your blog and instagram. Keep it up and best of luck these last few weeks of your pregnancy!

Emily says · 03.22.18

I’ve been following your blog for years – since before I had kids, and now I have three! It’s been so fun to watch your journey, and you’ve always inspired me to stay true to who I am as a blogger/writer/influencer/whatever.

I should also mention that I’ve gotten a few great hairstyles for weddings I’ve attended from your blog!

Thanks for always keeping it real and being a quiet and steady voice in all the noise on the internet. Keep up the good work!

-Emily | http://www.emilymkrause.com

Beth says · 03.22.18

Iā€™m often reminded of that post about being recognized without makeup, it made a real impact on me. Thanks for showing your life with us!

Erinn says · 03.22.18

Ahhh I love that you shared this! I prefer to follow bloggers on their blog, but I love the new Instastories feature too. I wonder what will pop up next?

Katie says · 03.22.18

Kate, I’ve been a follower for several years and have always appreciated your transparency and authenticity. When I refer to you around friends, I often say “She’s a blogger I follow. But she’s like a REAL person.” I love your tutorials (haven’t been brave to try them myself) but I love how you teach and provide tips. I started wearing bobby pins the right way because of you! I also love all the products you try. I can’t afford most of them right now (which is why I love the drugstore products you try!), but when I see a sample at Ulta, I often think of you.

I also love how you parent your boys. You may not realize how much of an influence that is on your readers. Your interactions with them are so sweet and nurturing. I’m expecting a boy in August and he and my daughter will be 18 months apart. It was a complete shock to us and took me a while to get around, but I am excited about the bond they will build.

Thank you for what you do and how much of your heart that you share with your audience!!

Kate says · 03.23.18

thank you so much!

Aubrey says · 03.22.18

Beautiful post, thank you! I try to follow just friends and family on social media and enjoyed reading your thoughts today!

Linda says · 03.22.18

Love reading your blog and love following on IG. One of my favorite bloggers!!

Betsy says · 03.22.18

Nice post Kate! Thanks!

Elizabeth says · 03.22.18

Iā€™m a SAHM and my sisters only recently recommended your blog to me. You have helped me so much with wanting to put a little more effort into my appearance every day, even if I donā€™t have to go anywhere. I completely agree that I donā€™t want it to consume me and I love that you said that. But I thank you for your tips! I have felt so out of touch with beauty products ever since I started having children! So thank you! šŸ˜Š

Jamie Bracewell says · 03.22.18

Your make-up looks great in this post. What are you wearing? you should do a tutorial of it, because it is the perfect not made up but very polished day look.

Melanie Osborn says · 03.22.18

I love your blog and social media posts! Iā€™m a Mom and Grandmother as well but I can still relate to a lot of the things you post. I love your style and your humor about daily real life situations. Thanks for your honesty and sharing your life with us! It gives me a ā€œbreakā€ for a few minutes during my day. I enjoy your makeup and skin care tips and tricks and your hair tutorials. The first time I saw you was on a you tube video when you were pregnant with Luke and you were saying you were out of breath! Donā€™t know how I remember that. Anyway thanks again for all you do and share with us and good luck with baby #3!

Danielle Puckhaber says · 03.22.18

Yes! I love this! Writing is my first passion and blogging has just been a gift and a beautiful outlet for me! Thanks for keeping it real!

Jenny says · 03.22.18

I am a blog follower/loyalist in general and have been following you since 2011! I purposefully do not follow ANY of my bloggers on social media, it’s too much. The older my children get the more they are cognizant of me staring at my phone. It was easier to dismiss the habit when my babies were younger. And it’s unhealthy for everyone, not just me. I made the decision to not join Instagram or Twitter. I value both my time, sanity and the peace of mind of my loved ones too much. Life is short — it’s time to live in the moment, not the screen.

Jessica says · 03.22.18

Oh Kate, I talk about you all the time like we know each other haha! You have helped and inspired me so much over the years. I think I first found you from Googling ā€œhow to curl hairā€ or something simple like that. Your videos are the best! I bought my Rusk speed freak hair dryer because you said so and I love it! I found Emily Ley through you. I enjoy your Instastories and value your life values. One thing I appreciate about connecting with you here and on social is that I get to see bathrobe Kate, mom kate, NYC traveling, pizza making Kate. Itā€™s so fun to get that side that just canā€™t be portrayed in the same way on a blog. I suppose it just gives an author a more ā€œrealness.ā€ But I heart your blog! I love the content, the ā€œnewā€ look & remeber when you redesigned it. Ok, Iā€™ll finish up now. Hugs from Greenville, SC. Holla!

Rachel says · 03.22.18

Iā€™ve been following you for about 6 years now. I was bored at work one day surfing wedding stuff on Pinterest and fell in love with your blog! I have 2 girls similar ages to your boys so I feel like youā€™re my long lost girlfriend who gives me advice on life! Plus I would have never tried any new make up/hair trends if I didnā€™t have your great advice and tutorial! Thank you!!

Jessie C says · 03.22.18

Iā€™ve been following I guess since I discovered Pinterest maybe in 2012?? Iā€™ve loved following on all the social media and still the blog!! Youā€™re the reason I started watching YouTube as well! Just commenting to say that I still enjoy all of it all these years later!!

Abby says · 03.22.18

Kate, Iā€™ve been a loyal reader since back in the very early days of Pinterest when I found you after searching for ā€œmid length hairā€ and your lob with lots of volume stole my Texan-heart šŸ˜‰
To be honest, a lot of the hair tutorials you do donā€™t really apply to or work for me because I have naturally curly hair and I wear it curly. Even when you curl your hair mine is just such a different texture that it never looks close to what you did, ha. A lot of the makeup and skincare products you use is too expensive for me to buy, but I do love applying the knowledge I gain through your tutorials and other educational posts. Hopefully this isnā€™t starting to sound negative, because what Iā€™m trying to say is that even though I may not be exactly your target audience, aiā€™ve stuck around for 6-7 years because of YOU. Your personality radiates through every channel you use, and it feels like iā€™m Catching up with a girlfriend. I so love and appreciate your honesty, down-to-earthness, and real-life sharing! I always recommend your blog to friends and have shared some of your links in a little group I manage on FB, and those girls always love your posts, too.
Anywho, guess I typed all this because I rarely leave comments since itā€™s so cumbersome to click through the reader and fill out all the required info, but tonight I felt compelled to say- Iā€™m here and I appreciate all you do for your readers. Much love!

Karlie says · 03.22.18

I have been following you since before you had David. You are so wonderful and I really have enjoyed following you and your family! šŸ™‚

Stephanie East says · 03.22.18

I love your content Kate !

Emily Hancock says · 03.22.18

Yes yes yes!!! So thankful for your realness, your transparency and not to mention your sense of humor slays me! Still thinking about your kite videos! Haha! Love that your letting your light shine in the darkness!

Shannon says · 03.23.18

I was just thinking earlier today I don’t follow many beauty bloggers, per se, for whatever reason, but I’ve stuck around here because there is substance with the “small things” that makeup and beauty offer. You are the real deal and I like that you have faith and a close family and good values. Talking about cancer, how you met, and things that make you tick are what make the blog memorable and the enticing products/reviews/tips/tutorials bring us back for more. Keep it up!!

Myriah says · 03.23.18

I love this! I feel like I’m one of the few “old school” blog readers who just reads the blogs I love and doesn’t really follow on much social media…I have a fb but for personal use mainly and I am clueless with instagram. Thanks for going back to the basics and writing this!!

Allie says · 03.23.18

Before I started following your blog , I couldnā€™t even curl my hair ! Your tutorials are so easy and simple to follow ! I love that you show yourself made up , and made down ! Thanks for doing what you do !

JNJxn says · 03.23.18

Great post! Beauty products are fun, and it’s awesome to learn how to fix hair and apply makeup from your posts! But those things should never, ever become our sole focus on our happiness. I love the way you phrased it. And confidence is a beautiful thing–but it should not be based upon your hair being perfect or your makeup all in place. I started following you back in 2011 I think, and I have learned SO MUCH!!! Oh my goodness… I have recommended your blog to countless of people (who have asked me about how to fix their hair once they noticed I was at least attempting things with my own–HA!), and I’ve directed friends to your blog about which tools to buy or makeup brushes to look into or specific products to purchase and on and on… Thank you for helping so many people with the small things! šŸ™‚ But you certainly have made an impact on the big things as well. I love your openness to talk about God in some of your posts. (Insert all the feels here.) Thank you, Kate.

Dina says · 03.23.18

Agree! I do enjoy your blog and instastories

Nicky says · 03.23.18

GOD bless you girlā¤ beautifully said!

Jerusha says · 03.23.18

I love your blog and find it super helpful. Make up and hair etc is really fun and I will always enjoy it but I also know that my true joy comes from the Lord. Thanks for the important reminder.

Jen says · 03.23.18

Have always loved reading your blog and have recently joined Instagram just to see what your instastories were about. Hard to believe Snapchat is dead in your area! It’s popular more than ever here in the Midwest!!

Becca says · 03.23.18

love this post so much! blogs are still my favorite way to ā€œfollowā€ bloggers, but of course appreciate social media to feel more connected! youā€™ve done a great job of marrying the two ā¤ļø

Jules says · 03.24.18

Love this! Thanks for checking in with us blog readers!!

xo Jules

Justine says · 03.24.18

Hi Kate.
Iā€™ve read your blog since pretty much day 1! I absolutely looked forward to your new daily blog post every day. Then SM showed up and Insta came way out on top and I LOVE listening to your stories! Itā€™s a lot to keep up with, especially if you follow so many. But, I know I can always go read a post and still feel connected in some way. But I love the every day mom, wife stuff šŸ˜Š I still love hair and makeup and clothing as well, but I too am a mom usually in fitness clothing (instructor) and no makeup every day!
Thank you for all you do and write and review. Iā€™m not quite sure how you get it all done with being a mom of 2 toddlers!
You were the one who inspired me to start my own blog, but I havenā€™t followed through with it like I shouldā€™ve!

S. Littleton says · 03.24.18

I totally agree! You are the only blogger I follow. My husband (might I add not a social media fan) often hears you on my instastories and he said awhile back…”do you think it weird to listen to someone everyday about their life not know them at all??” l said “No! She’s very informative about beauty and hair care, very down to earth, not trying to put on a show or always showing her “best side” just to try to sell something.” To me that’s why people love you! You are balanced… your view of cosmetics and comfortable in your own skin as well is a breath of fresh air! Continue being so kind and filling our ears with sweet family moments and good quality make up and hair care tips! And believe or not my husband was wanting to know a good face cleanser for himself and asked, “What does that person you follow say about a good face cleanser??” Lol He’s starting to come along… haha

Thanks so much!
S Littleton

Kristin says · 03.24.18

I still check on a number of blogs, including yours šŸ’™, but have removed most of them from my stream of social media. This allows me to keep the influence of blogggers on ā€œmy termsā€ rather than being in front of me all of the time. I find that I love the suggestions & new ideas I get from bloggers but was so tempted by every quick link that was in front of me every time I popped on fb or insta. I know this is not the fault of any blogger, but my own temptation. By checking blogs as I have time, I feel like I can keep up with whatā€™s going on without buying a new moisturizer, t-shirt, or throw pillows šŸ˜‰. I know Iā€™m missing out on some quick, every day glimpses this way, but itā€™s working for me right now. Thanks for popping in here with this update!

Mackenzie S says · 03.25.18

I have been following and reading your blog since the very beginning, but I don’t follow you on social media. I enjoy the “break” from my very busy life when I sit down with my computer and actually read your blog. I have enjoyed reading about your family and love your hair and make up tips. I am far away from your world, up in Alaska, and I enjoy the connection to the rest of the world through your blog. I do travel a great bit but I enjoy learning about your Pizza School experiences and things like that, it gives me ideas when I travel. Thanks for sharing.
P.S. If you ever want to visit Alaska-let me know.

Jeannie K. says · 03.26.18

Great post, Kate! One of the main reasons I follow you is because you are so real and down to earth. I appreciate all the makeup and beauty talk, because that’s what I need help with, but I like how you incorporate that into the rest of your life instead of making the makeup/beauty the sole focus. I like following you on Instagram because it does give me a look into your life, and I enjoy that since I am also the mom to two young boys. Keep up the good work and God’s blessings for a smooth delivery!

Madeleine Beutler says · 03.26.18

Beautiful words, beautiful person. Thank you for your wisdom.

Amanda says · 03.27.18

I was just going to comment the other day and tell you! My husband and I live outside Raleigh with our boys – oldest is four, middle is one in April, and our third is due May 1st. Iā€™ve been following your blog for what feels like forever, but just recently caught up with you on IG and was so excited bc you post sometimes with your ā€œfresh faceā€ look there. Itā€™s so easy to compare ourselves and, with kids close in age, I used to read and think, ā€œif she can keep herself together 24/7 like this, whatā€™s my deal?!ā€ So thanks for being so genuine. Itā€™s wonderful to find new products and tips, but even more wonderful to find them from someone who knows they truly are the small things…compared. šŸ™‚

Neha Shah says · 04.13.18

Your hair tutorials are the best. Love them. Thank you for sharing.

Richard Lane says · 11.04.18

I’ve just discovered your blog and I think it’s terrific.
What I particularly like is how you are not afraid to post yourself in an unmade up state ….and still gorgeous !… to act as a basis for the make up instructions to follow.
For the record I think you are just Beautiful..keep up the good work…I mustn’t be that easy being a mum and wife!!
Richard (Lane)…

Get ISO 45001 Certification Process says · 09.09.23

Thank you so much for sharing. I have found it extremely helpfulā€¦ I will keep these things in mind !
