
5 favorite everyday lipsticks

It’s the first week of October and I finally turned the heat on downstairs in my home. I’ll need to turn it off by about 11:00a since it’ll be warming up towards 80, but for now I’m enjoying our cool mornings!

I feel like it’s been a minute since I’ve given a life update of sorts, so I thought I’d try to do that today! I always enjoy reading these kinds of post by bloggers I follow because I enjoy getting to know them a bit more through the sometimes mundane life stuff that isn’t necessarily helpful or useful blog content.

We are renovating the mother-in-law suite that is attached to the side of our home and converting it from a bedroom + living space into a single large room that we will use as a family room. The project has been smooth thus far, with only a week and half set back due to someone’s error, and I’m very anxious for it to be finished! I’m working with Modsy (not sponsored) on creating a design style for the space since it’s a little unusual so I’ll share those designs when they come in!

The biggest inconvenience of the project has been moving all the furniture out of that room into the rest of the house. It’s caused quite a bit of clutter/chaos in the other rooms that is driving me crazy. I can only tolerate a mess for so long! It has taught me, though, that we will need to add storage to this new room in a big way! Or have a huge garage sale!

The boys are doing great in school and really enjoying it. David tells me how much he loves it every time I pick him up. It melts my heart. They had Bike Day at school recently and both chose to bring scooters. They have the Y Gliders and even Luke, who is only 2.5, can ride it really well and use the brake!

Justin’s business is doing great! There is so much unknown in starting a business but he’s already learned a lot and gotten several amazing jobs! I’m so impressed and proud of him. We both love the freedom and flexibility he has with his schedule, and it’s been a very easy to shift for us both to work from home.

Justin, me, and the kids are meeting my sister and her husband in Virginia in a few weeks to go camping. I must admit that we chose a cabin with both water and electricity so we jokingly are calling it “glamping” but with 2 little kids that was too good of an option to pass up. I have great memories of camping (in an actual tent) with my family and friends almost every summer as a kid, but I was much older than my boys’ ages now. I’m sure we’ll do that later in life, but for now the cabin will be perfect. I’m pretty sure there isn’t a stove/oven so we’ll be cooking our meals over the fire! Is there anything better than bacon cooked over a fire on a camping trip?!

My sister-in-law (Justin’s sister) found out she’s having a boy in February and we are very excited to meet him! This is their first baby and will be the first cousin that is relatively close in age to David and Luke!

Personally, this season has felt quite full, in a good way. Summer was busy and full of really fun things, and while we aren’t traveling nearly as much, there is still plenty going on around here. I love the outdoor activities that the fall offers and we’ve already taken the boys to a pumpkin farm. I spotted some pretty pumpkins at the farmers market a few weeks ago and I’m hoping to pick some up soon. I think I’m going to go for the white/blue/green shades instead of classic orange so I can leave them up a bit after halloween. I’ll still get orange pumpkins for the boys to paint on and to set out on halloween night!

Speaking of halloween, David is going to be a Firefighter and I bought Luke a fighter pilot costume (both at Costco). David has already worn his costume 25 times, and Luke resisted trying his on even once! We’ll see what happens for trick or treating, Luke may just be going as himself!

In general, we’re in a good rhythm this fall with lots of fun things on the calendar and happening at home! I’m eating my weight in apples and only have a few sacred Cortland apples left from when my parents visited a few weekends ago. I’m rationing them and enjoying every bite!

*w.u.w.u stands for “whats up with us”, a term I learned from my husband who learned it from a bunch of middle schoolers about 10 years ago. Justin and I host a weekly small group through our church, and every once in awhile we’ll have a “w.u.w.u” night to fill everyone in on whats going on with each of us. 


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Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog says · 10.05.17

Enjoy eating your weight in apples. I LOVE fall for all the produce. Winter squash, apples – gimme!

Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

Sabelle says · 10.05.17

You mentioned turning on the heat, which in my house equates to “bring on the static” with my hair! Can you write a post for us with your best tips/products for dealing with hair static?!

Karly says · 10.05.17

Love the life update post! So much to read from you and also other awesome bloggers. Glamping sounds like so much fun, I’m sure everyone will enjoy it! 🙂

Karly says · 10.05.17

fun* to read

Christy says · 10.05.17

Love the boys in their Hanna’s! Something about the stripped pjs that make me so happy. 🙂

Emily says · 10.05.17

I love the life update! The boys are getting so big! I cannot believe it. I think I have been reading since before either were born… crazy.

McKinzie says · 10.05.17

Hi Kate! What pumpkin farm did you take the boys to? My husband and I live nearby in Mebane and are wanting to go to a new one, but we don’t know of many around here. We actually just moved here last year from Naperville, so a lot in common with you from that standpoint! Thank you!!

Kelly V says · 10.05.17

Heat?! We haven’t touched the thermostat yet in Michigan.

Stacey says · 10.05.17

My 4 year old has had that same scooter since she turned 2. It is awesome! She rides it every day, still!

lilly says · 10.10.17

so cute! i might steal your wuwu theme!

Kate says · 10.10.17

There are 18 exclamation points in this post. Life must be really good: )

I am so surprised to hear your heat is already on, even if only at night. I live in northern IL and we likely won’t need heat until late October or November. Is it unusually cold in your area this year?
