Homemade Pasta

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Earlier this summer, I finally FINALLY took a stab at making homemade pasta.

And let me tell you, it was so much fun. I love doing new things like that in the kitchen, and since my first attempt I’ve made pasta a few more times. I’m actually hoping to have a “make it yourself” pasta night with some girlfriends in the near future because the whole process was so much fun.

The recipe for pasta is very basic. I used Semolina flour because I read in a few different recipes that it will help the pasta have a bit of stretch and not be as dry, and I had great success with it!

So, I’ll share the recipe first and then walk you through each step of the process.

I used these attachments for my KitchenAid mixer and they worked perfectly!

Simple Fresh Pasta with Semolina Recipe (serves 3-4)

1 cup all-purpose flour

1 cup semolina flour

a pinch of salt

3 eggs

1 tablespoon olive oil

  1. Sift together both flours and salt.
  2. Pour onto counter and create a well in center of pile.
  3. Crack 3 eggs into the well, and add olive oil next.
  4. With a fork, break up eggs and slowly move the fork in a circular motion to incorporate flour into the center, slowly working your way out.
  5. Once most the of the ingredients have been combined, knead together for 3-5 minutes. The longer you knead, the smoother the end result will be.
  6. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and let it rest for 30 minutes at room temperature.
  7. Using a pasta machine, create long flat panels of the dough, then either cut into strips by hand, or use a pasta roller to cut into pasta!
  8. Add to boiling water that has been heavily salted and boil until al dente, the timing will depend on the pasta thickness. It will be anywhere from 2-10 minutes.
  9. Enjoy!


Do make sure your well is large enough so the eggs don’t spill out!



I simply tear off smaller amounts of dough to work through the machine to great long, flat sheets. The goal is for them to have even and smooth sides!




There are, of course, so many different recipes that include pasta to experiment with. I love plain pasta with a bit of butter, salt, and fresh grated parmesan, and if you haven’t tried that yet you are missing out my friend.

Have you tried making homemade pasta? If you try it, you must let me know how it turns out! And if you are serving a larger crowd, simply double the recipe.

Also, you should try outย my homemade latte recipeย andย this fruit salsa recipe!








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Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog says · 09.21.17

I’ve never made homemade pasta before, it sounds so fun! And totally awesome!

Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

Stephanie says · 09.21.17

I love homemade pasta. It’s so much better than boxed stuff (Even though I still use boxes A LOT) and really isn’t as hard people would like to think it is.


Kate says · 09.21.17

I know I had no idea how basic the recipe was!

Beth Tessier says · 09.21.17

Wow! You made that easy! I may try this!

Alyssa says · 09.21.17

So fun! I LOVE homemade pasta. We used to make homemade ravioli with my parents growing up and it was so fun!

Francine says · 09.21.17

Fun! This makes me want to try making ravioli again!

What was the third egg for? I saw it listed in the ingredients but you only used two in the recipe… unless I misread it, which is possible first thing in the morning. ๐Ÿ™‚

Kate says · 09.21.17

I mixed all 3 eggs into the flour but I had to take a quick photo before the eggs spilled over!

Sarah says · 09.21.17

So it is 3 eggs? Because even in the “Step by Step” part it says “Crack 2 eggs”. Just want to make sure!

Nicole says · 09.21.17

Have you used this recipe for lasagna noodles yet? It’s a game changer for sure! You will never want lasagna with boxed noodles again.

Melissa says · 09.21.17

I’ve made pasta one time. Noodles for a side dish for a German dinner my mother in law and I made. I don’t have the pasta attachments for my Kitchenaide mixer so I rolled those puppies out by hand! My biceps sure got a workout that day!

Lauren says · 09.21.17

Love this so much! Where does the third egg come in? It sounded like only two are used. Maybe I’m having a total blonde moment!

Bridget says · 09.21.17

My husband and I made pasta once and it was a sticky, gummy mess. We’re generally pretty awesome cooks so perhaps we need to try again.

Sidney says · 09.21.17

This is great! If I wanted to make some ahead of time and store it, what would be the best way to do so?

Lindsay @ Lovely Life Styling says · 09.21.17

This sounds so yummy! I’ve never tried homemade pasta before, but you make it look and sound so easy!

Christy says · 09.21.17

Gnocchi is very fun to make as well! You’re inspiring me to get out my pasta maker this weekend ๐Ÿ™‚

Kristy says · 09.21.17

Wow, awesome to know this isn’t super complicated! Thanks for making this look so fun and approachable.

Tracy says · 09.21.17

We adore homemade pasta. It is so different to the dried version in the supermarket. Hubby bought me a pasta “machine” (hand cranked). I think I haven’t made any since I started teaching, 2.5 years ago. It’s time consuming! Thanks for reminding me. Today is our last day of term, so maybe homemade pasta should be something we do during the break.

Kathy says · 09.21.17

The list of ingredients says 3 eggs, however the written directions says 2 eggs. How many eggs does it take? Seems like it could ruin the recipe if not done correctly. We received the KitchenAid Attachments as a wedding gift 3 years ago and i’ve never used them. Itching to give it a try.

Carmen says · 09.21.17

I had a pasta machine hiding in the cupboard for TWO YEARS because I was too afraid to use it!

I made pasta for the first time a couple of months ago and oh my gosh it is amazing!! I usually go with a fettuccine style and mix with a tomato passata and grilled chicken cut up on the top!

SOOO GOOD – I am basically Italian now ๐Ÿ˜‰

Aerin says · 09.23.17

This made me so so so hungry <3 love it!

bellebvie.blogspot.com x

Sydni Jackson says · 09.23.17

Yum!!! My husband’s go-to quick meal is a bowl of macaroni or spaghetti with the perfect ratio of butter, salt, pepper, and parmesan cheese. He calls it “the ratio” ๐Ÿ™‚

Sage says · 09.25.17

Oh Kate. You’re making me feel hungry and experimental.

Sage says · 09.25.17

Also, (teehee) I wanted to tell you that I just wrote a college paper that was partly about your blog. It’s for a Social Media class and I wrote that you were a great blogger who worked really well with brands and companies ๐Ÿ™‚

Clair says · 09.25.17

We call this way of eating pasta “white pasta” but use olive oil instead of butter and Romana cheese instead of Parmesan. Romana has a bit stronger flavor.

Kate says · 09.25.17

OH I bet olive oil is fantastic on pasta!

Paula Travis says · 09.25.17

I’ve been making homemade pasta for over 25 years now! (I can’t believe it’s been that long since I learned to make it!) Try adding things like black pepper and garlic! Also, a little tomato paste to your wet ingredients. I make a killer Italian Sausage and Spinach cannelloni! Of course, it takes a while to make but sooooooo worth every bite! I have a hand crank pasta maker – may have ti finally break down and get the attachment for my Kitchen Aid!

Cheryl A says · 04.27.20

I have never tried pasta with butter salt and Parmesan but it sounds delicious and Iโ€™m going to make pasta next weekend .
