links + loves
Monochrome Brown
In case you missed it, I added a “shop my instagram” page to the blog a few weeks ago. So if doesn’t work for you, or you don’t want to use it, you can just hover over the “SHOP” tab at the top of my blog and a menu dropdown will appear that says “Shop My Instagram”. Click that, and you’ll see details for any item I share on instagram!
I LOVE Bite lipsticks and this little duo set is only $15!
The boys and I were in Bluffton, South Carolina last week and it was lovely. My parents are in the very, very early stages of looking for a home down there, so the boys and I crashed their trip for a few days. A 4.5 hour drive is a lot more managable in my mind than a 2 hour flight all the way to Chicago to see them! Justin had to work so he couldn’t join us, but the 5 of us had a really great time. We had a few chilly mornings and overcast days, but also some sunny and warm ones that were a great mix for outside and inside activities.
Given that week of travel, I’ve been scrambling to catch up with blog work at the end of the week and will continue through the weekend. My sister is coming to visit next week so I’ll be busy spending time with her and am anticipating less work time than usual-though totally worth it.
In fact, I think we are going to drive to Charlotte to hit up IKEA while she’s here because OF COURSE. I love Ikea. There are rumors that one will come to Raleigh-area in 2018 and if that is, in fact, true. . . I’ll be the happiest Raleigh resident ever.
And now I’m hijacking my normal links + loves posts for cute photos of my kids.
I have such fond memories of family vacations to South Carolina. Justin and I got married here, destination wedding style, at Palmetto Bluff. And it’s even more fun to bring my kids here and watch them have the time of their lives!
Have a lovely weekend. We are anticipating SNOW on Sunday?! It’s in the forecast but I’m really, deeply, desperately hoping that is incorrect!
p.s. have you checked out Playful yet?
My family lives in Bluffton and we, too will be moving there in 5 years. We love it there.
Omg the boys look JUST LIKE your dad!!!
Your family is so cute. And snow… in March? Isn’t it supposedly spring already!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
I love Palmetto Bluff! So beautiful!
Hi Kate, thank you for all your beauty suggestions. Can you tell me anymore about the lipstick colors? I never know what color to order. Thanks so much!!
Omg I love love your outfit in your 1st photo! Where did you get those shoes? p.s. I love your boys sunglasses, they’re adorable!
I love Bite lipsticks! And those kiddies are too cute!
xo, Sofia
The weather looks so great!
-Kirsten //
Amazing pictures. Wish I lived somewhere like that. The UK has beautiful places but it’s getting crowded I feel. Love the pic of your older boy blowing bubbles and th youngest looking on extremely cutexxx
I just ordered Playful!!!
Your children are beautiful and it looks like you guys had a great time! I love South Carolina, it is just so beautiful.
I bought your “playful” lipstick and LOVE it!!! I love how it lasts a long time and it’s the perfect spring color!!
I live in Greenville, South Carolina. Our coast sure is beautiful!
the pictures of your boys are so stinkin’ cute! I feel like David looks a ton like Justin and Luke looks a ton like you! we got quite a bit of snow this weekend….I live in North Dakota so really that is to be expected in march but I am just so ready for spring!!!
How fun! I have to say, your Mom looks so young. Has she done anything over the years to keep her skin looking so great?